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April 03, 1920 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-04-03

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A" 1111 1




lished every morning except Monday during the Univei-
r by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for
ation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
in this paper and the local news published therein.
ered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
scription by carrier or mail., $3.50.
ces: Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard street.
.nes: Business, 96o; Editorial. 2414.
imunications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of
4 notices of events will be published in The Daily at, the
n of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office.
A "communications will receive no consideration. o man-
will b4 returned unless the writer incloses postage.
Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments l-
in the communications.
hat's Going On" notices will not be received after 8 o'clock
vening preceding insertion.
Telephone 9414
aING EDITOR.................HARRY X. CAREY
Mark K. Ehlbert Edgar L. Rice
C. M. Campbell Joseph A. Bernstein
George Brophy Hugh Hitchcock.
er................H. Hardy Roth, eM.eWood
..........Renaud Sherwood
ssistant'..........................John I. Dakin
ssistant........... ................Brewster CaAbell
s Department......................Marguerite Clark
.h................Thomas -Adams, Thornton Sargent Jr.

The gridiron and court sports have now given
over to the last of our major sports-baseball. Dur-
ing the period in which the University is being rep-
resented in athletic contests the players invariably
find that the time required for participation, botn
in the games and practices, makes serious inroads
upon their study hours. This is all the more no-
ticeable at this time of year, when the first balmy
weather acts as an added detraction.
Since the greater part of the athlete's afternoon
is occupied with workouts, he is naturally tired and
not in the mood for late studying. An interest
on the part of students taking the same subjects
as the athletes would-be of valuable assistance to
such men. -Men unable, through physical or other
reasons, to participate in athletics could, by a little
coaching, give the players the help needed to pull
them out of the hole. In doing this they would rot
only be helping the men themselves but would be
doing theschool a real service.
At its best, a genuine American sense of humor--
the sort that laughed at death on the Marne--is the
happiest in the world. For, though it may lack the
refinement and depth of certain other brands, it is.
ever kindly and optimistic. It makes us smile at our
own vexations, and the inconsistency of our fel-,
lows; but it is leavened with sympathy, and scorns
However, there are always plenty of persons to
abuse it. This keen perception of incongruity
alone, conducive as it is to self-analysis, often pro-
duces unhappy results; cowardly men who see their
own faults too clearly, find a cheap consolation in
holding up their neighbors to ridicule. Affecting an
attitude of outspoken cynicism to conceal their lit'-
tleness from themselves and others, they vainly ac-
cept the reputation for biting sarcasm as a tribute
to their wit.
Shrewd Doctor Johnson understood better than
most of us do the sort of self-deception that feeds
the vanity of these disagreeable weaklings. "Sir,"
he once said to an invariably satiric acquaintance,
"you never open your mouth but with intention to
give pain; and you have often given me pain, not
from the power of what you said, but from seeing
your motive."
If we must take a man, at his own estimate, sar-
casm is too liable to condemn him to be worth the
mean satisfaction he may derive from it. To publish
an incongruity that will rouse more discomfort
than mirth, when you can enjoy it alone, is thought-
less if not despicable. It is better to laugh in Amer-





"George Did It"



G. E. Clarke
ThomasJ. whinery
o R. W. robleski
George Reindel
t Dorothy Monfort
Minnie Muskatt

winefred Biethan
Robert D. Sage
Marion Nichols
Frances Oberholtzer
Edna Apel
E. P. Iovejy


Telephone 960
dng................ ..LeGrand A. Gaines Mark B. Covel
and Classified Ads....................er y" W
ion ...... . ................ ....Edward Pciehs
in..............urt P. "Schneider. R. A. Sullivan

>recht F. M. Heath
:n Sigmund Kunstadter
'err Harold Lindsay

D. P. Joyce
Robt. ommerville
Arthur &,. Glazer

Persons wishing to secure.4nformatidn concerning news for any
e of The Daily should see the night editor, who has fullcharge
all news to be printed that night.
The night editors for the week will be : Mark K.
ilbert, Monday night; Hugh Hitchcock, Tuesday
ght; Edgar L. Rice, Wednesday night; George
ophy, Thursday night; Chesser Campbell, Fri-
y night; Joseph Bernstein, Saturday night.
This spring should mark Michigan's big season
the athletic world. The track team, having fin-
ied the indoor meets, now awaits for the coming
outdoor work and the many competitions it will
ing. Of the success it will achieve we have no
ir. However, the baseball situation now com-
ands our attention.
After- six weeks of steady work the squad is
ally beginning to round into Atid-season form.
ach Luitdgren and his men are not losing one
oment of this sunshiny ,weather, but are working
full speed preparing for that southern trip which
il begin on April 8.
The material this year has been unusually good.
very position on the team has two or more men
exceptional caliber trying for the berth. In the
:ching department Michigan has two of the best
liege pitchers in the middle west, and it is ex-
cted that they will prove themselves to be among
e best in college baseball today.
During spring vacation the team will journey
>uth and cross bats with four of .the leading
uthern universities. It will be Michigan's chance
make a favorable impression in that section of
e country. Our athletic teams can do much to es-
blish a good name for 'Michigan. They are the
al representatives of our school and the spirit that,
represents. "Success to the baseball squad"
ould be Michigan's slogan from now until the
>se of the season."

Thi e TelescopeI
Of all sad words of thought or pen
The saddest are "I must be in at ten."
A reader doubtless pondering over these words
has corne forward with this choice gem:
"They say that all the world's a stage,"
He said in honeyed tone.
She glanced at him- with look of rage,
That shook him to the bone.
'Twas'a look he could not bear,
And she answered then
With that fixed and glassy stare,
"'Tis true, but the curtain falls at ten."
A One Act Comedy
Scene-The sitting room in the Brown home.
Characters-Prof. Knowit, professor of physi-
ology, and his fiancee, Miss Brown, to. whom he has
now been engaged for three years.
Prof. (in an enthusiastic tone)-And thus it is
Myra that the whole human body changes in seven
years. (Myra by a suprement effort manages to
register intelligence.). You are Myra Brown noiv
but in seven years you will have completely
changed. Just think ! Not a particle of your pres-
ent self will be left but you will still be Miss Myra
Myra (rises to her feet, registering indignation,
and dramatically hands him the engagement ring)-
Never! I'll marry the milkman first.'
Dear Noah: -
I study so hard that I often have such violent
headaches that it seems as though my brains are on
fire. What can you suggest to relieve this?
Why, we are no physician, we think that if it
feels as though your brains were on fire, the only
thing to do is to blow out your brains.
A Real Tragedy
"Jack met with a very serious accident yester-
"How's that?"
"Why, he took Frank's girl out riding and the
machine gc4 stalled about six miles from' town."
"That's not a very serious accident."
"Yes, but Frank caught up with them before he
could get the car started."
Yes; Clarice, I think you are right in saying that
the deluge was the longest reign in history.
Famous Closing Lines
"Another tutor," he muttered as he gazed at the
amateur cornet player.

DETROIT UNITED LINES -imliilllitillnllnltlnullI111n11u1111lil nlilllllr1ulll1lli1lltlllitlflillilllwtll utt~ft
(Oct. 26, 1919)
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Lirited and Express Cars-6::a.a
LmtdadExpress Car-8:48 O FC ALP Y R U D B t
a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex- OFFICIAL PLAYGROUND BALL
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound-6:05 a. m., 9:. a.
m. and every two hours to 9:os p. m., io:5o S
u.t. To . n oYpslant chngy -at' p.in, n. =:o -
a. . and to saline, change at psilanti. Some unusal bargains in Base Ball Mitts
Ypsianti ~1I AUU
Local cars West Bound--7:48 a. m. and and Gloves.
12:20 a. m. -_L,+
- -W
Excellent CHOP SUEY from
11:30 a. m. to midnight George Did It George Did It
Steaks and Chops 314 S. State = . g
7llllll 1f l 1lilltl11lllltliil111111If 11fill 1111111t it 11'Uf1 ll 1111111ll111i[] ltllilltilI111111111
Asked At Random
Today's question: ."Do you think a
mutual understanding should exist be-
tween Michigan men and women to go I E
'dutch 'treat' when attending the mo-
les togethers"
Ida E. Mines, 20, secretary of the
Athena Literary society: "I think this
should depend entirely on' the cir-
cumstances. If a boy is working e is
way through school, it is especially
desirous of having such an under-(#
standing. But then I don't see why Nickels Arcade Up the Stairs
any couple shouldn't go dutch treat'
anyway, as real pals do."
Martha Seeley, '20, member of the Hey Boy! Have You Tasted The Good
wyvern society: "I don't really know
but I think this would be a good Food At The ARCADE?
thing if it could be worked out. It
seems to me that 'the first thing nec- Pure foods at low prices, prepared by experts.
essary to do is to establish this cus-
tom in such a way that it will be con- Everything-displayed on our forty-foot steam and
sidered perfectly proper." serving tables.
Blanche B. Blynn, '20, treasurer of Select just what appeals to your own Individual
the Athena Literary society: "Most
girls would be more than glad to do appetite,
this if it were generally understood to
be the custom. As it stands, it is Bakery goods fresh from our own ovens.
hardly feasible unless the couple es- -c-cream.
establish such relations personally. Delicious coffee with rich Jersey
In some cases I cannot conceive of Kindness, courtesy, and good service prevail here.
this custom coming into practice."
Marjorie Deam, '22, secretary of the
Classical club: "It would be nice if
this could be done, for most boys
have as hard a time to get spending ,
money as girls do and it isn't right-"
for them to have to stand all ex-
F. H. Case, '20, was burned in the -
mouth and throat by caustic potash
solution while working in a combus-
tion room in the Chemical building
Tuesday afternoon. An unexpected . -
back pressure in the apparatus forced
some of the caustic liquid into his 5o7A//- oun soft drink
mouth and throat. He was immedi-
ately taken to the hospital for first -Fe
aid treatment and returned home Iat- men, -
.er. It is expected that his recovery . ness men, professional
will take some time. men, men of sports-
Read the Daily for Campus News baseball, football, golf,
tennis, shooting, riding.
For everybody, every-
WILLITS . where, the year 'round,
Bevo is hale refresh-.-
Phone 173 315 S, Stale St.
SUNDAY DINNER ment for wholesome
S I thirst-an invigorating
soft drink, Ideal for the
MENU athlete or the man in
Soup vphysical or mental train
(Willits' Best) ing-good to train on

Waers and gain on. Healthful
Egg Lettuce Salad .
Roast sirloin of Beef be ice cold.
Brown Gravy
Fricassced Chicken with Biscuit -
Creamed-P otatoes ANHEUSER-BUScH
Early June Peas.L
ST. Louis
Cherry PieERaisin Pie
Vanilla Ice Cream. LSeve tcod
Tea Coffee Milk -
12 TO 2 P. M.. PRICE $1.00 -
Come Early
A few tables left for J-Hop.... .
Breakfast at $1.00
Engage now.



\fter performances of the Princeton Triangle
b and musical organizations, the whole audience,
npany, and props rise to their fleet and oin in
ging "Old Nassau," their University anthem.
:f the custom of singing the "Yellow and Blue"
er such events could be inaugurated here at
chigan, a manyfold purpose would be served. In
first place this reservation of "the best" for the
t would result in a firmer respect for the song
.t means so much in the heart of every Michigan
n, and, if possible, would give it a still stronger,
ablishment than it possesses now.
Secondly, if sung at performances out of town,
would help spread the influence and prestige of
chigan spirit. And the alumni would certainly
lcome an opportunity to register their loyalty.
Eastly- the "Yellow anrd Blue" would be known
ter than it is now by every Michigan student. Too
ny sadly hum the air when the stands rise at
tball games. Yes, this year's Union opera and
Glee and Mandolin clubs should lay the foun-
inns for such a worthv cstnm ittheir nerform-

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