e year 1920-1921 was the, most
ssful of all years in the eyes of
ntramural department. Practic-r
every branch of sport- was in-
d in by the fraternities and class-
der the guidance of Coach, Mitch-
nd his assistants, who are to be
ed for keeping alive interest in
arious, athletics.
lowing are the winners and run-
up in the different events: In.-
ternity football-Had 33 entries
after 11 games . the tournament
called off, due to the many in-
suffered by the players.
erfraternity soccer - This was
tuted in place of football and was
ided hit, 26 teams taking part.1
igpa Kappa took first place with
Chi second.
erclass soccer-Lower lits won.
-campus fall tennis-In the singl-
rich defeated Bowers for the title,
Iregory and Sanchez walloped
and Genebach for the doubles
erfraternity swimming - Delta
n copped first plate, and Trigon
ed second.
rclass swimming-The sophs led
Warren Hyde, captain of next
Varsity team, were the winners.
resh placed secold, largely due to
ork of Don Nixon.
erfraternity basketball - Alpha
Phi first; Sigma Alpha Epsiloni
d. Interdepartment basketball-
placed first followed by the busi-
ads, Society league- Michigan
All men who have jerseys com-
ing from the Intramural depart-
ment are requested to leave their
summer addresses at that office',
or at the athletic office, or call
jI 2268.
Union, first; Upstaters, second. Inter-
class basketball-Junior engineers led
the fresh lits. Foul shooting tourney
-Gilbert Jerome won with W. G. Rice
All-fresh cross country-Harry Dav-
is - copped first with Lelana next. In-
terclass cross country-D. C. Douglas.
first; J. A. Bacon, second.
Interfraternity bowling--Phi Delta
Theta, first; Sigma Nu, second. In-
terclass bowling-Senior lits .led the
soph lits for first place.
Interfraternity volley ball - There
were 17 entries in this event and first
place was won by Delta Upsilon with
Alpha Sigma Phi runner-up.
Indoor track meet'-Won by Delta
Tau Delta with Phi Gamma Delta, sec-
Outdoor track meet-Sigma Nu led
in this with Delta Tau Delta finishing
Baseball-Phi Kappa Sigma placed
first, followed by Xi Psi Phi.
Kappa Delta secured the champion-
ship in the interhouse baseball tourn-
ament as a. result of their game with
Helen Newberry. The former won by
a large margin. a score of 8 to 1. Al-
pha Phi and Betsy Barbour who play-
ed in the semi-finals also deserve spec-
ial mention.
Try a Classified Ad for results.-Adv.
Fraternity Final
Scores Published
Final standings in the interfratern-
ity events have been completed and
are published below. Gamma Alpha,
Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Delta Phi,- and
Psi Upsilon Rho took no pairt in the
intramural actiivties, but 51 of the
fraternities took part in the events at
one time or another. Following are
the results:
Sigma, Nu 720. Delta Upsilon 698,
Zeta Psi 679, Delta Tau Delta 678, Al-
pha Delta' Phi 627, Kappa Beta Psi
608 1-2, Phi Sigma Kappa 590 1-2, Phi
Gamma Delta 586, Trigon581, Phi Del-
ta Theta 565, Phi Kappa Sigma 556,
Theta Chi 548, Delta Chi 507, Phi Sig-
ma, Delta 497, Alpha Sigma Phi 486,
Lambda Chi Alpha 477, *Sigma Phi Ep-
silon, Theta Delta Chi 408, Delta Sigma
Phi 408, Psi Upsilon 375, Delta Kap-
pa Epsilon 374, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
370, Phylon 368, Phi Kappa PsiY 344,
Chi Psi 340, Phi Chi 325, Beta Theta Pi
313, Delta Sigma Delta 310, Nu Sigma
Nu 291, Sigma Chi 287, Cygnus 276,
Theta Xi 273 1-2, Acacia 265 1-2, Kap-
pa Sigma 265, Kappa Nu 255, Hermit-
age 255, Sinfonia 250, Zeta Beta Tau
220, Monks 219, Xi Psi Phi 215, Pfi
Rho Sigma 215, Alpha Beta Psi 212, Al-
pha Tau Omega 193 1-2, Phi Beta Pi
175, *Alpha Rho Chi, Phi Delta Chi 144,
Delta Theta Phi 125, Alpha Sigma 120,
Alpha Kappa Kappa 120, Sigma Delta
Kappa 110, Alpha Chi Sigma 105, Gam-
ma Eta Gamma 100, Sigma Phi 91, Psi
Omega 60.
*Final lists in interfraternity tennis
tourney not yet completed. Those fra-
ternities are placed where they will
Have you lost anything that you
prize very highly? The Classified
columns of The Michigan Daily are
always ready to serve you.-Adv.
Genuine Engraving and Embossing.
Order your visiting cards now. O. D.
Morrill, 17 Nickel's Arcade.-Adv.
Did you ever try using The
a Shopping Directory? Satisfi
at your command if you patro
Save on low shoes-School E
for men and women - Campu
To those students of Michigan
who graduate-our best wishes.
To those who return next fall-
our patrons and any who may,
not yet know us-
Parcel Delivery
Trunks In everything
A Happy Vacation
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Aracade Cafeteria
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