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April 04, 1920 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-04-04

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Docket' of
ed by

20L, in the
lock in the
g held for
murder by
e, are ,it is
refusal of
iii the Owl,
cofield. Sco-
seized with
should sell
g propensi-
nd lept the
violent al-
with the
field out of
a see a re-

Lots of Things Point to Importance
of "Revival" Sunday
By1M. B.
Easter Sunday!
It is a contested question whether
Easter assumes importance because of
a revival of religion or a revival of
last year's spring clothes.
One thing-Lent is over and every-
body will be eating chocolate sundaes
Another thing-What possible ex-
cuse can anybody- find now for wear-
ing the trusty fur coat any longer?
Two other things-The river opened
Lots of other things point 'to a glor-
ious time.
But gather closer-let me whisper-
did you know that a great many of
these nifty, ehic, and naive Spring
hats that you see around the Campus
had their origin in either of the two
great firms-Woolworth's or Kresge's.
Yes, indeed-Look at the girl across
the table and you'll see the braid rip-
ping off.
These hats come by the yard-ten=
yards to the head. Please keep this
a secret among 5,000. The girls don't
want it known.
Sanskrit, Old Bulgarian, Russian,
Hebrew and Arabic Among
Tongues .Taught

Reading from left to right, the committee in charge of the 1920 J-Hop,
which will be held at Waterman Gymnasium, April 9, are: Top Row-Mc-
Kean, Schott, French, Marshall, Roderick; Middle Row-Kingsford, Dillon,
general chairman, McGowan, Lemp; Bottom Row-Watts, Kuhen, Erblan.
Campus Keeps Uncle Sam Hard Aty
Work, 'Cause It's Oh So ?ar Away/!

They Arranged For J-Hop


On The Campus.
In Other Years
1919-Blaze of glory marks annual
J-Hop, held in Waterman gymnasium.
1916-Junior girls' play, "The Yan-
kee Yogi," enthusiastically received at
open performance. Men admitted for
first time on record.
1905-Classes comprising the engi-
neering college organize special coun-
cils for regulation and control of en-
gineer student affairs. First student
venture of kind on campus.
1941-Coach Fielding H. Yost be-
gins his first football campaign for
Michigan in taking charge of spring
football practice. Has charge of both
baseball and football men.
1895-Law school reorganized on
the "First Year," "Second Year," and
"Third Year" classes plan that still'
is in existence.
1892--Isuance of University Calen-
dar for '91-'92 shows that 2,692 stu-
dents were attending Michigan. At-
tendance the largest of any college in
the United States.

(By H. Hardy Heth)'
Did you know that five or six mail
carriers are employed daily just to
distribute letters that bear the little
blue stamp-"Special Delivery" - to
expectant students?
Some job-being a "special" man.
You must get near to romance and be
kept forever young because you are so
constantly reminded of your ovn days
of puppy love. Or maybe it becomes
very tiresome, just getting glimpses
of people who have no time -for any-
thing except the billet-doux. At any
rate, the carrier must gain some un-
derstanding of human nature and



im. Expecting to By Brewster P. Campbell
at any second, he Language courses which one might
it first, instantly be, able to take at Michigan offer but
. He is now in one of the many fields open to the
aiting trial for amateur statistician who insists on
Legree. working up an almost incredible
lly. amount of useless but somewhat in-
eld isin the jail, teresting statistics. One, of the sur-
Me is dead, and prising results of such a compila-
'I Drug store was tion is the fact that without so much
oretical shooting. as touching the so-called "romance
ook place in the languages" a student could without
building watched difficulty in the selection of courses,
es, in the persons spend a four-year college course at
s, and all super- Michigan taking nothing but lang-
Sunderland of the uages.
part of the series In the compilation of this course he
3,nd trsnsactions would at no. time take less than 15
d for the benefit hours of work a semester, nor more
ho try and plead than 16. Furthermore, he would not
en connected with take any of the numerous courses
3 court. which are regularly given but are
plete Case omitted during 1919-1920, and at the.
case, a day lab- end of his four years he would not
nwell, goes to a have studied all the possible courses;
im a prescription but could put in at least one more se-
of which he finds mester.


_ _ By H.E. - J
And on April 9 a Michigan man's
fancies lightly turn to thoughts of
home, home brew, and - the home

Emancipation T
Oh Gov'nor Edwards, you're a'


In the

er but that an-
ecessary. This
he drug store
wription to the
the clerk de-

Variety of Tongues
Greek and Latin would, of course,
consume a good portion of the time
he spent in this manner. But he would
still have an opportunity to, take San-
skrit, Old Bulgarian, Russian, Hebrew,
and Arabic. Should he desire to pro-
long his course and take some of the
languages which are omitted for this
year he could add to his list Assyrian,
and Arabic, besides numerous courses
in the other tongues which are not be-
ing given at present.
Were a man to include in hi com-
plete course the "romance languages,"
he couldrspend practically a life time
at the University bothering his head
over "ec," sciences, or courses outside
the language department. French,
Italian, Spanish, and German fall un-
der this heading naturally. But there
are also included courses in Gothic,
Scandinavian, and Old Norse.
Add to this list the many courses
in English literature, as well as the
rhetoric courses, which deserve a place
among language courses, and it is
plain that after a life time spent in
the language department of Michigan
(Continued on. page 2)

If we put your name on the White
- House slate,
Will you our land re-animate;
Will you bring back the days of
The good 'ole days of the swinging
Somebody Lied!
"I'll meet you at the nickel show."
"Don't Break the News to Mother"
Bill's home is in Detroit. Incident-
ally, he attends the U. of M.
Last Sunday P. M. a car steamed
up to tht facade of the "house"; a
lady alighted, walked to the door and
rang the bell.
"Is William here?" she queried.
"No, ma'am," replied the gent of
'23; "Bill went home yesterday."
"O-Oh-when he returns p-lease
tell him that his mother called."
Here's a Point to Be Scoffed At
Sir-I have been informed that the
Associated Press maintains a man in
Holland who does nothing but wait for
the ex-Kaiser to speak. What a tre-
mendous loss of time and money there
would be, if, when Wilhelm finally did
talk, the A. P. man couldn't under-
stand German. PEDRO.

' perhaps he ought to write%. an auto-
The special mail is about twice as
heavy as it was last year. Each of the
postmen average about 60 letters
apiece, which means about 300 specials
distributed per day. At the end of the
month the total is about 9,000. which
equals $90 donated to the government
because Ann Arbor ,"seems so far
away" or somebody just can't wait
to tell him."
That is not all. Nine new trucks
have been ordered by the local service
to care for the parcel post-the laun-
dry boxes and the candy boxes and the
food that gets inadequately packed and
spills all along the way. Stacks 20
feet high are often blocking the post
ofiice doors and, incidentally, .get-
ting knocked over. The moral
is that the weight upon the bottom
packages is pretty heavy and many of
them are insufficiently wrapped.
During the summer months all this
turmoil ceases, for the demands up-
on the service grow very light and the
mailmen can take a real vacatioi-
"even as you and I."
But there is one more moral. Since
the opening of the second semester
many addresses have been changed
and studens have failed to sign the
cards that notify carriers of the new
location. Hence, innumerable letters
have been sent to the dead letter of-
fice. Which isn't a good plan-because
somebody might get the idea that a
lot of Michigan students are "dead."
Union Swimming Pool Would be Ideal
Place for Varsity Meets
By R. . L.
When the new swimming pool in
the Union is completed Michigan will
have a tank which is inferior to none
in thei Conferenge. Seventy-five by
thirty feet, graduated in depth, the
natatorium will -furnish .ideal accom-
modations for Varsity plungers and
for meets with otherschools.
Tiling must be done, dressing rooms
must be provided, and pumping and
filtering apparatus must be installed
before this splendid "swimmin' hole"
can be completed.
Michigan and Ohio State, of all Big
Ten schools, have not rtcognized swim-
ming as a Varsity sport. Michigan
has, this year, a strong swimming
team and should the tank be ready
for use next year Coach Drulard feels
sure that the place of the water sport
among Varsity games will se secured.
Inadequate funds is given as the
reason for the cessation of work on
this natatorium, but it is thought by
Union officials that the requisite $48,-
000 will be soon forthcoming.

Easter Sunday, which has
termed Join-the-church-Sunday,

Sunday services at St.


Episcopal church today will start with
three' celebrations of the holy comn-
munion at 7, 9, and 10:30 o'clock this
morning. At the last communion
service, Dr. Tatlock will preach the
Easter sermon. The usual afternoon
service will be omitted, its place be-
ing taken by the annual children's
festival service, which will take place
at 4 o'clock. In the evening therel
will be a special service at which the
Knights Templar will be in attend-
"On the Threshold of the Unseen"
will be the topic of $ev. J. MI. Wells'
Easter sermon in the Baptist church.
this morning. The choir is to render
the cantata, "Death and Life," by
Shelly during the service. Mr. A. G.
Anderson .will lead the regular young
people's meeting at 6:30 o'clock this
Rev. S. S. Robins of the Unitarian'
church will take for hist topic this
morning "Immortal Life." At 5:45
o'clock there will be a sojial half
hour and refreshments for members
of the Y. P. R. U. Mr. Ray K. Immel
of the oratory department will talk on'
"Some Modern Fallacie's at the de-
votional service held at 6:30 o'clock.
Prof. Humphreys to Talk
At the Easter morning service of
the Presbyterian church Rev. A. Bar-
rett will preach on "The Eternal Life
of Love." The cantata "Life and
(Continued on page 4)

witness the largest accession of mem-
bers to the church membership rolls
that has ever joined on any one day,
in the opinion of church leaders. All
of next week, which in church cir-
dles is known as Holy week, will be
marked by special religious services
of an evangelistic nature in the Prot-
'estant churches. Members of the Y.
M. 1. A. and Y. W. C. A. of this city
who have not transferred their mem-
berships to local churches will be urg-
ed to join today.
a Preach Easter Sermons,


Two Joint Concerts with Organ]
tions of Western Universities
on Schedule
(By Hugh W. Hitchcock)
The Varsity /Glee and Mand
club is to take the longest trip e
made by a Michigan club when
leaves for a tour of the "West .
Southwest Friday morning on the 8
Michigan "Central train. Former G
clubs "have several times visited
West, but they have not made a ci
or loop-trip of the journey as will t
year's organization.
The 1920 club will go to Calfr
via the central route and return
the southern route, along the Mexi
border, and up near the Missisi
river. It will visit 12 cities for r
ular concerts, and put on high sch
programs and informal concerts
several other cities along the way.
Includes Los Angeles
Those cities that will be incuded
the regular itinerary are: So
Bend,'I nd.;St. Louis, Mo.;D en,
Col.; ; Cheyenne, Wy. Salt. Lake C
Utah; Berkeley and Los Ange
Cal.; Phoenix, Ariz.; El Paso, Te
'ort Worth or Dallas, Tex.; Kan
City, Mo.; and Chicago, Ill'. The to
will take 17 days, beginning April
and ending at 8 o'clock the morn
of April 26, when the train will arr
at Ann Arbor 'in time for early cla
es on Monday.
Special permission has been gra
ed by the University Senate to per
the club an extension of the spr
vacation Vo that it may- complete
A special Pullman car has b
chartered to take the men on the
tire trip. Eight railroads will ca
the club's car before it returns to A
Issue Booklet
A booklet containing the comp]
itinerary, entertainment schedule,
of concerts, rules for the 'trip,
other touring information is being
sued bythe management for the
of the members.
An innovation on the trip this y
will be a Michigan information bur
conducted by the manager, harles
Osius, Jr., '20, for the benefit of s
dents or parents interested in the V
versity. Catalogs and announceme
of the different schools and colle
of the University will be taken on
trip, as well as publicity material,
M. C. A. "freshman bibles," and ot
liter'ature which will arouse inte
in Michigan.
Dances and banquets are to be gi
by the alumni in the cities visited
aid in arousing Michigan spirit am
the graduates. The information bur
will be equipped to advise prospeci
students in high school elections :
niversity entrance requirements.
past years many students have b
brought to Michigan by the acti'
of the Glee and Mandolin club on
trips, among whom were several a
letes and scholars of renown.
Will Display ","
The huge electric block "M" t
played a conspicuous part in the at
setting at the local Pre-Trip con<
and the Port Huron concert will
hung on each stage where the c
plays. Michigan songs will rrn
large part of the trip progr -wl
is to be the same in each place -
Among the numbers given will
selections by the Varsity quartet,

(Continued on page 4)

aliy'ref uses
r to return
t proceeds
scription in
a revolver

Montague - throws Scofield
store bodily and the enrag-
er meets friends on the
i securing a revolver for
goes back to ask for his


Famous Clothing Lines
Hart, Shaffner & Marx.
Society Brand.:

of the







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