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January 11, 1920 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-01-11

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e is hereby given, pursuant to a resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the Michigan Union, December 16,
t a special meeting of the.members of the Michigan Union be held January the 22nd, 1920, to be convened at 7:30
he Assembly Hall of the University of Michigan Union Building to consider the proposed Constitution.



1. NAME.
tion shall be known as the "University
s of the Union are to furnish a Uni-
and recreational center; to provide a
for faculty, alumni, former students
tudents of the University; and to help,
rersity of Michigan men for the p'er-
ieir duties as g'ood citizens.
of the Union shall be a circular gold
% inch in diameter, having upon its
elled blue block M and the letters
ed in gold and placed vertically.
The membership shall be confined to
provision shall limit all other pro-
. here shall -be seven classes of
: Annual Members; Life Members;
Life Members; Honorary Members;
nbers; Summer School Members; and
e Members,-as hereinafter described.
>ers shall have equal rights and privi-
s herein otherwise provided.
NUAL MEMBERS. Every student of
ssion of the University shall become
mber upon paying such annual tuition
scribed by the Regents.
the University, former students who
in attendance therein for a period of
,eks, former members of the faculty in
ane for at leas~t six weeks, former
's and former officers of the University,
s several faculties, and no others, may
,1 Members 'upon application and upon
e annual dues.
dues for, members of. the faculty, shall
The annual dues for persons (other
dents and other than members 'of the
reside in Ann Arbor or within sixty
(to be classed as resident members),
dollars, and for other persons (to be
n-resident members), five dollars, in
able in advance.
ship year shall end August 31.
le person shall apply for annual inem-
y; time after April, 1, his annual dues
ader of the same fiscal year shall be
nnual dues applicable to him.
of Governors, in Its' discretion, may
ount of the annual dues.
is or any such former student or any
faculty member who shall heretofore
who shall 'hereafter, prior to Jul? 1,
lollars or more into the fund set apart
ruction or equipment of the Union
be considered an annual member for
would be covered by annual member-
n dollars if a resident and five dollars
mt, as before defined,'dating from the

from the date of such application; the application
and notes to be inprscrlbed forms. Such an appli-
cant shall be entitled to all the privileges of full
membership from the date of the first cash payment;
but in case he shall be in default for a period of six
months in respect of any deferred payment and shall
continue in such default for one month after written
notice thereof. given by special authority of the
Board of Directors, ithen ipso facto, he shall forfeit
all such privileges and all payments made by him,
and shall surrender his Union button, and shall be
eligible to life membership only on 'new application
and payment.
(c) Pending payment of deferred installments' and
until default as aforesaid, an applicant under tis
section shall be classed as a Participating Life
Member. On actual payment in. full of the required
amount, he shall be classed as a Life Member.
(d) Only Life Members and persons who have
made a payment or payments on applications for
life membership and who are not in default in re-
spect of such payments, shall be entitled to wear the
Union emblem. .
Sec. 5. HOORARY MEMBERS. (a) Evey Re-
gent of the University shall be an Honorary Member
of the Union during his term of office.
(b) Upon recommendation of the Board of Diiec-
tors, the Union may at any meeting, by a two-thirds
vote of the members present, elect to honorary mem-
bership any person who shall be voted to have rend-
ered distinguished service to the University.
(c) Honorary Members, without payment of dues,
shall be entitled to all the privileges of Life Mem-
bers, except that they shall not, as such, be permitted
to vote or hold office in the Unien.
Sec. 6. DIRECTORS' MEMBERS. (a) Persons not
otherwise eligible for membership in the Union, may
become Directors' Members by vote of the Board of
Directors, but only under the following circum-
stances. Any person desiring such membership shall
present .to the Board of Directors 'his written appli-
cation therefor, in prescribed form. As soon as such
application shall sbe filed, the' Recording Secretary
shall give notice thereof, by mail to each member of
the ,Board of Directors, stating the name and resi-
dence of the applicant and the names of his en-
dorsers. At least ten days shall elapse after the
presentation of any such application to, a meeting
of the Board of Directors, before it shall vote ther-
on. By Affirmative vote of not less than a majority
of the entire Board of. Directors, any such applicant
may be admitted as follows:
ment to the Union within thirty days after such vote,
of an application fee of at least one hundred dollars,
such member (a) to be under obligation to pay also
annnal dues of twenty-five dollars in equal 'semi-
annual installments, payable in advance on or as of
September 1 and March 1, respectively, until he shall
have tendered his written resignation, and (b), in
case 'of default in respect of any such installments,
to forfeit such menbership, at the option of the
Board ofrDirectors; and(c) such membership to be
subject to termination at'any time if and when the
Board of Directors, for any reason, expressed or'un-
expressed, shall vote to terminate such membership
and shll cause to be tendered to the person con-'
cerned an amount equal to the said application fee,
with notice of such vote;,or, by' such majority affir-
mative vote, any such applicant may be admitted as
a (2) DIRECTORS' LIFE MEMBER,-upon payment
to the Union, within thirty days after such vote, of
at least five hundred dollars.
(b) Directors' Members shall be entitled to all the
privileges of Annual Members, except that they shall
not be permitted to vote or hold office in the Union
(c) The number of Directors' Members shall at no
time exceed five hundred non-resident nor two hun-
dred resident members, as hereinbefore classified, ex-
cept by the written affirmative vote of the entire
membership of the Board of Directors and of the
Board of Governors.
student in actual attendance at a Summer Session of
the University or any member of a Summer Session
faculty may become a Summer School Member, en-
titled, during the summer session only, to all the
rights and privileges of Annual Members (except the
privilege of voting or holding office) upon making
application in the .prescribed form and paying sum-'
mer dues of two dollars for each summer session.
actual attendance and regularly entered as such, in
a special course from time to time established by
authority of the Regents, requiring not exceeding a
semester's attendance, may become a Special Course
Member, entitled, during the period of such course
only, to all the rights of Summer School Member,
upon making application in the prescribed form and

paying special course dues of two dollars for each,
special course period.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of:
The President of the Union and its Recording Sec-
retary, to be students, ex-officlo, to be elected by the
members of the Union at the annual election herein-
after provided for;
Five Vice Presidents of the Union, to be students,
to be selected by colleges or schools on the vote of
the students therein, respectively, at such annual
election, as hefeinafter provided;
Three members of the University faculties, each a%
member of the Union and a 'graduate of the Univer-.
sity or a member of its faculty for at least six years,
-to be appointed by the University Senate:
Five alumni members of the Union,-to be ap-
pointed by the Board of Directors of the Alumni
Association of the University of Michigan..
The Financial Secretary of the Union, ex-officio,-
to be appointed by the University Senate, as herein-
after provided; and


The General Secretary of the Alumni Association
of the University, of Michigan, ex-officio.
Sec. 2. The Board of Directors, except as herein
otherwise provided, shall have full power to super-
vise and control all the activities .of the Union. It
may prescribe rules and regulations, not inconsistent
with this Constitution, to govern all Union activities,
to govern the conduct of Union elections and the
time and place for its own meetings, and to govern
members and guests while in the Union Building.
It may determine by an affirmative vote of not less
than ten of its members when, and for how long, by
reason of violation of rules or regulations by a mem-
ber, he shall be suspended or expelled' or refused the
privileges of the Union Building or any part thereof,
or refused participation in Union activities; and it
shall have power to enforce its determination. Be-
fore any such 'determination, the Recording Secre-
tary shall send to the member a statement of- the
charges preferred against him, and, on his prompt'
request, he shall be granted a hearing before the
Board of- Directors or a Committee thereof. It may
also determine by a like vote when any such member
shall be reinstated. It may fill vacancies in its mem-
bership and in offices of the Union held by students.
Section 1. The Board of Governors shall consist of:
The President of the Union and its Financial Sec-
retary,' ex-officio; one Regent of the University, to be
appointed by the Board of Regents; and four mem-
bers of the Union, three of whom shall be alumni to,
be appointed by the Board of Directors of the Alumni
Association of the University of Michigan, to serve
respectively one, two, three and four years, for the
first appointment thereafter for terms of four years'
each, and until their successors appointed -in the
same manner accept office. The terms of all mem-
bers of the Board of Governors shall end on August
Sec. 2. The Board of Governors shall'have full
control over all financial matters relating to the
Union; including (Sower to borrow money from time
to time and authorize the giving of-the Union's obli-
gations, signed and secured in such manner and pay-
able at such times as the Board of Governors shall
.determine; power to authorize a conveyance of all
the property of the Union to the Board of Regents of
the University, subject to any specified liens and 'on
such stipulations and conditions as the Boaid of
Governors may prescribe; power to appoint, dis-
,charge -and direct a General Manager and to fix his
compensation;' power to fill vacancies in its own
membership caused by death, resignation, ineligibil-
ity or disability, the persons selected to serve until
the vacancy shall be filled in the manner herein pro-
vided or until the disability shall have been removed;
and power on the affirmative vote of not less than
five of its members, including the President of the
Union, to veto and thereby to nullify any action of,
the Board of Directors which such members shall de-
clare in a resolution to be, in their opinion, contrary
to sound financial policy.
The President of the Union, its General Manager,
its Financial Secretary, its Recording Secretary, and
its General Secretary, ex-officio, shall constitute a
standing Appointment Committee, a majority of,
which .shall have sole power to appoint all standing
Committees and all other Committees authorized by
the Board- of Directors.

of Directors in accordance with its directions; and
(6) to arrange for the orderly conduct of all elections
of the Union.
The General Secretary shall be appointed by the
Board of Directors; shall direct and supervise all
student activities of the Union, and from time to
time, at the request of the Board of Directors, shall
recommend the form of desirable extensions of Union
activities. He shall ex-officio be a member of the
Appointment Committee.
Section 1. NOMINATING COMMITTEE. Not later
than the second Saturday in April in each year, the
Appointment Committee shall appoint a Nominating
Committee of five student members of the Union, not
more than one of whom shall be a member of the
Board of Directors and none of whom shall, if he
accepts, be eligible to election, at the then forth-
coming election, to any office in the Union. It shall
be the duty of the Nominating Committee, not later
than the last Saturday in April by a suitable docil-
ment to be filed with the Recording Secretary, to
nominate, from the student body, officers for the en-
suing year, as follows:
At least two candidates for President, for Record-
ing Secretary and for each of the Vice-Presidents,
five in -all, one for (a) the College of Literature,.Sci-
ence, and the Arts, and the Graduate School, (b) for
the.Colleges of Engineering and Architecture, (c) for
the Medical School, (d) for the Law School, and (e)
for the College of Dental Surgery, the Homeopathic
Medical School and the College of 'Pharmacy,-the
candidates for Vice-Presidents to be students in good
standing of the respective colleges or schools which
,they are nominated to represent.

1 I I



hundred members of the Union, by signing a petition
and filing it, properly signed, with the Recording
Secretary at or before 9 a. m. of the fourth-day pre-
ceding the day set for the election, may nominate a
candidate or candidates for any or all of such offices.
Sec. 3. NOTICE. It shall be the duty of the Re-
cording Secretary to see that all nominations herein
authorized be given prompt and suitable publicity,
among resident members of the"Union, by posting
and by publication; and he shall also cause suitable
notice of each annual election and meeting to be.
given, by posting and by publication, at least ten
days Mefore the date for the same.
Section 1. The annual election of President, Re-
cording Secretary and five Vice-Presidents as above
provided, shall be held on the campus on "Campus
Election Day;" and on the evening of that day in the
Assembly Room of the Union Building, commencing
at 8 p. m. there shall be an Annual Meeting of the
Union, presided over by the President, or in case of
his absence or inability or refusal to serve, then thie
Vice-President from the-College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts, and so on, in the order named in
Section 1 of. Article XI.
Sec. 2. The polls for such election shall bo kept
open the hours designated for "Campus Election
Day." There shall be no voting by proxy. Each
member of the Union shall be entitled to vote for one
candidate for President, one candidate for Recording
Secretary, and, if he be a student, for one candidate
for Vice-President for the' college or school in which
he"shall then be a student. The person- receiving the
greatest number of votes for each office shall, at the
Annual Meeting, be declared elected thereto. In case
of a tie for any office, it shall be determined by an-
other campus election for that office to be held with-
out delay under the direction of the Board of Direc-


for the
e fiscal

r written request, in
tify expulsion by the

MEMBERS.- On making application
form and on payment therewith of
cash during his last year of actual
the University or within one year
not afterwards, any eligible student
,ife Member. At any time, on making
and, on payment therewith of one
,,any other person eligible to mem-
einbefore provided and any eligible
egome a Life Member. Any such
who prior to September 1, 1918, con-
s than fifty dollars to the fund for
equipping the Union Building, and
le person who subsequently to that
I or who shall hereafter contribute
less than one -hundred dollars, shall

The President shall preside at all meetings of the,
Union and of 'the Board of Directors and shall be
ex-officio a member of all committees.
Subject in all res'pects to the control and direction
of the Board of Governors,, the General Manager,
shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of all
financial affairs of the Union, shall ex-officio be a.
member of its Appointment Committee and treasurer
of all its committees, shall be its purchasing agent,
and shall have power to select, discharge and fix 'the
compensation and duties of all paid employees of the
Union. He shall he required to furnish a bond with
corporate surety, in form and amount satisfactory to.
the Board of Governors, the cost thereof to be borne
by the Unio .

Sec. 3. At such Annual Meeting there shall be pre-
sented the result of the vote at the campus election
and the President shall present a. c ncise reportof
the Union work for the preceding .year and of the
condition and needs of the Union. The Financial
Secretary shall present a financial report for the

Sec. 4. The new officers shall assume their ditties
on the day after Commencement, but the new Board
ofTlrntra rt~t mof + ~~v+irioo ~n h n .,;.i

y eligible student of the University, while remain-
such student, may become a Participating Life
nber by filing written application in the prescrib-
form, providing for the payment'of fifty dollars,-
five equal annual installments, one to be. paid
le he is still such a student, and four, in one,
, three and four years, respectively, from the
e of the year in which he shall pay the first in-
llment. If he shall have made suc application
payment of the first installment prior to De-
Lber first of the last year of his attendance at the
versity, he shall be given a refund or credit of the
ion payment of five dollars -made by him for
Lh last year of attendance. Such an applicant
11 be classed as a Participating Life Member
n the time of payment of such first installment,
earlier however than his last year of attendance,
in case he shall be in default for a period of six
ths in respect of any deferred payment, and shall
tinue in such default for one month after written
ce thereof given by special authority of the
rd of Directors, then, ipso facto, he shall forfeit
privileges and all payments made by him, shall
render is Union button, and shall be eligible to
membership only under the provisions of the
) Any person eligible to membership as here-
fore provided may becoihe a Life Member by
g application therefor, paying twenty dollars in
i and delivering his negotiable promises to pay
additional total of eighty dollars in at least four
Al installments, one, two, three and four years

M' FNANCA -SCRETRY.of Directors may meet at any timieaster thae election,
The Financial Secretary shall be a resident of Ann for the purpose of planning work for the ensuing
Arbor and either a member of the University faculty year, and for transacting business concerning the
or. a graduate, or former student for at least six ensuing year.
months, of the University, and shall be appointed by XIV. SPECIAL MEETINGS.
the 'niversity Senate Council. He shall at all times A special meeting of the members of the Union
have access, personally and by a representative chos- shall be called by the Recor'ding Secretary upon
en by him, to all books and records of the Union. He written request of a majority of the mnembers of the
shall countersign all drafts and checks of the Union oard of Directors or of the Board of Governors, or
which shall have been signed by its General Manager of at least two hundred members of the. Union, stat-
and which he, the Financial Secretary, shall deter- ing with reasonable particularity the matter or mat-
mine to be authorized and proper. From time to ters proposed to be considered.
time he shall make reports to the Board of Gov- At least ten days' notice by suitable posting and
ernors, respecting the income, expenditures. and publication shall be'given by the Recording Secre-
financial conditions of the Union, and make such tary of any such special meeting, and the notice shall
recommendations as he shall consider proper. He state the matter or matters proposed to be consider-
shall be required to furnish a bond, as in the case of ed, substantially as the same shall have been stated
the General Manager. in such written request. At such meeting, no action
X. RECORDING SECRETARY. ' shall be taken on any other matter.
It shall .be the duty of the Recording Secretary, 'X. -QUORUM.
(1) to make suitable records of all Union meetings Six hundred Union members entitled to vote shall
and of all, heetings of its Board of Directors, and to constitute a quorum of the Union; seven members
see that'such records are properly preserved; (2) by of the Board of Directors, a quorum of such Board;
suitable notices to those given power to select or and five members of the Board of Governors, a
appoint, to see that the membership of the Board of quorum of such Board.
Directors and of- t e Board of Governors is kept XVL AMENDMENTS.
filled, that a Nominating Committee is appointed, and Amendments to this Constitution, not in violation
that such committee duly file its nominations; (3) of the -Articles of Association, may be adopted but
to give due publicity, as herein elsewhere provided, oniy at a special meeting of the Union, after due
to all nominations; (4) to cause due notice of all notice as hereinbefore provided, at which a quorum
annual and special meetings of the Union to. be is present, by the affirmative vote of not less 'than
given; (5) to give notices of meetings of the Board two-thirds of the members present and voting.
GILBERT B. SCHAFER, Recording Secretary.


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