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November 16, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-11-16

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VOL. XXXI. No. 37





Burton and Regents Want Big Sum as First Step In Proposed Six Year Pro-
gram for University; Comes Before Budget Commission
November Twenty-sixth

Papyri dirought from Egypt To
e Placed On Exhibi; Greatest
American University Collection

Money Realized from Memberships to Be Applied on Union Debt, Upkeep
of Buildings; Subscriptions to Be

Lansing, Nov. 15.- The budget
of the University of Michigan,
presented today to the budget
commission of the state legisla-
ture, will be given formal hearing
Friday, Nov. 26. No action was
taken, and there was no comment
by members of the commission.
An expenditure of $8,690,000 during
the two years of 1921-23 is called for
in the statement submitted yesterday
by President Marion L. Burton and
the Board of Regents to the budget
commission of the state legislature at
Lansing as the first step in a pro-
posed six year building program for
the University.
With the estimate of expenditures
was presented a survey of the pres-
ent inadequate equipment and crowd-
ed condition of the University, show-
ing that unless its needs are met by'
sufficient legislative appropriations it
"must sacrifice its prestige and frank-
ly concede that it cannot rank with the,
other leading state universities of the
middle and far west."
Program Separate from Mill Tax
The building program is entirely
separate from the regular mill tax,
and it is frankly stated in the request
'for the initial appropriation of $8,690,-
000 that it will be necessary for the
Regents to ask the legislatures of!
1923 and 1925 each for $5,000,000 fort
the completion of the program. The
Regents are also compelled to ask for '
a revision of the mill tax law so that
funds for the general support of the
University, including salaries, Will
meet the increased maintenance and
living cost.
President Burton and Shirley W.!
Smith, secretary of the - University,
turned the program over to Budget
Commissioner Foote in Lansing yes-
terday. Of the total of $8,690,000 ask-
ed of the legislature, $7,490,000 is for
buildings, including all equipment,1
and $1,200,000 is for the purchase of
All campus ground and with one
exception, every site now owned by
the University are filled. There is an
imperative need for more land at
once, and wisdom demands that pro-
vision be made for the unescapable
needs of the coming decade. When'
the University was founded the Re-
gents of that day refused, as a gift,
the space so badly needed at present.
Lit College Asks for $450,000
The sum of $450,000 a year for two
years is requested for building and
equipping the first section of a gen-
eral building for the College of Liter-
ature, Science, and the Arts. For 25
years there has been no improvement
in the material facilities of this col-
lege, except in the sciences, yet 60
per cent of the total enrollment of the
University is in the literary college.
All of its buildings, save one, are more
than 50 years old. Recitations are
conducted in crowded, over-used,
poorly lighted, and ill-ventilated
rooms. Lack of proper consulta-
tion rooms makes almost impossible
a personal contact between teacher
and pupil. The average high school is
better equipped than this department,
it has been found.
For building and equipping a mus-
eum, the legislature is asked to ap-
propriate $45&,00 a year for two
years. With hundreds of thousands of
specimens, valued at $2,000,000,
the Museum is at present housed in a
building erected in 1882. This build-
Jug is inadequate and unsafe, and
collections are so crowded that speci-
mens are deteriorating. There is an
added risk of fire in the old struc-

To meet -the needs of the Engineer-
ing college resulting form an increas-
ed attendance of 100 per cent during
the past decade, $750,000 a year for
two years is requested for engineering
shops and laboratories. The present

Students who haverarticles
which they found on Ferry field
during the class games on Sat-
urday, are requested to leave
them at the secretary's office in
University hall. After 60 days,
if owner has not called and
identified his property, the find-
er will be given it back.
building barely provides for 1,000 stu-
dents, and many subjects have been
dropped for lack of space. The work
in arrears in the engineering shops is.
almost equal to the capacity of the
shops for an entire year.
Physics Lab Crowded
The physics laboratory, built 34
years ago, cannot properly accommo-
date one-third of students and fac-
ulty now using it, and the elementary
work has been curtailed so that it
could be crowded into the space avail-
able. In advanced work there is'in-
sufficient room for the equipment
needed to keep pace with the growth
of the science. Request is made for
$400,000 a year forutwo years for build-
ing and equipping a new physics lab-
Having reached the point where the
Medical school must either limit the
number of students or else enlarge its
facilities, an appropriation of $450,000
a year for two years is asked. In
addition to caring for its own stu-
dents, this school is further burdened
with giving instruttion to students
of the other departments.
A grant of $175,000 a year for two
years is asked in addition to the ap-
propriation of $300,000 already made
for construction of a model high
school at the University. The sudden
rise of building costs has rendered
the construction of the school on the
sum of $300,000 given by the legisla-
ture of 1919. This building is planned
to help meet the- demand for better
trained high school teachers. The de-
mand has become increasingly insist-
ent during the past few years, and the
University has been criticized by reso-
lutions of school organizations
throughout the state for failure to pro-
vide such training. Michigan, first of
American universities to establish a
chair devoted exclusively to the train-
ing of teachers, is the only state uni-
versity that has not made sufficient
provision for teacher training.
Dent College Popular
Beginning in October, 1922, the Col-
lege of Dentistry will be forced to
send 40 to 60 students, including res-
idents of Michigan, to other schools
for their senior year unless the sum
of $200,000, available in the year 1921-
22, is appropriated for the construc-
tion and equipment of an addition to
the Dental building. Intended at the
time it was built to have capacity for
the graduation of 90 students each
year, there were enrolled in this de-
partment 126 students in 1919 and 111
in 1920. Several hundred from other
states applied for admission.
Request is made for $200,000 a year
for two years for increasing the fa-
cilities of the chemical laboratory, in-
cluding both building space and
equipment. In laboratories containing
but 60 tables there are now frequent-
ly enrolled from 70 to 90 students,
with a seriously reduced efficiency of
the teaching resulting from this over-
(Continued on Page Eight)

G. R. Football Men to Practlt,
Football players from Grand Itap-
ids will hold a special practice this
afternoon at 4 o'clock on south Ferry
field. Manager Dallavo requests that
all men who wish to try out for the
American Legion game report at this

Arrangements will me made in the
near future to show under mounted
glass some of the papyri which Prof.
Francis W. Kelsey secured in Egypt
last winter, although for the present
they will not be shown to visitors or
exhibited. The papyri will be mount-
ed between sheets of glass and kept
in cases specially designed to hold
them, and in a room in which the
temperature is constant.
Many Papyri Frail
As many of the papyri are so frail
as to crumble almost at a touch, they
will be photographed before they are
edited and published so that the edi-
tors can work from the photographs
without having to handle the orig-
No other American university, and
very few in Europe, possess a col-
lection of papyri of so many pieces
and of such importance. The earliest
one is dated in the year of the Egyp-
tian chronology, corresponding to 256
B. C., while the .most important are
the astrological, magical, and Hom-
eric fragments..

As a result of the publication of
:hese documents more is known about
the tax systems, government, econom-
ic conditions, and the life of the
Egyptian people from the third cen-
tury B. C. to the fifth century A. D.,
than is known of any other folk of
the ancient world and up to compara-
tively modern times.
Documents Buried in Mounds
These documents were buried in the
mounds covering the sites of the
ancient Egyptian cities. Many were
found in Herculaneum when that city
was excavated. A few were bought
from Egypt 100 years ago, but it was
not until about 1880, after the British
occupation of Egypt, that they ap-
peared in any considerable quanti-
ties. A large number have now been
found, smoothed out so they can be
read, and published by the Egyptian
Exploration Fund and by. numerous
universities and libraries in Europe.
Professor Kelsey was aided in se-
curing this extraordinary collection
by Prof. B. P. Grenfell of the British
museum, the greatest living expert
on papyri.



Declares Men of Today Must
Religion In Service and in
Living -



Associations Toples of Ad-
to Freshmen at Last

"The pathway to faith is to be found
in life, in service to your fellow man.
From no amount of cold reasoning
can a man arrive at a definite conclu-
sion about his faith one way or the
'other," said Dr. Charles Clayton Mor-
rison, editor of the Christian Century,
in his University Union Services ad-
dress in Hill auditorium Sunday
"Life Brings Faith"
Speaking on the subject, "The
Pathway to Faith," Dr. Morrison
brought out the fact that true relig-
ious faith is not to be arrived at by
anything but through life itself. He
opened his discussionwith an account
of a book written by an eminent Ger-
man philosopher a century ago, which
in two complete arguments in the
same space conclusively proved and
conclusively disproved the existence
of a God.
"In the resultant stir in German
philosophic circles men wondered how
a man could by the employment of
pure reasoning produce such absolute-
ly contrary conclusions on the same
subject," said Dr. Morrison, "and for
many the result was a total darkness
and a loss of faith of any kind."
Following his argument down
through to the present day, the speak-
er ended with a strong, conclusive
statement that "men must seek relig-
ion in service and in living."
Foster Reads Scripture
The scripture reading and prayers
were given by Allyn K. Foster, na-
tional director of student work in the
northern Baptist convention. The com-
bined men and women's Glee club
sang the anthem and Mr. William
Wheeler and Mrs. Wheeler of the
School of Music sang a duet. EarltV.
Moore of the School of Music was at
the organ.
The service was in charge of Don-
ald J. Porter, '21.
Ringing church bells and scream-
ing fire department sirens will usher
in the great gift week of the Detroit
Community Fund drive ,for $500,000.
Four thousand men and women are
enlisted in this drive and started out
Monday to bring it to a successful

President Marion L. Burton chose
"College Friendships" as the subject
of his last talk to the class of 1924
in Hill auditorium yesterday after-
noon. "College friendships are sig-
nificant from the standpoint ofrtime,
space, common experiences, charac-
ter and personality," he said.
Al Here on Same Basis
"Friendships formed at this time
are significant because you are all
here on the same basis. The space
to which your activities are confined
brings you into closer contact with
each other and the experiences which
you have in common form a com-
mon basis for friendship."
President Burton stressed the op-
portunity of friendship from a geo-
graphical point of view, showing the
value derived from the intermingling
in close associations of students ,from
all four points of the compass.
"Those of you to whom an 'A'
comes so easily should meet the men
to whom it means a distinct 'effort x
get even a 'C'," he said. "Each one
of you should do your best to know
each other from the intellectual
Defines Friendship
"What is friendship? Friendship
can best be defined by a series of
paradoxes. Friendship should be
characterized by intimacy and inde-
pendency, quality and quantity, acci-
dent and choice. Friendship at its
best gives willingly. Friendship to
be real is nothing other than love,"
the president stated in closing. "A
true friend loveth when a man is dowr
as well as when he is up."
Acolytes Elect
Eight Members
Eight men were elected to member-
ship in Acolytes, honorary philoso-
phy society, at a meeting last night.
The men chosen are, Erick A. Wal-
ter, grad.. Harvey J. Sherwood, '21,
Ivan G. Walter, grad., Charles A. Mad-
ison, '21. Bertrand H. Bronson, '21,
Lewis P. Waldo. '21. Oscar Brown,
'91 and G. Larkins, '21.
The following women were invited
to attend Acolyte meetings for the
ret of the present semester: Mrs.
Rosalind Kasauni. Rose V. Cutter-
man. Elaa J. Haler, Frances Stevens,
and Kurtti Helen."

Men and women interested in
entering into competitive art
work for the 1921 Michganen-
sian are requested to call Lee
Boyd, phone 1166.,
(By Associated Press)
Sault Ste. Marie, Nov. 15.- After
63 hours aboard their storm tossed
vessel, the 7,600 ton steel freight-
er Francis J. Widlar, Capt. Arthur
Forbes and the 27 members of the
crew reached here late tonight on the
rescue tugs Iowa and C. E. Ains-
worth. Aside from minor bruises, the
crew were in good physical condition.
Rescue of the crew was effected at
noon today, when a yawl from the
Iowa braved the heavy seas to make
three trips to the Widlar, which lies
in imminent danger of breaking up on
the pancake shoals near Whitefish
From the time the ship was driven
,ipon the rocks Friday night until the
crew was taken off, great. waves
hounded over her, at times washing
completely over the deckhouse. A
nortion of the deck was buckled and
what hatch covers were not ripped
nif by the seas were removed by the
crew for use in kindling signal fires.
This allowed the boat to fill and sub-
tected her to inside pounding..
The crew, gathered in the foreward
cabin when the vessel grounded, suf-
fered some hardships Friday night up
until late Saturday through lack of
food, the high seas preventing their
going astern for supplies.
Alexander Stevens, steward, was
the hero. It was Stevens who ventured
across the buckled deck Saturday and
after narrowly escaping being washed
overboard, brought food from the
stern cabins, which he cooked on an
improvised stove in the forward cab-
in, using furniture for fuel. Stevens
was the first of the crew to sight the
rescue tug Iowa this morning.
Photographs for the 1921 Michigan-
ensian are not coming in fast enough,
according to officials of the year
book. Although Nov. 15 was set as
the time limit for all photographs to
be in, a large number of organiza-
tions have failed to report at the
studios of the photographers for sit-
One more week mill be allowed in
which to turn these photographs in.
All fraternities, sororities, university
clubs, and other organizations are
urged to make appointments at once
in order that this matter may be en-
tirely completed by Nov. 22. This
date will positively be the time limit.
There are about 20 organizatioins on
the campus that have not signed their
contract for a page in the 1921 Mich-
iganensian. All had pages in the
1920 book, but pages in this year's
annual will not be reserved unless a

Opening the three day campaign for
2,500 new life members of the Union,
19 teams of 10 men each start the so-
liciting this morning. More than 3,600
men will be approached in an effort
to reach the goal by Wednesday night.
Thursday, the last day of the drive,
will be open day on the campus, when
a general clean-up will be made.
Final instructions were given ,to
team captains and committeemen at
a meeting in the Union last night.
Lists of prospects arranged according
to their geographical location in the
city were handed to the committeemen
to facilitate the soliciting and elim-
inate duplication of effort,
Newton Explains Purpose
Speaking of the purpose of the cam-
paign, Maynard Newton, '22; general
chairman, said it was "to enlist the
co-operation of all Michigan men in
the Union for life, instead of only for
the time they are in college." He
stated further that the money realiz-
ed from the life memberships would
go towards freeing the Union of debt,
and for the general upkeep of the
building. Pointing out that it will be
an additional advantage to have the
subscriptions on file, he said, "They _
can be used as collateral for loans to
the Union."
Paul Eaton, '21, president of the
Union, declared that the progresstof
the drive would be watched by alum-
ni. He stated that a successful cam-
paign would have a very desirable ef-
fect on those who have already help-
ed the Union, and also upon those who
were in a position to give aidson the
present unfinished parts of the build-
Porter Gives Pointers
Giving pointers to the committee-
men which would make for a whirl-
wind campaign, Donald J. Porter, '21,
general chairman of the drive last
year, told of some of the things he
had learned in his work.
Explaining the life membership fee,
it was emphasized that $50 is the fee
for resident students, payable in to-
tal, or in installments of $10 each
year for five years, .and that if the
complete sum is paid'in by Dec. 1, of
his senior year a student is given
credit for $5 which he would other-
wise be required to pay in his tui-
tion fee.
Winners to Get Steak Dinner
As an incentive to active work,
both by teams and by individuals, it
was announced that the Union will
give a steak dinner tothe team secur-
ing the most new life members, and
to the five committeemen who turned
in the highest individual figures.
Teams will report the results of the
day's work at the main desk in the
Union each evening during the drive
where members of the general com-
mittee will tabulate- reports.
Reports of upperclass advisers have
been called for by Albert Jacobs, '21,
chairman of the mentor committee.
Advisers are requested to present
their reports to their respective com-
mitteemen who will turn them in at
the Union.
Officials of the mentor movement
yesterday stressed the necessity of all

contract is signed today. The timej upperclassmen getting in touch Z
limit was up on these contracts yes- the freshmen on their lists witl
terday but one extra day is given to any further delay.
delinquents. The committee is in the Stu<
There will be, some one on duty at activities room of the Union each
the business office of the Michiganen- from 3 to 4 o'clock to clear up
sian all afternoon to take care of difficulties that may have been me
these contracts. advisers in locating their freshme

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