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March 14, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-03-14

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Faculty Suggestions For Regulation Of Political
Speeches Follolv Regents' Action Tabling Proposal






The action of the Board of Regents
in tabling the petition of the Student
council in reference to allowing po-.
litical discussions in Hill auditorium
did not meet with the unanimous ap-
proval of the faculty. Following are the
opinons of some of the faculty mem-
Prof. Claude' H. Van Tyne-I am in
favor of political discussions in Hill
auditorium provided that some re-
sponsible body of the University, such
as a committee of the Senate council,
was to pass upon the merits of the
speakers. It is unwise not to allow
responsible men of national high
standing, such as. former "resident
Taft,,to express 'their political opin-
ions to the fullest extent.

Prof. Robert T. Crane-Th? idea of
<conducting political discussions in the
Hill auditorium is a very good one. At
Oxford an organization known as the
Oxford union arranges for political
discussions for the benefit of stu-
dents, and since there are many stu-
dents at Michigan who are deeply In-
terested in politics, I have no doubt
but that much benefit could be de-
rived from discussions of thissort.
Mr. Ray K. Immel-A free discus-
soon of the political issues of the
day in Hill auditorium would eb an
ideal means of awakening the stu-
dents to the importance of national
and international affairs. However, a
committee should exist in order that'
the qualifications of the speakers

could be determined before the dis-
cussions took place.
Prof. Emil Lorch-We depend upon
college men to be leaders in world
affairs, and in order to be leaders
they should be allowed access to the
best opinions of the nation. The
responsibility of bringing political
speakers to the Hill auditorium could
be .left to a representative campus
committee. It ought to be relatively
easy, however, to ascertain in ad-
vance just what a speaker would be
most likely to say.
Prof. William Herbert Hobbs-The
plan submitted by the StiuAnt council
in reference to speeches of a political
nature being held in Hill auditorium
meets with my approval.

Field Marshal Von Hindenburg Re-"
ported to Be Favored by New
Regime as President
(By Associated Press)
Berlin, March 13.-The government
of Friedrich Ebert, the Socialist pres-
ident of the German- republic, was
overthrown today by a military coup
d' etat.
Dr. Wolfgong Kapp, one of the
founders of the government and gen-
eral director of the agricultural so-
cieties, has ousted Gustav Bauer, the
chancellor, and taking that office him-
self temporarily assumes supreme di-
rection of affairs.
There are no* two contending gov-
ernments in Germany, the new one
under Chancellor Kapp in Berlin, the
old one under President Ebert at Dres-
den. Officials of the new government
declare that it is not reactionary or
'monarchist. The president of the old
government and his ministers have is-
sued a proclamation calling upon the
people to rise in a general strike as
the. only mleans o, preventing the re-
turn of Wilhelm II.
Troops Occupy Berlin
Berlin is occupied by the troops of
the counter-revolution and the move-'
ment is spreading rapidly throughout
the provinces. Masses of troops and
naval brigades with artillery have
been brought into the capital and dom-
inate the situation. Thus far there has
been no outbreak and no bloodshed.
The Ebert government had knowl-
edge beforehand of the pending coun-s
ter revolution, but the precautions
taken proved to be entirely inade-
quate. Outside of the security policy
and the Nosk troops on patrol, noth-
ing indicated at 3 o'clock this morw
ing that Berlin would wake up to find
the Ebert government turned out. The1
president himself left Berlin with
some of his followers two hours aft-
or that time.

Carl Johnson, Michigan's
crack track athlete, took four
first places last night in the four
events in which he entered. He.
broke the gym record in the low
hurdles by 3-5 of a second.
50-yard dash- Johnson (tied
with Lashmet), time 5 3-5 see-
ends, equals gym record: _ r
Iligh jump (tied with Later),I
height 5 feet, 6 inches. (Only
Chicago entry dropped out and
Johnson stopped jumping).
High hurdles-Johnson won,
time 8 1-5 seconds (equals gym
Low hurdles- Johnson won,
time 7 9-5 seconds (betters his
,own gym record of 8 1-5 sec-



Lashmet and Later Tie Jol
formances in Dash
High Jump



Head of Cite Fire Department Declares
Campus Struetures
b angerous
Thousands of students in the Uni-
cersity have their lives menaced daily
ibecause of insufficient fire protection
furnished in buildings on the campus
in the opinioA of Charles f'. Andrews,
'chief of the city fire department. He
declares that immediate action to
remedy conditions is imperative.
After thoroughly inspecting several
of the buildings belonging to the Uni-
versity yesterday, the chief made sug-
gestions regarding the situation.
.Meet Legal Requirements
In speaking of University ball to-
gether with Mason hall and the South
wing, he said, "I would like most to
see those old shells replaced by new
It was found that in so far as actual
compliance with the law was concern-
ed these buildings meet the require-
ments but considering the size and
condition of the structures and the
number of people who must be in
them, the fire protection is inade-
Chief Andrews states that if a fire
should start on the first floor that cut
off escape by stairs, the only exit re-
in#ining would be the one over the
(Continued on Page Six)

Biulletin WO LVER I NES - LO SE
Washington, March 13.-Increased
express charges ranging from 10 to
70 per cent,,and estimated to yield
$25,000,000 additional revenue an-'
nually were asked by the AmericanA
Railway Express company of the In- Abae-e neJa p Flt Keenly
terstate Commerce Commission. .I nDefeat
Increased cost of condacting its ______
business as well as the need for more FRANCIS AND IEECEC PROVE
complete facilities and equipment was
given by the company as grounds for STARS IN 34-20 'VICTORY
asking additional revenue.'
(Special to The Daiy)
Columbus, March 13. - Michigan
twent down to defeat here tonight be-
s $ fore the Ohio State quintet when the
Wolverine outfit failed to cover the
hometeam. The score gave the
Buckeyes a victory of 34 to 20.
With Williams, the man touted as
Will Speak on "Sight and Insight" in (Michigan's best bet out of the line-up,
HilA trium athe Wolverines were unable to cop,
Serviceswith the Ohio State team. Peare and
Wilson worked' at guards with Dunne
HAVARD PASTOR PROPOSES at center and Karpus and Rea at for-
For Ohio State Greenspun and
"Sight and Insight" will be the topic \Francis started at forwards with Ken-
of the address of Mr. Samuel Atkins reedy at center, Slyker and Nemec at
Eliot at the fourth University union °guards. Francis' foul shooting count-
ed the Buckeyes' eight points, while
services to °be held at 6:30 o'clock to-Slyker collected five field goals. Kar-
night in Hill auditorium, pus, Rea and Dunne worked at their
Mr. Eliot will discuss many of the best for the visitors, but were unable
religious problems that confront the to stem the tide.
Karpus scored high for Michigan]
average university student and is to with three field" goals and two fouls.
offer solutions for them. Last night _ihr________nt____
iMr. Eliot spoke at a banquet for stu-
dents at the Unitarian church.
Was Harvard Pastor S T O P J-WALKING
Mr.. Eliot is known for his strong
and forceful addresses and has pre- lore iion railings to keep the st-
sided at many religious meetings dents to the sidewalks may be nee=.
throughout the country. He was for essary if cross cutting , , the campus.
a time the university pastor at Har- is continued, was the statemsnt of the
yard and. gave short addresses to the department of buildings and grounds
students, at morning chapel. During
the war Mr. Eliot was the head of one The department pointed out that to
of the national war work councils eTheerte in te out ntht
erect these railings has never been the
yand spoke in many of the national ,poliy, and that to the dontrary many
army camps.poiyanthttthcorrymy
As a member of the Unied States hundred feet have been taken down
ndian commission, fir. Eliot usuallyin the past few years. Shrubs have
travels through the west during the proven uneffective and cross cuts have
month of March, and it was'ro nly been made directly thtough them.
"It is a disgrace," said E. C. Par-
through the constant efforts of Mr.
kidney S. Robins of the Ann Arbor don, superintendent of the buildings
Unitarian church that he was secur- 'and grounds department, yesterday,
'ed for these services w"that the grounds surrounding a
Carey In Charge building as fine as the Hill auditorium
The services this evening will be in should be cut up by students for the,
charge of Harry Carey, '20, and will sake of gaining only a few-seconds of
I only last for anP hour. Robert Die- Itime,"

Declare German Coup d' Etat WilI
Tell Strength -of Socialists
and Consernatives .
(By Associated Press)
Washington, March 13. - News of
the revolution in Germany sustains
the conviction of some officials and di-
plomats here that a test of strength
between the socialists and the military
and conservative elements* was in-
The said military and conservative
parties had seized upon every demand
of the Entente for the enforcement of
the "armistice and its terms to goau
the pride of the German people irto
resistance and had not found it dif-
ficult to fasten the responsibility Uoi
acceptance of these terms of the Ebert
Popular-'Feelings Changed
Signs of a marked change in the
feelings and attitude of the German
people has not been wanting and the
recent ,attacks by mobs in German
cities upon members of the Allied
commissions and the tenor of recent
German notes regarding the fulfill-
ment of the peace terms has prepar-
ed diplomats here for some such

Michigan's track team ov
ed Chicago in the annual in
of the two schools by the sc
to 29. Taking first in seve
eleven events and winning
all of the others, Captain C
son and his teammates ad
more victory for the Varsity
Maroons, making the record
12 to 3 in favor of the Univer
Capt. Carl Johnson was
point winner of the meet, tak
in all the four events in
was entered. He was respoi
18 points, sharing honors w
met and Later for first plac
dash and high jump. The
captain tied two Waterman
ium records in the dash
hurdles and established a
for the low hurdles, an eve
has not been run in the gy
this meet.
Maroons Handicappe
Chicago was greatly handic
the absence of Higgins, the s
al shot putter, who was ut
compete because of a strai'
Otis, the number one miler
team, did not make the trip
of knotted muscles ;nor wa
the first quarter miler. Coai
who was called to New York
with the team.
Miehig n sco'red slams in
yard dash, and in the pol
''Johnson and Lashmet breas
tape together, closely foil
Losch and Cook, all of the
-McDonald, the only Chicago e
ished fifth. In this event,
and Lashmet tibd the gymnai
ord of 5 3-5 seconds.
Michigan won the- Relay,
with a quarter lap to spar
event was orignally cone
Chicago because of its vict
Michigan at the Illinois Rel
Harris of Chicago took fir
440 after-being closely pus'
Butler. Earle for Michir
,,Bowers, the' Maroon man, to
it in the mile. In the half
the, two mile runs, Speer an
showed their superiority. As
,expected,. Chicago took firs
thedistance events.

Many Arrestpd
Field Marshal Von Hindenburg is
reported to be favored by the new
regime as imperial president, but thus
ftar he has remained in the back-
ground. A former minister of for-
eign affairs, Gottlieb Von Jagow and
General Von Falkenhausen, forimier
governor general of $elgium, are
among the leaders of the counter rev-
While the movement has ben car-
ried on rapidly and in apparent prder
there is an undercurrent of angiety
among the people of Derlin as to pos-
sible future occurrences. CoUIter
measures are expected soon, although
the Kapp government has taken pre-
cautions to place those memlbers of
.he former government who could be
reached under arrest.
In his proclamation, Chancellor
Kap says, "one of the new govern-
'ment's task is to carry out the peace
treaty while preserving the honor of
,the German people as nearly as the ex-
ecution of the treaty makes possible
and does not meat self destruction."
Sunday Fair, Warmer; Moderate
Variable Winds, Becoming South.

$t. Patrick's day colors asld, symn-
bpls were featured in 4ecprations n4
favors at the tea and card .party given
yesterday afternoon at Martha Conk
dormitory for the Alumnae honse and
R e Sedgwich scholarship funds.
Guests came early for the games
or dropped in for tea or to patronize
the candy booth. A09ut $125 were
cleared, it was said.
Fifty tables were in play. At the
conclusion 12 prizes, gifts of local
merchants, were given out. Stationery'
from Graham's book store, candy from
the Betsy Ross shop, silk hose from
Darling and Malleaux, a book from
Wahr's, cigarette case and bill folder
from Foster's Art shop, candy from
the Busy Bee, salted almonds from
XcLean's, flowers from the Bu-Maize,

movement as came today. . Beardsley a Comer
While using this public feeling to Beardsley ably supported
place themselves in power, the revol- in both hurdles, coming dci
utionists -in the opinion here will tape but a few inches behind
avoid antagonizing the Allied govern- tain. No Chicago men comp
ments. Suggestions .that the revolu- the pole vault, Michigan's
tionists might seek a union with the team scored nine points for t-
Russlon.Bolshevists .was discounted As the result of no outside
'here. Such' a union, it is explained, tion, the Varsity men. did nu
would provoke the firmest oppbsition themselves.
of not only Great Britain and France,1 Baker did the best work
but the United States.*Bkr i h etwr
b done this year in the shotput
May Give Lenine Power , ing within two and one-h'alf it
Officials said, however, that the rev- the mark which Higgins mad
olution might indirectly play into the Relay carnival last week. Hi
hands of Lenine, y giving a new and ws4 et2 nhs
p weful e utgmn a~nea I swas 43 feet 2 inches.
powerful impetus. to the Sparticist CocFarlwspesd
governent *Coach Farrell was pleased
Official news of the revolution did performance of the team.
not reach Washington until late in the SUMMARY
day and added nothing to pfess dis- 50-yard dash: first, Johns
patches. (Continued on Page Six

terle of the School of Music is to be
the soloist, with Frank Tabor at the
.organ. A passage from the scriptures
will be read by Mr. Ray K. Immel of
the oratory department. Congrega-
tinal singing is to be under the di-
rection of Russel Carter, director of


Damages Windows
approximating $50



caused by the high wind Friday when
it blew in a section of the heavy plate
glass windows of the rooms belonging
to the botany department on the
fourth floor .of the Natural Science

i . ,

'and a plant from Flander's, ewre the 1singing in Ann Arbor public schools.
gifts. .should be equipped with iron staffs,





8 *'*look






Mal. Jackson Morris, Noted Kentucky Orator


Address by:

Election of Officers


Formation of Working Program



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