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January 08, 1920 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-01-08

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

Michigan's chapter of Lambda Choi
Alpha fraternity, 1511 Washtenaw ave-
nue, was host at the tenth annual na-
tional convention of the general fra-
ternity held in Ann Arbor Dec. 31, Jan.
1, 2, and 3. The conclave closed at
noon Saturday when Indianapolis was
chosen as the place where the 1921
meeting will be held.
One hundred and fifty delegates and

convention which was said to be the
largest in the history of the annual
gathering. The convention opened
Wednesday evening, Dec. 31, with a
smoker in the chapter house. In-
formal talks were given by local al-
umni and faculty members of the Ann
Arbor chapter on the local situation.'
New Year's day was given over to so-
cial functions with a formal dinner
dance bejng ld in the evening at
the Union.

were held all day Friday and Satur-
day morning, when action on petitions
for chapters and organization for the
coming year took place. Authorization
was given to publish the history of
the part played by members of Lamb-
da Chi Alpha in the recent world war.
The Michigan Daily, the only uta
lug paper in Ann Arbor, contains alU
the latest campus, city, and world
news .--Adv.

t . t


aving your
;RGINE, it
softer finish

Announcement and Invitation




The new Betsy Ross Shop is now practically
completed and we extend a cordial invitation to
all our friends to come in and see it. Students,
faculty, townspeople, all are included. No mat-,
ter whether you want to buy or not, come in and

(Oontinued from Pag
4. Men shall, not wear
in any part of the buil
the concourse, the main
tap room and the base
Freshmen must take off
caps immediately uponE
Sbuilding. Members who
main in the building longe
moments, are expected to
hats and overcoats at the
room on the first floor.
shall he made for this
shall the Union be res
anything lost in the buil
5. Gambling, drinking
cants, entering the buildi
toxicated condition, and
toxicating liquor into the1
each and all absolutely prc
one inaringing this rule, in
shall be subject to immed
from the building, and on
board of directors may
ed or expelled from mem
Stipulate Care of A
6. No book, journal, pa
furniture, trophy, work o
ice of equipment mayhbe
the room where it shall
placed by the managem
and periodicals must no1
cut, or taken from the r
and in each instance mu
ed to their proper places
7. Except by special p
the house committee, an
such regulations as it m
no subscription paper or
be circulated, nor may a
event be advertised in an
building, and no wares or
er than those that pertai
ion may be exposed for
building, except as is
house rule 52.
Rules on Smnok
8. No dogs or other an
permitted in the building
9. There shall be no



I _,

look around,

We want you to see our drapes,

_ " , ' .


decorations, lighting effects and especially our
sanitation features and comfortable upholstered









the ladies' dinig r
ception room, nor,
present, in the as:
Jacent corridor.
10. Children, un
be permitted to e
Those who enter th
tendants must, wli
remain with their
Guests an
11. A "guest" is
not a member of t
granted the buildin



re is always
a reason why




are made'of 100% pure Turkish
world's most famous tobacco for
rown about the Black Sea, in the

rules. A. "visitor" is a pe
member, who, subpect to
is permitted to enter the bt
in the company of a meml
guest or a holder of an an
card, and to remain with su
or guest or holder during
stay in the building.
12. No person eligible
iember of the Union by
article III of the constitutik
come a guest; and such, p
be a visitor not exceedingt
except by the special writi
sion of the house committ
Cards Renewabl,
13. Any member, upon
plication on a prescribed
have issued to any eligible
ing more than thirty miles
Arbor a non-transferable
extending the building pr
him for not more than one
by the consent of the house
the same may be renewed f
er period of one week.
14. The same person n
troduced as a guest of a
only six times in one fisca
20 Per Ci

DS are alpo the world's largest selling
Turkish cigarette-and their greatest
1sales in any yearwas in 1919.
don't you agree, there is always a



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a trfle less.

E #


and Egyfin'm utrbn

'" .







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