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October 10, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-10

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lark Launching of Cam.
,n for War Memo-
he second annual Tradi-
re rapidly materializing,
Carl T. Hogan, '20E,
the committee which has
ed to make arrange-
he day.
rho will be given as th'eir
ddress " Michigan Tra-
e already been invited to
e the student body of the
rhile the band land Glee
king arrangements to be
ape for the big event of
tree Addresses
practically the same out-
cedure, as was used at
.ual Traditions' day, the
a aanged for the use
riuml Tuesday night, and.
spor three short but em-
ses qs the main feature
. ley will be punctu-
teMingling of songs and
11 tenc to arouse enthu-

Increases in salaries of faculty
nembers of 30 per cent for those be-
low the rank of full professor and of
25 per cent for full professors go into
effect this year, Secretary Shirley W.
,'mith stated Wednesday.
This.increase was authorized by the
3oard o Regents last spring. Full pro..
lessors' salaries will now'range from
$3,200 to $5,000, those of associate pro-
fessors from'$2,700 to $3,000, of assist-
ant professors from $2,200 to $2,600,
and of instructors from $1,30" to
$1,300 to $2',100 annually.
National Student.
Council To fleet
- 1
The National Student council of the
Episcopal church, which come to Ann
Arbor in connection with the general
convention, will open its annual ses-
sion with a mass meeting at 8 o'clock
-his evening in Harris hall. Satur-
Jay and Sunday will be devoted to
business meetings ;f the council, butf
everyone is invited to 'attend the mass
meeting on Friday evening. President
Hutchins will deliver the address of
welcome and short speeohes by two
)ther prominent men will follow.
About 30 delegates\ will represent
;he students and faculties of several
universities and colleges. Clergymen
from college communities,-and the
Ieneral board of religious education
ind the.joint ccenmission on social ser-
vice. 4
The council 'will forurlate plans to
interest the students in the nation-
wide campaign of the Episcopal'
church. Sunday morning Bishop Theo-
dore I. Reese will deliver an address
zn& in the afternoon Bishop-elect Ed-
ward L. Iarsons will be the speaker.

Ann Arbor Savings Vank Places
$5.oo As Ninimum On Checks
Regulation of the minimri.m amo n . for which a check is writ-
ten has been made by the Ann Arbor Sa v:ngs bank. Owing to the
great number of students, who wr:te m: y checks each month for
exceedingly small amounts, the lank h4.s been forced to close the
account of any one writing checks for less than $5.
This policy follows as a resulk of I ss by the bank for several
years on three-fourths of the student accounts, due to the extra
bookkeeping required to look after the innumerable small checks.
By compelling all its depositors to write checks for at least $5, the
bank hopes to stop some of the additional expense which the
small accounts cause,
Too Many Snmll Cheeks
An illuztratxon of the xpanz to which the bank is put is
shown by the fact that it is difficult to keep five people busy dur-
ing the summer months while all the time of 10 people is required
during the school year. Two policies were open to the bank: that
of charging a small monthly fey for service, and that of asking the
students to write fewer but larger checks.
Carl F. Brown, vice-president of the bank, said that the stu-
dents could just- as well write larger checks. "For instance in one
account the student wrote 18 checks in one month, all for sums
.under $5. As several of these were written the same day, it can be
seen easily that he could just as well have made the checks for at
least $5. With the new ruling in effect we will not demand any
specified deposit."
Bank Loses on Accounts",
Most of the students' accounts were down to nothing at the end
of the month, some being overdrawn, and as the bank can lend
money only on that part of the smallest sum on deposit, it can be
seen that it is losing money on a large number of the accounts. Mr.
Brown stated, however, that it was the intention of the bank to con-
tinue serving the student trade without extra charge, as long as they
complied with the bank's request. As yet few students have refused
to abide by this, most of them seeing the justice of the bank's argu-


morial for
who were!
ce, will be
has beenm
wing days
dates for

asse are being urged, by student
Lcilmen, to put in a strong at-
lapce at the meeting, and freshmen
scially are being urged to attend.
re4itigns' cy is gne day espe-
y upon which the first year men
feel sur ethat they Will not be
ept to any frophnan discipline,"
an, chairman of the committee in
ge, said last night. "We are
ning to reserve as many seats as
ible in the front rows of Hill
torium -for thgir special use, and
are going to make this a night
n they will be given a chance to
n Michigan traditions and ideals.
Freshman's Opportunity
t'§ gping to be an opportunity for
agw men to learn Michigan ideals
at the same time, it §going to
the plqe' pg .chance to brush
,p $he m.The tudept council
i| like to 'ee every student on
camipus, including both men and
le4, and ven the faculty at the
jitions, day mass,'meeting."
ngal eclaret hat pep would be
feature e fthe meeting and that
ything that p n t edone, will be
3 rra _p it a rqugipg affair.
lee will he agnpuncei. as soon
acgptafces h y ben received.
Offrt is beig iade to have fam-
men of Michigan a the speakers
he day. Cheer leaders will also
fl 'prQlMenle, while "coats off"
p@ the motto of the evening.

At a meeting of the sophomore liter-l
ary class held yesterday afternoon in.
Mason hall, nomiijations were made for'
this year's officers, as follows: Presi-
dent, Charles' Eades, Frederick Wor-
,ester, R. Jerome Dunne, Hugh Hitch-
cock; vice-president, Caroline Leon-
ard, Ruth Mills, Isabel Swan, Caroline
Napier; secretary, Geneva Bacon, Mar-
garet Spaldirig, Charles Mrohson,
Dorothy Spaulding; treasurer, James'
Witker, Curt Snyder, Geprge F. Stone,
R. .Sullivap. Elections for these can-
didates will be conducted beginnig at
10 o'clocl next Thursday morning.
Proceding the nominations yester-
day, Carl Johnson, 'A0, of the Student
council, made a few remarks concern-
ing the need for football men and Bon-
cernihg the new sy tej of freshman
discipline whic b hg4 been adopted.
All ex-'18 engineers are invited to
a smoker and get-together meeting at
7:30 o'clock Friday night at the
Union. Bruce Q. Burlingame has
charge of the affair.
Prof. F, H. stevens of the engi-
nering department will /speak, and
'plenty of jazz music is promised by
Waldo McKee. Unlimited doughnuts,
'cider and amokes will be served.
All, who are going,s are asked to
sign up at the Technic office before
4 o'clock Friday afternoon. It is ex-
pected that many men who were in
-service will be present.
About 50 ex-'19 engineers will hold
a "get-together" dinner and smoker
at 6:30 o'clock this evening at the
Union. Practically every one of these
men were prevented from graduating
because of his participation in the
war. Following the dinner smoke's.
will be passed and stories will be
exchanged among the men. .

I D lU U U L U
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 9.-Concrete pro-
posals designed to bring about better
,relations between employers and em-
ployes were laid before the National
Industrial conference today by mem-
bers of the various groups making up
the gathering. The proposals in-
Proposals Offered
Arbitration of the natio wide steel
strike with return of the men to work
pending settlement; an industrial
truce starting immediately and con-
tinuing three months; creation of an
arbitraton board by the Presdent and
congress and including among its
members all ex-presidents; and a com-
prehensive plan for adjustment of in-
'duactrial disputes throughout boards
of arbitration in the various indus-
The conefrence today also took its
first concrete action in adopting a
motion providing for a committee con-
sisting of three Vmembers, from each
of the groups of employers, labor and
fthe public to be appointed to inves-
tIgate the high cost of living.
Settle Strike
The proposal for settlement of the
steel strike was introduced by Sam-
uel Gompers and came as a surprise
'to the groups representing the pub-
lic and employers. The proposal like
all others submitted today was refer-
red to the general committee compos-
ed of five representatives of . each
The prospect tonight wap that the
conference will recess for 10 days or
twn weekt~l aollnw th. Qtnrl or




(By Associated Press)
Gary, Ind., O J. --squad of Uni-
ted States soldihrs in an automobile
was fired upon today from ambush in
Gary. The attack was believed to have
been mado by a detachment of radicals
The four shots wnt wild. The sold-
iers leaped fr.m their machine and
effarged the clurp of bushes from b-
hind which th atack was made bu
their assailanWs had escaped.
Tuscon Ariz., Oct. 9.-Eight ha
Bred shop nen of tl e Southern P cP'
sent here this aftcrnoon and the nght
shift refu;ed to go on as the re ut
of local differences between the co-
pany oticials on the grievance com-
n'Attee and the shopmnen.
French ( lasses
Will Be Dvided
The French department has adopt-
ed a new plan for all students enroll-
ed in French I and II, which it is
about to put to a test. The plan con-
sists in presenting three questions to
each member of the class and taking
a count of the results with the view
of dividing the students into differ-
ent sections.
The questions are: (1) How much
French do you intend to take? (2)
Are you primarily interested in learn-
ing to.speak or to read French? (3)
Do you ever intend to teach French?
A tabulation will be made of the re-
sults and if the number wishing to
take French purely from the stand-
point of gaining a reading knowledge
is nearly proportional to the number
wishing to emphasize the conversa-
tional side sections will be arranged
whereby the student may be placed
where they may pursue to best advaiii-
tage the phase in which they afe most
In introducing this plan it is
thought the best advantages of those
students who are studying i French
for technical reading in law and med-
icine will be served as well as to give
greater stress to conversation for
those intending to engage in teaching
the subject.
Senior, junior and sophomore phar-
mics met, at 4:30 o'clock Thursday
afternoon for the purpose of nom-
inating officers for their respective
classes. The following nominatioAs
were made: Seniors, for president F.
J. Helbig, N. C. Fliegal, E L. Jack-
son; for vice-president, J. A Wy-
man, Dorothy Bristol; for treasurer,
N. D. Miller, H. Sayles; for secre-
tary, D. J. Hillier, E. D. Mayo, C. V.
Krout. Juniors, for president, E. L
Hamomnd, Clarence Lemp,L. R. Wag-
ner; for vice-president, C. G. Fuss,
J. Ingles; for treasurer, H. E. Schlict-
ing, E. C. Watts; for secretary, Nel-
da Taylor.
The nominations for the offices of
the sophomnore class were postponed
until a later date because of insuffi-
cient attendance. Elections will be
held at a later time, which will be

PiLL ,

Dr. Hugh Cabbot, late professor of
genito-urinary surgery at the Harvard
medical school, and colonel in th'e
medical corps of ttie British army, is,
expected in Ann Arbor today to take
up his duties as professor of surgery
at the University Medical school. Dr.
Cabbot, who is on his way from Bos-
ton with his wife, will take the posi-
tion left vacant by Dr. C. G. Darl-
Dr. Cabbot still holds the rank of
colonel in the British army medical
corps with which corps he served for
three years as the head of a large hos-
Mr. Edwin E. Nelson, formerly as-
sistant professor of pharmacology at
the University of Missouri now occu-
pies the place formerly held by Dr.
M. F. Smith as assistant professor of
pharmacolcgy. Dr. Smith left here two.
years ago to become a member of the
faculty of the University of Nebraska.
(By Associated Press)
North. Platte, Neb., Oct. 9.-East
and west bound groups of air men in
the transcontinental derby met here
this afternoon, Lieut. B. W. Maynard
leading the eastern troops, was first
to land at 4:14. Capt. Lowell H.
Smith, from Nather field, arrived five
minutes later.,
Washington, Oct. 9.-"The president
has had another good day," Dr. Cary
Grayson in tonight's bulletin on the
president's condition. Although the
president continued to improve to-
day his physicians indicated that they
expect his recovery to progress very

Every lRedleg Pastimer Gets Safe
gle In Last Battle; Wii by
10-5 Score '/
The Last Batle
1 a . 4 1 745 8 9-1
Weds ...4 1 0 0 1 3 01 0-40
W~hite Sox.# 0 1 0 ) 4 0 4 0- 5 0
(By Associated Prss)
Chi ago, Oct. 9.- -The world's bas
all championship pennant for 1
will fiy on Redland field, Cincinn
next season, Pat Moran's athlei
having today annexed the eighth a
deciding game against the Chica
'White Sox 10 to 6,\
The Reds, after dropping t
games on the home grcunds and p
mitting the Sox to get back into t
running for the big emblem start
after the deciding game at the i
Kayoed Williams
They descended on Claude Willia
'offerings' with a determination whi
sent him into seclusion before 1
third man was out and Bill James w
trotted out. Three iuns were scor
off Williams and one on James.
was the latter's first appearance'
the series and .he led a terrible I
until the sixth, when with two Un
on the sacks, he was given the be
oning finger, by Manager Gleas
and Roy Wilkinson came forth
finish the game. The invaders cc
tinued their onslaught and se
three runs across the rubber. In t
eighth the Reds annexed aot
and let it go at that. Their positi
was so secure that they appeared i
different even bored at the Sox fd
run rally which had the effect larg
of merely. stietch.ng the' contest C
into the longest of the series, nan
ly, 2 hours, 27 minutes.
lit 26 Times
The game produced the heavit
hitting of the series. The Reds b
ged 16 and the Sox 10. Roich w
the individual batting star for t
Reds with tgree safe blows, two
them being doubles. Joe Jackson, t
Sox slugger, hit the only home r
of the series.
The players on the Cincinnati te
by winning the series will get $11
157.68, which divided int 22 1-2 shar
will net each/Player $5,207.01. The
tendance for the series was 236,9:
The White "Sox will draw down $7
104.70, and each of the 24 playe
will recive $3,254.36.
The National Commission receie
$72,241.40, or one-tenth of the to
recepits of $722,414 taken in, exci
sive of war tax on all eight games.
"The Reds are champions and I a
the happiest man in the world I
night,"" said Manager Moran of t
Cincinnati club. "I cannot praise i
players too highly, they played
markable ball, fought every mint
to win and there never was a tli
when they lost confideine.
Outclassed, Says Moran
"They fought to win, but were ot
classed in ny opinion. The seri
ended as I thought it would but
must admit that the Sox gave us
'If Williams had shown 'stuff'
the first inning it would have be
a different story," said Manag
Gleason of the Sox. "But he did:
have a thing except a desire to be
the Reds. When the Rets )scor
four runs that was enough to take t
heart out of any ball club but t
Sox came back fighting.
"We were handicapped at -the st
of the series by pitching, but I w
confident that we could pull throuj

The Reds were lucky to win the
.early games. However they beat
in one of the greatest series ev
staged and my hat is off to them."
Council Nombiee's Name Omitted
Due to an error in the 'list publis
ed yesterday of the nomnnees for Si
dent councilmen, the name of G.
Rourke, '20, was omitted.

( ' E16 101SIN
(11_ 11E

i Rule Days
air Once fare

Today 400 upperclassmen revert to
gh school days. At least, that many
mbers of Prof. I. Leo Scharfman's
siness law and corporations classes
e going to appear on the campus
rrying the highly ornamented sort of
)lets that they used in the long ago
foresthey came to Michigan.
It's all because Professor Scharfman
uted a uniform size of paper for
weekly investigations into the
owledge of his students. He'went
opping the other day and discov-
id a tablet which appeals to the
;istic sense. It is called "The Live
k," and it has a picture and the
7oodman spare the tree" poem on
e cover, which is printed in gold and

'a.WUo W GU"Il 110W We generSaJ coo-m L _ _.._L. .. - -
,mittee and such special committees as slowly and that it might be a con- A meeting will be held of both the_
(may be named time to take action on siderable time before they would per- men's and women's chapters of the.
the material before it. mit him to resume work. Cosmopolitan club at 7:45 o'clock next
- .- Saturday evening at Lane hall. The
BAPTIST GUILD PLANS CHOSE ,'New York, Oct. 9.-The steamer meeting will be addressed by Profes-
BUSGaelic Prince has been rammed by sor King, who, together with lie other
COUNTRY HIKE FOR TOMORROW another vessel in Ambrose Channel, speakers, will present the aims of the
according to an S. O. S. received here club to the new members.
All Baptist students who enjoy ear- tonight. In a second message, the President Elkind has announced
ly cross-country walking will meet Gaelic Prince said she required tugs. ';the ,chairmen of the various commit-
at the Guild house at 5 o'clock to- The steamer Maracaibo reported she tees as follows: H. C, Tuny, class of
morrow morning. Good eats, plenty of was standing by. international relations; C. Dyason, so-
exercise, and an opportunity to view - cial committee; M. Uyehara, member-
'the beauties of the surrounding Prof. Wenley to Deliver Lecture ship; Prof. J.-R. Nelson, plays; R.
country are pr'mised. The hikers will Prof. R. M. Wenley will give the first Carson, spring trip; S. Katsuizumi,
return in plenty of time for 8 o'clock f six University Extension credit cour- ,extension lecture bureau; L. Itzko-
.classes. ses in Detroit tonight at Central high. I vich1 local lecture bureau.

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