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June 03, 1921 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-06-03

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,oach Ray Fisher Makes No Predie-
tions as to Outcome of Two
Hard Contests
With the Big Ten championship as
he reward of victory in two games,
he Vareity baseball squad, 14 strong
eaded by Coach Fisher and Manager'
)on Porter, left at 10:42 last night
ver the Michigan Central on the last
:reign invasion of the year. Illinois
vill be encountered at j Urbana to-
torrow afternoon and Wisconsin on
londay at Madison. Coach Fisher
ras making no predictions as to the
iutconiQ of the trip, yesterday after-
oon and expects the hardest games
f the year, at Madison as well as at
Lundgren Drills Illinii
Carl Lundgren has been working his
llini to the limit since the game
ere last week and has no doubt cor-
ected some of the flaws in the In-
ian offense that were exposed at that
ime. It is highly probable that Lefty
arnes, star portside hurler of Lund-
ren's staff, will be sent against the
rolverines tomorrow as the Gold and
Sue mentor thinks that Barnes is the
est twirler in the Conference when
orking under favorable circumstanc-
s. It was fear that the lefthander
'ould not be abletto stand up before
hostile crowd here, that made
undgren keep him out last week.
Dixon will get first call =to the'
ound when Michigan takes the field
omorrow afternoon as the big right
ander has been the most consistently
ffective boxman Fisher has been able
a muster this spring. That he is
qual to more, than his share. of hard
ork was proven beyond a doubt by
is performance of pitching nine inn-
igs against the hardest hitting team
ichigan has faced this year, last
aturday, and then coming right back
a Monday'and going seven gruelling
inings against Wisconsin.
Protest Still Pending
With the Wisconsin protest of the
[emorial day game here still pend-
ig, the contest at Madison Monday
hould be one of the hardest fought
the season. The Badgers lost a
eartbreaking game here and are of
he opinion they can beat the Wol-

erines in their next start. The Maize
and Blue players on the other hand
feel that they were far from their
usual form in the first nine innings
of the game here -and are out to re-!
deem themselves. Liverance is the
logical man to open against the Car-
dinals, and if lie has his us~tl con-
trol will go a long way in safety.
Christianson and Paddock are both'
being primed for this game and will
probably share the pitching toil for
Coach Fisher was well fortified
against injuries among his forces
When he led the squad out of town
last night, the following men making
up the party: Van Boven, Kar-
pus, Shackleford, Perrin, Genebach,
Klein, Uteritz, * Dixon, Liverance,
Schultz, Vick, Roby, Ronan, and
3:15--Preliminaries of the outdoor in-
terclass track meet, Ferry field.

Illinois, Wisconsin, Notre Dame, and
Michigan Viewed as Strongest
Coach Steve Farrell and his track-
men left yesterday afternoon for Chi-f

be held today. Six men will quality
in the trials for each of tie finals.
Places will be awarded for the first
five places. The team is stopping at
the Hotel Del Prado, which is con-
venient to Stagg field.
All Ready For
In~erciass fleet
This Afternoon
Lverything is in readiness for the
frst bark of the starter's pistol at the

Letchie, Detroit Northwestern, vs.
Jerome, Detroit Eastern; Ohl, Tole
INScott, vs. Harris, Detroit Northeas
1 ern.
IN UU U I lerven'Doubles Tens



cago to compete in the twenty-first inter-class track meet, scheduled to
annual outdoor Conference meet begin at 3:30 o'clock. this afternoon.
which is to be held SaturdAfy at Stagg The meet gives promise of being one
field. The men who made the trip i of the best ever held here. Jerseys
are: Simmons, Losch, Butler, Lewis, will be awarded to all men winning
'Wetzel, Wheeler, Burkholder, Burns, two or more points, while first year
Standish, Douglas, Sargent, Cruik- mnn on the campus will receive yel-
shank, Walker, Dunne, Stipe, Van Or- low numerals. All pentathlon .men
den, Schmidt, Hoffman. and Burke. must be present both Friday and Sat-
The team, with the exception of the urday afternoon, and must enter the
dash men, all had a good rest yester- regular events which are also includ-
day. Steve had the sprinters out in ed in the Pentathlon. They should
the morning giving them a few help- notify the clerks of these events in
ful hints in starting. The Wolverines order that their results may be kept
will be represented in all events ex- for later computation. The only re-
cept the pole vault and two mile run. striction placed on any event will be
Due to the illness of Wesbrook, it in the two mile. Men will not be al-
was necessary to cancel this event lowed to take part in it unless they
'from the Michigan entries. have trained for it all spring and have
Three Big Ten captains will par- the ssnction of Archie Hahn. The
ticipate for their last time as repre- hammer throw is being added in order
sentatives of their schools. Larry to bring to light any possible Var-j
Butler will run his last quarter mile sity material. Entries must be made
race for Michigan, Clyde Nash will be in all events between 2 and 3:30
seen for the last time in the half o'clock this afternoon. The meet has

Michigan's first interscholastic tour-
nament got under way yesterday on
the Ferry field courts. Of the 23
singles entries eight survived the
matches of the afternoon. Six of those
remaining hail from .Detroit schools
while the other two are Toledo Scott
Tait of Detroit Central, P. JeromeJ
of Detroit Eastern, and Ohl of Toledo'
Scott, showed the best tennis yester-
day and are figured as the main con-
tenders for the title. The singles will
be continued at 10:30 o'clock this
morning. The schedule is as follows:
Feerer, Detroit Northern, vs. F. Jer-
ome, Detroit Eastern; Tait, Detroit
Central, vs. Staley, Toledo Scott; Me-

The first round of the doubles w
be run off at 2 o'clock this afternoo
Eleven teams are entered. Followh
the first round of the doubles the ser
final, matches in the singles will
played. This will leave the finals
the singles and the semi-finals a
finals of the doubles to be finished
Following are the results of yeste
day's matches: First round-Tait, I
troit Central, beat Moore, Flint, 7
6-1; Biederman, letroit Southeaste:
beat Moriya, Ann Arbor 6-0, 6-
Kaufman, Detroit Central, beat Ro
Flint, 6-1, 6-0; Staley, Toledo Seo
beat Hoagland, Detroit Northwestei
6-4, 6-4; Zemon, Detroit Northern, be
Rose, Detroit Northwestern, 3-6,6
6-4; P. Jerome, Detroit Eastern, be
.Stranad, Highland- Park, 6-2,.6-0; M,
(Continued on Page Eight)

3 :1J-Finals of the interclass
meet, Ferry field.





Yesterday 's Games

and others
We have a complete line of
Hiking Ridini and Sport Breeches
.for men and women.
Munson Army Shoes, Cordovan and Wrap Puttees,

American League
New. York 7, St. Louis 2.
Cleveland 8, Boston 4.
DIetroit 5, Philadelphia 4.
National League
New York 7, Pittsburgh 0.
Cincinnati 8, St. Louis 5.
No other games played.

mile as a Wisconsin runner , while
Johnny Prescott will complete his
three years of track at Illinois in the
According to available dope, the
meet will be a great four cor'nered
fight between Illinois, Wisconsin,
Notre Dame, and Michigan. It is con-
ceded that these teams are the strong-
est cont'enders, but the unexpected
may occur as teams of inferior cali-
ber may cut in on the stronger teams
for the necessary points.
Because of the large number of en-
tries, the dashes and mile run will

been so arranged that no man will be
forced to run in two events without
a brief rest.
The following is the program for
this afternoon: 100 yard trials, 120
high hurdles trials, 100 yard semi-fin-
als, 120 high hurdles semi-finals, 220
dash trials, 220 low hurdles trials, 220
yard semi-finals, 220 low hurdles semi-
finals, 440 trials, shot, discus, ham-
mer, javelin, high jump and broad'
jump. The Pentathlon consists of the
following five events: shot, discus,
broad jump, 1'00 yard dash, and half

Khaki and 0.

D. Shirts, Suits and Rain Coats.


Waseda Loses to Harvard
Waseda, which will furnish the Var-
sity competition in the Commencement
week games, lost to Harvard, 6-5, in a
10 inning game Friday, May 27. Al-
though the invading team collected 10
hits to the Crimson's 7, they seemed
to experience difficulty in getting the
tallies around the paths.
A new style of shirt, woven madras,
white with fine stripes, low attach-
ed collar, double buttoned cuffs, $3.00.
Davis Toggery Shop, 119 South Main
Did you ever try using The Daily as
a Shopping Directory? Satisfaction is
at your command if you patronize our

Army Blankets, Barracks Bags, Tents, Mess Cans,
Field Hats, Compass, Pbnchos, Underwear, Socks,
It will pay you to get our prices

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h.. - emu

Monotony is the bane of one's
existence, and variety that which
makes for zest. More important,
perhaps, than you think in the food
you eat. That's why we strive to
avoid menu-monotony which, while
it may not be unhealthful, is certainly
displeasing to the taste; therefore, en-
tirely out of place in our establishment

Exceptional Value
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If you want first-class materials
and skilled tailoring. If you want right style and real
fit-that will stay. If you want clothes that will be
an investment in good appearance, you'll find a favor-
t4 able "buy" in
Good Suits
The price is based on the lower
price levels current this spring. It's your opportunity x
to get all the good qualities you are entitled to in the
suit you expect to wear.
i{42.Tb.Hose KuPnhan.m Other suits at $35-$40
N. F. Allen Co.
-the house of Kuppenheimer good clothes



The Arcade Cafeteria is Upstairs
in Nickels Arcade. Fingerle's
is at 322 South State Street




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