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November 14, 1920 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-11-14

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Officials of Michigan Student Club Declare Alumni Watching
uates; Roy D. Chapin, '03, Moving Spirit of
TanIk Project


(By Barney Darnton)
If the Union life membership drive nets a total of 2,500 members Union
officials are confident that the completion of the big swimming pool will
hinge only on the restoration of normal business conditions in the coun.
Roy D. Chapin, '03, president of .the Hudson Motor company of Detroit,
is the moving spivit in the swimming pool project. He has been, since his
graduation, one of the most active among an alumni body that is always
concerned withe needs and deeds of Michigan, and it is upon him that the
hopes of the Union largely rest.
It was at first hoped that Mr. Chap in would promise to raise personally
the funds necessary. In an effort to o btain this promise, Homer Heath, gen-
eral manager of the Union, went to D etroit last Wednesday. This trip was
prompted by the fact that in his man y visits in Ann Arbor, Mr. Chapin
has often indicated his desire to see t he pool in working order. He is

The Michigan Union
What President Burton Thinks Of It
It is almost impossible for me to express adequately my appre-
ciation of the Michigan Union. Frankly, it was one of the things
which attracted me to this University. I am sure that every Mich-
igan man is genuinely grateful to those who, by service and money,
have made this nobel building a reality. Its influence for good upon
student life cannot be measured. It makes for student unity. Here
all class and social distinctions are obliterated by the one outstand-
ing fact that we belong to Michigan. Students, Faculty, and Alumni
find here a common bond.
Life membership in the Union is highly desirable. It links a
man to his university. It gives permanent financial backing to an
enterprise which deserves the hearty co-operation ofevery Michigan
man. The successful consumation of the present membership cam-
paign will do much to insure the completion of the swimming pool.
If the students now evince in a thorough-going fashion, their loyal-
ty to the Union, it is reasonable to expect that alumni and friends
will come forward with adequate funds to provide the pool.
M. L. BURTON, President.


condition is of course temporary, and
as soon as President Harding's nor-
malcy is felt in that industry, things
will look brighter for the raising of
the necessary money.
Twelve thousand dollars has already
been subscribed for the pool. Charles
F. Brush, '69E, and Ferderick H. Goff,
'81, have each promised to pay one-
eighth of the cost, which is estimated
at $50,000. Mr. Brush is the president
of the Society Savings and Trust com-
pany of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr. Goff
is president of the Cleveland Trust
oma of fth~m nla Th q'

strongly interested in everything the
Union does and he wants to see every
department fnuctioning as it should.
To him the unfinished pool has been
something of' an eye-sore and he has
often commented upon it.
Wires Chapin
Mr. Chapin has been in New York
for the past week, so Heath's trip was
fruitless.' But in order that some-
thing definite 'might be known about
the possibility of immediately inter-
esting the Detroit manufacturer in the
project, a telegram was sent to him
asking his stand. The telegram stated
that the annual membership drive of
the Union is to be; put on this week.
It stated that the quota had been plac-
ed at 2,500 and asked Mr. Chapin if
he would assume the task of raising
the funds for the unfinished pool if
the campaign were successful.
In his answer, Mr. Chap.in. pointed
out that the present condition of bust
inoss throughout the country makes
it impossible for him to promise any-
thing definite. He is coming to Ann
Arbor in the near future and at that
time he will talk over the possibility
of his assuming the responsibility for
Prevention New
Slogan Of Medics'
New Courses Offered for Doctors
Get Disease Before it
(By W., D.)
New courses it seems are forever
appearing on the curriculums of the
various schools. Consequently the In-'
troduction of a course in preventative
medicine to junior medical students,
given by Dr. Vaughan, has but little
significance for the general public.
Nevertheless this course is the sign
of a new era in medicine.
A few years ago, world sanitation
was an illusion, the dream of a vis-
ionary. Today it is on the threshold
of attainment. It has been.thought by
some that it is of no importance if
there be a plague in Rajupatana or the
Balkans, but the changing times have
emphasized the fact that the modern
world is bound by "bacterial bonds."
The 1918 influenza epidenric was pos-
sibly our best recent illustration of
The influence of sanitation and
hygiene is coming to be more fully re-
alized «vith the passing of time. In
this new era the physician will work
in collaboration with the sanitary en-
gineer. The health officer will be the
leading physician.
Publicity work will be carried on by
pamphlets, lectures, and stereopticon
slides, thus educating the people in
taking care of themselves. The past
medical work has been for the indi-
vidual-the future will be for the com-

the campaign.
Now, this is what the Union wants
to do. It wants to greet Mr .Chapirk
with the fact that the membership
drive went over and that it went over
big. It wants to say to him that the
mn of the University are doing every-
thing in their power to back up the
Union, that the men's organization is
panning out .as he and those others
who backed it from the start hoped it
would- pan out. It wants to convince

. - Icompany u
him that, as soon as business condi- of the University come through. He donations
tions warrant, he should talk the grad- knows that the only reason that Mr. raising of
uates of the University into subscrib- Ch did not telegraph the requested
ing the money for the pool. And it promise is simply that' the present Tuesday
wants to provide Mr. Chapin with just time is an unfortunate one for rais- It will la
the arguient .that he will need to get ing any large sums of money. Mr. Captains f
the alumni to subscribe, the fact that Chapin is an automobile manufactur- the solicit
the student body is doing its part of er; the alumni that he would solicit These capt
the job to the best of its ability. ]are for the most part Detroiters and mitteemen,
Confident of Alumni automobile manufacturers. And the morrow ev
Homer Heath is confident that the automobile industry has not been ac- at the Un:
alumni will come through if the men- tive for the past few months. This job.

ozLe same place. .nese
are contingent upon the
the balance of the fund.
Starts Tuesday
morning the drive starts.
st until Thursday evening
or the 19 teams that will do
ing have been annuonced.
ains have chosen their com-
ten to each team, and to-
vening they will all meet
ion to prepare for the big

?lich i~an Union uildinf Proves Center

Team men this year have been chos
en from only the senif, junior, ane
sophomore classes. Last year fresh
men were used, but better results ar(
expected from men who have spent
longer time in the University.
Life membership entitles the holde
'to the privileges of the Union when
ever he may return to Ann Arbor
It gives him many benefits in additibi
to that, not the least of which is the
Union button. This button, which is
received by the member upon his firs
payment toward his membership, i
the stamp of the Michigan mar
throughout the world.
The rates for membership are th
same as those that prevailed last year
For students during their last year it
the University, the fee is $50, payabl
in yearly installments of $10 or in on
sum at the option of the member.
Easy Payments
The first payment on the $50 mem
bership must be made before or dur
ing the last year of residence. I
this payment is made before Dec. 1 o
the student's last year, credit will b
given for the yearly Union fee paid t
the University. Students .not in th
last year of residence may start pay
ments at any time, but credit for the
fee to the ,University will be give:
only for lats year.
Those are the terms that will gov
ern the sale of the membership
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursda
are the days of the drive. The men c
the University will dictate in thos
three days Homer Heath's greeting t
Roy Chapin on the occasion of hi
next visit to Ann Arbor.
$S50,000 Needed
For Union Pooi
The Union pool, the immediate comu
pletion of which depends so mud]
upon the outcome of the coming lif
membership drive, is to be the clean
est and most sanitary in the state. O
the $50,000 needed to finish the tan1k
$35,000 is to be spent for machiner-
for filtering, and pumps to force th
water into a cleansing cistern. Th
remaining $15,060 will be spent fo
the tile, marble. showers, lockers an

/ All!
Two grads meet in the Union, and1
a sharp listener hears one of them
say, "Well, well, old man, it's sure
great to see you again. This building
makes it a whole lot different than it
used to be, doesnt' it? Remember
how we used to have our meetings in
some empty room in the north part of
town, or maybe had to hold them out
in the open'in State street? No place
to go to, and not much club life in
those days." To this the other grad
replies, "These students have things
so nice these days that they hardly
know they are in the University. The
Union makes University life perfect
now, -- it supplies the social center
which we missed so much in our day."
A conversation like this may be heard
almost every time alumni of a few
years back meet, and especially when
the old grads -return for the football
Such is the appreciation of the
Union by the alumni. But how about
the studeni body?
Meeting Place
A typical conversation among stu-
dents takes ,this form, "Where'll I
see you tonight?" "Were you in the
tap room yesterday when that funny
incident happened?" "Where is the
committee meeting to be held?"
There is only one answer to all of
these, questions and that is "the
The Michigan Union has done more
than any other influence to put the
University of Michigan on the map.
The greatest campaign among alumni
evser conducted in America brought
forth the Union. A few other leading
universities and colleges have their'
social centers, but they are not to be
compared in size to the Union here.
They all look to Michigan as the de-
veloper of the Union idea, and re-
gard our Union as the model of the}
During the recent educational con-
ference many prominent men said
that they had never seen the equal of
the Michigan Union anywhere. They

I ctvities Of niversity Students

marvelled at the large building and
the function of the Union itself. And
to many of the educators it was per-
haps a new idea.
To the alumni and former students
of the University the Union furnishes
a home while they are in Ann .Ar-
bor. It is the bond which unites them'
forever with their alma mater. It
brings alumni back to the University
by holding their interest, and this has
already meant something to Michi-
gan in a material way.
A Social Center
To the resident students the Union
provides a social and recreational
center which is as necessary to col-
lege life as the class rooms them-
selves. Even the movies are not as
poular as the Union, for on an aver-
age 6,000 men enter the building each
day. To come to a Unionless Michi-
gan would be like going to some other
institution perhaps, so great a factor
does the Union play in Michigan stu-
dent life. But Michigan and the

Union - that gives us the individ-
ualism that cannot be approached by
any other university.
To the fact that the Union em-
braces a large number of student ac-
tivities in addition to its function as
a social center, is what puts it in a
class apart from other college Unions.
What are the activities which make
the Union so important on the cam-
pus and to the general public?
The Michigan Union opera ranks
higher than many other college
operas in the country, and,its success
lies in the fact that it has the busi-
ness backing of the Union organiza-1
tions. The opera last year played to
capacity houses in the Auditorium at
Chicago, and Orchestra hall, Detroit,
cities where the public is accustomed
to hearing the best productions in the
Handles Glee Club
Then there is the Glee and Mando-
lin club, the oldest college organiza-
tion of its kind in the country. It was

founded before the Civil war, in 1859,
to be exact, and for the past 61 years.
it has held a place among the impg.r-
tant institutions of the University.
The Union took over the club this
year, and it is hoped by the produc-
tion of. a minstrel show to place the
organization on a higher plane than
it has ever been.
"The big brother of the freshman,"
expresses the role the Union plays in
the life of the first year man. The
rooming committee helps the fresh-
man find a room almost as soon as he

tee to

up State street from the sta-
This year 2,500 rooms were
with the committee, with the
that every man obtained a
So anxious was the commit-
suceed in this work, that the
was commenced during 'the

Student Interest I
Aid Swimming
(By Benjamin S. fIancbett, Regent of
the University of Michigan)
"Of course the completion of the
swimming pool in the Michigan Union
building is an assured thing, and the
sooner this is completed the more
pleased I shall be, and I feel it will
be done in the near future.
"The camphign which I understand
is being waged by the students for
the support of the Union indicates the
interest they feel in the institution,
and I am sure will encourage sub-
stantial contributions to complete the
pool and reading room and also meet
the growng needs of the Union which
we all realize means so much to the
University and the students who are
now here as well as to the alumni
who frequently visit Ann Arbor.

n Unio'i Will
Pool, Says Regent
"Now we have the new Michigan
Union building, it is realized we could
not do without it and the wonder is
how we got along for so many years
without its splendid accommodations.
"I have no hesitancy in stating that
the swimming pool, when completed,
will be considered one of the most ap-
preciated features of the Union build-
ing, which is recognized as superior
to anything of its kind in the country.
I shall encourage contributions for
the incompleted features, and believe
any alumnus who wishes to do a fine
thing for the young men attending the
University of Michigan cannot get
more good from his money,. than sub-
scribing to the support of the Union
and the immediate needs demand the
completion of the swimming pool first,
and then the reading room."

v++ v a~ a , N . , U
Summer school session, other accessories to the pool.
And the Union doesn't forget the The relation between the two su
freshman after he is settled in a of money emphasize that the Un
room. It wants to see him get alongo mns ephasize tht the U
well in his University life. - There- mea o caeapg wee the d
fore there is the upperclass advisorygeofntractineSe Willbe
comitte. ort comiteemn cn-a minimum. Gardner S. Williams
committee. Forty committeemen con- leading sanitary engineer of Ann
stitute the (committee, and under eacb bor, believes that no one entering
man there are 10 upper class advis-
ors, each of whom looks after four tank need have any fear of the pur
freshmen. Two visits and reports are of the water because the filtering r
made each month. The purpose of chinery to be installed is the lot
the system is to assist the first year and most efficient in the count
man with his studies, to help him in Each night the water will be remo
manwit hi sudis, o elphimincompletely and passed through
his relations with the faculty, and to
teac him Mihiga trditins.purifying process. At the same ti
teach him Michigan traditions. the walls of the tank are to be ser
'Everyone Registersbe
No man comes to Michigan without bed.
his talents becoming known. Here The dimensions of the pool are
again the Union is on guard looking x30 feet, and are large enough. to p
for the interests of the University. At mit of the establishing of a wor
the beginning of the college year each record here. If the tank had b
man is asked to fill out a blank - a built only 60 feet in length, as mc
process which they call "registering." are, only United States records co
The questions are certainly exhaus- be broken.
tive, and are sure to lay bare any tal-, A director and swimming instru
ent you have have. Records are kept, ors will be hired as soon as the p
and when men with certain qualifica- is finished, and the aquatic sport v
tions are needed, immediate access become a real part of student act
can be had to them. ties. Varsity swimming teams v
Although developing rapidly, the take on added importance, becaus(
growth of the Union has not been ab- home and a regular place of pract
(Continued on Page 2) will be provided.







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