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June 09, 1921 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-06-09

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of American
Basis of

June 8. - The adop-
ty of amity and dom-
Exico, which would au-I
olve recognition of the
inistration, has been
he American govern-
ounced at the state de-
only condition attach-
r of the United States
shall give definite as-
the property rights of
ally acquired in that
be protected against

fundamental question~ con-
this government," says the
ent's announcements "is the
ding of American property
gainst confiscation." It is add-
the position of the United!
hould not be confused with
onality or administration, but
agreenent containing definite
es from Mexico as a whole is
such assurances against con-
are received, it was said,
>uld no longer be any ques-
recognition. This statement
dministration's policy toward
was agreed upon by Presi-
rding and his cabinet.: 1
osition taken was that the
of recognition was subor-
for the negotiation of "a
reaty" would accomplish rec-
o f the government that


All members of this year's junior
literary class are urged to be present
at a special meeting to be held at 4:15
'o'clock this afternoon in room 205,
Mason hall. 'Members will be elected
for next year's senior.honor commit-
This committee will be composed of
four men and two women from the
l coming senior class and four members
from the junior class. They will man-
age all matters pertaining to the hon-
or system, handle all complaints, and
if necessary make recommendations to
Dean J. R. Effinger's advisory commit-
tee composed of faculty members.
Students Having B Average Qualified
to Apply for Testi
Certificates will be granted to gradu-
ates of the department of journalism
of the literary college for the first time
at Commencement this year. In order
to qualify for this certificate the sen-
ior mut have completed the required
courses in the curriculum of the de-
partment and must have maintained
the average grade of B.
Students who can qualify for the
certificate are entitled to make an ap-
plication, which will be granted if the
applicant has a B average. At Com-
mencement a card will be given those
qualified which will entitle them to the
certificate when presented at the of-
fice of the secretary of the University.
The certificates will state that the
student has taken the necessary cours-
es with sufficiently high grades, and
will serve as a testimonial of the stu-
dent's work to publishers and others.
It will be signed by the President' and
secretary of the University and the
faculty men of the journalism depart-
ment. '
A number of students, according to
Prof. John L. Brumm, are unable'to
meet the requirements for obtaining
the certificate because they have not
taken all the ourses. or have obtained
too low an average. In order to over-
come this condition next year fresh-
men will be allowed to register in the
department of journalism if they so
desire, even though they are not poi-
tive that they wish to take the entire
"I am heartily in acco d w~ith the
aims of'the Student Christian assoia-
tion, and I shall be glad to support it
in any way possible," said President!
Marion L. Burton, speaking at the first
meeting of the newly-electe4 cabinet
of the association at a dinner last
night at Lane hall. "An organization
of this kind can aid in giving the Uni-
versity an atmosphere of culture andl
refinement. Church and state should1
be separated, but that does not mean'
that the religious side of University
life should be neglected."
Hugh W. Hitchcock, '22, outlined his
policies for the coming year, saying
that he would attempt to bring about
closer relations between the S. C. A.
and the campus. Each of the members
of the cabinet was called on to give
a short prospectus of what they would

attempt to do.
Frank Olmstead, '14, formerly. sec-
retary of the S. C. A., and new secre-
retary of the Y. M. C. A. at Pennsyl-
vania State college, congratulated the
cabinet upon its opportunity to do
useful work. W. I. Kelsey, state Y.
M. C. A. student secretary, also talked.
Prof. Charles B. Vibbert, of the phi-
losophy department, will be initiated
as an honorary member of the Rich-
ard N..Hall post of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars, this afternoon at the
Union. Professor Vibbert was at the,
head of the University Union in Paris'
during the World war. This Union
was the headquarters of more than
2K 1141! --ni --n i"- --- - I- A -y--

Prominent Speakers Address.
Audiences on Universit-y

(By N. A. K.)
By fulfilling a number of needs not
cared for before, by using its capaci-
ties to the fullest extent, by being for
the first time a truly Michigan organ-
ization, the Student Christian associa-
tion has this year won for itself the
support of the student body and that
of the alumni of the University.
Endorsed by Burton
With the endorsement of President
iMarion L. Burton, the Jniversity serv-
ices program for th\e second time took
a prominent part in S. C. A. activities.
A number of nationally known speak-
ers were secured,, among them Rep.
Julius Kahn, of California; George
Sherwood Eddy, Y. M. C. A. secretary
Tonight is Last
. .
Sing For 1921
Senior Class
Seniors from all departments will
assemble in caps and gowns at 7
o'clock tonight on the steps of the Li-
brary for the last sing of the graduat-
ing classes this year. The program
will "be rendered in conjunction with
the Varsity band and will consist of
a band concert in addition to the reg-
ular songs by the assenoled seniors.
As this is the last time that the
members of the 1921 class will meet
in an inofrmal gathering, the commit-
tee in charge urges that all men and
women appear in caps and gowns at
the meetihig. Turnouts up to this time
have not been what they should be
and every senior should feel it his
duty to be present.
The senior literary class will meet
at 4 o'clock this afternoon in Natural
Science au4itoriumr for the last
assembly of the year. Important busi-
ness will be transacted, according to
Fred J. Petty, class president, and all
members of the class. are urged for
that reason to be present. Afte? the
meeting a group picture will be taken
on the steps of the Library, as pre-
viously announced, so It is important
that caps and gowns be worn.
4 t




for Asia; and Prof. Edward &lfred
Steiner, professor of sociology in
Grinnell college. All the services drew
large audiences, and they are now firm-
ly established as an institution. Rob-
ert F. Grindley, '21E, was chairman of
the committee which conducted the
The World Service forum, under the
direction of H. R. Chapman, Baptist
student pastor, and Roswell P. Dillon,
'21E, also brought several noted speak-
ers to Ann Arbor in the effort to in-
form students of world conditions.
Mission study groups wyere also or-
ganied in the churches, while the
women students were active in gain-
ing support for Dr. Clara Sargent,
now in China.
Direct oreign Students' Clubs
The friendly relations with foreign
students department, under the direc-
tion of L. M. .Wallick, Lutheran stu-
dent pastor, has aided in the forma-
tion of several' clubs for foreign stu-
dents, among them the Japanese club,
the Filipino club, and the Hindustan
club. Church socials for these stu-
dents were arranged, as well asp other
affairs, A special effort ,was made to
gain for the foreign students 'the hos-
pitality of Ann Arbor homes, and to
stress the personal and individual ele-
ment in relations with them.
Under the charge of Louis C. Rei-I
mann, '16, Presbyterian student pas-
tor, the extension department has sent
students on some 60 trips to 44 differ-
ent cities and towns. The total num-
ber of meetings held was 134, and the
number of talks given was 266. Next
year it is expected the work will dou-
ble or triple in volume, as men are'
to be sent to all the large high schools
in the Middle West.
Hold Bible Study Classes
The religious education department
has been under the charge of Di'.
Thomas M. Iden, of the Ann Arbor
Bible chair. The work of the Bible
chair is now included under the edu-
cation department, in which six
classes in' Bible study were taught.
For a period of six weeks the Relig-
ious Education institute was organized
with six courses, most of which were
taught by professors of the Univer-
sity. A few discussion classes were
organized in several fraternities for a
The Student Volunteers, an organi-
zation of prospective missionaries, has
had an extraordinarily large member-
ship, in fact, the largest membership1
in any American university. The ex-
act number was 69. The Monteith
club, a society lately formed for stu-
dents who intend to, enter the minis-

Dr. Deacon, of Lansing, Addresses
Final- Gathering of State

Order of De Molay, an organi-
composed of young men from
21 years of age, and sponsored
bodies of Scottish Rite Mason-
1 institute one of its chapters
Arbor next fall. Arrangements
een made for a meeting place
order, and permission to es-
a chapter here has already
ranted by the Grand council.
nization of the order was be-
ro years ago at Kansas, City,
r Frank S. Land, and today it
esented in nearly all large ci-
Ld is especially well established
Central states.
e some of the chapters are sit-
in university towns, De Molay
-a college fraternity, but a ju-
dge, many of the members of?
are the sons of Masons. The
al requirements for member-
proper age and good charac-
01 those who have had previ-
onnection with the order are
to call 1490-W.
Sherman, '21E, retiring mana-
the Union orchestra, com-
I the members on their success-
r in a brief address at the ban-
eld at the Union last night as
t meeting of the orchestra for
s for the ensuing season were
ed by the Carleton B. Pierce,
manager-elect, and on behalf
organization presented Earl V.'
of the Schol of Music, with
1 as an expression' of their ap-
ion of his services. Gold
were presented to the mem-
ho had been in the orchestra;

Michiganensians may be obtained
~from 1 to 5 o'clock today and tomor-
row at the Michiganensian Office in
the publications building instead of
at the office in the east baseemnt of
the Library, according to BoyA H. Lo-
gan, '21, business manager.
Due to the necessity of the 'Ensian
meeting all its bills and having its
books ready for auditing by June 11,
the remaining Michiganensians must
be disposed of today and tomorrow.'
In case receipts have been lost the
books will be issued if identification!
is furnished, and the subscriber's
name appears on the- records of the



ON try, has a membership of about 1.
Eniployment Bureau Helps Students,
In addition the S. C. A. employment

Dr. Christophei'r G. Parnall, of the
University hospital and retiring pres-
ident of the Michign Hospital asso-
ciation, presided at the last session ofS
the association's fourth aumual meet-
ing, which began at 9 o'clock yester- t
day morning at the Union.
Dr. W. J. V. Deacon, epidemiologistr
of the state department of health at
Lansing, addressed the delegates on-t
"The Need for Hospital fteilities forc
the Care of Cases of Communicable
Diseases". Dr. W. L. Babcock, super-
intendent of Grace hospital, Detroit, I
conducted the round table discussion,x
after which the officers for the com-
ing year were elected. They will bel
as follows: president, Dr. Merrillt
Wells, superintendent of Blodgett hos-
pital, Grand Rapids; vice-presidents,
Miss Lydia Thompson, Woman's hos-
pital, Saginaw, Miss Carrie Eggert,
Woman's hospital, Detroit, and 'Misst
Josephine Halvol'son, Port Huron
hospital, Port Huron; secretary, Du-
rand W. Springer, of the University
'Homoeopathic hospital; trustees, Dr.
W. L. Babcock, superintendent of
Grace hospital, Detroit, and Dr. C. G.
Parnall, of the Univesity hospital.;
After luncheon, which was served at
the Union ait 1 o'clock, social welfare ,
workers present held a short confer-4
ence. 'The afternoon was spent in vis-x
iting the University' hospitals.
Only when the work in universityl
dramatics is unified into one system
with no confliction will there be prog-<
ress. Every university ought to main-
tain a definite policy in regard to dra-t
These opinons were expressed by
Prof. Sam Hume, of the University of
Caliofrnia, in an address on "The Uni-
versity and the Theater" given at 8
o'clock last night in Natural Science
auditorium. Professor Hume confin-
ed his topic largely to a discussion of
his work as director of the open air
theater at Berkeley, California.
"In a large university only a small
percentage of the student body boil
up to the top," said Professor Hume.
"The activities of a university are
controlled by a small minority. Stu-
dents go in for dramatics only for
the sake of' distinguishing them-
themselves. They haven't any prim-
ary interest in anything which does
not make for the best interest of dra-
matics. The university theater can-
not advance unless the students
shoulder some responsibility."
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, of the
public speaking department, was
'awarded the honorary degree of Dkc-
tor of Letters at the annual com-
mencenent of Earlham college, at
Richmond, Ind., yesterday. He will
return today to resume his duties at
the University.
Earlham is Professor Trueblood's
alma mater, where he received the

Rcbert F. Orindley, '21E, Will
Definite Selection
of Site
Mounting to $1,500, the fund d
by students yesterday went ove
top, and as a result the Mh
Fresh Air camp will become a i
this summer, the first ever atte
by the University. At the same
that the expenses of the kids at
became assured by the gifts o
dents, a telephone call was re
from Harry Carey, '20, in. D
stating that the almni of the
would furnish an amount need
secure a site and to equip the
Slogan Brings Results
Yesterday's solicitation on the
opus brought in between $959
$1,000. The Tag day slogan, ".
to, camp" proved popular. Fra
ties, soro'rties and league houses
more! than $500, which reache
goal of $1,500.
R. J. Dunne, '22, chairman o1
student committee, last night ex'
ed himself that "the students
certainly shown that they realh
merits of a Michigan camp. The
nations are going to establish a
stitution which has great pot
possibilities. Furthermore, it wi
tinctly be their own camp".
Site Not Yet Selected
A definite site has not yet be4
cured, but Robert" F. Grindley,
who is in charge, has reduced the
to several prospective locations.
certain that it will be in a wik
of the state, a good many miles
civilization, where the neglecte
kids can romp, swim, eat and
in a perfect two weeks' vacati
L. C. Reimann, '16, is to be
counsellor of this summer's ca]
will need the services of 30 sti
to act as counsellors for two
each, 10 for each camp. The kid
be brought in groups of 50, so th
will be cared for in the three r
The camp will probably open ea
July and close the first week In
tember. It is hoped next year
crease the capacity of the ca
400 kids.
Other Camps Successful
The successful camps main'
by Princeton and the Univers
Pennsylvania prompted a 1s
committee, through Student Chi
association channels, to push a
lar camp for Michigan. It ws
that the field for work is partic
full, with hundreds of kids I:
troit to choose from, who dx not
what it is to have a vacaolon
outdoors and under the super
of University men.

bureau has secured about $100,000!
"Everynation" is the title -of Senior worth of jobs for students, the
Girls', play to be given' on Tuesday "Y" Inn has furnished a large num-
evening, June 28, pt the Whitney the- ber with board at a nominal rate, the
ater. Prof. J. L. Brumm, of the rhet- Freshman handbook was printed, and
oric department, author and director a reading room has been kept open.'
of this niece, has characterized it as A fund of $5,000 was raised among
fashioned after the morality plays of students in support of the association,
the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and alumni have also supported it
but strictly modern in situation and well.
character delineation. Proceeds from
the play will be donated to the Wom- SHAKESPEARIAN CLASSES WILL
an's building fund. PRESENT READING RECITAL
The action divides into three epi-
sodes- depicting the pilgrimage of
Everynation in search of happiness; Seventy-five students of the Shake-
the awakening, the betrayal, and the spearian reading classes will present
th wknntebtaadteI a platform recital -of the most impor-
fulfillment. Interpretative dancing is tat sceneiTlfth Nist at-
employed throughout the play. The o'nt scenes in Twelfth Night at 8
groups include' Vanities, Joys, Imps o'clock tonight in Sarah CaswellAn-
of the Night, and Suffering, and indi-a
vidual dances by ' Vanity, Whim, Fol- This is not to be a costumed per-
viyua, dances by 'Vity,'Wi, o, formance of the play and the cast
ly, Youth, beauty, Vision, Prophesy, will be changed each scene, according
Hope, and the strolling players. tolthecangemen.heewingb
The cast and choruses of "Every- to the announcement. There will be
nation" have been selected by com-no admission charged and all who are
petitive tryouts, and daily rehearsals interested are invited to attend.
are being held. Executive work for
the production is being carired on by" Adelphi Elects New Officers
a committee composed of the follow- At the last meeting of the Adelphi
ing senior women: Katrina Schermer- House of Representatives held Tues-
horn, general chairman; Aletha Yer- day evening in the club room in Uni-!
kes and Marcella Moon, assistant versity hall, the following officers were
chairmen; Irene Rosenberg, chairman elected: Preston H. Scott, '22, speAk-!
of music; Mildred Sherman, chairman er; John J. Gould, '23, clerk; Donald
of lyrics; Quinneth Summers,. cos- Cook, '23, assistant clerk; Ray Alex-
tume manager; Helen Haster, proper- ander, '23, sargeant-at-arms; Julius
ty manager; Martha Seeley, assistant; Glasgow, '23, oratorical delegate. Fol-
Alice Hinkson, program manager; lowing the election the meeting ad-
Marguerite Clark, publicity manager; journed to the Union where an inform-
Frances Oberholtzer, assistant; and al celebration in honor of the incom-



Speaking on ".Communicable
eases" at 9:30 o'clock this mo
Lynne A. Hoag, instructor in the
ical school, opens t'he fourth day'
gram of the Michigan State Leag
Nursing Education Instructors
tute which will be held at the U
sity hospital until June 17.
W. W. Warner, superintendent
east side public schools at Sa
will address the institute at 2 o
this afternoon on "Imaginatio'
Memory." A talk on "Play a:
Relation to Nursing," by Miss
Vaughan, state director of physic
ucation, will conclude the progra
the day.
The moriiing session of Friday
gram will*be devoted to clinic
discussions. - Miss Maud McClas
structor at Harper hospital, D
will address those present at 2 o
on "Value and Use *of Discip
Gertrude Judd, '21, will conclu

recetory Tryouts
niversity who wish,
torial staff of the4
tory will have anI

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