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March 05, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-03-05

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d n

ith businesslike management
, there seems no reason why
e reached in Ann Arbor. ,




morning except Monday during the Univer.
d in Control of Student Publications.
Press is exclusively entitled to the use for
ws dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
and the local news published therein.
ostoflice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second'
arrier or mail, I$3.50.
or Press building, Maynard street.
96o; Editorial, 2414.
ot to exceed Soo words, if signed, the sig-
r to appear in print, but as an evidence of
events will be published in The Daily at the
or, ifleft at or mailed to The Daily office
ions will receive no consideration. No man
ed unless the writer incloses postage.
not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex-
Telephone 2414
R.. ...............HARRYI.M. CAREY
Edgar L. Rice
hy Hugh Hitchcock
...H. Hardy Heth, Lee M. Woodruff
..Renaud Sherwood
.John I. Dakin
.. . . .Brewster Campbell
......Robert C. Angell
. Marguerite Clark
.Thomas Adms, Thornton Sargent Jr.

THE Y. M. C. A.
In conjunction with other college associations
the University of Michigan Y. M. C.' A. is en-
deavoring to complete -a program of church co-
operation through student organizations that is
not only unique in Michigan but also throughout
the country. And the University organization, it
must be added, is admittedly recognized as one of
the leaders and pioneers in this field of church co-
It is continuing a campaign begun some "weeks
ago in Ann Arbor to accomplish this work of co-
ordination between the University "Y" association
and the local churches, but the working fund is
still to be fully subscribed. The prime object of
the movement is the promotion of a needed "entente
cordiale" between the student body and the
churches, with the local association as a centraliz-
ing agency. '
At Michigan, as elsewhere, the student' Y. M. C.
A. should no longer be regarded as an independent
religious organization, or even as "another church."
It is of the greatest value to a university commu-
nity 'when it places itself at the service of all and'
when it brings about a closer co-operation between
church and student body. The student body itself
can be of much aid in this movement toward uni-
'Class fights at the University of Texas, where.
the police were powerless, have nothing on the
regular evening riots at the entrance to one of the
local moving picture theaters between the first and
second shows.{
"Hard Coal Men to Seek Raise." After one win-
ter of negotiation this would probably appear to
the average man as "Hard" Coal Men 'to Seek




G. E. Clarke
Thomas J. Whiaery
R. W. Wrobleski
George Reindel
Dorothy Monfort
Minnie Muskatt

Winefred Biethan
Robert D. Sage
E. P. Lbovejoy
Marion Nichols'
Frances Oberholtzer,

Telephone 960
GER..................PAUL E. CItOLETTE
.LeGrand A. Gaines, Mark B. Covell
" .Ads.......... .......HEnry Whitg
... ...Edward Priehs
.............Curt P. Schneider, R. A.Sullivan

D. P. Joyce
stadter Robt. Somimerville
ay Arthur I,. Glazer

cure information concerning news for any
see the night editor, who has full charge
hat night.
s for this week are Mark Eht-
t; Paul Shinkman, Tuesday
cock, Wednesday night; Edgar
night; Chess Campbell, Friday
stein, Saturday night.

.,w,,., .err rrr.r.rw.iwr r r rrrlr rrn r it w".irri ,

The Telescop e.


Spring Pome'No,2
Pause, now my friend, pray hesitate,
You I would fain interrogate,
Some questions would inaugurate,
Concerning things commefnorate.

(Oct. 26, 1919)
Beween Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:ro a.
m., and hourly to 9:xo p. m.
. Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8 :48
a. in., and every hour to 9:48 p. im. (Ex-
'presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound-6 :5 a.m., 9 a.
in. and, every two hours to 9:05 p. in.,10 :50
u. m. To Ypsilanti only, 1: p. m., 1:1o
a. m., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Ypsilanti .
Local Cars West Boun4--7:4S a. in. and
(,:2o a. m.
Asked At Random
(Editor's Note-Every day four per-
sons connected with the University,
either students or professors, are ask-
ed at random their opinion of some
current topic by the "Asked At Ran-
dom" reporter.)
Today's question : "What do you
think should be done with the ex-
Dr. Rainard Robbins, instructor in
mathematics: "Personally, I think
the ex-kaiser should be put where he
can do no harm; further than this, I
believe it would be wise to do noth-
ing to him, for the people who will
be on this earth a hundred years from
now would not have much respect for
us if we struck at a man when he
was down and out."
Thurman B. Doyle, '211., president
of the junior law class: "I do not
think he should be given over to the
British or French- to let their wrath
work against him. On account of the
hatred of the world for the kaiser, I
do not believe there could be an im-
partial trial given him; this being the
case, it would not be wise to try him
at all."
Earl Miles, '21, president Alpha Nu
Debating society: "I think the ex-
kaiser should be given a fair trial
before a selected tribunal composed
of men who would not be unduly pre-
judiced. In this, way they could get
at the fundamental facts of the case.
After the trial the world should abide
by the decision of this tribunal as to
what should be done with him."
Georgre Prather, '21, business man-
ager of the Gargoyle: "I think the
kaiser should be tried by the German
authorities and then be sentenced as
they directed."
Read today's editorial entitled: "A
New Co-op Success," and be prepared
to answer tomorrow's question:
"Should a society be formed, compos-
ed of students, to establish and run
a co-operative laundry?"
Craftsmen to Confer Degree
A meeting of the Craftsman club
will be held at 7:30 o'clock tomor-
row evening at the. Masonic temple.
The third degree will. be cohferred.

Excellent CHOP SUET from
11:30 a. m. to midnight
Steaks and. Chops 314 S. State
Courteous and satisfactolj
TREATMENT to every custom-
er, whether the account be large
or small.
The Ann arbor Savings Bank
incorporated 1869
;Capital and Surplus, $650,000.00
Resources....... 00.l0N.I*
Northwest Cor Main & Hum,
7T07 North Unfversity A R«,



r n situ nt

Have y6u seen the "Rust" Lettering Scale?
. A Great Time Saver.


I Your







live in a rather narrow world
nic knowledge on one side and
on the other, missing while in
1e fundamental problems which
sphere must consider and de-
at problems to 'which students
ssing attention has been that of
leaders. A large part of the
ualified voters, but in elections
pss up their voting power, let-
aoose our national officers. Or, ;f
liable to be in a very superficial
e not the time and 'often.not the
tigate the relative merits of the
the Studbnt Council to hold a
vention will enable the student
relative qualifications of the
ates and their party platforms.
aization of partisan clubs and
s whichwill be, run in The Daily
an learn at first hand in a brief,
;t what the political issues are.
act as a stimulant to the stu-
>te one way or the other when
n comes, while 'the knowledge
mock convention and campaign
cast his vote intelligently.
st of the student body as a
nt of this kind will be necessary

A gift that

Did ever damsel satiate,
Your every fancy titillate;
In all your whims participate,
Your soul with gladness saturate?
Some maid who'd never execrate,
Your every movement regulate,
So, when to others you'd narrate,
'Twas needless to prevaricate?


cannot buy, but

The Name

long list of student-operated enter-
have made "co-op" a magic word in
unities the new plan of a co-operative
hose co-operative society had already
able record in establishing seven suc-
departments at Cambridge, has now
undry feasible -by three years of suc-
of saving cash slips as claims on div-
dopted, and results in 1918-1919 are
llows: prices below or meeting those
laundry, and a dividend from profits
a 7 per cent rebate to student mem-
e purchases, and 9 per cent on cash
lore than 5,000 students benefited.
this new branch of the co-operative
>tless increase the demand for adop-
an in college communities which have
I' of it. However, the laundry re-
ensiveequipment, and does not logi-
'st in the establishment of a "co-op"
ng the experience of other beginners
ient, it would be well to work con-
first, starting with a small bookstore
ablishment, and setting aside part of
th the idea of branching out into the
iP- xx- P n lif rPn -P~- ."M l

Who, when you took her out and ate,
And tried your fopd to masticate,
Did not her phrases glaciate,
Because 'twas but a buck a plate.:
- -Jay-Whitleaf Greenier.
N. B. - The other ig verses of Jay's poem will
be printed in the near future unless all delinquent
subscribers to Monday's issue of The Daily pay up
immediately. In the words of the Black Hand,
Dear Noah: -
My hair is falling out very rapidly. Do you
know of anything to keep it in? Worried.
For our own part, we find that an ordinary match
box will best serve this purpose.
Our idea of wasted energy is a father trying to
argue with or tell anything to his son who is a
freshman at college.
A Troagedy in One Act.
Scene-The pleasantsitting room of the Mi
Whatta Guy sorority. Details as to furniture,
furnishings, etc., can be obtained from any fusser
who bas waited there an hour after being told that
Miss Whoosis would be' "down in a minute."
Characters--Mary and seven of her sorority sis'
Mary (in a rather dubious tone)-Gi.rls, I'm go-
ing to be married next month. (The rest of the
girls gather around her and make that unintelligi-
ble 'noise which only seven women talking at one-
time can make).
Chorus-Who is the lucky man?
Mary (defiianty)-He's a student.>
(At these words the rest of the girls cross to the
other side of the room, holding themselves aloof.)
Mary (holding out her hands in a mute gesture of
entreaty) -But listen, a girl's got to get a start
somewhere, hasn't she?
(The girls leave the room, noses tilted. at a 45
degree angle.)
(Mary throws herself on the floor- and begins
weeping bitterly. Business of heaving shoulders
and strangled sobs, the last bests accomzplished ly,
thrusting a handerchief halfway down the throat.)
Pamous Closing Lines
"I'm all put out about this," he muttered as he
picked himself out of the gutter where her'lad had
thrown him. NOAH COUNT.

I1 P.'E sc hel bach
Has always stood
for the BEST in
202 E. Huron Street
Pf-ONE 821

for you to
--the very

To friends and
kinsfolk,y your
portrait at Easter
will carry a mes-




sage of


Maynard St

fulness that i s
next to a personal

N let-t" Makes Thoem Loosen Vg
89 They JUft 9ff Nie~sy,
TIhere', no more palei ader aftw
4asof GOO-It" lnsupon orui w
gallus Sud Instantly asaw.




Brief Cases. Music Folios
Student Cases

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In a dayor two you lift the old
misery-mnaker right off without
even feeling it. Tht'athe last of
Mr. Corn and the last of your mis-
ery. Millions who have lost their
corns the "Gets-It" way say it is the
only common-sense way to get rid
of the pests.
"Gets-It," the never-failing, guar-
anteed money-back corn 'remover
costs but a trifle at any drug store.
Mld' by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago.
boldi an Ann Arbor and recommended as
the world's best Corn Remedy by

6 19 East Liberty Street


1 1,

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