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March 27, 1920 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-03-27

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1M1r41§an 74aill
every morning except Monday during the Univer-
he Board in Control of Student Publications.
ciated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for
>f all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
is paper and the local news published therein.
t the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
on by carrier or mail, $3.50.
in Arborr Press building, Maynard street.
3usiness, 96o; Editorial, 2414.
ations not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
cessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of
ices of events will be published in The' Daily at the
the 'ditor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office.
imunicatiens will receive no consideration. No mnan-
e returned unless the writer incloses postage.
y does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex-
moing On" notices will not be received after 8 o'clock
preceding insertion.
Telephone 2414
EDITOR..................HARRY M. CAREY
k K. Ehlbert Edgar L. Rice
M. Campbell Joseph A. Bernstein
rge Brophy Hugh Hitchcock"
....... ... -. H. Hardy Heth, Lee M. Woodruff
..................... Renaud Sherwood
it...................John I. Dakin
..............Brewster Campbell
. ......Robert C. Angell
artment......... ............Marguerite Clark
...... .. Thomas Adams, 'Thornton Sargent Jr~

G. E. Clarke
Thomas 3. Whinery
R. W. Wrobleski
George Reindel
Dorothy Monfort
Minnie Miiskatt

Winefred Biethan'
Robert D. Sage
M&arion Nicholls
Frances Oberholtzer
'I .Lna Apel
1;. P. Lovejoy

Telephone 960,
ng.Le Grand A. Gaines, Mark B. Covell
nd Classified Ads.............. ....... .Henry Whiting
S.... . .........Edward Prihs
n.. ....................Curt P. Schneider, R. A. Sullivan
mbrecht F. M Heath D. P. Joyce
'win -Sigmund Kunstadter Robt. Sommerville
Kerr Harold Lindsay Arthur L. Glazer
ons wishing to secure information concerning news for any
rhe Daily should see the night editor, who has full charge
#s to be printed that night,
night editors for the week will ae: Monday
Mark K. Ehbert; Tuesday night, Edgar L.
"Wednesday night, George Brophy; Thursday
Hugh Hitchcock ; Friday night, Chesser
ell; Saturday night, Joseph Bernstein.
effort which will result in better feeling and
ration between the colleges of the Western
once stands a good chance of a warm wel-
The occasional backbiting and msunder-
igs which arise are not enjyed by any of the
pants, and the probabilities are that every
would act gladly on the first suggestion of a
get together. For this reaon, it looks as
great promise of success awaits Sigma Delta '
:hapter at Michigan in its plan for a better
intercollegiate relations throgh a Western
ence journalistic association.
college newspaper is the orga of the campus
unity. On the sort of news it prints depends
the student outlook regarding other ceb-b
The proposed press service1between the "Big
colleges should lead to a better understand-
friendlier feeling, and increased co-operation
ly along journalistic lines, but in other school
ds of all the conference student newspapers,
g here in the convention scheduled for the
eek in May, will witness this same spirit of
effort in two other conclves scheduled for
ne time: that of the Michigan Intercollegiate
lists' association, and the meeting of repre-
ves of the various university unions. Many
.s which are at the basis of intercollegiate.ill.-
tould be cleared up by these meetings of col-
ien in the discussion qf' common problems.
iendships made and the impressions created
be particularly fruitful, because of the tre-
us powver of publicity which can be given by
blication heads to the new spirit of co-opera-
as only a few years ago that one could
cross the campus without enc untering at
ne "M" man, whose honor was made known
school at large by the large letter displayed
sweater. Gradually the custom of "wearing
' seems to have died away. Obviously no lack
em has provoked the decadence. Rather, some
ense of modesty must have been acquired.
wonder if,, by wearing their letters, the older
ould not make other students even more de-
of winning an "M"? This, in turn, would
> more tryouts for various teams and tend
ease the school spirit. Is it too much to ask
who have already done a great deal for the
sity to wear their letters now and then in
hat they may receive the respect due them by
allow students?
t the installation of the public telephone
in the Union pne of the greatest needs of
dent body was met. What is still needed,
r, are other telephones in a central campus
. It is true that there are a few phones
d throughout some of the buildings which
the service of the public, but these are used

by only the few. The library seems to be the most
advantageous place foj installing telephones for
general University advantage. .
With the end in view of meeting this demand
booths were placed in the new building, and are only
waiting for the telephone company to furnish the
necessary equipment. When these telephones are
opened for public use it will be a great help to
everyone on the campus. It is to be hoped that the
telephone- company will not delay the installation
of the phones.
When a student enters a university he contracts
a debt-a debt which will take him four years to
pay off. First of all, he owes his chosen school all the
best that is in him. His ability should not lie dor-
mant but should be manifested in constructive ac-
tivity - boosting, working for, and helping his col-
lege in every way possible..
He owes it to his university to be honorable, that
the prestige of the institution may be.unchallanged;
to be studious, that its reputation may be upheld;
to exert his athletic ability, that it may be respected
in the athletic world; and, above all, to enter whole-
heartedly into the spirit of progressiveness that is
the life blood of the college.
This is his major debt. He has minor moral
debts to the societies of which he is a member and
the activities in which he participates. He will not
be dunned by any collectors to pay vyhat he owes.
He can graduate wvithout making a single payment.
The entire affair lies in his own hands.
When the time comes for you to graduate will
you be able to look back and count the payments
you have made on your debt?- Will you have tangi-
ble evidence of your activity to show as th receipt
of your completed payment? If you have, you will
be better and happier for your college education
and the university will be proud to claim you as
an alumnus.
The Telescope -1
I love to see a movie,
With an animated ad,
But when it costs me half a buck
It surely makes me mad.
All this talk of departed spirits bring back poig-
nant memories of when this one was in the full
flush of its manhood.
Stude-I only called, Miss Sharp, to apologize
for disappointing you-last night, but really I could-
n't find time. I hope, Miss Sharp, that--.
Miss Sharp-Don't speak of it. We never thought
of it at all until after all the company had left and
then father noticed that the decanter on the side-
board still had something in it.
Dear Noah: -
I am very dissatisfied with my new place as I
find that I cannot take things as easily as formerly.
What shall I do ? A. Maid.
The only thing I can recommend is for you to go
somewhere where they don't lock up everything.
A Narrow escape
''I pretty nearly lost a lot of money today."
"What saved you from doing it?"
"Nature? What' do you mean'?"
"Why, I asked a.girl to go to the J-Hop with me
and the wind was blowing so hard she didn't
hear me..
An extract from Izee Manordog's popular novel,
"Under False Colors," the story of a girl who was
a slave to the rouge habit.
The red berries of the indigo bush glistened pur-
ple in the deepening twilight; the shades of night
had long ceased falling and all was still save for the
occasional dropping of an eavesdropper. The edge

of the water was fringed with pieces of driftwood
and floating gall stones, and here and there the
tracks of the sniffle-snipe rah in weird patterns over
the sand. Motionless, pacing up and down the
sand stood a woman.
Now and again her nose quivered as the moist-
ure-laden ocean breezes wafted to bier nostrils the
delicious odor of .the seaweed. As the first call of
the cuckoo owl shrilled through the morning air
she seemed all at otife to- be galvanized into action.
Above the din made by the flapping of the wings
of the flying fish were heard these words: "Other
women, stenographers, telephone girls and factory
workers all do it. Why should not I have the right
to do it also? Is it to 'be denied me because I am
a woman of family, birth and wealth? How ter-a
ribly unjust is this foolish world of conventions!
Unmindful *of who might hear her she contin-
ued: "Convention, Oh! Iow I hate it. Why can
other women do with impunity that which would
set me beyond the pale of morality? It is just an-
other one of those conventions set up by those who
have not the moral courage to transgress them. I
shall do it ! I will have my fling at it, even though
I must pay the piper. No matter what others say
or think I shall CHEW GUM IN PUBLIC if I
want to. J. W. K.
Famous Closing Lines
"I am much upset about this," said the man who
lost his balance in tfie bank failure.




"George Did It"

(Oct. 26, 1gg)
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6::zo a.
m., and hourly to q:1o p. m.
Jackson Limited and Express Cars--8:48
a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (lx-
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound-6 :os a. m., :e. a.
m. and every two hours to 9:os pm., 1o:so
-o. mn. To Ypsilanti only, xx:4 , m i., 1:10
a. -i., and to Saline, change at psilanti.
Local Cars West Bound--7:48 a. m. and
r2:2o a. in.
! S M T W: T F S

i111111111l 1111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111l{1i{Ii111t^Mii
Just Received-- _
Leonard A Wood'
Administrator, Soldier and Citizen
By '
Prof. Wiliam Herbert Hobbs
PRICE 2.0-
George Did It George Did It
I1{1{V1A11N111StV '1 S LU N CH11111ti1111111{ilillilil{11111lllls

Friday and Saturday
Par-Post, Laundry
$1.5 0

7 . 8 9 10 11
14 15 16 .17 18
21 22 23 24 25'
28 29 30 31 4.
Men-Hats are high;
season's hat cleaned




and re-

blocked into this season's shape,
with a new band, will look like
new and save you five or ten
dollars. We do only high class
work. Factory Hat Store,1
Packard St. Phone 1792.

Excellent CHOP .SUEY from
11:80 a. m. to midnight
Steaks and Chops 814 S. State
Asked At Random'
,(Any member of the University,
professor or student, who has a ques-
tion he .wishes discussed in this col-
umn may mail it to the "Asked at
Random" reporter, care of The
Today's question: "Do you think
a fmeshman with military credit who
has been in the Universtly one se-
mester should be exempt from reg lar
freshman rulingsl"
Harold B. Hinchman, '20D, presi-
dent of the senior dental class: "I
do not think that these students
should be classed with the regular
freshmen. As far as wearing the
toque goes, it has always been a Uni-
versity tradition to do so; but in a
case like this, their splendid records
overseas deserve their being recog-
nized as sophomores on the campus
Orlando C. Moffatt, '23, a "military
freshman": "It seems to me that aft-
er an ex-service man has earned his
military credits that they should be
credited to him immediately, in order
that he may be classed as a sopho-
more. I think Michigan traditions a
fine thing, but in a case like this an
exception sho uld be made."
Robert V. Rice, '23, president of the
freshman lit class: "These men may
be sophomores in academic work, but
they are really freshmen on the cam-
pus. After all, it is no 'disgrace to
go through with the freshmen regula-
tions and all first year men should do
so regardless of military credit."
Donald McFarland, '23E, president
of the freshman engineer class: "If
these men hadn't gone to war, they
would now be regular sophomores or
juniors. Since they did go and fight
for their country, thereby earning
military credit, it is only right that
they should be exempt from wearing
a. freshman toque after one semester
in the University. This is one way we
can show our appreciation of what
those who went 'over there' did for

for Q)uali'ty aned



r t~

Dr. Dinger will continue his meet-
ings at the Church of Christ every
evening next week. Those who are
attending these services are highly sold ve,yiirh y
pleased withthem. They are surely fannilies suppliedb
benefitting all who attend. R~mem- grocer drugist and
ber they begin at 7:30 and last one waler -Visitorsawe
cordially invited to .I
hour. The public is cordially invited. inspect our plant.
Come and bring your friends.-Adv.

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