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VOL. XXXI. No. 50.
Means Operators' Representatives
Have Authority to Go Over 17
Per Cent Limit
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Dec. 1.-The door to
firther wage increases in the anthra-
cite coal industries beyond the 17 per
cent raise awarded by the federal
commission last August was opened'
today at a conference between the
anthracite joint scale committee and
Secretary Wilson of the Department
of- Labor.
States Government Position
The government, Secretary Wilson
advised the committee, would not in-
terfere with any changes the com-
mittee might agree to make in the
federal commission's agreement. This
position was understood to mean that
the scale committee may increase
mine workers above the scales laid
down in the agreement under which
the mines are now operating, provid-
ed the operators consent to such
Secretary Wilson's statement was
an interpretation of President Wil-
son's recent letter regarding revision
of the federal commission award, and
was issued after today's conference of
representatives of both operators'
and workers' organizations.
Lacked Authority
Operators' representatives, it . was
said, have taken the position that they
were without authority to agree to
any wage increases in excess of the
scale described by the federal com-
mission award last August.
This was the dispute or "misun-
derstanding" which resulted in inter-
ruption of the wage negotiations
some weeks ago.
Operators' representatives today
declined to give any intimation of
their probable course. The miners
also declined to make any statement.
Secretary Wilson's ,announcement
covered all that might be said, at
least until negotiations are resumed
next Monday.
Attempts on the part of students
tg change the dates of the Christmas
yacation were discouraged last night
by the Student council. The follow-
ing motion was passed.:
Whereas-It has been brought to
the attention of the Student council
that a petition is being circulated
among the students requesting that
the time for the beginning of the
Christmas vacation be changed from
tuesday, Dec. 21, to Friday, Dec. 17,
Whereas-Final action has been
taken by the deans of the Univer-
sity making Dec. 21 the date for the
vommencement of the Christmas vaca-
tion and any change would conflict
with schedules of work which the
members of the faculty have already
made, based upon the vacation start-
ing Dec. 21, therefore be it
Resolved-That the Student council
favors no change in the date set by
the faculty for the commencement of
the Christmas holidays.
The deans met last week and de-
cided not to change the date set for
the vacation but stated that they
would entertain suggestions from the
council for vacations next year.
A member of the council will be in
the student activities room on the
third floor of the Union fron 1 to 2
o'clock Mondays and Thursgays. A
council committee will confer with
411 class Aiciers tpnight t the
11 to Scrub Wary
Into Triangles
Once more the time rols 'round
when another half inch will be worn
off the stone of the Engineering arch
and that old passageway will receive
its .emini-annual cleaning as 11 junior
.engineers scrub their way today into
Triangles, junior engineer honorary
But 'that is not the only thing that
will be worn off, for the neophytes
will start their arduous tasks at 3
o'clock and will be given several hours
in which to wear their scrubbing
brushes to a frazzle and big holes in
the knees of their trousers.
Many will be their pleasures after
passing through these hardships, how-
ever, for then they will be banqueted
at the Union and take their places
among the other great slide-rule art-
Slow Forwarding of pay to Federal
Board Students is Made Un-
"The delay in forwarding of pay
checks to Federal board students en-
rolled in the University is an unavoid-
able situation and should not have
aroused such unjustified resentment
and disparaging criticism as has been
accorded the Federal board offices and
the government," according to a state-
ment of Dr. Fred B. Wahr in charge of
this department in the University.
Few Remain Unpaid
"Now that all matters of difficulty in
regard to receipt of pay checks by
Federal board students are practically'
cleared up, I sincerely hope that no
one will be too quick in the future in3
condemning the governmet in this
regard without first coming to me for
the truth of the situation," said Dr.
- That the situation has been grossly
exaggerated is evident from the fact
that out of a total of 136 war veter-
an students enrolled, only 17 remaint
unpaid. Of this number pay checks
for 15 men are now in the office of the
Federal board at 205 University hall.
Whether or not the student receives t
(Continued on Page Eight) l
Percy Grain ger
Declared To Bief
A lu sic fraster
(By L. L. N.)
Percy Grainger, who appears in a
piano recital at 8 o'clock tonight in7
Hill auditorium, is an accomplished,
artist. His peculiarly magnetic per-
sonality, blended with his complete
---- S
. .O
Speaker Outlines Growth of States-
man's Influence from Early
Mr. Beveridge will speak by special
request at 9 o'clock this morning in
Hill auditorium on the topic: "The
Art of Public Speaking." Everyone
Describing the history of the inter-
pretation of the constitution in the
early years of America's existence, the
potent in'fiuence of John Marshall in
making the supreme court an instiu-
tion of power, and relating anecdotes
which revealed the personality of the
great chief justice, Albert J. Bever-
idge-, ex-senator' from Indiana, last
night addressed a large audience in
Hill auditorium on the subject: "The
Development of the Constitution Under
John Marshall." It was the third lec-
ture on the Oratorical association pro-
Speaks of Books
Telling first that the reason he had
written his books on John Marshall,
and why he liked to speak about him,
the ex-senator declared that Marshall
stood for the same sturdy American
nationalism that he did, that the great
chief justice was the vision of a pow-
erful nation instead of a group of
weak states, and that there should be
some- institution which would have
the power to decla e acts, even of a
majority of congress, null and void
if they were in Violation of the writ-
ten constitution.
Marshall Used Influence Early
Marshall early began to exercise in-
fluence toward nationalism, the speak-
er declared, while in congress and be-
fore he had taken the bench. "When
the time for the appointment of chief
justice came, there were but two
men who saw the posAibilities of the
office-Marshall and Jefferson. But
their doctrines were diametrically op-
posed," said Mr. Beveridge.
"Marshall was appointed and -then
began the struggle between a hostile
administration and himself. The su-
preme court had practically no influ-
ence on government, perhaps no de-
partment had less, because congress
would make no appropriation for
meetings," M. Beveridge explained.
Then by a series of decisions, not-
ably in the-Marbury vs. Madison and
Fletcher vs. Peck decisions, and the
Aaron Burr trial, the chief justice
finally converted a hostile majority
into a minority. "How this was ac-
complished," asked the speaker, and
answered "is the mystery of the
ages-not his learning, not his intel-
lect, not his will, only by his per-
Dean Bates Introduces Speaker
Dean Henry M. Bates in introduc-
ing the speaker renedred him a trib-
ute as "a great lawyer, scholar,
statesman and publicist."
Motion pictures of the operations of
government submarine chasers, and of
the workings of the fishing fleets off
the Massachusetts coast, were shown
last night at the meeting of the Quart-
erdeck club, marine engineering so-
ciety. W. D. Christie, '21E, was the
P. T. Adams, '21E, read an article
on the recent sailboat race of the
North Atlantic fishing fleet, and C. W.
Auer, '21E, spoke on the electrical
propulsion of ships.
Sands to ParchFP
Throats of TenUlLUINiJVII~II
Aloree! ToBE1 NCE OOIGC IT k
Parched will be the throats of ten I BE LAUNCHED DURING CHRISTMAS
neophytes and blistered will be the
soles of their feet ere the moon has
risen tonight, for this afternoon the QscedcrvnofShnjuirlt
sacred caravan of Sphinx, junior lit- ________________
erary honor society, led by Pharaoh - LIFE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTI
and Hefti Hefti, Bargeman of the des- SOPH ENGINEERS TO SOLICIT HOME TOWN.
ert wastes, will make its semi-annual ALUMNI
journey from out the east across the Class dues payable from 8
burning sands. o'clock this morning until 5 ROY D. CHAPIN, '03
Ten times will the dignified equip- o'clock this evening on the see-
page stop before the house of the and floor, Engineering building.
Pharisees and ten times will it move T. J. LYNCH, Treasurer.
on until ten mummies are collected W. A. C. Miller, '03, Pres. Burton, R
and carried to the Egyptian sarcoph- Eaton, '21, Address Gathering
agus. Muffled will be Cleopratra's on Campaign
bell, subdued the voice of the court
crocodile, until the arduous journey H01UL0UII RI I IUUI Utilizing a huge soliciting com
has been made-the sand storms and TOU T R'N UKnr F tee of 6,500 men of the University
white hot winds successfully combat- drive for funds for the completion
ted. the Michigan Unlpn swimming p
Then slain will be the seven fat wilbhed uin teCrst
and lean kine to appease the ravenous SPECIAL CARS CHARTERED FOE holidays, according to plans otli
hunger incurred on the slow moving UPPER PENINSULA, EAST' last night at the life members
shuffling march of the sacred caravan. CHICAGO workers' banquet at the Union,
Uncorked will be the vials of Egypt The actual work of raising the a
and the neophytes, with the priceless Every effort will be made to give essary money will not be left to
secrets of Sphinx revealed to them, complete and satisfactory service in
will make merry together. regard to the sale of tickets and Pull- the entire campaign}will be wa
Aloree! 4 man reservations on the Michigan by students. To this end the men v
Central railroad during the coming worked on the life membership d
S holiday rush. This is the statement will canvass the University Dec,
of Mr. A. r. Wiselogel, assistant tick- and 9 for the purpose of obtain
PRE S E PHA IZet agent at Detroit, who is in charge solicitors. Every man Iin the
of the station here for the present versity will be requested to see ali
time. ni in his home town during the b
Three Points Noted . idays and obtain from them danati
-SCHERMEIRHORN Three important points are to be the swimming pool fund. Th
noted in the procuring of tickets, subscriptions will be sent to
first, that in order to obtain Pullman Union as soon as they arewlrece
Press Club Convention Opens with tickets, the transportation must first and will be utilized for the comi
Detroit Editor's Speech, and be purchased, and that this transac- tion of the pool.
Smoker tion must be made in person, nt over
the phone. Second, that the local To Use Quickest Medium
TODAY'S PROGRAM INCLUDES office has arranged for special cars to This method has been adopted
important destinations in the upper insure a finished pool at the erl
ADDRESSES AND CONCERT peninsula, New York and eastern date possible. .Officials of the Un
points, and Chicago. The space feel that in the course of a few ye
Aiming his talk primarily at the charts for the special cars, which will the necessary money would be ral
students, who composed the major run on the regular trains, are in the anyway, but they wish to open the
part of his audience at the informal hands of the agent here, who will sell pool as soon as it can be done.
smkr fth niesiythe space as' it is called for., pending on the alumni to get
opening smoker of the University h e to the ation-wide de- subscriptions would entail a con
Press club, held last night in the -mand for Pullmans at Christmas time, rable delay, it is thought, inasm
Union, James Schermerhorn, editor it is most urgent that the students as present business conditions m
of the Detroit Times, said, "The chal- buy their tickets and berths at once it impossible to obtain donations
lenge to you men about to enter the Parties desiring to make reservations any great size, and a thorough so
field of journalism is that of stress- for points west of Chicago should itation for small subscriptions is
leave their names and phone numbers of the question for men who are I
Ing the soul side of life." with the office at once. up in their husiness. The plan adc
Journalists Sentries Immediate Action Asked ed last night provides a way of rea
Likening journalists to sentinels on Tickets for eastern points, to the ing the thousands of alumni who
sentry duty, Mr. Schermerhorn said, upper peninsula, and west as far as able to make modest donations.
Chicago, can be purchased at once, The 21 teams used in the life m
"The press should be vigilant as it nd It is the desire of Mr. .Wiseloge bership drive will be augmented
walks the parapets of publicity." The thatinstead of waiting until the last 9 more teams for the present c
speaker praised unstintingly the work few days, students act immediately. paign. Members of these teams v
of the press during the World war, be given lists of students whom t
stressing the fact that it had enlist- CERCLE FRANCAIS work of solicitation during the h
ed with the cause early, and remain- HEARS PROF. LEVI day vacation. It is expected that t
ed throughout the war, serving with- method will secure some 6,600 u
honor always. With the great Incen-
tieof atrys.iot tremved, howee, Prof. Moritz M. Levi, speaking at for the drive and that these men, a
tive opsatriotismgremovedhweve a meeting of the Cercle Francais on will represent every section of
the press no longer felt the urge of the subject: "Impressions of Paris," country, will put across the ni
public duty. It would seem well, said stated that when one first arrives in thorough campaign that can be
Mr. Schermerhorn, to place in dead- Paris he is struck by the bizarre and complished. Each solicitor will
ly parallel the press as it was during beautiful hotels, churches, cafes, and asked to sign a pledge stating
the war and the press as it was dur- private homes. "While the Universi- amount he will raise, though t1
ing the recent political campaign, ty, the capitol, and Notre Dame de will be no attempt to hold the me
when the papers descended to mud- Paris impressed me as being the most the amount so stated.
slinging, and sang their songs of spectacular sights, even the small Resume of Union Given
hate. shops and second hand book stores Indicative of the attitude of
"Cities do not sing," said the speak- are interesting to the foreigner." alumni toward the completion of
er. "Countries, even sections of coun- Professor Levi stated that the im- (Continued on Page Eight)
tries, sing. Singing comes from the pression most Americans have that
heart - it is a thing of the soul, and Paris is given up only to frivolity is
cities have not found their souls. They untrue. "Paris leads all Europe asTIP T
have sunk too deep in materialism. a center. of art, culture, and literature. NA L iJ 1
They place too much stress on size The French theater was made famous
and wealth. The tragedy of the city is by Racine, Moliere and Cornelle, and Had Scheduled Seaking Tour In -
the lack of neighborliness and recep- has held its supremacy throughout During Christmas Holdays
tivity. It is incumbent upon the the centuries."
newspaper to stress the soul side of The Cercle Francais announces President M. urton has
life, to lay emphasis on the consid- three more addresses to be delivered
erate and the human." this semester by well known French nitelydcancelled plans for a west
Speaker Gives Reminiscences scholars to be announced at a later trip during the Christmas holi
date. owing to the amount of work reql
Beginning his speech with remin-d ing his consideration this month
iscences of his life while a cadet at the demands placed upon him by
West Point Mr. ~ Schermerhorn told ul ipeople of the state for addresses
numerous stories of "Little Phil" fore teachers' associations and oi
Sheridan, and of "Black Jack" Persh- meetings.
ing, in whose class the speaker grad- (By Associated Press) It was his intention to leave 1
uated. Throughout the entire time he London, Dec. 1. - Gabrielle Arbor about Dec. 15 for a three we
kept up a running fire of humor, d'Annunzio, in command of the trip. He had engagements to add'
which served as an effective break in insurgents in Flume, has de- " the California State Teachers' a
the more serious portions of his talk. Blared war on Italy, according to -aciation at :Los Angeles and the C
Today's program includes the fol- a Milan dispatch to the London gon State Teachers' association
lowing events: 9:30 o'clock-Address Times. The state of war will be. Portland. Arrangements had
by President Marion L. Burton, fol- gin Friday. been made for him to speak be
lowed by a business meeting. 2:30 Reports reaching here yestet- the students of the University of M
o'clock-Address,-"Training for Jour- day announced that Italian troops tana at Missoula.
nalism," by Prof. F. N. Scott. 8 had completly surrounded Flume In addition to these engageme
o'clock-Visiting journalists will at- and instituted a blockade on the President Burton was also to l
tend the Percy Grainger recital in city. The dispatches also report- talked to gatherings of the alumn
Hill auditorium. All talks will be ed that there had been an ex- the University in Denver, Salt I
given in the Union in rooms to be an- change of shots with *d'Annun- City, San Francisco, Seattle, and
nounced on the bulletin board. zio's forces. er cities en route.
sense of rhythm and interpretation,
has served him well in establishing
himself among the peers of the piano-
The personality of Mr. Grainger per-
meates all the works he renders, not
to their detriment, but to the greater
presentation of his selections. It is
often said of Mr. Grainger: "This
distinguished pianist is a master of
rhythm, and could hold an audience
spellbound if he possessed no other
faculty but thi.
All class officers will meet
with members of the Student
council at 7:15 o'clock tonight
in rooms 323 and 325 of the
..' .