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December 11, 1919 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-12-11

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cases of men playing in both; and the
final number was reduced to 644.

Michigan's soccer team handed
Ypsilanti a second overwhelming de-
feat when they ran off with the long
end of a 9-0 contest held yesterday
afternoon oa Ferry field. Snow had
been removed from the ends of the
fields in front of the goals but the
middle ,part being covered dribbling
was made harder than usual.
. In the first half the two teams were
slow to warm up and only two goals
-were scored. The Michigan team
throughout the game showed that it
was quicker and more skillful in
handling the ball.
Score Seven Times
After a slow start in the second half
the Michigan forwards finally broke
loose and succeeded in }kicking the
ball - through the goal seven times.
The goals came in quick succession
and even one of the full-backs scor-

RSTLetter fen to Be Excluded
044 PYEThis year men that won letters in
Varsity sports were allowed to play,
Ito stimulate the rest of the men, and
TOTAL IN THIS YEAR'S COXPETI. to get all .the experienced material
TION BREAKS PREVIOUS possible. Now that the game is thor-
RECORDIIBY. oughly establiehed among the class-
E Yes, these men will be excluded from
competition in the sport in which they
Interclass and interfraternity foot- have been awarded letters.'
ball in 1949 brought out the largest On the two all-star teas that were
list of players that has ever been on selected from the leagues, men, of lit-






We all-M.. Thq-individual stars of the contest
and Mac- were G. Dyason and Sanchez in the
year and line with Orres and Tsai shining in
d the back field. Sanchez was the larg-
are at-est point scorer, while Dyason was
vents with the most active and skillful in drib-
a practice bling and handling the ball,
his is ac- This year's,.soccer team is the first
probably beam that has represented the Univer-
irse of the sity in three years when it will be
a lineon remembered that scores over Ypsilanti
were 2-1 and 1-0 as compared with
f8-0 and 9-0 this season. The present
team is gnusually strong'and officials
IN of the Athletic association are satis-
MEET fled that the material now in school
is stron3g enough to warrant a larger
and more representative schedule for
swimming next year if many of this year's play-
ce given aers return;
;ernoon in Leagues Being Formed
th the De- Soccer leagues are - now organized
s the final in grammar schools all through the
on Friday. state of Michigan and many high school
expectito ,leagues have been formed in nearby'
uad, which cities; In the future many men with
Sotfit in soccer experience will attend the Uni-
o match versity and there will be a demand for'

the field for bne form of athletics in
one year. Both from the number of
men eitered and the type of football
played, the officials of the Athletic as-
sociation feel that the sport of pre-
war days has been fully eclipsed by
this year's showing on the gridiron,
especially by the beams under. the
control of the Intramural department.
This year 644.different men have
taken part 'in the games that have
been played by the teams of the two
leagues. This is an increase of 680
over the largest total of previous
years, which,was 284 in 1916, the las'
year that interclass football was pla
ed, before its resumption this fall. In
1915 the total was eight less, or 276,
and in 1914, 260 men were out for
the game. In these totals only the
men that have played strictly inter-
class games have been counted, all
men on the Varsity or fresh squads;
being kept' separate.
Fraternity Elevens Aided
The addition of the interfraternity
league, a new thing to football at
this University, was one of the rea-
sons of the big increase. Many men
that would not have been in football
at all this year( played the game on
the team representing his own socie-
ty. The second reason for the\ in-
crease was the fact that all of the
team played at least two games, in-
stead 'of being eliminated at the first
loss. Many men, were in the second
and third games that were played that
did not start the year. This meant
new lineups and consequently, more
Class football this year brought' out
284 men, and the fraternity game, 380.
There were 11 teams in the first.
league, and 21 in the second. The
total number that played in the two
leagues was 664, but there were 20

tie experience and reputation predom-
inated, showing that the former letter
winners were not much better than
the rest of the field. Thus men that
played well in these games will be
seriously considered for the Varsity
next year, and as so many of them
were underclassmen, they will be on
hand for two or more years.
Rebuilt Multiplex Hammond type-
writers, $50.00 upwards. 0. D. Mor-
rill, 17 Nickels Arcade.---Adv.
More Than a
Million Bowlers
No game has grown more rap-
idly in popularity than bowling.
As early as, 1900 there were
more than .a million bowlers in
the United States. Now there
are oven two millions.
Come in today and watch the
players. You'll soon understand'
the fascination of the game.
Your fingers will itch to try
your skill.
Biliards and Bowling, Cigars
4nd Candles. Cigarettes & Wipes.
"We try to treat you Right"



Watches and Chains
Scarf Pins and Tie Ct
Cuff Links and Studs
Cigarette Cases and

Match Boxes and


Fraternity Jewelry
Belt Buckles and

Toilet Articles


Efficient Service VyJMail


ermanently and from
aces this sport will be
esent list of athletics
an holds intercolleg-


_, p



By knocking down a total of 2'36
pins Walter Wesbrook, '22, captured
the honor of being the champion bowl-
er -that has performed on the Union
alleys this fall. The previous holder
was Edward Jeffreys, '20, whose total
score was 284. Jeffreys will endeavor
to regain the lost honor by' raising

- - ;..

II ..5



Smart .thes

amination of the Multiplex is
cation in Typewriters.-Adv.
r your subscriptions at Wahr's






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