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April 22, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-04-22

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it those who are taking unfair
y conditions in marking their



icept Monday during the Univer-
ol of Student Publications.
xclusively entitled to the use for
hes credited to it or not otherwise
local news published therein.
t Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
mail, $3.50.
building, Maynard street.
litorial, 2414.
:eed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
r in print,ebut as an evidenceof
1be published in The Daily at the
at or mailed to The Daily office.
receive no consideration. No man.
the writer incloses postage.
sarily endorse the sentiments ex-
will not be received after 8 o'clock

Telephone 2414
ITOR.................HARRY M. CAREY
K. Ehlbert Edgar L. Rice
Campbell Joseph A. Bernstein
Brophy Hugh Hitchcock
.H. Hardy Heth, Lee M. Woodruff
-. Renaud Sherwood
-.-......John L Dakin
...... Brewster Campbell
.....Robert C. Angell
ent......................Marguerite Clark
.Thomas Adams, Thornton Sargent Jr.

But to come right down to the question of
whether overalls may be expected to bloom in pro-
fusion on State street in the- near future, there are
few who would care to advocate the plan outside of
faddists and grandstanders. Khaki trousers, per-
haps; or even old clothes ( most of us wouldn't
even have to change) may be expected. Engineers,
for that matter, have taken to corduroys ever since
the first neophyte machinist sat on a belt and had to
go home over back fences. But as to overalls, those
who have enough cash to imitate the man on the
magazine cover will probably continue to do so; and
the rest of us, for the most part, are so hard hit
that we can't even afford the price of overalls.
One of the ten points by which to° judge the fine-
ness of a man, As given by Dr. Frank Crane, is that
the thoroughbred never allows himself to become;
bitter. Although conditions and circumstances may
have forced him deep into the brine of misfortune,
yet he never lets its saltness affect his cheerful na-
ture. This is a good thing for students to remem-
ber. Amidst the teeming life of a small univer-
sity, few have time to remain long entrenched ill
the battlements of their own woes for sundry du-
ties claim our attentions. Yet, sooner or later,
comes a lull, and we- sit down for a moment to in-
dulge in the pleasures of the blues. Maybe the post-
man didn't treat us kindly ; maybe a fair one turned
us down, or a brave one asked somebody else; may-
be it's the weather; maybe it's exams. Anyway we
settle ourselves as uncomfortably as possible and
treat ourselves to the whole table d'hote of' woes
which our memories will bring forth. How we en-
joy being blue for a while!
But Dr. Crane says that if we want to be real
people in this world, we mustn't do that. We must
say, "Get thee behind me, blues," and then to really
insure the defeat of our demon we look around fog
another of his victims. Then we drag this some-
body else from his blues and wander off together,.
leaving all bitterness groveling behind, overcome in
the presence of unselfishness.
That's. what Dr. Crane wants us to do. We might
try it.-Williamette Collegian.




Roger Industrial Ch
New Edition


(Oct.' 26, 1919)
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cara--6: o
m., and hourly to 9:10 p. m.
Jackson Limited and Express Cars--8
a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (1
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbc
Local Cars East Bound-6:o, a. im., g:
m. and every two hours to g:o5 p. m., to
o,, m. To Ypsilanti only, x;: p.m.,
a. m. and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West ounIcT-7:48 a. i.M._
r2:20 a. m. '
Asked At Rcndo


unIa n nnilnt t i ttu l lllititu tntllil fnl n111111 Ilt
_ HAND ,
fHaas and Hill-Chemistry of Plant'Products
= Rogers-Manual of Industrial Chemistry-(NewI
= Jones-The Principles of Citizenship ...........
Shaw-Approach to Business Problems .........
E Jones-Roman Empire..............
Conrad-Nigger of the Narcissus...... .....
=Conrad-Almayer's Folly..........
"L'AMI FRITZ-Souvenir Edition. ......
rNi#i1i111t11l11!11111.1111luUmm 11nit1nm111111H1u



Fd.). . . . . ;

G. L. Clarke
Thomas J. Whinery
R. W. Wrobleski
George Reiidel
Dorothy Monfort
Minnie Muskatt
Harry B. Grundy

Winefred Biethan
Robert D. Sage
Marion Nichols
Frances Oberholtzer
Edna Apel
P,. P. Lovejoy
Charles Murchison
Russell Fletcher

.Telephone 960
NAGER..................PAUL E. CHOLETTE
....LeGrand A. Gaines, Mark B. Covell
sified Ads.....................Henry Whiting
.... .'' s .'Edward Prichs
. . . . . . . ..Curt P. Schneider, R. A. Sullivan

lit F. M. Heath
Sigmund Kunstadter
Harold Lindsay
James T. Rawlings

S P.obt. om nerville
Lester W. Millard

wishing to secure information concerning news for any
Daily should see the night editor, who has full charge
;o be printed that night.
ght editors for this week will be: Monday
lesser Campbell; Tuesday night, Edgar
Adnesday night, John Dakin; Thursday
orge Brophy; Friday night, Mark Ehl-
urday night, Joseph A. Bernstein.
ver something is needed to make a cam-
:ion a success the Varsity band is put on
am. Whenever un sually vigorous and
rring music for pep meetings or special
of celebration is needed the band is called
:very instance thus far this year they have
I willingly to the demand for their services
popularity and success can best be judged
eception they always receive upoi their
:e. The members of the band have worked
practiced a great deal in order to make
ic of that quality which is necessary for
zation representing the University.
udents are seldom asked to do anything
.id of the band except attend the Band
wvhich in themselves are well worth the ad-
>rice. There will be a Band Bounce to-
I every student can show his appreciation
rk of the band by attending or at least by
ticket for the affair.
a.n is not fogetting, in its determination to
s athletic prestige, that no glory can at-
ctories achieved 'by unfair means. In spite
g of defeats never before equaled by
1 Blue squads, those in charge of the come-
seeing to it that everything done to solve
ic problem shall conform to the rules we
nised to abide by.
iking instance of this determination to play
decision, almost at the eleventh hour, not
the freshmen who were a considerable fac-
strength of the informal swimming team,
e Grand Rapids trip. Michigan's aquatic
's will have to meet -very strong competi-
'Furhiture City, and in one sense the strit
n of rules is unfortunate. However, every
supporter who favors at the same time
tsmanship and the maintaining of athletic
will approve thoroughly the Athletic
's requirement.
new 'footholds almost daily, the idea of
gh clothing prices by climbing into hum-
nexpensive khaki or demin overalls is
northward and is already being talked of
present living costs are due to remain in-
n. Prophesies of the economists to the
a matter of years have added vigor to the
Tailors and suit 'manufacturers are mak--
-ate stands to block the movement, peti-
ainst it and issuing counter-propoganda.
rotest against profiteering, doubtless the
ion shown by the overall clubs has con-
-eal significance, and should be an excel-
ng. Whatever we may think of the plan
practical adoption at Michigan is con-
there is a strong human imnlke hinA

If there aie many more upheavals in Germany,
revolutions will become as much a proverbial 'thing
there as in the Latn-American republics.



TBhe Telescope


Today's question: "What do you
understand is being done toward the
reorganization of the Engineering so-
Waldo M. McKee, '20E, president of
the senior engineering class: "I un-
derstand that a committee has ,been
appointed and that-the work is pro-'
gressing favorably. I would suggest
you see Goodwillie, who has all the
facts." '
John Irvin Goodwillie, '20E, presi-
dent of the' University, Y. M. C. A.:
"Since The Daily editorial and news
story on the subject, a committee has
been investigating the matter. Its
powers are limited, however, and it
could not take any definite steps. At
the present time, Darbaker, the pres-
ident of the society, is working on a
new constitution. He will appoint a
committee 'of representative engineer-
ing students from each branch of eng-
ineering, thus giving all departments
representation in the society. I can
assure you that the matter is being
well taken care of and will result sat-
Murray F. Gardner, '20E, president
of Tau Beta Pi: "Nothing much has
been done yet, for the articles in The
Daily appeared but recently. I am
sure, however, that some important.
developements will be reached in the
near future."
Theodore R. Gustafson, '21E, editor
of the Technic: "Darbarker is the
one should should be able to give in-
formation on this subject. All I can
say is that he is working toward the
reorganization of the Engineering so-
State street merchants have placed
a ban on all checks presented by stu-
dents which are above the amount of
the purchase. This has been the cus-
tom here for a number of years, fol-
lowing the spring vacation.
In the past, individuals have pre-
sented checks to unsuspecting mer-
chants just before theclose of school,
and then left town,. Hence the decis-
ion of the merchants.



., /

A Stu it asks.


"How can I remember definitions?"
The answer "comprehend fully what they mean" may ofter
saidthan done. The so exercises in the booklet, "Memory and Con
aid all memorizing, -and some are helpful with definitions. Recast
own wording; illustrate. If you then can "hook" with key-word
with something else, or get a good mental-picture, you will ret
definition. "Memory and Concentration" (a new booklet), aids
izing. .we will answer questions.
Students' Edition, 6oc, at all bookstores.
Or by mail with type-written letter of instruction, $r.
The Education Courses, Box 9

When Eve held forth in Paradise,
She found much pleasure in it,
For when she did her Monday wash,
It only took a minute.
First Co-ed-There's young Jackson. Don't you
think he's splendid?
Second ditto-Splendid? He" took me out one
night last week and tried to get fresh with me but
I soon told him to desist and behave himself.
Second-He behaved.
Both-Ugh! !
Dear. Noah: -
I am a sculptor and am seeking some figure to
represent Faith. What can yo'u suggest?
Why not use the figure of a bald-headed man
buying a bottle of hair restorer.
Both Sir A. Conan Doyle, the famous novelist
and Sir Oliver Dodge, the eminent physicist, have
seen fit to give to the world in lengthy discourses
the reasons for their belief in the Unseen World.
And now to complete the Peerless Triumvirate Jay
Whitleaf Greenier, the distinguished poet has told
in his own inimitable style the reasons for his con-
version to spiritualism. Greenier's latest effort fol--
Spring Rappings
I've heard a lot concerning ghosts,
. Of table tipping scenes,
Of messages by slates and horns
And divers other means.


T AT'S when a good shirt
T shows its best qualities.
If youare struck by the. set
across the shoulders, the custom
smoothness of the front, the
taper of the sleeves, the easy
drape of the back-then you
know it's an Eagle Shirt..
EagleShirts are cut with the care
given an outer garment.
Every shirt the ultimate in value






A Pleasant Aemory,
the, is

But 'till a week or so ago
I never saw the proof,
That Lodge and others testify,
And always held aloof.
'Twas rappings by the shore for me,
They cleared up every doubt,
And now I never need' be shy,
When spooks are talked about.


Remember That We

Helped MYake It

I came upon them on ,the shore'
Near to the wild waves lappings;
Kentucky Bond" was printed on
These sure-thing spirit wrappings.
Alas! They Couldn't Prove the Charge
Prof.-What crime was Lord Bacon charged
English history stude-With writing Shake-
speare's plays.
Famous Closing Lines
"Ha, a seal skin," he muttered, when the notary
public charged him $5.oo for witnessing .the deed

11 111111111

lilultaize lossom Shopf

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