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October 28, 1920 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-10-28

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Psliblihed every morning except. Monday during the Univer-
r year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for
iblication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
:dited in this paper and the loc' news published therein.
Entersi at the postffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
s matter. a'
Subscription .by carrier or mail, $3.50.
Offices: Attn Arbor Press k*ilding, Maynard Street.
Phones: Business, g6o; Editorial. 2414.
Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed,,the sig-
tre not .xiccessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of
-h. abd notices of evente will be published in The Daily at the
bretion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office.
signed communications will receive no consideration. No man-
a.fpt Ywil be returned unless the writer incloses postage.
T ily " does not necessarily edorse the seatiments ex,
*tthe communications.
htls Goinig On" ntices will not be received after 8 o'clock
the eveaing preceding insertion.
Telephone 2414
ws Editor........- -.....-..........Chesser M. Campbell
gIt Edtors--
TE H Adams -r.H, W. Hitchcock
B. P. Canpbell J E. McManis
S. a T. W. Srgent, Jr.
tReia d Serwood
tdy Editor..................... A. Bernstein
~r-als... - .LeWo-iuff, Robert Sage, T. J. Whinery
tat News .. ... .-E.P. Lovejoy Jr
rty ...... ... Robert Angel]
men's Editor..... ..............Mary D. Lane
legraph . .: I...................West Gallogly
scope ......... . .......- . .... ....Jack W. Kelly
e W°ald o Frances Oberoltzer L.Armstrong Kern
1 .Weber , Robert E. Adams , if ughston McBain
ena Barlow Norman C.t amon Frank H. McPike
raeth Vickery ' Byron Darnton Gerald P. Overton
1. Clark Thomas E. Dewey Edward Lambrecht
rge Reindel Wallace F. Elliott William H. Riley Jr.
othy Monfort Leo J. -Hershdorfer Sara Waller
ry B. Grundy
Telephone 960
ertising .................- -.-..-.-.....D. P..Joyce
sifieds...... ............-- ....Robt. . Kerr
lication..................F. Heath
ounttts..................... Priehs
Nation ...... ........... ....-V. V. Hillery
W. Lambrecht P. H. Hutcliinson N. W. Robertson
. Gower F. A. Cross R. C. Stearnes
d ""K.Nustaadter Robt. L Davis Tho. L. Rice
3efWlWillard M.' M. Moule D. G. Sawson
* Hamel Jr. D. S. Watterworth
he night editors for the week are: Monday
ht, Hugh Hitchcock; Tuesday night, Thornton
gent, Jr.; Wednesday night, Thomas Adams;
irsday nit, Brewster Campbell; Friday
ht, Jack Dakin; Saturday night, John McManis.
Petsons wising to secure information concerning news for any
f The Da should see the night editor, who has full charge
I news to be printed that night.
n the early days of the University there were
buildings on the campus: two dornitories
ich ,also" contained classrooms and four profes-
' houses. The dormitories are now known as
ion hall and Suth wing, respectiver.
Vhy is it that old buildings always form so
a part in. alumni reMiniscences, as though
e and clinibing ivy could in themselves form a
of a university's significance? Why do, Old
sau Hall at Princeton, the vine-covered observ-
-y at Syracuse, the pillared buildings Jefferon
gned at Virginia, the big white dome on the
at Wisconsin, old U ni hall at Illinois, arjd Ma-
hall at Michigan have a meaning that brings
.eling of pride and loyalty to the herts of. stu-
t and graduate alike?
rtbably we:ass&iate our feeling for such
ctures with the pride we take in those who
e passed through their halls, laughed and talked
learned beneath their rooftrees, carved their
Ies upon their benches, and then went out to
:e-those names great factors in the world of
.. The old walls of Michigan's buildings are
ehow forever associated with her great past,
the lives of those who have been touched by

higan and wvho in later achievement have never
Totten that she' is their alma mater. They hold
-ue significance for the undergraduate, and
r history engenders loyalty.
raditions stand somewhat in the same relation
is as these reminders of stone or oak. Thou-
is have respected them in the past, learned that
:rence paid to Michigan customs made them
fr and more loyal members of the student com-
ity; and passed the old ways of doing things
Rith their stamp of approval to those who have
>wed. They have formed, and always will
n one of the finest and most lasting memories
udent can have of Michigan.
o~day we pay tribute to traditions. Upperclass-
, renew your knowledge of their significance;
hmen, learn them at the great meeting tonight
Jill auditorium, so that you will never forget
r meaning and the allegiance you owe to them
to Michigan-:
inois has just won a clean victory over Michi-
always a dangerous rival for her: Illinois peo-
houkl accept that victory in as sportsmanlike a
ner as it has -been .won. 4[t is imperative that
be done.
nhappily a feeling that can hardly be classed
portsmanlike has been fostered,Thowever un-
ssarily, between the two universities, a feeling
is far from becoming such noble .institutiong

both of which stand among the leading represen-
tatives of the western collegiate world. But there
is no denying the existence of the wrong kind of
attitude of the one toward the other. There are,
however, grounds for denying that that kind of re-
lationship has any excuse for being.
Michigan feels that Illinois has been to blame ;
Illinois very likely takes the opposite point of view.
This is not paradoxical; it is the way in every in-
stance where human nature is involved. It is the
way in every instance in which wholesome rivalry
is lowered to the plane where petty jealousies, in-
variably leading to unkind remarkls and on into
slander, are allowed to creep in and adulterate that
rivalry. It must be admitted that Illinois and Mich-
igan on the athletic field have in times past been the
puppets of a natural law like that.
It would be a difficult matter to trace the origin
and subsequent growth of this mutual antipatiy as
it has existed and the process of doing so would
be an unpleasant one. Nor does anyone have the
desire to enter into a exhaustive survey of it. For
from whence the -situation came does not matter ;
the only object now isto get rid of that situation.
Illinois has the first opportunity to make the rid-
dance, the first opportunity to start wiping the slate
clean. Illinois has the chance while flushed with
victory to make amends for her share of the of-
fenses and to forget whatever amount of them may
be traceable to Michigan. Illinois, the fortunate, is
the logical one to take the hatchet out for burial.
About the easiest way to repair the situation is to
first admit it and then post haste forget it. The
Daily Illini has taken this opportunity to make the
admission, though it has been an unpleasant act; it
now takes the liberty to do the other thing which
carries pleasure 'in the doing. The Daily Illini in
behalf of every true Illini today makes the claim
of true sportsmanshi'p for Illinois. It takes this
occasion to extend the hand of Illinis to that of
Michigan, to congratulate Michigan on the brand
of fight they have given Ztfp's men, and to assure
them of Illinois' finest respect for the teams which
represent allher sister institutions.
-The Daily Illini.
Increasing interest in the big political issues of
the coming presidential election is being mani-
fested by University students as is shown by the
meetings held in the early part of the week at which
prominent men of different par~ties were theprinci-
pal speakers. As the day for voting draws near
each college man and woma enjoying the rights
of suffrage is beginning to realize that he is con-
fronted by a challenge to take a political stand
which accords with his honest convictions, and dis-
charge his duty to his country by casting an intelli-
gent ballot.
Some -have already looked carefully into the is-
sues and many of these are getting into the elec-
tion year spirit and showing their interest out-
wardly. Others are still seeking to deermine what
should be their rightful stand and are weighing all
the evidence they can get to make doubly sre of
fulfilling the obligation imposed upon them. But
there are many who seem wholly indifferent al-
though the election is less than a week distant.
It is to be hoped that this indifference is more
apparent than real. It is highly inconsistent for
anyone to remain aloof from politics because they
are rit perfect. The aloofness itself is an anchor
to improveffwt and an important reason why pol-
itics are not more t rly perfect. And besides fail-
ing in his gdut the indifferent voter no more frees
bimw f from the influence and eects of govern-
men and its problems than an ostrich hides him-
self from taw by rurying his head in the sahd.
Politics with their potcxitkgs for good or bad
will doubtless be with the world fwyer, and it is
encouraging that so many Michigan studppt§ are
takirg so active an interest in governmental affairs.
Thfe TelescopeI

Oh would I could initiate
And with a trusty paddle whack
The bird who in Ec. 38
Wipes both his feet upon my back.
We'll Take Ours the Same Way
"Dear Julia-I love thee still."-An epitaph in
the Farmers, Ky., cemetery.
Thanks, Van.
Help! Help! Help the Telescope!
Jokes of humorists all remind"'us
That the gags the most sublime
Are the ones that limp behind us
Coverid with the moss of time.
Dear Noah:
My hair has begun to fall out very rapidly. Do
you know of anything to keep it in?
An ordinary shoe box should suffice for this pur-
Specially If She's Married
He who flirts and runs away
May live to flirt another day.
Famous Closing Lines
"Ha, a noisy bunch of rooters," he. said as he
looked into the pig pen.


(Two Stores)


FIs O t Diagonal Walk


In Effect Nov. 2, 1920
Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Limited and Express cars leave for
Detroit at 6:05 a. m., 7:05 a. m.,
8:10 a. m., and hourly to 9:10 p. m.
Limiteds to Jackson at 8:48 a. m. and
every two hours to 8:48 p. mn. Ex-
presses at 9:48 a. m. and e-,ery two
hours to 9:48 p. mn.
Locals to Detroit-5: 55a.m., 7:00 a.m.
and every two hours to 9:00 p. m.,
also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti only,
11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.mn., and 1:15 a.mn.
Locals to Jackson-7:50 a. m., and
12:10 u.m.
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 23 3
24 25 26 27 28 39 30
Men: Last season's hats turn-
ed inside out, refinished and re-
b1ecked with all new trimmings
look just like new, wear just as
long and saves you five to ten
dollars. We do only high class
work. Factory H at Store, 617 ,
Packard St. Phone 1792.

r ...
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", i
ir"'/ i
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when there is occasion for
speed. If you want to go
anywhere in a hurry engage
one of our cars and you'll
get there on time. Get there
surely too, for our machines
are kept in first-class order
all, the time. A phone call
will put one of our autos at
your service at any time re-

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