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May 22, 1921 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-05-22

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No. 153




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In Campus Tunnel
Is Full 'Of'Thrills
Jaunt Through ;uge Heating Tube First Scorihes Investigator, Then Star-
ties Him by terminating in Picturesque Bone Pile-And, of Course,
the Lights Went Out
(By J. P. Dawson, Jr.)
Not to many stud'ents, as they sit in warm classrooms or pass by night
through the lighted hallways and study halls of University buildings, does
the thought occur that the source of these apparent and long-accepted con-
veniences of heat and light is a huge, complicated system, passing far be-
neath the founddtions of our campus buildings and including in its rami-
fications all except a few of the, most distant ones? But the most miirsory,
exatnination of the University heating tunnel reveals its complications and
the variety of its functions; an organization of great size and of vital im-
portance in supplying with heat and 'power a University the size of Mich-
The tunnel starts from-the University power plant situated on Wash-
ington, street in the rear of the Dental building. Large turbines, furnaces,
and compressed air pumps, fully equipped with powerful modern machin-
ery, generate the heat, electricity, and compressed air that must be poured
into the tunnel to serve the University's needs. From the plant the pipes
pass up to East University avenue under the Dental building to the east
of Waterman and Barbour gymna-
siums, and then into the substation
between Waterman gymnasium andM i J8
the Medical building. From the sub- See ropaganda
station, which projects well above the
ground, the tunnel returns again to In German ims
its former level, passing in an exten- -
sive are around the campus and send- (By Frances Oberhioltzer)'
ing forth offshoots for the buildings The fifty-seventh variety of German
that are out of its regular course. meance is now in our midst. German

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Under the Medics
The main pipes lead directly under-
neath the Medical building to the en-
gineering shops, there connecting up
with the old' system of tunnels that
radiated out from the old power house,
then lead down in back of the Library
and under the Physics laboratory, and
turn at 'Tappan hall. Side-lines at'
this point coninect with the Preside. t's
house, Martha, Cook dormitory, Alumni
Memorial building, and the Michigan
Union. From the turn at Tappan hall
the main tunnel continues past the
Museum, underneath University hall
and the Law building, swinging around
to go past the Natural, Science and
Chemistry buildings, and cutting the,
corner-by the gymnasiums back to the
substation, the distributing center.
The plan is thus a huge ellipse, pass-
ing through, the heart of the -canpus
and -bringing the conducting pipes
back to be replenished through the
mani tunnel to the generating system
of the power plant.
At the start of my trip in the tunnel
the guide led the way through the
main room of the power plant, show-
ing the huge machinery in shining ar-
ray at their work of generating the
electricity and heat. From there he
passed on down through the heart of
the building, past the huge funnels
that were pouring forth their heat into
- the tunnel below. Then down some
more, till it seemed as though we were
passing through a mine instead of to
a mere tunnel. Finally; we reached1
the entrance, a large hole about eight
feet square, well lighted by a stringA
of incandescent lamps that stretched
for some distance before us. On one
side were suspended a maze of pipes
that contained, so the guide an-
nounced, the heat, electricity, steam,
and compressed air that the tunnel
conducted to the buildings of the cam-
Main Pipe Is a Whopper
The main heating pipe, 20 inches in
diameter, occupies by far the largest
space on the wall of the tunnel. Next
in. size are the high and low pressure
steam pipes, carrying supplies for use+
in laloratories and in heating many
of the buildings. A small condensed
air pipe also runs through the tun-'
nel, appearing pigmy in size beside
its huge companions, and intended
to regulate the supply of heat by a
thermostatic arrangement. The main
return pipe, eight inches in diameter,
(Continued on Page Four)

films to the number of 300 have been
exported to the United States, with
the "made in Germany" mark not so
conspicuous as in ante bellum days.
Captions and titles have been changed
to meet the taste of the Arferican
movie fan. And of course, charges
of "propaganda" and "destructive
competition" have been raised by pro-
ducers zin thi country.
"Passion" aind "Deception" are two
of the best known films of German
make now showing in this country.
"Du Barry" was the title of the for-
mer when shown abroad, "Anne Bo-
teyn" that of the latter. Their stories
are founded on French and English
history. The "calamity howlers'
claim that these pictures were de-
sigued -"to present in a bad light" the
nations which fought against Germany'
in the late war.
The Poor "Infants"
Protection for the "infant" Ameri-
cin industry is asked of. Congress in
behalf of more than 60,000 workers in
this field whose livelihood is said t
be threatened. It is charged that since
the German producers can put out
their pictures so much more cheaply1
than American interests, there should
be a high tariff for protection.. Wil-
liam A. Brady, president of the Na-
tional Associatio4 of the Motion Pic-.
ture Industry, denies the need for pro-
tection, but urges a reprisal tariff
against Germany inasmuch as an em-,
bargo exists there against United
States films.
Prof. John L. Brumm, of the rhet-
oric department, who has lately given
attention to the motion picture in his
class in literary criticism, sees in Ger-
man competition a possible uplift of
the cinema 'drama in this country,
rather than the menace which the pro-
ducers fear. He thinks the movie in-
dustry too highly developed and pros-
perous to come under the "infant"
class on the' tariff question.
May Help Our Pictures
"The American public has been edu-
cated to look for the spectacu ar only
in the large, widely advertised pro-
ductions. If the German producer can
make his films artistic at less cost it
should be incentive toward better pic-
tures from our own studios. The Ger-
man people have achieved high artis-
tic excellence in their drama; music
and poetry, and may set an example to
our directors in the development of a
b'etter art in the motion picture," is
his statement.

It is our privilege, in this twentli
century of so-called culture and :
finement, to be living in an age wh:
is reacting strenuously to a new fo
of literature distinguished by th
who are prone to classify and list
movements of any sort, from oth
classes and schools of writing-inch
ing realism-by the term "naturalisi
We hear much of it today. It is
fiected in our novels, in our short s
Ties, and finally in our dramatic j
erature, and it is this particular pha
of the subject which is pertinent
the present discussion of campus d
matics-their function in their pres
states, and in the ultimate aim wh
they should attempt to achieve.
Naturalism Akin to Theatre
Naturalism is peculiarly akin to 1
theatre, for it is there, more than ax
wher else, that the movement-whi
is primarily a Continental one-:
ceived its primary impetus. Studex
of the movement are practically agre
that Ibsen was its instigator, and"F
lars of Society," written in 187,
pointed out to be the first of the pl
which was constructed along thei
technique. The French took it
early in the next decade, where Becq
with "Les Corbeaux," in 1882, d
nitely blazed the trail for the fine nm
uralistic literature which has co
from that country.
But enough for the history of t
movement. The significant point
us is contAthed in the fact that duri
the last ten years-perhaps a lit
longer-America has taken up I
movement with a vengeance, and.
its "Little" 'or "Community" theati
-they are known by various name
naturalism especially along the di
of the one-act play has received a n
lease, on life whic gives promise
a worthy future.
William Archer, England's great
liviig dramatic critic, who has sp
some time in this country of late
perintending the production ofi
latest play, has been greatly interesi
in the movement and prophesies mu
for it in the coming years.
And now for,.the application of ti
rather lengthy introduction to t
campus of the University of- Michiga
Those who are interested in the dral
here may note, in the alumni of t
University, a striking paucity of na
prominent in the dramati world.'
be sure, there Is Avery Hopwood
perhaps there are others, but they
not come to mind now. At least, t
(Continued on Page Three)
Initial Festival
(By S. B. Coates)
With the performance of Verd
"Aida" last night in Hill audito in
Dr. A. A. Stanley made his last pub
appearance as director of the Unive
sity Choral Union, an organizati
which he has conducted for, the p
33 years.
The first organization at Miehig
of the nature of rthe present Cho
Union was simply a group of perso
interested in the singing of small cl
ral works. No outside talent was us

for the solo parts, and few concei
were given.
In 1888 Dr. Stanley came to A
Arbor as Professor of Music. In t:
year the University Musical soci(
was reorganized with Dr. Stanley
director, a position which he st
holds. 'The membership of the 'Cho
Union was then increased to 300 me
bers, including townspeople as well
(Continued on Page Two)

(By Bill Ottaway)
"Not new in principle and appar-
ently poorly selected and unstandard-
ized," are the phrases usedtto charac-
terize' the Thomas A. Edison mental
examinations by Prof. Guy M. Whif.-
ple, of the education department.;
These examinations have been given
to aspiring emiployees of the electrical
wizard, and they have been the sub-
ject of much press discussion of late.
Professor Whipple is peculiarly
qualified to express an opinion of the
Edison Nests, for he has had years of
experience in the field of psycholog-
'ical testing nd has directed the men-
tal examination of employees of a
group of large American business
firms, ampong them the H. J. Heinz
company, the American Multigraph
company, the Burroughs Adding Ma-
chine company, the Armstrong Cork
company, the Commonwealth Edison
company, the Westinghouse Electric
company, and several big life insur-
ance companies of the United States.
Idea Not New
"The idea of such a test as Edison's
is not new," declares Professor Whip-
ple. "Psychologists have used 'range
of information' tests for years as a
way of measuring general ability. I
published, for instance, a Manual of
Tests in 1910 in which I described a
'range of information' test of my own
devising that determined extent of
acquaintance with 100 fields of knowl-
edge and human activity.
"A properly constructed test of this
sort gives an excellent idea of the gen-

eral stock of knowledge of the indi-
vidual. But you must prepare the test
carefully and sensibly. There must be
no hit or miss work, no guessing at
the questions to be asked. It is also
possible, of course, to select questions
so as to test knowledge in a more
limited field or for some special pur-
pose. Thus, I assisted some time ago,
in the preparation of a rapid test of
knowledge of accountancy which was
to be tried by the Burroughs Adding
Machine company in the selection. of
their salesmen. It was simple and
brief. The individual taking the test
simply checked in the margin a plus'
or minus sign. according to the truth
or falsity of some 50 statements."
What Should They Knowl
According to. Professor Whipple,
whether Thomas A. Edison has com-
piled a set of questions which are a
proper sampling of a man's knowledge
depends on what Thomas A. Edison's
employees need to know.
"Mr. Edison," says Professor Whip-
ple, "must find out by trial a standard
score for his test. The newspaper ac-
counts seem to imply that. he has in
his own mind a theoretical 100 per
cent efficiency. He assumes apparent-
ly that applicants for his jobs should
know these things. But should they?
Only proper statistical analysis of test
results and efficiency on the job can
make sure"
Mr. Edison is credited with th
statement: "Men who have gone
through college I find to be amaz-
ingly ignorant., They don't seem tol

know anything."
Professor Whipple has proved many
times- by his mental tests given to ap-
plicants for positions in big American
firms that the college graduate stands
up much better in the examinations
than the non-college man. This is ds
evident as the fact that the stock of
knowledge of the college freshman .is
superior to that of the high school
freshman, he says.
"The college graduate is unquestion-
ably superior to the non-college grad-
uate in any reasonable 'range of in-
formation test,'" states Professor
Whipple. "It would be a farce if it
were not so. What would be the use
of a college education if a man had,
not gained greater knowledge through
the pursuit of that education?
"But an unreasonable information
test becomes moreor less absurd," he
says. "Anyone could devise a set of
questions that a wise man could not
answer. I imagine many students feel
this way when they attack the finals
set by their instructors. If Thomas
A. Edison wishes to give mental ex-
aminations to men entering his shops,
and also wishes to determine the stat-
us of the college graduate in those
tests, all lie has to do is to draw up
a reasonable tist of questions and give
those questions to lequal groups of col-
lege and non-college men of the s'ame
age and of the same social class. The
overwhelming superiority of the col-
lege graduate in the field of general'
knowledge will then manifest itself
clearly and positively."

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