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October 10, 1919 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-10

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d every morning except Monday durng the Univer.
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for
1 of all news dispatches credited to it .or not otherwise
this paper and the local news published therein.
at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
tion by carrier or mail, $3.50.
Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard street.
Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414.
nications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-.
necacssariy to appear in print but as an evidence of
Loticen of events will be pblised in The,-Daily atthe
the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office.
mmunications will receive no consideration. No man-
be returned unless the writer incloses postage.
ily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex-
the communications.
arey .......................Managing Editor
Phone 2414 or 1o6
lette, Jr.........................Business Manager
Phone 960 or 2738
lbert .................News Editor
pbell..................City Editor
..............Sports Editor
Clark .. ... ..... ...Women's Editor
Bernseti.... ... "". ".............Telegraph Editor
nkman ECharles R. Osius, Jr.
Gaines, Jr..... . Advertising Manager
ell ..............................,..Issue Manager
ing .................................Offie Manager
ehs .....................Pblicaton Manager
neider...............rulation Manager
ran................Subscription Manager
...... .t...Music Editor
aealdo............................Exchage Editor
Lock ...............Campaign Editor
pson ..............................Staff Cartoonist
argent Jr. Thomas 11. Adams . Brewster Campbell
wart john I. Dakin
Marshall William H. Riley Ralph DuBois
Katriria Schermerhorn Robert C. 4ngell
in H. Hardy Heth
ngs Isabelle Varnum D. P. Joyce
recht Agnes Holmquist Robt. Somerville
light Editor-Brewster P. Campbell
e and Blue," official colors of the Univer-
being sold in two different shade combina-
present. The student body and merchants
:ingly lost sight of the fact that there is
offcial and correct shade combination of
d blue. This is the "azure blue and maize"
by the student body in 1867 and officially
>y the Board of Regents in 19i2. These
e the lighter shades on sale.
ark blue and deep yellow being sold are
:olors of the University. They are colors
by the Athletic association for the exclu-
of "M" men. It was found that the offi-
:er shades were impractical for use in
and uniformns, so different shades were
or the Varsity 'teams. Students not play-
Varsity team are not entitled to the darker
:or are they the real University colors.
ing the action of the Regents, a special
e, headed by Dr. Warren P. Lombard,
the exact shades defined by "maize and
i piece of silk of each shade is deposited
ults of the secretary. They are the shades
commonly known as the/"academic colors"
'lighter colors" now being sold by mer-


they were drinking pure milk, provided it did not
reach them too long after it had been tested.
Dr. Wessinger's proposal seems to us a happy
solution to the whole question of milk in student
boarding houses, which warrants no reasonable ob-
jections on the part of either student or boarding
house operator. There are no laws, either munici-
pal or state, which require the use of pasteurized
or certified milk in Ann Arbor. The recommenda-
tion of the city health officer, however, should at-
tract the attention of the common council. Should
this fail, public opinion, which has already effected
a 95 per cent use of pasteurized milk, will doubt-
less demand that the remaining 5 per cent be at
least certified.
Eight names which carry with them eight inter-
national personalities are announced by the Ora-
toric.l association for the season of 19 19-20.
William Howard Taft, Samuel Gompers, James
W. Gerard, Lieut. Sir Arthur Brown, Coningsby
Dawson, Vilhjamur Stefannson, Stephen Leacock,
and Alexander Watson are names which beggar in-
troduction. Statesman, labor leader, diplomat,
trans-Atb ntic aviator, author, explorer, humorist,
and drajnatist-they represent great men in the
eyes of the world but more especially in the eyes
of the American university.
College days are formative days according to
those who have gone on ahead. Many years hence
we shall find ourselves recalling and doing things
which had' their inceptions during these days, they
say. And even though we may remember no defi-
nite information, we at least acquired a sort of
foundation upon which to construct.
It is by. coming in touch with men who have
thougth and achieved, that we gain new opinons
and conceptions which, though they may never be
remembered in substance, yet play a certain part in
intellectual development. It is for us, then, as
university people, to know the men kentioned
above and what they stand for. Surely, if the
schools of a country do not know men of this type,
we cannot expect the rest of the country to be fa.
miliar with them.
The Oratorical association is to be commended
for its efforts to assist in acquainting the Univer-
k sity with the world's great figures.

1 F

Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(June 9, 1919)
(central Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-8:10 a..
m., and hoursly to 9:1o p. m.
Jackson Limited and Express Cars-7:48
a. mn.,and every hour to 9:48 P.mn. (x-
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound-6:oo a. ,n., 9:o5 a.
m. and every two hours to 9:os m p.m.,0:so
p. in. To Ypsilanti only, 11 :45 P.m-n, 12:20
a. m., 1 .io a. m., and to Saline, change at
Local Cars West Bound-6:48 a. m. and
1 x:2 P. m.
LISTEN. Do you realize that Ann
Arbor has the safest organization for
investing your money? The Huron
Valley Bldg. and Savings Ass'n., or-
ganized 1891 under State supervision
never paid less than 6 per cent divid-
ends, free from taxation, You can draw
out your money at any time and re-
ceive 5 per cent. H. IH. Herbst, sec'y'.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank Bldg. -Adv.
Those desiring to attend the clas"
for beginners in ball room dancing,
to be held in the Michigan UJnion
Dance Hall ,hculh regIster in the olc
Union Building, Wednesday, Oct. 8.,
at 7 P. M. The classes cre ezcbusively
for college men and women. For par-
ticulars call 1066-J.
Paris, Ky. Fresh every week. Tice's
Siv So. Main St.-Adv.
Nunnally's, "The Candy of the
South." Tice's, 117 So. Main St.-Adv.
For artistic wail-papers go to C. H.
Major & Co. Phone 237.--Adv.

-.------------.-----.------------.---.-----.------------ I.

Attention ,Students
You will always find it at Mich. best
book store and at the right price.
You are welcome.
Wahr' s University
Book Store
OO Ort


And without much talking about. it we want you to
know that from the standpoint of style, quality and
value our exclusive line of young men and men's
clothing and toggery will please the most particular

On The Other Hand

ne that students stop buying, wearing, or
my manner the darker colors that are re-
r letter men only. It is considered dis-
to wear "M" insignia unless it has been
by the authorities. It should be consid-
same for students to use the colors re-
r Varsity teams. Students should use the
tades only, and should frown upon the
the darker colors.
who purchase banners, blankets, or col-
e future should insist on getting the offi--
e blue and maize." Merchants should or-
pore of the darker materials, and when
ent stock is disposed of, 'should sell the'
[es only. Certainly any Ann Arbor mer-
enough loyalty to the University to assist
:hletic association is heartily in favor of
the sale of dark colors. Objections that
:r shades are impractical for decorating.
are groundless, because the official shades
uch lighter than the athletic colors.
be men of the only real Maize and Blue.

Concerning Etiquette
The New-Corier says:--
I love this free Democracy
Where all of us are brothers;
But where I eat, on Duroc street,
They alsoeboard someothers.
My Uncle You should see this crew-
Their arms up on the table-
Our food supplies they vocalize,
As loudly as their able.
And when the feat is quite complete,
And they have mopped the platter,
They find a stick, and gouge and pick,
Where anything's the matter.
Now I was taught that men of thought
Are, persons of good breeding;
Please tell me why this rule's awry
When college men are feeding.
The Old-Timer replies:-
My cultured friend, you need not mend
The maxitn you have quoted:
Most men of thought, as .you were taught,
Are for good manners noted.
But, don't you know, some day you'll go
From out these halls of knowledge?
All sorts you'll meet-and with them eat-.
(For all you're trained in college.)
We could not bear to send you there
Unused to sights revoltiag;
So, for your good, you take your food,
Where some are skilled at bolting.
And, af terwhile, you'll sometimes smile
To see their feats courageous ;
Be careful, though; we'd have you know
The habit is contagious.
Carl Johnson, president of the Student council,
at the junior lit meeting: "Coach Yost wants good
football men down to Ferry field and he wants
them bad.'
Vito Giannola is the last of four brothers. The
other three have recently died in Detroit. They died
natural deaths, that is, natural deaths for Gianno-
las. They all were pumped full of the good old
lead at different times. The last brother, they say,
is worrying about something. I wonder what it
can be?
You Said a Tablespoonful
A movie ad says: "Choosing a Wife"- -a first'
National attraction.
It is said that the old sport of sliding down the
cellar door will be revived again. Of course it will
have to be that kind of a cellar.

Realize the Importance of Quality

17 0

No matter what the siyle may be, and how nicely the garments may
fit you when purchased, unless the fabric is all wool and the tailoring is of
the best quality, your satisfaction will not last long. To eliminate every

possible chance of disappointment, select from our stock.


_ W ' «

Smrt he


14 pam - -.


Suits and

js the loudest protest raised against the
'n for pasteurized milk in campus boarding
and restaurants has come from those who
it milk so treated is far inferior in flavor
aw product. There are those who contend
protection offered by pasteurization does
et this apparent lowering in quality which
Lnies it. On the other hand, the majority
95 per cent) believe that guaranteed im-
from contamination is of paramount im-
uggestion of Dr. John A. Wessinger, city
fficer, appears to reconcile these differences
on. He advocates pasteurization in every
case ; but in order to provide for the above-
ed objectors, he suggests that certification
milk by a medical milk commission be made
native. Although the fact that milk has
-tified does not guarantee it for any length
., ,n: - t clr fin

Sheep Lined


We are showing elegant models with or without belts. You may not
care for a belt style in your suit or you may want the half-belt type or the
belt all-around. Regardless of what your wishes may be, you'll have no
difficulty in finding a style that will suit your fan'cy. They're in color and
shades as well as the nobby sport effects, include a range that is very


made for comfortable wear-
ing service at a price that is




$25, $30, $35, $40, $50 and up

Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.



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