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December 05, 1920 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-12-05

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Child Welfare
or a Feature

Small Factories Give Engineers
Theory and Practice in Bargain

Spiros, He's
From Greece
and Youn

C:A 1X iF

The Social Service Department of
the University of Michigan Homoeo-
pathic Hospital will be two years old
next April.
Yet this does not mean that "serv-
ice" is a new word in the hospital,
where doctors and nurses have worked
unceasingly for the welfare of pa-}
tients, and where local friends and
Happiest in
(By Frances Oberholtzer)
Happy laughter greets the visitor at
the Children's department of thef
Homoeopathic hospital. Back in the
ward, children playing games andr
romping together, calling out in gayl
voice's, contradict the accepted idea of
hospital quietude. Of course, there
are crutches, and casts and crippled
limbs to handicap the little revelers,
but they are gay in spite of them.
"The children's word is the one
happy place in a hospital," says Mrs.-
Nellie O'Brien, in charge of. the Chil-
dren's hospital.
"They enjoy the companionship of
the other children, and do not appre-l
ciate the extent of their afflictions.l
Just now, we have no patients who:
are entirely bed-ridden. A child often,
stays here for months, undergoing a r
series of operations for some defect,
and becoming very much at home."
Youngsters Affectionate
The youngsters are extremely affec-:

PIRECTOR; ASSISTED BY (Editor's note:-This is the first of
a series o farticles that will be writ-
organizations have loyally and effec- ten from time to time concerning the
tively helped. To speak of the depart-
mental work without mentioning the Engineering college of the University
generous aid of the Homoeopathic of Michigan. It is with the aim of
Guild and of the Homoeopathic Circle enlightening those interested, that,
of King's Daughters, without acknow- these stories will be published. The
ledgement, of the faithful volunteer first follows:)
work among the children by Mrs. Cora
Palmer, would be to speak of a struc- (By L. P. W.)
ture without showing its foundation. The argument that colleges are all
It is these groups and individuals theory. is older than Mason Hall. Had

enters until the finished article is "Of course," he states, "with men!AU
shipped, is performed by students. Is changing twice daily, we do not pro-
that "college theory?" duce any large quantities. But that
John Airey, professor of engineer- after all is not our object. The men
ing mechanics and acting superintend- are learning all the time, and getting He's
ent of the shops, severed his connec- an idea as to how a factory operates. when3
tions with the University in 1916 to It is my object to have the shop run uncons
so that the raw material will come inI

(By Leo Ilershdorfer)
only a little bit of a chap, a
you pass him on the street,
cious smile flits across yc
and you think to yours(
they're making them smal
year." There's no use denyi
very fall the entering freshn
minishing in physical size, a
the mental sense of the wo
t in the case of this diminut
g, you're right in one way, a
wrong in another. And the

work with the English government as
inspector of munitions. Upon our en-
trance into the war, he accepted a'
position as master mechanic in the
production of materials for the United
States Navy, returning later to the
University. Emory M. Sweet, in-
structor in charge of the machine

at one end, and the finished article go
out the other. We have already ship-
ped 300 spreaders, and expect to turn!
out an average of 600 weekly before!
Christmas vacation."E
Both Mr. Sweet and Mr. Airey are
confident that the men will becomeE
broadened in their views through the

that ei
are dir
even in
too, bu

who have made possible the present:
Mrs. Mallory, Director
Mrs. H. S.Mallorv.the diretor f

there been a University of Eden, Adam
would have doubtless used the same
reasoning to keep Cain and Abel

. , Sotace tuet hefna
minding the family herd. And it is s plan. by hangs a tale.
th osahSrie earmn,,s e taceof msthientsertionfund-pa.byhgsaae
the Socia SerieDab.thertmnt,-mas-"The spring spreader is almost ideal Spiros Vinieratos, that's his na
sumes that a university supported by sili tl.Tdyte"efnae etl fmcieoeain n
the state should serve the citizens of man says, No, sir. No college for my keeps a watchful eye on their work. for the work," said Mr. Airey. "The and he's an engineer. He is with
the state socially as well as educa- boy. He's going to start right in at Two types of spring spreaders are men realize that even a comparatively doubt the smallest man in his cla
tionally, and that an important part of my factory, and work his way up, the made, requiring 23 operations. The small article requires numerous oper- if not the youngest, but the wise r
its social service should be ,extended same as I did. No college theory for student works 4/ hours on each oper- ations and much care. Some of the have said that "all good things co
through the hospital organization. She him." Theory? Let us see what kind ation, and spends two afternoons a work is easy, some of it tedious and in small packages."
is convinced that several other depart- of "college theory" the University of week i the shop. He receives his in- perhaps uninteresting. Came From Greece
ments of the University of Michigan is teaching. formation from the Production [n- Student Profits Last June, after receiving his she
have much tog There is a red brick building, west struction sheet, which lists the differ- "Yet there is a purpose in it all, and skin and high honors in the study
from a closer cooperation with the of the engineering college, bearing the ent-operations, and gives instructions the student is going to profit by his English and history at the high sc
Hospital Social Service Department sign "Engineering Shops." From as to procedure. He draws his sup-
Hospital Social Service Department, ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~experience. He realizes some of the of Argostoli, a. Mediterranean islawihsolnoonyfntoasawihnoehastewirad rn pisadsatsowrkryuerherbemofnutyndcnne-blnggtoGeeSrsbgn
which should not only function as an' within one hears the whirr and brind- plies, and starts to work, under the problems of industry, and can under- belonging to Greece, Spiros beganj
aid to the medical profession but ing of machinery, noise that denotes guidance of the instructor. stand better the attitude of the worker, dream of America. For a time the
standsbettlrathevattitud ofethe workerke dreamRfeAmerica.dForeavtime th
should concern itself with securing industrial activity. It seems just like Keep Records and the value of piece rate systems. feared that his dreams would ne,
the welfare of those citizens of the a factory; and that's what it is; a Record of progress is kept by means Less than five per cent of production come true, but a good angel ca
state whose social needs are discov- small manufacturing plant, operated of "work cards," which keep individ- managers in the country are college along in the form of a milliona
ered through their physical disabili- by University men, working according ual records of the students; a "pro- trained, and there is a great need for shipbuilder, a friend of the Viniera
ties. to the most modern principles of pro-duction record," showing work done educated men who understand factory family. He made himself a confid
The Homoeopathic Social Service De- duction. by all the men; and a "production fol- conditions." of the lad, and wormed from him
partment now bases its diagnoses and Really Producing low up," showing how one operation This is the kind of work our Univer- secret hopes which he had been ch
prognoses upon combined medical, The shops are doing production compares with another, and the total sity is doing. When, at Christmas ishing all these weeks. The pare
psychological, and social examina- work this year for the first time, in amount of work done. time, the folks back home register the could not afford to send their son
tions, and is therefore able to attain the manufacture of spring spreaders Mr. Sweet has the problem of keep- usual objection to "college theory," an American university without gr
a rational and effective method of pro- for the Spring Leaf Lubricator com- ing production running at an even tell them what is being done, and sacrifice on their part, so this n
cedure. Whenever satisfactory social pany of Ann Arbor. Every operation, pace, while instructing students at the watch results. It's a sure boost for lionaire philanthropist, playingi
diagnosis and prognosis are possible, from the time the rough material same time. Michigan. role of a good Samaritan, interve
a report is made to the judge of pro-m and offered to send the boy to
bate, the child-placing agency, or the ciology are using the clinics as a so- under the direction of- Miss Hulda court records, or from helpful agencies country at his own expense.


tionate, and rush eagerly toward vis- detention officer properly responsible ciology laboratory, while securing
itor, nurse and social worker. They for the patient's welfare after he training in hospital social service. Co-
are anxious to display the paper leaves the hospital operation with the Department of
chains and mats made in their occu- In these endeavors to extend and Education is plainly logical. In hos-
pational therapy classes, or to tell improve the social service of the Uni- pital beds are found children from all
some incident of their day. versity to the state, the departments counties of the state, including there-
One little brown haired maiden of Law, Education, Psychology, and fore counties where educational oppor-
crowded close but seemed to have Sociology have been cooperating with tunities are meager. The depart-
nothing to say. Soon the other chil- the Department of Medicine. Much of ment's supervision of the teaching of
the vitality of the social work is due hospital children would prove of in-
English but managed to make her to the inspirational teachings and calculable value, to our citizenship.
wants known and eninv herself with constant cooperation of Professors C. The proposed course in social service

the others. Helen, aged six, who
wears a cast on shoulders and hips,
and who is said to run a mental test
one year in advance of her age, then
insisted that they were teaching the
little foreigner to talk and that she
could already speak her name in

H. Cooley, Arthur Evans Wood, A. S.
Whitney, A. S. Berry, and John B.
Waite, and to Prof G. L. Jackson who
has recently been appointed director
of mental testing by the Regents.
Outlines Work
In order that the Social Service De-
partment may continue the work it has

would consciously aim at promoting
common understanding and rational
methods among all whose work .is in
any degree social.
The richest fruits of Hospital So-
cial Service will be realized through
follow-up work. The state is full of
organizations functioning generously
hilt innH A inaffat l-T aoa f

Bancroft, has provided 45 additional in the community from which he
volunteers for work among both adults comes. Usually a psychological test
and children. Adult work consists of is taken and frequently a psychia-I
writing letters and doing errands for trist's diagnosis is indicated. Material
patients, reading to eye-patients, etc. relief is frequently supplied and edu-
Children's recreational work consists cational and recreational opportuni-
of story-telling and supervision of ties offered to both adults and chil-
games and play. Educational work in dren. When a patient leaves the hos-E
the children's wards extends from kin- pital, recommendations as to his so-
dergarten work to junior high school cial needs are sent to his community.
work. The aim of the volunteers is to The Homoeopathic Guild and the
keep the children interested in school Homoeopathic Hospital Circle of King's
work and if their physical condition Daughters have recently made it pos-
permits to 'tutor them sufficiently to1 sible to introduce into the men's wards
keep them in touch with their school occupational therapy under the direc-
work at home. Many of the young tion of Mrs. Potvin of Detroit. The
women who are assisting are experi- men are greatly interested and bene-
enced teachers and their work is of fitted by their chair-caning, basket-
excellent quality. On Sunday morn- weaving, and toy-making.
ings religious exercises are held under State Organizations Help
the direction of Mrs. John McGregor. Among the state organizations whose
It is expected that at least one inter- generous cooperation has been of dis-
view will be held with every patient tinct help to the department are the
who enters the hospital. This inter- State King's Daughters, the Parents
view is for the purpose of collecting and Teachers association, the Salva-
data such as the patient's home ad- tion Army, the Grange, and the Ro-
dress, physician, church, pastor's tarians who have recently employed
name, lodge, occupation, etc. Local Miss Alberta Chase as a child welfare
churches, lodges, and the like are worker for the children of both Uni-
notified of the patient's presence in versity hospitals. Miss Chase is a,
the hospital, and such organizations graduate of the University of MichiganI
have responded so heartily that both and of the Allopathic School for
patient and visitors are benefitted. Nurses, and both by training and na-
Make Tests tural endowment, is well fitted for the E

One little fellow has been in the begun Mrs. Mallory feels it necessary ui sometimesi nenectually because or
ward since he was three weeks old. to secure the lack of a wide outlook and deft-
A double cleft palate, with a number 1. A still closer cooperation with:nice purpose which a well-equipped
of necessary operations, have necessi- the University through such depart- Social Service Department, under su-
tated his residence there, but strong ments as those of Law, Education, So- pervasion of the University, could
in body, he plays as gaily as any ciology, and Public Health; easily secure.
child. 1 2. The establishment of a course in Staff of Office
Everyone Helps Social Service, contributed to by the The Homoeopathic Social Service of-
The same healthy appetites posses- departments of Medicine, Sociology, fice staff consists of the following wo-
sed by children the world over greet Education, and Law, and designed for men, mostly volunteers:
the appearance of wholesome food those in training as doctors, nurses, Director, Mrs. H. S. Mallory; assist-
served on little tables in the wards. and social workers; ants, Merle M. Trebilcock, secretary,
The older girls assist with serving the 3. Cooperation with the communi- and organizer of Y. W. C. A. volunteer
smaller tots. Moving picture con-, ties from which patients come to the workers; Madaline MacGregor, Case
cerns, generous car owners, and other hospital, to be accomplished through worker for adults; Neva Lovewell,
local people contribute greatly to the the Red Cross, Visiting Nurses' asso- Case worker for adults; Florence
pleasure of the youngsters. ciations, public schools, child-placing Thompson, Case worker for children;
Through the .development of social agencies, courts, social service Mrs. Jay Herrick, supervisor of educa-
service work more than ever is being bureaus, and private organizations tional and recreational work; Ger-
done for them and, with their natural and individuals. trude Miller, children's- worker.
happy disposition, their lot is becom- At present a number of seniors and Through the courtesy of Dean Myra
ing brighter, in spite of affliction, graduate students specializing in so- T. Jordan, the University Y. W. C. A.

Needless to say, the lad jumped
this opportunity, and after securi
the consent of his parents, set sail I
New York armed with a trunk, a ca
pet-bag, and an expectant, boyi
curiosity. He arrived in the gre
city, and was met at the pier by
Greek merchant, a friend of the bo;
benefactor at home, and whom the la
ter had appointed as legal guardian
Wonders at New World
Three months he spent in New Yo:
three months which imbued the b
with a love for this country, and di
ing which he lived over again the tal
which he had read about this wc
derful city of cities, with its buildiuj
towering to the sky, and its millie
of busy, money-mad people.
He did not waste any time, howev
in useless occupation, but diligent
applied himself to the study of "En
lish as she is spoke" and not writte
September was fast approaching, a
with it the fall opening of the unive
sities.rHe consulted with his guardi
concerning the choice of a place*
study,- and after considering Harva
and Michigan, decided on the latt
and two weeks after this momente
decision had been made, one mig
have found him at the Grand Cent
station in New York bidding b
guardian a teary farewell. He w,
going to a new place, friendless a
unknown, unfamiliar with Americ
universities, tl! ir students and I
strange, weird customs, of which
had beard and read so much.
He,.arrived in Ann Arbor armed
three months before, with a trunk
(Continued on Page Four)

If there appears to exist a social
problem or if the attending physician
refers the case, the patient is entered
in the Social Service Department, andI
his social, medical, and eugenic his-
tory is taken. The necessary informa-
tion is obtained from the patient him-
self, from his home physician, from

work she has undertaken.
Such demonstration of the interest
of state organizations is significant
and reveals what opportunity is open-
ed to the Hospital Social Service to
extend a friendly hand to the physi-
cally, mentally and socially sick of
the state.


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