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Changes in Courses
Editor's Note - Any changes in
courses or special announcements
should be sent in to the City Editor the
1 day before the change takes place.
Economics 38-The lecture meeting
in this course for the first week only
will be held at 3 o'clock in' Room 101
S Ec., instead of 8 o'clock on Friday.
Rhetoric 38-Students who wish to
take this course at 8 o'clock on Tues-
.day and Thursday will meet Thurs-
day in the lecture room, first door to
the right at West entrance of the' Ii-
S brary.
Economics 1-The class will meet
d for the first time this semester at 2
o'clock Wednesday afternoon in room
101 Economics building.;
Civil Engineering 27 - The second
sctionp of this course in Public Utility
d problems given by Prof. H. E. Riggs
n will meet at 9 o'clock Wednesday in
D_ room 218 New Engineering building
u- provided 18 or 20 men elect the
course. Those intending to enroll
c- should see Prof. Iiggs at once.
as Rhetoric 38-Prof. John R. Brumm,
d of the Rhetoric department, announces
Ls that his class in Rhetoric 38 (Adver-
tising) which is scheduled to meet on
Mondays and Fridays at 11 o'clock is
g to be divided into two sections, the
r new section to meet on Tuesday and
C- Thursday at 8 o'clock. The first meet-
- ing of the class will be held Thursday
r at 8 o'clocl in the lecture room of the
,1 library, the first door to the right of
I the west entrance.
This semester, on accounttof
te einergency arising from ,the,
infiuenza epidemic, literary stu-
dents abset from somester ex-
aminations with good excuse
may be examined by the instruc-
tor at his convenience, not later
than March 20. Students must
, at once make arrangements with
their instructor, and secure from
the Registrar's office the regular
slip for the report of grades.
a campaign starte
Christian associatio
eefold, first, to pr
ng between the stu
di the churches; sec
budget for religion
es subscribed, an
interest in religiou
Form One Society
ersig Y. M. C. A. is settin
t for a different kind o
ear. The organization, &
present plans, will co-ord
ork of all the churches fo
lucation with, that of a
.d including the "Y" itsel
-ganization for the prosmo
,ious interests on the cam
11 be solicited;
is the sgm of
7e four churh-
with the cam-
;s needed and
ar- for the ex-
I Lutheran
this cam-
nd it nec-
ds earlier
follows: Bap-
ian, $500; Dis-
$250; and Lane
1 being, $4,600.
subtracting the
.ses and alloting
ount to the stu-J
imbering about{
Monday to make
[n and receive
Alexander Watson, English dramatic
reader whom London newspapers and
critics characterize as "among the
foremost reciters of the day," appears
in a series of dramatic interpretations
and recitals at 8 o'clock tonight in
Hill auditorium under the auspices of
the University Oratorical association.
Mr. Watson, under the management,
of the J. B. Pond Lyceum bureau, is
making his first American tour giv-
ing enroute interpretative readings
from the works of Dickens, Shake-.
speare, Kipling, John Mansfield and
Barrie. The route of his tour extend-
ing from coast to coast is requiring
three honths time to complete.
The death of Bert Maxwell Snyder,
exy'09E, Lieutepant Commander, U. S.
N., occurred in the Navy hospital at
Newport, R. I., Feb. 8, from pneumo-
nia following influenza. Full Naval
ceremonies were held at the Newport
Navy yards Feb. 14, three companies
Cessation of Epidemic Reported by
Health Service Authorities;
Crest fassed
Two deaths on the campus result-
ed from the influenza epidemic whicb,
according to Health service reports is
nearly ended. One was a student and
the other an instructor in the Univer-
Mr. John E. WatkWn of the Spanish
department died Monday, Feb. 2, of
pneumonia. Mr. Watkin, who gradu-
ated in 1904, came to the University
last fall, as an instructor in Spanish.
He was discharged from government
service last year.
The body will be taken to St.
Charles, the family home. Mr. Watkin
is survived ,by his mother.'
Howard Chandler, '21E, died Feb.
9 of pneumonia,.-at the University hos-
pital. Chandler was a mining engi-
neer from the University of Kansas
before he entered the 'service. He is
survived by a wife, living in Ann Ar-
Dr. J. A. Wessinger, city health of-
ficer, stated yesterday that only four
cases of influenza had come in, in the
last 48 hours, and that no pneumonia
cases had been reported since Satur-
day. The crest of the epidemic was
reached about two weeks ago, he
University officials expect the lifting
soon of the influenza ban pronounced
some tiMie ago by the President's of-
fice. Dances are a4lowed at places not
under the control of the University,
and Union officials say that they hope
to be able to announce their next
dance within a few days. .
Radical Change Suggested
Game Admission $2.50
But Students
Fifteen alumni, faculty and student
representatives met with the Board in
Control of Athletics Jan. 31, at the
Board's invit tion, and thoroughly
thrashed out the athletic situation,
discussing in detail each point of a
series of findings and recommenda-
tions submitted by the M club. As a
result of this meeting, in the view of
Chairman Ralph W. Aigler of the
Board -in Control many misapprehen-
sions were cleared up regarding con-
ditions as they stand.
Besides the Board, the following
were present: Victor R. Pattengill,
'11, representing the M club; Robert
Clancy, '07, Sidney R. Small, '09E, and
Griffith Hays, '11, representing the
Detroit Alumni association; Ralph M.
Snyder and Adrian L. Hoover, repre-
senting the Chicago alumni; Rollin L.
McNitt, of Los Angeles; Deane Henry
M. Bates and Dean John R. Effinger,
representing the faculty; Carl E. John-
son, '20, Carl T. Hogan, '20E, and Har-
ry M. Carey, '20,.representing the stu-
dent body; Russel Barnes, '20, of the
student committee on athletics; Coach
Fielding H. Yost, and Assistant Coach
P. P. Douglass.
Submit Recommendations
The recommendations which were
submitted as the result of findings by
the executive committee of the M
club, and the discussion on the vari-
ous points, follow:.
"I. The Coaching System, with re-
gard to football. There should be a
coaching staff along the following
lines: a head coach in general charge
and a minimum of 10 well paid assist-
ant coaches, whose appointment
should be subject to the approval of
the head coach. The work of the head
coach being to plan, systematize and
regulate te general scheme of coach-
ing, to instruct the assistant coaches,
to direct their work on the field, and
to plan and oversee the work for var-
sity scrubs, and freshmen. There
should be at least three coaches for
the freshmen team, two for the scrubs,
and four for the varsity. The idea be-
hind this plan being that the head
coach should be ant executive closely
in touch with his assistants and their
work, but leaving most of the detail
In Making
to All
coaches for scrubs, he said, there were M11(:AN'S LQSIN( SPIRIfl
no scrubs last year. He stated that BIUTON, CLANCY
Douglass and Sturgenegger have been SAYS
secured as assistant coaches for next
season and that an attempt is being PLANS UNDER WAY I
made to get Bob Watson. Lundgren SECURING ALUMNI
will be in charge of the reserve squad
and Mather of the freshman squad.
As for a trainer, Coach Yost ex- $75,000 Grandstand Addition i
pressed himself as very much in fav- Away with 'No Seats' Bu
or of the best trainer that can be bear
found, who will be here the entire
year. He said regarding equipment Co-operation of alumni in be
that he felt certain any man who real- Michigan's athletic situation is
'ly wanted equipment has been able bringing results, according to
to get it. H. Clancy, '07, field
Pattengill remarked that the wrong secretary
impression had gone out through the troit alumni, in an address befc
state regarding the attitude toward body at a luncheon held in
the freshman team, that it was plain last Wednesday.
that everyone should know Michigan Address ]oll 's
wants the biggest freshman team ever, Mddress was
and that it will not be cut down for. Mr. Cancy's address was, in
lack of coaches. Chairman Aigler stat- "Why does everybody speak
ed that several years ago a ruling was fall's football season as the gre
passed by the Board that there shall aster? Last fall was the mc
be as many coaches as may be found torious season we ever I had,
necessary. football scores, it is true, but
Early Practice Planned sults.
Coach Yost reported that at pres- "Take that Minnesota game
ent he has a list of 75 men who will stance. President Burton, the
be invited back for preliminary prac- executive who will do so mu
tice, provided they are eligible at the Michigan -from now on, saw tha
close of the year. and he said the wonderful Mi
Carl Johnson said that Coach Far- spirit in the blackness of overv
rell needs assistants for track more ing defeat decided him then and
than any other oach on the campus, , to (qie to Michigan. Otherw
and Chairman Aigler replied that the, would have stayed at Minnes
Board was combing the country for gone to Yale. Of course the M
such a man. Mr. Bartelme stated that ta team thought we were really
.Dr. May would not serve as football to stop Half-back Oss when
trainer next year and did not wish sone thirty miles for numero
to, and that every effort is being made assorted touch-downs. They d
to secure the right man. realize that our offense and d
Discussion brought out that it would were really built to hold Pr
be perfectly possible and desirable to Burton. And our wonderful sys
charge $2.50 for all games, except to defensive cheering and our sp
the student body, and if possible to aggressive attack with the bai
secure in that way additional funds for Yellow and Blue and the blc
enlarging the stands. turned the trick. Why pay at
The matter of enlarging the office to a 'perfect Oss,' as an Engl:
of the Athletic association, it was stat- might term that galloping hal
ed, had already been taken care of, as when a Burton demands our at
had the matters of providing ample Minnesota won't want to win
room in the club house, providing a .us for another 27 years for fe
stockroom, ,and keeping the property will sneak away the biggest b
in the charge of one man. on their campus while they are
Regarding the question of providing ing for touchdowns.
a dressing room for intercollegiate Alumini Aroused
and interscholastic meets, Mr. Bar- "One of the victories of last
telme said that a rough 7estimate of the irit at
the cost of such a building under thethe entirely new spirit actuati
stands would be about $20,000 fully alumni and the student body a
Arbo.r. The alumni are squalli:
equipped. bear-cats for action and demand
Favor "" Presentation Ceremony gone up from Detroit and New
Mr. Bartelme stated there would be and Chicago and from all ov
no objection to making a ceremony United States, to'help the Ubi
out of giving equipment to athletes and to organize the alumni and
irry B. Hutchins and
Marion L. Burton will
>f honor at the testi-
o be given' by the De-
7:30 o'clock Friday
t the Dptroit Athletic
will be given by both
Ld the president-elect.
will be sung, led by
, '07,
D. A.
nd the function get
Hurley immediately
visions could be
aft Investigation
b. 16.-Reports of
Investigation of the
program were pre-
he special commi-
wartine expendi-
tives Frear and
publicans of the
ich conducted the
aeterized the avia-
heir reports, as a
of Marines conducting the ceremo- Professor - emeritus Henry Smith construction to the assistants. It completi their course, to which the1
pies. The body was buried Sunday, Carhart, prominent physicist and au- would seem that these coaches could M club could invite high school foot-
Feb. 15, in the family burial ground thor, died recently at his home in be secured from Michigan alumni, but ball teams.
at Chelsea, Mich. Pasadena, Calif., according to word it does not appear necessary to con- It was suggested that coats, such aB
Commander Snyder 'entered the En- received by President Harry B. Hutch- fine the coaches to graduates of the' are presented to the Illinis players,
gineering school of the University in ins. University. In all of the other sports would be preferable to blankets, and
1905 and won an appointment to the Coming to the University in 1886 as careful investigation should be made could be secured at a low price from
Naval Academy in 1907, from which he professor of physics and chemistry, and a similar syhtem adopted if found the army.
graduated with ' distinction in 1911. Professor Carhart served in that ca- advisable. Regarding publicity for Michigan, it
Commander Snyder was commander pacity until 1909, then becoming pro- "Immediate steps should be taken to was suggested that Mr. Clancy ar-
of tie U. S. Naval Station, Samoan fessor-emeritus. He Fas recognized secure a trainer for the varsity foot- range for the, alumni organizations of
Islands, for three years and while by his contemporaries as one of the ball team, the position being of such different cities to give banquets and,
there supervised the construction of greatest authorities on his subject. importance that a man of first class other gatherings of interest to high
a water works system. having served on numerous juries of ability who can devote all his time to school men there, at which alumni,
The widow of the deceased is at awards in attendance at conferences this work during the season is neces-. members of the Board in Cgntrol, lead-
present confined to a hospital in of his profession, as well as accorded sary. . ing athletes and others would speak.
Newport, suffering from the same ill- an author of note. All-Year Coaches Not Fqvored It was emphasized that the entire'
ness which caused the death of her "It has been intimated that there is University, not merely its athletic
husband.. Manager Otto H. Hans, of Allies Will Not Interfere with Court a movement on foot to inaugurate a supremacy, must be advertised; and as
the Ann Arbor Press, brother-in-law (By Associated Press) system of resident all-year coaches. an example of this it : as stated that
of the deceased, accompanied the re- London, Feb. 16.-The Allied reply T may be individual instances in the alumni had learned in certain in-
mains from Newport to Chelsea. ' to the eGrman note of Jan. 25 propos- which this plan works well, but we are stances of students who had been per-
ing as an alternative to extradition not in favor of the system where its suaded to go to other schools not sim-
Lit Grades Will Be Out by Saturday 'that persons accused by the allies be results are a detriment to the efficien- ply because they thought those schools
Literary college students will re- tried at Leipsic states that Germany's cy of any sport." could give them more in athletics than
ceive their marks for the past semes- proposal for such trial is compatible With regard to the above recommen- Michigan, but because they could fit
ter by the end of this week, Regis- with article 228 of the peace treaty. .dation, Coach Yost stated that with them better for life.
trar Hall said yesterday. The cards The allies, by note says, will abstain ,th small number of men out last fall Work Is Threefold t
will be mailed out as rapidly as pos- from intervention in the procedure of there would have been no work for a IV. Department of Physical Educa-
sible. that court. . larger number of coaches. As for two (Continued on Page Six)
them a power.
"The movement does not cc
athletics merely, but the pror
of the best interests, of the U
sity in every respect. We want
more money for the University ti
the legislature and through g
prosperous citizens to extend ti
ful and the noble work of instr
and of research. We want t
courage our professors and in
tors by generous treatment; we
more buildings, more equipment
want to educate the people by a
developed system of publicity
this University is one of th
and most powerful friends tha
"To organize the 40,000 Mi
alumni scattered throughout th
ited States into a cohesive unit
ing for well-defined purposes a
accomplish various projects is ni
task. We will start it by sending
and every alumnus a four-page
about the size of The Michigan
We will set'forth therein our pi
aims and purposes and urge the
ation of a Michigan club in ever
(Continued on Page Six)
VVATSON, English Dramatic Reader
P.M, HILL AUDITORIUM. Admission 50c Oratorical Association