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February 17, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-02-17

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during the Univer-
itied to the use for
Sit or not otherwise
lished therein.
Michigan, as second
iard street.

fned, the sig-
n evidence of
Daily at the
'Daily office.
n. No xnan.
entirnents ex-


In tne second place, How does a man acquire
knowledge of these activities so that he will not be
wasting time-in "chasing something he knowsnoth-
ing 'about?" The handbooks which are given all
first year men are designed to supply to some ex-
tenut this knowledge. But for 'the benefit of the
entire campus, a series of explanatory articles writ-
ten by men at the head of the various activities has
bleen designed to meet the very need said to be lack-
ing. These articles are appearing each month in
"Chimes," the all-campus magazine, in order that
they may be treated more exhaustively than would
be possible in The Daily.
But it has been found that,, in spite of this set-
ting forth of campus activities, there still remain
students who do not take an active part that is at
all in proportion to their abilities. For example,
it has been found that there are men of consider-
able dramatic ability, who fail to report for dra-
matic club activities in spite of thecalls for try-
outs. And the most patent example of this very
situation is supplied by the present athletic ques-
tion which undoubtedly owes much of its serious
aspect to the fact that men of ability fail to report
in spite of every inducement.
It was with the idea of overcoming this evil that
the Union last fall, introduced its system of classi-
fying students with regard to their interests and
abilities,. It was a tremendous step towards reme-.
dying a condition that exists on every college cam-
pus in the country. That the plan will succeed when
it is put into full operation, it beyond doubt. But
until this system of calling upon men directly for
their services can come into full running order, it'
will be necessary to depend upon placing the activ-
ities before students and appealing to their enthu- I
siasm to bring response.


A 11 Graham
At both ends Diagonal Walk


em .

Prewxster Campbell
John1. Dakin
Thornton Sargent Jr.
.C. M. Campbell
. . ....... P. Hiart
. . Marguerite Clark
... ........Joseph A. Bernstein
Mark K. FEhlbert
ohnson Dorothy Monfort
n II. Riley Al innie Muskatt
. weber Anna McGurk
Clarke Winefred Biethan
tC. Angeli Samuel 't~amport
Wrobleski Robert D. Sage
Thomas J. Whinery
ephone 960
. LeGrande A. Gaines, Mark B. Covell
..... ............. .Henry W hiting
....Edward PrieAs.,
.....Curt P. Schneider, R. A. Sullivan

(Oct. 26, 1919)
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
"(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:to a.
n., aid hourly to !:to p. m.
Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8:48
a. in., and every- hour to 9.48 P.iM. (Ex
presses make local stops vest of An Arbo>.)
Local cars East Bound-6:os a. in., 9:05 a.
:n. and every two, h urs to 9:05 p. in., o:5o
,. m. To Ypsilanti only, "11:45 p. M , 1:10
a. tn.. and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound--7 :48 a. m. and
12:20 a. M.
Helen B. Eames, '23D, aftert com-
pleting her final examinations last
week, slept a continuous but appar-
ently normal sleep which lasted for
67 hours. The great duration of this
sleep alarmed the family with whom
she lives and they called a doctor,
who stated there was nothing more
serious than overwork the cause of
it. She awoke refreshed.

Books and Supplies for all Colleges
at both Stores


Laboratory Supplies

Drug Store frlerchandise


In spite of the Regents' recent appropriation
paper towels, there are still a few of the
"roller" variety putting in their good work in
Engineering building.


D. P. Joyce
Robt. Sommerville
Arthur L. Glazer
P. P. Hutchinson

h concening news for any
ditor, who has full charge
eek, are as follows:
Thomas H. Adams,

; Saturday

I he Telescope
Our idea of a ghastly joke is one we pulled the
other day. A lady friend of ours who has a taste
for literature asked us how we liked "LOOKING
BACKWARD." We told her frankly that we
didn't like it because we were doing this in our
exams and the prof caught us and threatened to
flunk us.
"Who could paint her charms," the poet cries.
"She does herself," her chum replies. .
If he
Remarks that only a bonehead would have
flunked those exams
Or opines that Ann Arbor isn't such a bad lit-
tle town after all
And stoutly maintains that there are worse
fellows in the world than profs
Then you know that he feels pretty sure that he
passed those finals.

- *
Nickels Arcade Up the Stairs
Hey Boy! Have You Pasted The Good
Food At The ARCADE?
Pure foods at low prices, prepared by experts.
Everything displayed on our forty-foot steam and
serving tables.
Select just what appeals to your own individual
Bakery goods fresh from our own ovens.
Delicious coffee with rich Jersey cream.
Kindness, courtesy, and good service prevail here.


r, 1920.
ditorial staff and
eportorial rooms.


The classes which were con-
ducted in the Michigan Union
Annex before it burned will now
be held in the Arcade Dance
New classes will be formed as
soon as dancing is resumed.

of the wheel the new semester opens
s wake all the hopes and fears and
cracies of' fate that, any future holds.
of chance, we outline and then await
uncertainty of college life is, in a
our. , Out of the monotony of drab
lize that we approach a certain des-
is unfortunate, indeed, who cannot
an little successes and little losses into
atisfactibn. Beginning a new semes-
to find not a few, but a great many,
with a certain amount of disappoint-
ge as it may seem these are often
lost worth-while of men. The fault
with the individual nor yet with the
rimarily an exemplification of the un-
that some things are like the hotel,,
a bluff and run on the same princi-
e quitter is even worse than the bluf-
aps the very test most needed for the
in bucking against discouragement.
that "gets there" in the world seems
making a "heap rof all winnings and
one turn of pitch and toss." It is that
ho can start at the beginning and build
n places in his wayward path. This
: blame others, nor spend time in self-
gan Daily welcomes all the old men,
i luck in the new adventure. And it
the niew-comers who are coning here
:ater lesson.than is found in any book.
r page of this issue of The Daily ap-
nunication which seeis to merit dis-
.e reason that it very likely expresses
: of a large part of the student body.
man become active in the work of
he Daily, or any other of the campug
hich require student administration?
place, How does a man get in line for
which he desires and things he can fill?
ie first thing to do is to apply to the
nds somewhere near the head of the
This is exactly the. same procedure
d in campus activities. A man, for
o reports at The Daily and requests
:ry his hland at the work may rest as-,
will be given every opportunity to ad-
ed, of course, he is scholastically elig-
me opportunity should and does exist
fields of campus activity. It is taken
;hat no "pull" is necessary and should
:requisite exist, the applicant may be


Dear Noah:-
I have a bull dog who isn't much of
Is there anything I can do to instill a
spirit in him.
All you have to do is to start feeding


a scrapper.
him scraps.

1 I

First stude- (indignantly)-Did you hear about
Prof. Whoosis ? He thought I was "cribbing" in
my exams and called me a bare-faced cheat.
His friend (still more ndignantly)-That's an
insult. Why don't you demand a retraction. Any-
body with half an eye can see that mustache of
Oursr Daily Novelette
Out of those two hundred girls at the Union
dance that Saturday night she was easily the most
distinguished looking. Yes, among tllat galaxy of
lovely womanhood she stood pre-eminent, an un-
crowned queen holding sway by that most fickle of
things-Beauty. She was the cynosure of all eyes;
men and women accorded her the admiration which
is always due effeminate perfection.
Standing over in the doorway was the lucky man
who had brought this wonderful creature. Yet
strange to relate, a shadow lay on his face-Trou-
ble's disfiguring hand had been laid on his youth-
ful countenance. . "Yes," he answered in reply to
my query, "I am troubled." Just then his eyes hap-
pened to light on the form of his girl and. the look
of troubled apprehension flared up sttonger than
ever in his eyes. '
And then in a burst of sudden confidence he con-
tinued, "I'm afraid that girl of mine will get into
trouble with the Secret Service." I started back as
though I had been struck, sharply across the face.
I gazed again at the girl's face which seemed to
mirror and reflect nothing but goodness and purity
and innocence. Could it be that under that beauti-
ful exterior beat a black and worthless heart? "The
secret service," I echoed in a bewildered way. He
shook his head and then answered in "a voice vi-
brant with regret, "Yes, I'm afraid that some day
the Secret Service will discover that she's a coun-
terfeit doller."J. W. K.
Famous Closing Lines
"That idea never occurred to me," said the Stu-
dent in explaining why he had flunked.




A natural-born favorite
n sure winner

Spur Cigarettes are "lengths
ahead of the bunch." Good
breeding, plus good handling.
That's the reasbn.







and smokers say Spurs are there.
American and Imported Tobaccos,
blended so that the good old tobacco
taste is brought out to the full-
Satiny, imported paper-crimped, not
pasted, making a slower-burning, easier.
drawing cigarette.
Smart brown and silver package that
reflects the quality-goodness of the
Cigarette itself"
Every point is a straight tip to lay
your bets. on Spur. Say to the tolac.
conist: "Spur." You can't lose,



; A

4jo e"

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