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February 20, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-02-20

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except Monday during the Univer-
trol of Student Publications.
exclusively entitled to the use for
tches credited to it or not otherwise
local news published ,therein.
t Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
mail, $3.5o.
buildingMaynard street.
ditorial, 2414.
ceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
ar in print, but as an evidence of
1 be published in The Daily at the
tat or mailed to The Dail office.
receive no consideration. No man.
the writer incloses postage.
ssarily endorse the sentiments ex-

Telephone 2414
DITOR ....................HARRY M. CAREY
ge Brophy Brewster Campbell
X L. Rice J ohn m. Dakin
nas H. Adams Thornton Sargent Jr.
...... .C. M Cam pbell
rtnent.......................Marguerite Clark
...... -.. . --. ----... -.Joseph A. Bernstein.
A. Shinkinan Mark K. Ehlbert

J. 1. Johnsoni
d William H. Riley\
Paul G. Weber
G.E1:. Clarke
Robert C..Angell
ifff R. W. Wrobleski

Dorothy Monf rt
Minnie Muskatt
Anna McGurk
Winefred Biethan
Samuel Lamport
Robert D. Sage
Thomas J. Whinery

Telephone 960
MANAGER..................PAUL E. CHOLETTE
. LeGrande A. Gaines, Mark B. Covell
Clasuified Ads.'.....................Henry Whitings
........... . Edward Priehs
. .........Curt P. Schneider, R. A. Sullivan

I MLtd -1 JI r4A 1 L, V X 1 UK,[!;
N6table examples of the vast success that co-
operative stores have had in other universities -
Dartmouth, Harvard, Stanford-would seem to
point toward nothing other than success should
Michigan attempt the management of one.
The co-operative store means that students them-
selves share in the profits derived from all sales of
goods to them. It would eventually mean that
students get all their purchases at nearly the actual
wholesale cost, the only surplus on .the wholesale
price being the cost of upkeep and management of
the store. The manager of such a store is usually
one who can devote his entire time to it, and to
whom a salary is paid.
Usually, at the start, the store-will need capital.
The best advertisement in the world is to give the
undergraduate body the opportunity to buy shares
in the corporation and let them* know that the cor-
poration will thus be entirely owned by them, A;
certain percentage of the net profits each year
would go to the stockholders as dividends. Another
percentage would go to the patrons of the store as
dividends on their purchases based on the. total
amount each had bought during the fiscal year. And
another percentage would be used to buy back and
to place in the treasury of the corporation out-
standing stock. Through this sinking fund the cor-
poration would eventually own itself, at which
time it would be placed in the hands of a board of
trustees composed of alumni, faculty and under-I
graduates. When the association owns itself and
is placed in the hands of the board of trustees, then
all the profits go to the profit sharing members.
The advantages of such a system are+ numerous.
The co-operative store would give students a
chance at actual business management; it would be
one more campus activity, and one which many stu-
dents would enter who at present are not inter-
ested in any particular thing. It would, promote
the feeling of mutual interest between students
themselves, in business as well as other relation-
ships. Lastly, it would be fair to the student, low-
ering the exaggerated prices of the day and return-
ing to him the profit derived from his individual
There are disadvantages, of course, but so far
as we have been able to determine they are only
the disadvantages that might be' overcome without
great difficulty by any interested student body.
The Telescope
The following pathetic little ballad entitled
"Making Both Ends Meet" was penned by an in-
mate of the insane asylum at Pontiac. Any student
who has lain awake nights pondering over the in-
creased cost of candy, flowers, taxi fares, and'
other necessities can readily understand how worry-
ing over the H.. C. of L. put the authir where he is
The baby rolls upon the floor,
Kicks up his tiny feet,
And pokes his toes into his mouth,
Thus making both ends meet.



/ ,


(Oct. 26, i99)
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6 :1o a.
n., and hourly to 9:10 p. m.
Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8:48
a. in,, and every hlour to 9:48 p. in.(Ex-f
presses make}local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound-6:oS a. m., 9:o5 a.
m. and every two hours to 9:o5 p. m., io:so
v. ra. -,To -Ypsilanti only, i r: 4-p, ."n.:10X
a. M.. and to Saline,' change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound---7:48 a. m. and
'2:zo a mn
The Michigan Daily, the only inti
lug paper in Ann Arbor, contains as
the latest campus, otty, and world
Do you want to secure the
Best Position And the '"High'Dol-,
lar" in salary next year? If so,
write Today for our Salary
Schedule and Literature. Only
4% Comm. Payable in Fall
Central' & Western States.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

.Illli111111ti lliila tllill1 i{{6{Elil t ll l iili
!i Text BooF
New and
Second Han
For All Dep
Hilllinnin niln in uninnliinlnlt





Wants Second Hand Copies of
"Dickenson Contemporary



Quality and Service-
113 E. Liberty St.
Ann Arbor. Mich.

1 ...... (11 :...

t r1

Isabelle Farnum
Maynard Newton
J. Gordon Hill
. M. Heath
Sigmund Kunstadter

Excellent CHOP SUEY from
11:30 a. m. to midnight
Steaks and Chops 314 S. State


D. P. Joyce
Robt. Sommerville
Arthur L. Glazer
P'. P. Hutchinson


,. 3.





ecure information concerning news for any
I see the night editor, who has full charge
that night.

sue editors for the week are as follows:
)akin, Monday night; Thomas . Adams,
night; Brewster P. Campbell, Wednesday
eorge Brophy, Thursday night;- Thornton
nt, Friday night; Edgar L. Ric , Saturday
nn Arbor city council, at its meeting Mon-
t, decided to place before' the citizens at
1 5 election the question of revising the
ter. A' specia commission to draw up a
a of city government, to provide for one
from each of the seven wards, and four'
city at large, will be elected at the same
will take office if the main motion passes.
matter of reform of the charter is bound
i its. outcome the University along with
of Ann Arbor, students and faculty who
citizens of the city are taking great inter-
que stion with the view of expressing an
t opinion at the polls and, of judging well
rimendations of the charter commission if
ded to have one.. Naturally, the relative
the council, commission, and city mana-
s of government are .subjects of wide dis-
, the facts are these:' The present rhayor,
nd t>oard forh of city government is pro-
by a charter which is an act of the state
e. Since the passage of the Home Rule
ade ago, it has been amended from time
by the people. Three years ago a com-
irew up a revision of the charter provid-
ie .city manager form of government, but
voted down by the people, who evidently
the present council administration would
:per and more efficient.'
lat time, the council has drawn up amend-
almost every' article of the charter, with
se of submitting them to the people. The
nts would do away with all such, adminis-
dies as the park, fire, and water boards,
their duties over to the council, which
egate most of them to the city engineer or
committees corresponding to the old
This, it is claimed, would do away with
tape - and inefficiency, provide direct ac-
lgh. the .ouncil, and curtail expense. The
oes not favor in"its amendment program
change as a commission or manager form.
the council was about .to submit the
nts to the people, it was advised by City
Frank DeVine that this would not be
as the changes are so numerous as to re-
idate balloting on almost every section of
er. Accordingly, the council ,'voted to
iatter of a complete revision before the
id to turn over the work of preparing a
:er to a special commission.
all for a new charter in Ann Arbor is
the interest of economy and efficiency,
s from no taint of graft, as is often the
at there is need for change, the abortive
nts of the council would seem to indicate.
of good citizens, it appears, lies plain
em: first, to vote for the revision; and
repare themselves for an intelligent judg-


4 L ''

And it's that same class, that put
pur up at the top.
They were built to win and
they did. They smoke easy, draw
easy, are easy on the user and his

The dog, attached to a tin pail,
Goes howling down the street,
And as he madly bites his tailw
He makes both ends meet.

I -

The butcher slays the fatted pig,T
Cuts off his ears and feet,
And grinds them into sausage big,
Thus making both ends meet.
There Are Lots of Graduates from that School of
Clothing merchant-So you want a job as a clerk.
Have you ever sold clothes?
Stude (confidently)-Lots of times ; to both
"Doc" and Smuck.
Dear Noah:
Are presidents in Mexico elected, the same as in
our own country? , . Interested.
Not quite. Down there they do most of their
running after they are elected.
Our idea of horse sense is a man who can Nay
when a girl stalls around and tries to work him
for a feed.
Our Daily Novelette
For those who haveever experienced any diffi-
culty in writing three act plays we recommend a
study of the technique of 'the following:
The young lady has just had the innocent stu-
dent arrested for annoying her with his objection.-
able attentions.
Scene-Local Police Court
Judge-You say'this young lady whistled at you.
What followed? -
Student (proudly)-I did.
For your other two acts you either pin a medal
on or commit the defendant to an insane asylui
depending upon the looks of the plaintiff.
Freshmen need new Junior girls.-Daily head.
Boys, if you'll take our advice you'll stick with
the old ones.
Famaous Closing Lines
"I've reached the end of my rope," he muttered
as he threw the butt of the cigar away.




Why folks, these cigarettes are
bred from the world's best tobacco.
The choicest leaves from the
Orient are blended in a new way
with Burley and other home-grown
tobaccos and that good old tobacco
taste is brought out to the full.
Satiny, imported paper---crimped,
not pasted, makes an easier-draw-
ing, slower-burning cigarette.
Smart "brown-and-silver" pack-
age, three-fold, to keep Spurs fresh
for you. A cigarette of this quality
cannot be produced fo'r less than 20c.
and ouf'Xi1say'Spur is the topanotch cigarette
~ r r uriri t cI cru trt~tr nuIg J h I h I (u r t I


. ., r ' T. r -
r l

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