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April 23, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-04-23

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4 r

except Monday during the Univr-
trol of Student Publications.


jated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for
all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise'
paper and the local news published therein.
the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
n by carrier or mail, $3.50.
n Arbor Press building, Maynard street.
usiness, 96o; Editorial, 2414.
tions not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
essarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of
es of events will be published in The Daily at the
e Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office.
unications will receive no consideration. No man-
returped unless the N ter incloses postage.
does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex-
oing On" notices will not be received after 8 o'clock,
precedin insertion.
Telephone 2414
DITOR........ ......HARRY M. CAREY
K. Ehlbert Edgar L. Rice
fCampbell Joseph A. Bernstein
ge Brophy Hugh Hitchcock
........H. Hardy Heth, Lee M. Woodruff
..,... Renaud Sherwood
........John I. Dakin
... .......Brewster gampbell
.. ..Robert.C. ,Angell
tment............... ..Marguerite Clark
.Thomas Adams, Thornton Sargent Jr.

during their final semester in the Literary college,
are placed on the "Warned" or "Probation" lists.
The wisdom of this step is as evident as that of the
other: for during this last semester the student,,
emerging from Freshman indecision, has settled on
the pace which he .shall maintain during the re-
mainder of his University career; and to permit him
to proceed in more difficult work when he has dem-
onstrated his unfitness would be not only detrimen-
tal to the standard of the professional schools, but
unkind to the student as well. If he has been un-
fortunate enough, during the early part of his Lit-
erary course, to be placed on the "Probation" or
"Warned" list, he has ample opportunity, under the
ruling, to clear his record .during the last semester,
and prove himself capable of success in the pro fes
sional schools.
It seems reasonable to expect that as a result of
this action the standard of scholarship will be raised,
both in the prpfessional schools and in the Literary
College. For the restrictions will limit the en-
trants in the former to a better grade of students,
and to the large number of prospective professional
students the necessity for better work will be ap-

TEXT BOOKS for EC. 32-B O.&M.
Shaw's Approach to Dso






G. E. Clarke
Thomas J. Whinery
R. W. Wrobleski
George Reindel
Dorothy Monfort
Minnie Muskatt
Harry B. Grundy

Winefred Biethan
Robert D. Sage
Marion Nichols
Frances Oberholtzer
Edna Apel
E. P. L.ovejoy
Charles Murchison
Russell Fletcher

Telephone 960 +
AGER..................PAUL E. CHOLETTE
...........LeGrand A. Gaines, Mark B. Covell'
Ped Ads........................Henry Whiting
... .Edward Prieha
.........Curt P. Schneider, R. A. Sulvan

As we come back to tighten up our mental belt
for the last uphill pull until June, one wonders just
what it's all about -- just generally what we are
good for. Which involves problems in philosophy,
sociology, and psychology. Specifically, where we
are going has been a problem that has puzzled man
kind for many eras, but, generally speaking, we are
working toward a constant betterment.
In this connection, Ingersoll's philosophy, "To do
good is the only happiness," is worth a trial, and it
can be forecasted that it nets results. Everyone can
formulate a happy philosophy; happy for ourselves
and for those about us., And let it be remembered
that philosophy, even more than clothes, bespeaks.
the man;.
.And so, as we ride the grindstone for the last
,lap and prepare, some of us, to get off and ride a
rougher one, the'decision not only to be good, but
to be good for something" should" aid in the suc-
cess of being happy and making others so.
Democracy ought to get another boost when all
of us get into the old clothes and after the high,
prices. But just imagine how "Doc" and "Smuck"
must feel about it.
"Ann Arbor Safe from Tornadoes" says a Daily,
head. But that is little inducement for sundry stit-
dentsto spend another Spring vacation here.
Having no ouija board we don't know whether
the boulevard will be paraded-in denim or not.
Two slogans that we would like to see adopted
are "Old Clothes" and "A Campus Beautiful."

t F. M. Heath
Sigmund Kunstadter
Harold- Lindsay
James T. Rawlings

D. P. Joyce
Robt.r omerville
Lecster W.' Millard

wishing to secure information concerning news for any
Daily should see the night editor, who has full charge
to be printed that night.
ght editors for this week will.be: Monday
lesser Campbell; Tuesday night, Edgar
ednesday night, John Dakin; Thursday
eorge Brophy; Friday night, Mark Ehl-
urday night, Joseph A. Bernstein.
FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920.
ll indications the Engineering society has
ne time criticisms of the society have been
one form or another but fundamentally
Touble seems td lie in,the fact that as orig-
med the society was intended for a smaller
students than the Engineering college now
cilities of the organization have been
:ager and its purpose indefinite. It is not
ative of the college .as a whole and it has
red the support of the students which an
on of this type should receive to be suc-
Due to the expansion of the college
nd more compact and unified societies have
led representative of the different branches
ineering profession. These societies have
from the larger one during the latter two
:he engineering student's period at school.
titution of the society is inadequate and
or the present day problems and conditions
>es not mean that the Engineering society
ss out of existence, nor yet should it cbn-
unction in the half-hearted way it has in
The fault does not lie with the officers
anization but rather with the engineering
who are members. They have' failed to
e changed' conditions and have attempted
he society back into the position it should
campus affairs. An organization repre-
of the whole Engineering college could
at deal of valuable work to do and could
ong influence on geieral campus opinion if
I the liberal support of all the students' of
eering college.
et of offigers will soon be elected to carry
:iety, and the present officers are working
of reorganization which should leave the
healthy and strohg foundation for future
and growth. The Engineering society still
e in campus life and it should be made big
r this place.
>rtant action has been taken by the three
al schools on the campus - the two
Medicine and the Law School -- regard-
o years of regular collegiate work which
res for admission. It has been decided by
es of these schools that applicants must
idence of having maintained, during the
: in the Literary College, a scholarship
at least a "C" grade, before they can be
o a professional course. This require-
.s reasonable enough, when it is remem-
a "C" average is necessary for gradua-'
the Literary College. A professional
hardly be ,expected to accept applicants
already shown themselves incapable of
n with introductory courses,.
ion to this innovation, the three. schools

.-(Oct. 26, 1919>
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6::ro a.
m., and 'hourly to 9:10 p. m.
Jackson Limited and Express Car-8:48
a. mn., and every hour to 9 :48 p. in. (E:x-
presses make local stops vest of Ann.Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound-6:og a. m., 9:s5 a.
m. and every two hours to 9:o5 p. m., io:so
v. In. To Ypsilanti only, i:p. in., 1:io
a. in., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound--7:48 a. n. and
12 20 a a.
Asked At Random
(Note-On account of repeated re-
quests, The Daily is running another
question on the overall-old clothes
"What is your opinion about the
'Overall club'-old clothes movenmenti"
Gerald W. Froemke, '20, Varsity
athlete: "My opinion is that the boys
should wear old clothes whenever
possible. I do not think the 'Overall
club' would be a success. I am heart-
ily in favor of the old clothes move-
ment and glad to know that it is to be
tried out.
Lawrence H. Seltzer, '20, president
of Cercle Francais: "Economy in I
dress is desirable at all times, prob-
ably more so now than any other on
account of the great needs of Europe.
College students are pecularily able
to affect a saving in clothing. They
are always the first to respond to new
styles, tastes, and fads. It is there-
fore very little effort for them to ab-
stain from wearing the same kind
of garments. Business men may find
it difficult, but the change would cer-
tainly be more ,homogeneous with
college students. Clothes are merely
a utilitarian aspect anyway. Person-
ally I am not in favor of the wearing
of overalls as a general practice, but
I do believe in abstinence from sar-
torial luxuries."
Edwin F. Mast, '2D, president of
the freshman dental class:"Old
clothes ard a good thing, but as far
as overalls are concerned, the price
would rise as the deman increased.
Everyone has plenty oif old clothes,
but no one has overalls, therefore I
think the wearing of old clothes
should be adopted by every college
student, women included."
William W. Michaeis, '22, member
of the business staff of the Gargoyle:
"This practice of wearing old clthes
Summer Work
)le wanted to Sell Fuller
Brushes. No ladies desired
Phone 1718. 6:30.8:00 P.11.

HAND :iy
_ Haas and Hill-Chemistry of Plant Products
Rogers-Manual of Industrial Chemistry-(New Ed.).........$7.50 j
Jones-The Principles of Citizenship ........................1.25
Shaw-Approach to Business Problems.......... ... .......2.00
Jones-Roman Empire ...................................2.00
Conrad--Nigger of the Narcissus ...........................1.75 -
- Conrad-Almayer's Folly .................................1.75
"L'AMI FRITZ"-Souvenir Edition. ................60
: i n E sii u en« n ornr!11i n - "« i1o nn n us11r t EU it

is a mighty good thing if adoi/ea b!
everyone, but would not be a good in-
fluence if adopted by only a f.w I
would favor the wearing of old clothes.
in preference to overalls."
Three short plays will be presented
by members of the senior class of the
Ann Arbor high school at 8:15 o'clock
Friday and Saturday e.venings of this
week in the high school auditorium.
A dialogue entitled "The Reason Why"

by Mrs. Barry Pain, will be given first.,
Following this "Three Pills in a Bot-
tle," a ont-act play by Rachael Ly-
man Field will be enacted. "Our Dear
Departed" thel last selection, is a
farce 'by Stanley' Houghton.
Tickets are on sale at Wahr's and
Graham's stores. Admission prices
are 25 and 35 cents.
Page and Shaw Candies of Boston.
Tices' Drug Store, 117 So. Main.-Adv.

Get your Base Ball supplies




the Telescope

1J R
The Crucial Test
'Tis love that makes the world go 'round,
-As men learned long ago. ,
'Tis love that,.causes wheels to turn,
'Tis love that urges men to learn
The useful things they know.-
'Tis love that makes the world go 'round,
As has been said before. .
But love will cause no man to be
Inclined to let you have the key
That fits his cellar door. P. B. K.
Safety First
He-At last the time has arrived when I can de-
clare myself.
She (alarmed)-No, not here.
He-Why not? There are no witnesses.
She-Yes, that'sk the very reason why.
Why They Never Reached Home
The passengers had all been removed, according
to Traffic Manager Cosgrpve, and taken to a hotel
in New- Haven preparatory to being sent to New-
York by mail.-N. Y. Evening Post.
Dear Noah: -
I am going to the sea shore this summer. What
baggage should I take? Interested.
Well; for one thing be sure and ake your bathing

For Box Lunches
With Cood Home-Made Eats, Go to
Beckers Delicatessen
119 East Liberty.
Phone 2620-M
We are perfectly equipped' to give you good
.-service and absolute satisfaction in every detail
eEberbach & SonCo.
200-204 E. LIBERTY ST.



(l4 G atZ/ II7

Poor Lost Soul
First st'ude-I hear you are to be
Second ditto-Not at all. Not 'at
First (sorrowfully)--Then it is
that you are engaged to a co-ed.

true after all

' Again we rise to plaintively inquire, what has be-
come of the old fashioned humorist who used to
bring forth salvos of applause by replying to his
partner's query, "Did the play end happily?" by
replying, "I don't know." The hero -and heroine
Another One. Unexpectedly Called Home
Dean (who has just listened to one student's side
of the case)--You -did perfectly right in this in-
stance and have nothing to worry about. (as student
hurries away) But where are you going?
Stude-I'm going home to pack up. II gave you
the other fellow's side of the story.
Famous Closing Lines
"It's a great comfort to have all your friends
with you," muttered the convict as they locked him
up in his cell.

not merely for a new brand,
but a new and better cigarette.
That's Spur. It's there to stay.
silver" package;
with triple wrap-
ping~to keep Spun '/ .
I- :
~ e I

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