c.I Cl N 't\eFSt.' U: AT OttI The Teleope
cle nr he'ccirs(ii rbyth oad in (By J. AV. R.)
Controliof Stuen-tPiation.ii
An unkind ftt which desited himsaif I
itTlitt i1)1' FiiE i' t'-5Itti'i-i~ti 'It S admittanse to this Hop turnca his sotl There was anl interval ot sii' 'se, and
ii Ao I Ii'i'is, ili'ui ii'e~ijii O worniwood andl caused that sterling then, 'Viola, it isn't good tsr you. Of 1
to thlis ore pulcain sfil ewsdis
macesceitedii iiit "or' not''r 1-;ccreitdpoet lay Whitleat Greenieir to voice 'nurse I sou'ts-ire, but it izist goodi
lisdhrin.iisili lonigings soil regrets in this imo- tor you. You know hostyor mote
imoirtal iide: stosad Ofeei about it" His vilce swas
Kntrcd t te pstotic atnnArbrbard, like century old cider, a'nd as lie
subs ri tio s byCarier r ninl l'.lTey're gonig is give a Juniior Hop,
3"c" ciiXiitii c. O iIs iter a'spiike I inagits -i I could hear a plain-
Poe:Bsnsts 0'cliii rt, 2.q l ive sob shsudier thsroiugh lF1 air. AI
_________________________________And all wlso go will have a timec netallic nole cretit intot his tce as be
MarveIaey .cs ... 1 ,iisaiiea Ediier Dothjoyoits anid gay.cotwitinuted. "Manly girls hins e been
PuI; htt~,t Jr..., U . , ,oii'ss Mlanager ruined by aidoptiing just such a Phil- i
JostIlstikof al oisol bethee, sopiy'," he cried, anid then in a miic-
In tress-suits, tiesw'a-sd renteid, tgtoslitaneter"utoena'
'xtittLOtti- Think ot theidanicinig pumps15thttnight tonetshy' tust ted hrJut'."mo
By____________________P clumsy pardnrrs dented. C anyjutnem III.
J-HIOP EX'I1''Tinik of the boiled shirts, itsait ansijPlot his taunts but seeni to strength-
plain, I en her determtination. "Yo' a:-.,., mean.'
EDITOR Thsinik of the futi 'tn-ill bring, she cried, her voice clesrly audible
lie wter P Camut'Il Think of the shirt shields waren that slbive the shrieking jazzphsones, "y'nu
Brewster P. Ca-- - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- -i - t'' i ''-'lFi T 5ic51-
night, reuess nt eny miento, we s
ASSISTANTS And cuts held by a string. o little" Jstnian hour ago yu were
l~noud Siervoni Joseph A. Ben-siging ue to dii it, and now Yen say
sein, Johln I. Dakin, Fred Slitfer, Picture the nae of evening gossns, that ty o tha' svoldn't like it. Why
Frak )JePilae5('oolidge C'.lTheis, Leo Tink of the por lit scholar, did yu-nt-ot tisnkl of that act t the
Hlerslolorfer, John W. Kelly. Who, thu he sports a thirteen tek, ine that onsw-rc try-tg to etitcec ne
Editoirials by Charles Mnreison antd Wears a ew sixteet sie collar. toi d your bidding" The girl spoke in
aidetermsines tone that sosei that its
Robert Sage Think f the pinsder on acti ae, her presett state of mind se would
IAntI the dark aid stenciled eytrow; brook no interference. As.I then as
MIANAGIERS IPicture the rouge ont er partieers lips, the nan said nothing she sokle its a
Henry Whting Letrand A. G(intes, Jr. It must have got there somteio. voice of deadly' calms, "I sot care
ASSISTANT'S what y' tisntk or say Itmsgoingsi to
'Tink of the wroldbe datce, Iave anter glass of that pitch cacti
Mark R. Covel, .Jr., IF. IL. Priehs, C Planning all year on going, tro you insist that tere is too nmuhit
P. Seinehler, RI A. Sulliva, P. P Only t fitd that er steady, of a kick its it"
Huis n J"f.Rbrtooti , llnSoue other fair damsel is twinrg.
Mils, . W Roerton.The wrng nitmber:
SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1924 e, they're ging to give a Juior Hop le (autitily)-Well, how swold yos
I hear it every day, like ts have a regular pardne for this
But having thought of all these things next ance?
SOL RLA Y5A. I thintkIll stay away. Sie surprised-Why I thught this
Fair visitnrs, guesto of Michigain, we -- next dance uas ours.
wlcomse you one atid al. Fr weekn '6-(Taking a look arount the gym)
our college cotmunity has hien all And sit si-chad a rather poor football l'as evet' thus:
agog in happy anticipalior of this season last year. 1st Taxi Driver Wiadis charge
Night's event. Now that the fateful '2it Yeh. we did. that Hotp fare?
night hts arrived sac wat with ba'e 16lit(shastes iis head)-I cat under- 2i Ditto-$3.9._
breath your fil jtdgimetnt of our stanit it ater viesisg the ii tber o,' 1st $39. tt'hy'ntss $4sil evns
hutnstle efforts. sileidtitbacks we have her,. li. -$39.18sris all e ai.
Michigan, a mtisn's college swhere so--
s-atsiffairs arc not it prisary inport- 'tse rueciasl tis: -('"Iselee itselttig it ibitosi
aosc, is tonight stpiotn tarade.Pa'eisofti tatSteet'Ilium -Isw msanyste,-sitthims" mtstttres theicJ-ititer is
shirt oastdscolariof yesteri-rsyare s- I ies aveyos?le esipttdithile puithosl.
tlacedsthlete-autifulvhi t iotlay indii t on I"osr ianitose c's r sft-
oc rn wihii 5ich y'ou tbehldsio n every (ui dtoissisery'is.PFerilte ftisifirto ugiisht:
handitis sitvsenuing. White ws'eavesttrie Iit T'tat's noting. s-cve siy ga_' 'lunsIicvl','gct he n't ascer
to r eiiind you, stansd t 'is as iimbl tue t stisis-osithlem esc'red s-to wsiths Jck-is iii e friendi. Witt shalt I
th hurily'of suits--tile ie ' ih--' ke-mhits' sthe Ji.1Hop. i-ls io:to herli id.
Antitthinkstcof iithis s hr-itsyear' 1 21 Dl, just tlts sou t; i'rgoit
W~e itsont smean isextlist elgble sl y ci sheputisnter lvers-it:i'' lookis
yotung mnt his steels etdbut se Idli Its-I huolt k asoiswhy it cis itP1 /hotiiisiBhtss hicrealty-I, n-tanyu~.1
not refraiss frostsreallisi ahat o00' -I'1 'Ihlln irec aiha beii lt teI
tesvi s-is it to ail thalt the homisic
camspuso ii'a rich tarvesit':,iground,' fllss ahssays drag tb-i petir t igirl-i i vci's-ttup-tlaiiesofth u tusie
wherein ladies msay' 8ud dsirabe Pr'- She (simsperitg) -Oh, yu flaterer.1 girls.
Thus wrc greet you tdisrio tus'Sy girls did this eer hapen tso yousi 'hiere's a reson:
four cminers ot the gloe lstalso hxhen you're dancig wstilsthatbl- (1t1 Stid- (omtig uptsiuranger)
we warn yos. Tonght is' our bi" soatti stanger that you're ;uss' ret youiu Ab, yu're the firt geteman To Sa seun
ight. May echil of you cnosit'Peve=.rlhappens to espy souse girtanint you ask (lire totight. YW'hen I ell fit-an a fesv
nmore thoroughly than we nitecr-nest'y itms whiseft ite gate opens ousthosv momsetsisago s-ile dassciuswstilsh
awityout to. If yotur verdict e favor- iat read-headed, boisterou, hold youung lady and ruined ter susage 5.
attecMihi-igan's Junior Pop ltasserves esspee altnsaslb el cl',nutiestthat you were Ittienly oe
its purpooe. andu Michigaout students "Wtary I brought that gir." arwho sitdntlaug.
aillt be happy. Ot, girls, shtitI a gran' atit glorios Stamger (gloonily-Ni, oughtI
--feeliu'?1 that corsage.
misqoteShahestcssr. Afewil theiesncruet voids, stranger: SlAlEIIHJP DPIJIN
-to isqute Sakepear. A e' O 'SE OID DAILY OFFIEIS1
StudeUCngratuate me, rld hy,
years ago there swere hops and ops.J I've made a it swiths your frinod.
ut noss'there is snly one kind of a Hi friend --Hsw's that? The State of Miehigans ba leased)I
hop left t hand dosn to camtpus Stride Why I've only net her five he front south gronddfsoor mount of
posterity-the big, jazty, gay, dei- the Press bildig-the quarters
oos six hours of paradioe known as times before and she actally r coI fornerly occupied by Te Michigan
thse J-Hop which is adminitered oce nized ue wen she awv me at 'he Hop Daily editorial amd business ofies.
a year in a gigantic dose of punch, tinight Here sjh e toossted the heash officc of
aonmen, and jazz. - _ _-te State h-tghsay'eiartmsent for
For months this hop has been the No Clarice, the fact that a girtucts hist district. adt the biilding of ap-
mtain topic of conversation. At last a sdanue doesn't mean that she is neces- proxitley a molon dolatssworth of
thse big celebration has come. Fair sarily keen-wited, good roadc to thicserritory' aill tbe
damnsels Iaac carefully packed the ut- worked ot and upervised in this
mossst creation of the modites' brains, Sadness wals hand in iand swith'- ofc by a district chiet asd a number-
antI eft envious hiamlets in ailt partsa gladness. What better exempifica- of assistants, ha is sinderstood tat,
tug the country to comse Is Ann Arbor tion of this time honored patitude the University laboratriscillit be;
for a punge into the orgy of music, cotuld sve have than the folowing i-s oedlttu testing materias.
abandons of dance and riot of color identswhicbaas wttmseod by only a -
which we please to call the J1lop. few at the H-Ip. ut let Iee Mlaron- LIASKAINS lREPORhTh'LAhhJ1hST
A transformathiotnboo been worked 051 dog tell the story: SEALI IIEP3TlOS OlF YEARthS
their escorts. The plain everyday Ju1.n Aak.Api t ieiet
sudent aith the baggy trousers and Itwsfobeidtefmypr- JuaAlkArit9Rsdes
tso days beard has beone isotco acu- rm eid h i oss' fat- utSill'ssay' that tehtcerts of seal
ale in the best "soup and fist" thtfo fteboth t ha'tuwe vie fmgsathng nisthwissas-stotwardl Pring
csuttdt be bougt, borrssvedtor reutd oietesitia est entedmuI Sea iis spitg arc grealer than they
ssuthetrns arcen, as sft snd toothsome
So te merry couples resple'sdent in -hae seess in years anid sial he usi-
thisiccombined glory have jonedtt ain ue dipigoaie ud:tanc-gratitnis sthree seekls atisasitof is
thse ight's whirl. There is not a dis- "Yio' know I don't think y' oarse at usual is m tle.Culst hosads of
corsdattnoe to jar the atmiosphtere. sll. t isn't anything tIskah." Tlscistic eal listsebhens pa-siig Stka.
'Tsnmorroawthere ssill be accounits thins-icthe groswlig andbasslthg antulG'overnissitusffittirassar the gret
to settle aith thte Universiy girtsswIsi shrieking of te orestra I h-i rd terat sit the msigratory heru is evidence
they dint ask tt he lHopipassioned appea, "Just one uso' thai the Iovertmett's protetie
Iut, ssl-etthast 's tomosirros. tlsunry. just one nu'." tseasiurs hisse bies effetie.
The Helen Holsing'er
Let us
Assist you
With Your House Party
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Te latest
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