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May 01, 1921 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-05-01

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In nnn nnn mi-r nr tmrnnu

rnv arrt oPf t. ,-rinf,.r on in, rox-



Coblenz, April 14.-(B
pay of a second lieut
American army on the]R
alent at present rates of
t a of M r h l I c.salary is 33,000 francs.
tenant in the American

jALgil! Doranicai jie s y g*U Uz11,11 UH p1 1n,111m11mrN muera e
LUUUU U uIVIHR pert s including labor leaders, range
T4,10h fom 3 .0001.000 to 5,000.000 persons.
OCH'SPA~ ein IThis V 5 WeekYSIIj~[R orsomchnmlymnso
OCH' Pffr ,isUV 09U 'S M9Eup ferom t f hNew y4ork, nIllilnois, Penusyl-
Adrian P. Wezel, new head gardenerj vania, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin,
RAEMKSat the University botanical garden, EASTERN AND CENTRAL VESTEN and Ohio, wh~lile practicaly every, state
RICAN' will conduct a series of experiments STATES LEAD IN NTIBER east of the Miississijpi river and north
II with the evenin'g primrose and with- OF UNEM~PLOYED - of t he Aison and Dixon line is se-i
pepper plants, tomatoes and sumac ;1/ rious ly atffected by the wave that has,
ly Mil.)Thethis summer in conjunction with Prof.
tenati)Th HalyH Batetdicorfthe (By Associated ,Press) swpt over the country during the last
tenan in he Hrle He frstlet iller f he hicago, April 30. -Sli ghtly morejyear. The reports indicate that thet
Thn s *garden. Terrt=etwl estarted, iuhnin these nmore densely popu-
Ri euiv-oerytis )nhwthteee~gthan 2,000,000 will be unemployed in atdste I goigmraue
fexchange, to early this month withinktherevenjug
Marshal Foch's prinrose as the subject. Hater in thej 19 st at es of the Union when May (lay, dai ly.
A second lieu- month the other, experiments will be is ushered in tomorrow, according to The report of the Uited States gov-
forces in Ger- begun. estimnates given, to the Associated einecnt onllploymlent service showed
a year which it, is lplanned to have 30,000 young Fress by government, labor, state,. and that on January 1' of this year the lead-
up to ab~out eveninig primrose plants r'eady for the : indlustrial officials, lugn cities of the country wvith a popu-
exchange of 14 test by Wednesday of this week. The A large percentage of those who are tlift ion of 312,560,95". had a total of
he dollar, the purpose of the investigation is a study unable to obtain work are in the big, 1,802,70.5 uneml~ployed and subsequent
's about 33,350 of the process of mutation, the .name industrial sections of the eastern and bulletins issued by this service indi-
given to sudden variations from its central states, included in these 19 cate that this number has increased
eceives $36 a kind in a growing plant. The experi- states from which unemployed figures somewhat in' these cities during the
80; a sergeant, ments ,4wvill be continued throughoutj could be obtained, but reports from last four months..
rgeant, $74.20,.ithe summer and fall, the other 29 states where figures were W4hile the unemiploymient extends to
ayence has to Mtiembers of the faculty of the botany, unobtainable, all how that unemploy- the west and south, yet in the reports
Lines a day; a, department and students in the grad- meat exists and the estimated unem- fo h omra eie oeo

optimism prevails for a resumption of 'as the centers of. t
buasiness activity that would speedily wave. bIn the coup
do away with the unemployment, while r'eports fromn experts
in the south the situation does not proximat4ely ' 250,000
applear to be of a serious nature and are out' of work.'
reports state that when the agricul-
tural work is in full swing the surplus Columibia, iniversil
of labor wiJll be small. ~ addition to her it
ENew York City, Philadelphia, Chi- give it the largest
cago, Detroit, and Cleveland stand out the world.
999- _

$63; a
The Fi
be corm
to 65 r
call So;
city off
you W.

receives $2,120a
allotments bring
At the rate ofe'
and a half to tl
llieutenant draws
a yea.
buck private re
a corpor'al,'$51.8
,nd a technicalse
'rench poilu 'at M,
tent with 75 cent]

This No.'

,al received 90 centimnes and a .uate school who are doing research'
,nt two francs, work in botany will assist in the series
ithe rate. of exchange about 60 of investigations. Many interesting re-
mlarks to the dollar, the Ameri-; sults have ben 'obtained, in similar in-
Ldier in Germany draws a larger vestigations carried on, in previous
th'an many of' the high 'German' summers, and botanical journals'
!icials. The American soldier in throughout the country .usually giye
iblenz area lives better than the prominence to the' findings.
e borgeois family of France or,
,ny. Re3por~ts Fight by Wireless
jPittsburgh, Pa., April 30.---The
.t anything? If you want whatI Pittsburgh Post recently set a new
ant, when you wanf it, use a achievement in newspaper enterprise
Ad in the Michigan Daily.-Adv.j by reporting a prize fight by wireless.

at last

. a u a j u gree,

the essence of, Goodness

In Ice Cream Lies' In

The 'labor

ICertainly has got the flavor
Victor Record Specialsll.

AThepato_,k .a ~~' They had witnessed the most sensiational photal5#
;clim ax that: ever <r Ledacaar c -.cosnsEne% h t raise the hair on a m~an's head and}
{y }the man out ofhis ,ea.'p/-%UN-ERLD.
"O t LS iA . 'ia r . T i fr 3 l/ .0 -ne c n t _en u m era te t m u ltitu d e o f virtU es in th e film .__ O ne hou ld really see th
pfcture. It is uniquze and a gre:at' I "-A MicN
"Big thrills and river ice crash. The* most thrilling' scene ever shown -tin the. screen. The
s3Uspense is overwhealmng', partly bccausecfthe "onlookers realize that there is no false about it. Mr.
Griffith produce's pictures of_startling, e)auty that suggest famous landscapes paintedI by masters.'-'
,"Mr. Griffith, with une.-rring insti nct, has played up the appeal to the 'elemental emotions. Hi
p icture is full-of c- quisite~y beautiful Scenes, needing no cok~lr to reve d thei~r perfection." E-V1NG
"It is not ofte n that a' audience stands to cheer a motion picture. But it happened at, the Fciry
fourth Street Theatre. The audience reand' cheered. Some of the settings are wondrously beat,
tiful, 'the scertes in the snowstormns bei b; most rea listic. '-YOMMERCIAL.
"The'audience sat in rapture to swatch its -unfolding." Of the hubbub .which~ followed the ice=
rm scene at the en, d5'any audience wbu ld havxrcheered it-.and all audiences will."---TIMES.,
"t had the spectators standing azndc'cheering. As- ,many generations of the future will be'
charmed an-d thr lied by the sh-<.o - shine as have 'wept, applauded andl chuckled over the. stage play.
It is diff'icult to recall anyt±lirn:g Criff ith ever did whioh has xniore punch than this lore sustained, breath
saaking scene on the ice."---WORLD.
-"Most amazing spectacle ever seen, on land or sea or moving picture screen. Brought tie~'
audience -to its feet in spontaneous .shout of appreciation. . . Malch rural' comedy.. Will be
cheered from coast t~o coast and in many different tongues and accents across the water."-'AL SON1ISMJZ 'HI
"The audience received a thrI the like of which has not been felt since the Claftstnar~
rode over the hills in 'Th .- Birth of aNto' To describe the acting of Lillian Gish would be to
open these columns to .all the superlatives in the 'language. . Pandem'oniumi broke loose;
' .The theatre' resoundedi to cheerys, v,,hstlez and yells of delight. A' series of. pictures thstj
bight well hang on any walI. "- EVENING MAIL~
"D. W. Griffith has climbed to new heights ofT achievement in Way Down East.' "'Aizdle
cheered the sensa :ionai scenes. . .. No. one overacted and every one in :the carefully selected cow
nary is true to type. "-:-EVEN ING SUN..


Underneath Hawaiian Skies
Sip Sip Sippy Shore

Mak~e Believe

Some Little Bird

by Paul Whiteman's.Orchestra*

Schaeberle & Son, 'Music House

1 11.0 S. Main St.y

"NMillions will flock tolit, will be thrilled and wvill cheerl !--S. JAY KAUFM. .CLV4


Why are you so insistent?

"~When theL stupendous ice scenes were shown the theatre rocked with applause, T- Nirer
o ur five years' exrience with motion pictures have via seen suceh a~ demonstrationx. I sdfiu
to wrijte wi;thout 21c ling almrost entirely in superla tives."-LfIARRIETTE UJNDERHILL. TI$UVF
"iNo &?"e but Griffith could have clone it. . udien cz broke into cheers-:end sciesri
*..But to the story itself: the furndamental hum'ranity with which i't deals, the simplicitj :of charactes
is dlue the 'Th'sorp tion of the people who, with caugtlbreath, watched 'the tale. unfold."-BOYLE. ILLii


Mir. Vilesimer's



' e " r p

"xv AY



Dinuners are So Hard

to Equal

'#rew cv'As, lights and efcs frtis rerforrnanc , under tie persoaljI~up
w, yiVsion of Mr. Griffith, c'am-1 be. dujplicamed else-whjorea.-

Opposite D. U. R- Stqtiopi
Ju~st Atbove Rae Theatre


Night-50c to $2.00. Matinees--S0c to $1.50. NOTE.-Owing to cost, length of pr'oduc-_..-
tion and iron-bound contracts, "Wayr Down East" will never be shown at less than first class
theatre prices.

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