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Initia tion Today
"n' lit elections to the Student.B L ,
council 'Will be held from 10 to 3:30 UPILLDDruids, senior literary honorary so-LP ICATIONhIP TR
o'clock tomorrow at the voting booth ciety, will hold its annual initiation
in front of the Library. The nominees IJ2O 0 this afternoon in the grove near the
are as follows: Rufus A. Bailey, F, Drollowing the ceremonies in the
Morrison Heath, Walter B. Rea, P. H. grove, the neophytes will be th
Scott, George N. Welsh, Robert S. Wie- N BATTLE ENDS IN OVER. guests of the Druid members at a EDITORS AND ANAERS-
.- WHELMING VOTE FOR banquet in the Union, after which the BULLETIN ANNOUNCE APPOINT.
Hake._PASSAGE secrets of the order will be given to I MENTS
the initiates. (Via Cornell Daily Sun)
JLD MEASURE NOW AWAITS Ithaca, N. Y., May 23.-Walter RO.
L U IIL U IU IARETA ADTS papi, Wh Oaperated ..N AIE A LS
RPAfor appendicitis here Saturday,
Par S Final Form Provides for Dudes an is in good condition tonight. The I Quartette Sings at Annual Ga
CAS More Than S Farm operation was fery serios and * of Publication
Products C BO Enecessitated the use of drain- . Staffs
uction of "god, Peace and Bread Needs of ag tubes, His temperature and
the pos- World," Says Y. M. C. A. Leader Washngon, May 23. - The long ~ pulse are iormal tonight Publicity must serve a thi
low next at Union Services battle in congress over the emergency Union Musical Organizations Secure purpose if it is to fulfill its
acterized tariff bill was ended today *hen the Acts for Entertainment the University, President Mari
rall di- house, by a vote of 247 to 97, adopted Thursdy T rBurton told the 300 workers
ighl di- SETS CHARACTER STANDARDS the conference report to which the W imsies rops
ighly im- iOF campus publications at the t
to now, . FOR LIFE IN UNIVERSITY senate already had agreed. The CAMPUS wflL SEE BOTH NEW * given for them in the assemb
ts would measure was sent to the White House, AND OLD COMEDIAN TALENT yed Of .intystery of the Union last night by the
se of the "Am I honest? Am I morally in where it was expected to be signed in Control of Student Publical
ave it as earnest? Am I pure?" by President Harding, soon after his That three-fold purpose, Pr
return from New, York. Comedy skits, impersonations an (By S. T. B) Ta he-odproe
would not These are the three touchstone of Burton said, is to develop a re
by thishrtg ryThe emergency measure passed in novelty 4numbers will constitute the With its third issue, "Whimsies," the it of unity in the instituton-,
bythichactern aonGg u eriy sE , the closing days of the last session major portion of the program of the manuscript-typed publication which vate the standards, of student 1
aach , M..C. A.student worker and secre- andwas vetoed by President Wilson concert to be given by the Musical has appeared on the campus during establish the right kind of c
n t ee)t y fr ., .A sa, w o r~p ke rla ds ni ho cet o e gi en by henuiclbut im m ediately re-introduced with criticis ndss to givehan accu
interfere tary for Asia, who spoks last night,-in clubs of the Union Thursday evening the second semester of this year, has consciousness through const
the spot, Lane hall on the subject, "Campus the opening at the present extrsesin Hill auditorium. sched- cast off the mysterious state of itsm and to give anacur
UO exten- Problems"s Althughterpretaton of the University
lding be- New Men Needed As finally passed, it carried tariff uled as a musical club entertainment, former anonymity and has emerged, alumni, the people of the .sta1
iseussing "New new duties on 30 odd products o the the ensemble numbers will be held in printed and bound, as a full-fledged the large body of freshmen w
m rwornd which is before us. Each of farjns together with confscato- du the background. literary magazine. With the May num- ter the University each year.
cenemo- wrdwhc;sbeoeu. aho
the hO- us must ask himself, 'Am I fit to be ties on the articles manufactured Chief among these novelty acts will ber also comes the answer to the Not Expenen Alone
Parnall one of these men?' from them. It also empowers the be the attraction offered under the query as to those who were responsi- President Burton warned th
Ld proba- "Am I honest?" In personal honor, secretary of the' treasury to employ title, "The Big Four", in which will ble for fostering the rather unusual licaton workers that, while the
tients to and our on penalties in staving off of foreign be featured the popular quartette propect. The personnel of the board gain a certain amount of exp
the noise campus we mast live up to standard. goods composed of Kemp Keena, S. of M., is Yuki G. Osawa, Grad., Doris Grcey; through the work, they must
msome. Dishonest professionalism in athlet- Tom Underwood. '23L, Albert Schir- '21, Helen E. Master, '21, Stella Brunt, mind these purposes if their -
ht tism is a problem especially menacing i 1 mer, '22E, and Paul Wilson, '21. This '22, Hope E. Stoddard, '23. An an- to be truly successful in the a
chairman' throughout the West, according to the SNIOLu act promises to introduce something nouncement affixed to the editorial ing of Michigan. He express
cite frm pa hroug DornheiWst, ccoringfoathionL
,ttee for speaker. Drinking, too, received its r entirely out of the ordinary in the column announces the names of Lyn- satisfaction with the mann
that in shaie of criticism. Since America i Mline of vocal entertainment with don Babcock, '22, and Clement Smith, which the various publication
s by far in the van in the fight for temper- " .JUI enough vaudeville to insure variety. '23, to take the places which will be been conducted the past year,
0ea, Ann ance, it is not quite honest for us, the -ooch? left vacant this year by graduation. concluding, briefiy outlined 1
features privileged,to overstep the law, is Mr. Wilfred B. Shaw, secretary of the Another act that should produce Clement Smith Wins Prize sion of what Michigan ought to
ments to Eddy's opinion. Alumni association, will explain in exceptional novelty is the comedy Interesting is the announcement is to be.
Sincerity of Individual Stressed / detail plans for permanent organiza- skit entitled "The Moonshine Act". also, that the prize of a copy of the Prof. Fred N. Scott, chairma
"Am I in earnest?" Sincerity in ath- tion of the class of '21 as alumni, and This number and all other dramatic "Oxford Book of English Verse," of- Board in Control of Stu'dent P
letics, in our studies, and especially a secretary from the class of '21 will acts of the performance are under fered for the best poem to be sub- tions, acted as toastmaster. Ge
in moral character and religious life, be elected at the senior lit meeting the personal supervision of B. Morti- mitted during the year has been BrophyJr., 22L, retiring editor
Day was urged. "We must not let our- at 4 o'clock this afternoon in Room men Shuter, Union dramatic rector. awarded to Clement Smith, '23. "Mal- Dai)y, discussed the position
seles student editr, and voiced is
selves deserve the epithet of slack- 405, Mason hail.'- W. W. Ottaway, '23, is scheduled to lards in February" is the name of the stiont pir of vic
ers." , ' t"Much depends on the present sen- present a short act of impersonations poem, which is printed in "Whim- ciation of the spirit of sevi
"Am I pure?' Excesses in linpu- ior class for the future strength of which is also expected to produce sies" this month. 1ating those who serve on tl
ity not only ruin a man's body, said the alumni body, and for this reason originality and Ladd novelty to the An editorial announcement char- lications.
atioi so Mr. Eddy, but extend. their influence every senior should be present at this show. acterizes the third issue of this liter- Work Valuable, Says Gain
'we shall to his family and even to society in meeting to hear what Mr. Shaw has Short Show ary periodical as unique in Michigan Le Grand A. Gaines oJ., 11E
e war so general. to say," said Fred J. Petty, '21, pres- Theentire program asplannedwill and well it may be sogerof The
together" "High standards in all our inter- ident of the senior literary class, yes- last only an hour and a half, it be- considered, for it i.made up entirely rtie a 'aefet ha 1
Harding ests should be ou r aim." : terday afternoon. ing the desire of the committee in of poetry. In explanation of thisfact, ime age to the effect .thateh
survivors The invitation committee will re- charge 'to make the entertainment the editors express their desire to red training on one ofthe
tre- "4od, cry- t when invitations are to be ready short as well:as novel. Tickets will awakenin their readers to the know- cations throughout four years
Lental peace, and bread are the cypor, ivttosray elTces aaeigln otebnft eie r
ing needs of the modern world," said and will give out information rela- go on sale on the campus this morn- edge of "how much really good verse yent to the benefits derived fr
was his Sherwood Eddy, in his address, "ps- tive to obtaining ticekts for corn- ing and 41ill be 50 cents each. is being written at Michigan," but year in aschool
the day ent Social and Industrial Problems mencement. The memorial commit- they add that their original ideal has Tse managing editors-elet
rial serv- Around the World" at the final Union tee will submit several plans for a EXAM SCHEDULES not been changed and that next year publications outlinedtpr
the great services program Sunday night in class memorial and one willbe de- FOR LITS AR E OUT their policy will be a continuance of the coming year and announ
Hill auditorium. "We need God cided upon by taking a vote. the present one, the offering of an out- staff appointments. The G
most, because if we have the spirit Petty has been requested to an- let for "student literary expressions in quartette sang several selectio
and Ger- of ,God we shall have peace, and nounce that seniors who, expect to Final examinations in the literary all forms."
mDercial peace will give us bread." graduate must pay their diploma fee college have been arranged and Long List of Contributors ing the banquet.
red tan- Mr. Eddy pleaded for a new atti- at the treasurer's office before June 1 schedules are ready for distribution It is impossible to list here the re- Appointments
t. By this tude toward present day problems, in order to receive their diploma on at the office of Registrar Arthur t. markably long list of contributors to staff as announced byyBree
;s to. the saying that the solution of them lies the day of graduation, and also that Hall. Every student is required to "Whimsies," or to catalogue the names Campbell, 2 anaginy et
risdiction in the doctrine of Christ. These doc- only those seniors whp have paid their take the final examination in every of the surprisingly excellent poems w ere, iam anaging edite
f the ob- trines rest on three primary princi- class dues can attend the class banquet. course elected. No examination can which are'printed in this number. Lit Hugh W. Hitchcock, 22;chair
the Ver- ples, personality, brotherhood, and be changed from the time given In tie more can be added than to state, Htgh b toa, 22; Whairy
ina, and service. Connected with these on an DIPLOMA FEES MUST BE PAID the following schedule without spe- in full agreement with the editors, Ct ontinued n Page Eighy
expenses almost paralel plane are liberty, ins- TO TREASURER BEFORE JUNE 1 cial permission of the standing com- that the magazine is a revelation for ___________PagE__
tice and responsibility. The sum of mittee of the faculty, nor will a stu- the campus, demonstrating as it does
them all lies in the golden rule. By order of the Board of Regents, dent be allowed to take examinations that Michigan is. not entirely a com-
et for the ,Human Factor Essential the diploma fee. of those who take a at special ti es or to change sec- mercialized machine for putting out UIu -i:
isi were "A system that eliminates the hu- degree or receive a teacher's di- tions. trained men and women, but that a
light by man factor, works on the idea of mu- ploma or business administration Examinations will begin at 9' o'clock true understanding of the deeper val-
ge in an tual distrust, and upholds a selfish certificate at Commencement must be IMonday, June 13, in accordance with ues of literature and of life is being
nd twen- miaterialism, is certainl not as work- paid not later than 4 o'clock Wednes- the following schedule. Afternoon ex- awakened.
on of the able as the Christian system," he de- day afternoon, June 1. There will he aminatidns will take place at 2 Prof. John ieterle, who fa
n lared. The conclusion of the lecture no exceptions to the rule that the fee o'clock. sIserved on the teaching staff
was a plea to "seek the Kingdom must' be actually in the, hands of the Monday classes-at 8, second Mon- Glerm department for 22 ea
for itself first",. treasurer at the close of business day morning; at 9, first Tuesday .1 JUU LIUL at his Whitmore lake home
her mass President Marion L. Burton, in - June 1. morning; at 10, second Tuesday; at morning after a lingering J114
to Amer- troducing the speaker, said that Mr. Proper cards may be secured at the 11, first Monday morning; at 1, sec- the age of 59.
enace to Eddy had probably caused more stu- offices of the secretaries of the vari- ond Thursday,-morning; at 2, first y Born .in Ann Arbor July 8, 1
dents to think than any other speak- ous colleges, which must be-filled out Friday morning; at 3, first Thursday was educated in the city school
er in America. correcly before being presented to the afternoon. "Christianity does not stand or fall at Elmhurst college, Eln0hur
C. Stewart Baxer, '21, president of treasurer. All'seniors are urged to pay Tuesday classes-at 8, first Satur- on a belief in evolution," said the and at Eden seminary, of the
the Student Christian association, this fee, $10, as soon as possible be- day morning; at 9, first Thursday Rev. Allyn K. Foster, of the Northern gelical synod, St. Louis, Mo. 1I
who presided at the service, present- fore June 1. morning; .at 10, first Monday after- Baptist convention, who spoke before entered the ministry, in which
Yoleorine ed his report of the work done dur- noon; at 11; first Saturday after- the open forum Sunday evening in ity he served for 12 years.
today for ing the last year. Robert F. Grind- Classes Adjourn to Watch PArade noon; .at 1, first Wednesday morning; Hill auditorium i refutation of Professor Dieterle received tI
Itle tro- ley, '21E, chairman of the University Many classes were temporarily ad- at 2, second Wednesday morning; at William Jennings Bryan's recent ar- gree of master of arts from t
ime from service committee, also presented a journed yesterday while professors 3, second Wednesday afternoon., tile attacking Darwinism. "The Bible versity after studying here a
as on the report of the work of his committee. and students alike gazed in mingled Consolidated classes-French 2 (all is a religious work, not a scientific Germany. After 'this he took
effective - Invited to Return awe and amusement at the multi- sections), second Monday afternoon; text-book. Any effort to align sci- duties, in the German depart
s able to Rev. Allyn K. Foster, of the North- colored wagons and the "elephants Spanish 2 (all sections), second Mon- ence against religion is futile, since Professor Dieterle is surv
se of the ern Baptist convention delivered the and the kangaroos" in the circus pa- day afternoon; rhetoric 2 (all sec- the two are utterly different." one son, a sister, and seven b:
up. prayer and scripture rading. rade yesterday afternoon. tions), second Tuesday afternoon; his, After Mr. Foster's exposition of his A short funeral service will t
mitted the According to T. S. Evans, secretary Grave old seniors and newly eman- tory 2, 2a, 2b, first Wednesday after- point of view, a number of persons at 10 o'clock Wednesday at hi
fie t ,es. of the S. C.. A., President Burton has cipated freshmen both forgot the ob- noon; economics 1, 39, 47, first Tues- took the floor and a lively discusion at Whitmore lake, after wh
also per. invited Mr. Eddy to return to Ann Ar- ligations required oft those of their day afternoon; psychology 7, second ensued. The speaker's broad view- body will be taken to the b
bind the bor next year for a series of meet- status while once again they cheered Tuesdiy afternoon; mathematics C, point was attacked by several in the his brother at 214 South Fouri
sr tame. Ings. No definite time has yet been the clowns and laughed at the antics 1, 1E, 2, 2E, 51 (all sections), first Iaudience, who maintained that Bry- nue, Ann Arbor,'where friends
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