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January 08, 1920 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-01-08

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ve and send,
one message ha
Ray K. Basse
z Arbor Commu
ed Rev. Lloyd
world and Rev
the Commun


s. Mich..


se At an' estimated cost of $75,000, the
ity Bible Chair society, backed by the
no Women's Christian Board' of Mis-
ve sions, will erect a three story struc-
tt, ture on State street to aid in carry-
on ing on its religious work. The first
floor will be occupied by a banquet
er- hall, kitchen, and several smaller
ity rooms; the lobby, rest rooms, reading
rooms and library are to be on the
second, -while the third will be entire-
ly given over to an auditorium with
ON a seating capacity of six hundred.
This third floor is to be devoted
'he exclusively t6\ the activities of the Up-
ted per Room Bible classes, conducted
ate by T. M. ("Father") Iden and will be
itk known as the Upper Room from which
the entire structure derives its name
r of the Upper Room building.
Estimating from the time, of Its be-
de- ginning, approximately -..5,000 men
Ia- have been enrolled in these Upper
ite Room Bible classes. It is they who,
ate through voluntary subscriptions ex-
er pect to bear the entire cost of this-
ear third floor, independent of the board
s Iof missions so that they may have a
ion club room for 'their exclusive use.
Much enthusiasm is being shown 'by
students and subscriptions range from


the state. The.
ters will be a d
black on a wh
the words "Sta
e markers will be
route and at tui
idicate the directi
e letters "R" or "

New house rules for the Union have
been drawn up, and some of the most
important are as follows:
1. The Union building shall be
for the exclusive use of members of
the Union, except as herein otherwise
provided. If 'equested by the door-
man, members must show their mem-
bership cards or otherwise establish
their identity. Membership cards are
not transferable. Any use of a mem-
bership card by any persol other than
the one named thereon, if sanctioned
by him, shall be sufficient cause for
the forfeiture of his membership for
the remainder of the year.
2. T Building Hours
2. The building will be open daily
from 7 a. m. to 12 midnight, only, ex-
cept to the extent that, in the discre-
tien of the house committee, some
special event, such as a dance, shall
require an extension of the time.
3. For any gross breach of any of
these rules or of the proprieties of
the building, the guilty person may be
suspended or expelled from member-
sh.ip in the discretion of the board of
directors. * The name of every person
suspiended or expelled sh'all be posted
conspicuously for a period of at least
six days, and such other steps shall
-be taken as may be ordered by the
board of directors.
Conduct of Members
Members are expected to conduct
themselves properly at all times. In
the reading room there must be abso-
tute silence. It is. expected that the
courtesiesrequired by good breeding
will be shown by members to ohaper-
ons and to guests at dances or other
affairs. Only dancing commonly ac-
cepted as proper will be permitted in
the building. The management is ex-
pected to notify a member of every
.violation by him of the rules, and to
report the same to the house commit-
tee, which, in its discretion, will refer
the matter to the -board of directors
with recommendations for further ac-



The GREY SHOP has provided a rest
ladies-comfortably furnished, well ligh
provided with facilities for writing or stu
well as the latest ihagazines and newspape
it. It's for your convenience.



" L

Ice Cream, Delici(
We Make our own 1
Orders. solicited from Fi
Sororities. 218 S. Main


istible ones as. NVork on the building will commence
are - the latest in June and it is hoped that it will be
Davis Toggery ready for occupancy the latter part
-Adv. of the present year.

Wishing You
A Happy New Year

can Smoke


BluMaize Blossom Shop



Nickels Arcade

,theacigarette is more
pigar or pipe and as



We have had so many inquiries reg
celebrated Wall Calendar, that we



'usanus of
erritory. .
Fatima wa

e of


ur Navy
of Ame
n Officer
vy, ;over'


our friends that a 1920 Calendar will be issu-
ed. It is an impossibility to get all the correct
data for the Calendar and issue same by Jan.
1, any year. We hope to send you your copy

il the

"erican men who flew on the
-3 and NC-4 hailed. perhaps
erent states. Of the 15, twelve
ias for that long, lonely, daring

A fact:

not later than Jan. 15.


"Just enough Turkish"
M EN ke.ep switching
from straight Turk-
ish cigarettes because they.
contain too much Turkish.-
They seem over-rich and
Men keep switching to
Fattimas because Fatimas
contain just enough Turkish
-just enough to taste right
and just enough to leave a
man feeling right, even
when he smokes more
than usual.






Telephone No. 1-


Are you smoking
much Turkish?







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