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March 14, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-03-14

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g except Monday during the Univer-
ontrol of Student Publi'cations.
is exclusively entitled to the use for
patches credited to it or not otherwis
he local news published therein.
e at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
or mail, $3.s0.
ess building, Maynard street.
Editorial. 2414.
exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
ppear in print, but as an evidence of
will be published in The Daily at the
left at or mailed to The Daily office.
ill receive no consideration. No man-
less the writer incloses postage.
ecessarily endorse the sentiments ex-


'ITOR.....................HARRY M. CAREY
K. Ehlbert Edgar L. Rice
Campbell Joseph A. Bernstein
Brophy Hugh Hitchcock
. Shinkman
..H. Hardy Heth, Lee M., Woodruff
................Renauad Sherwood
...... .John I. Dakin
.............Brewster Campbell
.Robert C. Angell
ent-....... ...-.. -...Marguerite Clark
.Thomas Adams, Thornton Sargent Jr.
G. I:. Clarke Winefred Biethan
Thomas J. Whinery Robert D. Sage
R. W. Wrobleski I:. P. Lovejoy
George. Reindel ?Marion Nichols
Dorothy Monfort Frances Oberholtzer
Minnie Muskati.
Telephone 960
lAGER..................PAUL E. CHOLETTE
.LeGrand' A. Gaines, Mark B. Covell
ed Ads..... ..................Henry Whiting
........Edward Prichs
.............Curt P. Schneider, R. A. Sullivan

F. M. Heath
Sigmund Kunstadter
H{arold Lindsay

D. P. Joyce
Robt. ommerville
Arthur L~. Glazer.

to secure information concerning news for any
ioild see the night editor, who has full charge
ited that night.
ors for this week will be: Monday
Rice; Tuesday night, Mark Ehl-
y night, George, Brophy; Thursday
[itchcock; Friday " night, C. M.
rday night, Joseph A. Bernstein.
"DAY, MARCH 14, 1920.
e "What's Going On" column will
after 8 o'clock on the night preced-
issue. This rule will go into effect

lege, life, and incongruous as the statement may
seem the prestige of an institution as regarded in
the popular 'mind depends to a great extent on its
athletic achievement.
In striving forthe betterment of any kind of ath-
letics, there is a :strong tendency to fall into one of
two danger zones both of which are equally haz-
The first danger comes from offering induce-
ments to secure good material. There are two kinds
of inducements - legitimate and illegimate. The
boundary lineis often shady between the two but
there is a pretty well defined distinction here at
Michigan. Improper methods of securing athletes
would not be tolerated by the University at large
even if they were used.
The second evil that confronts every college is
the too stringent tightening and too rigid inter-
pretation of rules. It is perfectly fair to have reg-
ulations in regard. to eligibility. However, it can
be overdone. At Cornell matters have reached the
point where half of the crew is ineligible ; and -the
failure of their basketball team is partially attrib-
uted to the removal of a star guard by the. com-
mittee. The result is an intercession by alumni to
make closer co-operation between the faculty and
How will Michigan avoid professionalism, keep
men eligible, and at the same time refrain from dis-
crimination either for or against athletes? This is
no small problem but the dominating factors in se-
curing these aims are: close co-operation between
faculty and coaches, the student bofy as a-unit be-
hind the teams, and the spirit of fair play that
Michigan has never lakked.
After a thorough investigation yesterday of Uni-
versity hall and West hall, City Fire Chief Andrews
reported that the .crowded conditions and narrow
stairways of these buildings cstitute a daily risk
to the lives of studentsand professors.
The chief's inspection brought out thefact that
the wooden portion of the buildings renders the
exits and existing fire protection inadequate, even
though they 'comply with state laws. His recom-
mendations, which may very well be taken as ex-
pert advice, offer remedies that could be effected
without undue cost if the way is not yet clear to
erect entire new structures.
When the continued 'use of these buildings is
viewed in the light of their danger to human life,
the suggest-ions 'offered by Chief Andrews are
worthy of thoght an4 consideration.
The Telescopie
Having had the excruciating pleasure of seeing
our girl being wafted around in the arms of an-
other man al the Union dance last night, we turn
for solace to those immortal words of Afghanas-
tan's famous solider-poet, Illbe Dodd Ghasted,
A maiden's pouting I can stand,
There are worse things there is no doubting,
But, ah, of all things in this land,
Pray save me from a maiden's. spouting.
A Real Tragedy
"Did you hear about the terrible accident that
happened to Jack. He fell down on the icy side-
walks and broke -
"Do you mean to say he actually broke some
* bones ?"
"It's far worse than that. He broke every bottle
on his person."
On "How to Be Witty Tho' in Love"
In order to be really successful with the gentler
sex, you must always keep them in suspense as to
your real intentions. Allowing a girl to assume a
proprietary air has blighted more than one budding
career. A good method of asserting your inde-
pendence is as follows
While seated on the soft in the mamnier described

in Lesson I, lead the, conversation around to the.
subject of dinners, cabarets, etc. When you have
her sitting on the edge of the sofa listening with
expectant interest you remark in a blase manner,
"Ah, yes, when I was in New York last winter I
used to pick up some dame from the Winter Garden
almost every night and we always went to Rec-
tor's for a bite to eat." In this manner you dem-
onstrate clearly that you are a man about town, and
not like a lot of these- fellows 'who don't think any
more of a dollar than they do of their left .lung.
She is now in a mellow, receptive mood and you
proceed.' Lifting and arching your eyebrows in
the adorable fashion of Wally Reed, let the pas-
sionate fire of your eyes burn deeply into her con-
fident soul as you ask, "Fredora, are you goin' any-
where for supper tomorrow night ?" Trying ,hard
to conceal her agitated joy she will usually reply
in her well modulated English, "No, Clarence boy,
I ain't goin' nowhere." Nodding your head as
though this confirmed your previously formed opin-
ion you reply nonchallantly, "You'll sure have a
good appetite by breakfast time, won't you, Fre-
dora ?"
In this way you will have impressed her with the
fact that although a good plan at heart, you are not
to be trifled with and that above all things you
know how to tactfully- rebuff any presumption on
the part of a woman. J. W. K.
Pamous Closing Lines
"That means my wife-will want it repaired," said
Belshazzar as he gazed at the handwriting on the

The Sciences



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Beginning Monday, March 15


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igan Daily.-Adv.



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nemorial, donated by the Seniors of .all
has been suggested and approved by
>ers of the class of 1920. The old plan
donating its individual memorial has
k that, Ance the Seniors are under,
ses for the many events and functions
, it is not practicable for them to give
f more then medium expense.
of a common fund, composed of con-
om the Seniors of all departments,
nerorial of much greater value and,
greater use to the Univers-ity could be
While this would oppose the custom
:he many preceding classes, it can read-
to contain many advantages. The co-
the classes in all departments would'
realization of a large sum of money
be disposed in the erection or pur-'
ore port.entious memorial and one that
e much larger proportions' than could
ft or group of gifts. It would also be
vay of securing many things of which
is now in need aid which otherwise
granted it.
spring rains and melting snow have
ampus sod, it is once more necessary
-selves that the winter short cuts should
1. In its present condition, a steam
do little more damage- to the campus
pair of galoshes; and the damage done
ianent-no amount of nursing can
s look right again after these thought-
of new cement walks have recently
the complicated system, in order that
asier for the harassed student hurry-
'clock. It seems that little more can
at line without paving the entire cam-
f us feel that enough concession has
made to those unspeakably efficient
can see no other means of conrect-
ts than a straight line. And for the
et us remember that thoughtlessness
an a ragged, sickly growth of grass
seems little enough to require of
ziest, and the future benefit easily off-
ship it works. Keep to the walks.
>nditions in our schools and colleges
vakened interest in education follow-
One of the questions that faces every
d particularly Michigan is the part
is to play in the reconstruction period'
For it is an undeniable fact that ath-
re an integral part of American col-

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