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January 30, 1920 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-01-30

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.. .:.

rzd Portune 3mdle unce riore COMi)UNTITY SCHOOL HEE
WArbror's Own Poet Laureate RM EN T
Plans were made to form a Com-
munity school in Ann Arbor to train BELA I P BuEww
men and women for teaching posi-
er .just Dr. Tom Lov- ignated it, the assembled students in tions in Sunday schools when Rev. F. UNITED STATES SAID TO FAVOR
d poet, the venerable te name of the stuuent body present- Peterson of Boston spoke to a INTERNATIONAL TRI
. by kings, presidents, ed the Lieutenant Colonel of Archery ntBUNAL
cials of most of the with a "Distinguished Service Medal" ,un erested in church work at a
lunchleoi Monday in Lane hal..,
md suggested by De- for his "valiant service during the The plan is to form schools all (By Associated Press)
r the presidency~ o, S A. T. C. epidemic." In his speech
is now r.esi eu-of ta T. tisehonor h sDoc over the country to train Sunday Washington, Jan. 29.-The second
is now Dr. Poet Lieu..,Of thanks fort the " .e "Doctor" school teachers so that they will be meeting of the Council of the League
paid homage spirit as well prepared for their work as of Nations, which in reality will be
which existed during the "epidemic"; the day school teachers. It is expect- the first actual business'meeting, will
attended by 50 rep- and gave assurance he would wear ed that Ann Arbor will be the center be held in London probably February
dents and business the medal on fitting occasions. In ad- of this work in Michigan. 10, according to advices received here
itly in a State street dition to the medal, a collection of It is a three year course of two today. At this meeting the council
the commission of silver was presented the "Colonel" to 12 week semesters in each year. Half plans to enter upon consideration of
nel of Archery in the purchase a specially designed uni- of the time will be spent In the study one of the most important subjects
id Navies was confer- lorm suited to the newly created of the bfble and the other half on with which it has been charged h'nder
much honored "Doc- branch of service church problems. the treaty of peace, namely, the con-
cneral" Court Martial Besides various speeches by the stitution of the permanent court. of
x the absence of the guest of honor, several business men Ithaca Citizens Endow Cornell international justice. The first meet-
war to d rant o the om-oandstudents responded to toasts. The Citizens of Ithaca, N. Y., will launch ing of the council held at Paris, Jan-
was carried, into the most remarkable of these was that of a campaign Feb. 1, for the raising of uary 16 confined itself to matters of
on draped with the an athlete and former S. A. T. Cman $250,000 for the endowment of two organization.
i and presented under w o eulogized Dr. Lieut.-Col. Lovell Cornell professorships. A liberal re- It is learned that the launching of
with the assemblage for ten minutes without using a noun srsthe permanent court of international
Gtentin." or verb. The other students who ponse is expected from the Ithacans tepraetcuto nentoa
.spoke were old S. A T. C. privates as they realize that the university is justice has been decided 'upon after
ge From France .the means of bringing at least $10,- great hesitation, because this was one
nerus telegraand non-cos and colonels and ma- 000,000 to the city each year. The of the features of the peace program
imerous telegramsr" jors of the reserves, inability of the university to meet the in which the United States had taken
u~latng' the "Doactor"inbltofteuvrsytomtth
am from France by Applause Interrupts Speech rising cost of living with increased the greatest interest, in fact having
fel tower and Norfolk, The "Doctor's" flights of oratory salaries has been the cause of priva- originated the project as one of the
om "Chateau Thierry were frequently interrupted by the tion among the faculty. best means of preventing wars by re-
ne Forest, near the plaudits of his hearers, and the ar- have be considred at tt firt
en literally translated rival and reading f telegrams, but in Illinois.-The Isolation hospital at meeting of the council but was post-
ge it read, "There are spite of it he approached heights nev- athe University of Illinois is filled and poned in order to afford opportunity
you were with us to- er before reached. two students were turned away and for the American senate to act upon
teard of your valiant In the concluding speech of the ev- dent to Burnham hospital. Twenty- the peace treaty and for this session
ofs ening the master of . ceremonies ad- ,five students are seriously ill. The to be in position to participate in the
one-time Premier of monished the Dr. Lieut.-Col. "to cher- head nurse at the hospital said that organization of the court.
sh this coinmissibon and", guard it; the condition was not alarming but __________
S"D. .C' keep all persons away from it; let no that the facilities were not sufficient NEWBERRY TRIAL DELAYED
ommemorate "the last one touch it less it become less-less to meet the needs of the extra num . BY. HEAV SNOW STORMS
" as the "Doctor" des- -less dirty." ber of students this year.
Grand Rapids, Jan. 29.- Trial of
*'United States Senator Truman H.
Newberry and 123 ce-defendants on
f "" charges of election 'fraud and cn
con-piracy failed to. get under way here
S*today because of the enforced ab-
.tsence of a number of the defendants
who were delayed by snowbound
trains. Court adjourned this after-
A W X_ ~noon until tomorrow morning with-
H f t "i ' out' having stated selection of the
i~y "r / p x ury.
y' ..,.as'7,rCondition of Erzberger not: Serious
- . Berlin, Jan. 29.-Physicians attend-
, 'ting foreign minister Erzberger who
- ~ * ~was shot several day ago have de-
cided the removal of the bullet from
""' ~."rte }m3; s 'their patient's shoulder is Inadvisa-
Spy :;;ble.
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Spur Shows Yu Evet
So ething!
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