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November 14, 1919 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-11-14

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n is hard to bloak. Crangle, at
is playing his first year in fast
any but has already displaced the
in of the team, Kopp, and is de-
ing into a plunger of ability. The
s heavy and fast, with Ingwe
a letter winner in three ;sports,
f the stars. The loss of Leitch, a
tional tackle, has somewhat
med the forward wall, but Coach
ke is very fprtunate li having
substitutes of high class.
Illini Plays Studied
Illini formations were. again
over by the .Michigan coach, so
he men will lose no time in stop-
the drives] of the opposing team~.
uppke plays in the hands of the
nen this week have not been es-
ly successful, and if the Varsity
old the Illinois team as well as
nave held the firstyear men, they
I be able to pull a come-back
e ,expense of the Illinois squad,
igh Illinois, now having the idea
they are in the pennant chase
e a hard team for any of the Con-
ce elevens to stop.

lsU R UUIfI l I RE



Department Extinguishes Small Blaze
The fire department was called out
Tuesday evening to extinguish a small
roof fire at the home of Henry Miller
at 344 Division street. It was put
out with chemicais and the damage
was small.

200-204 E. LIBERTY ST.


The. Eberbach & Son



. . #.'...

'ed end,

As the train bearing the team pull-
d out of the Michigan Central sta-
on last night followed by the cheers
f the student body, there was one
ember of, Yost's eleven missing.
rom, the University hospital Harold
ye was at the time sending out fui-.
her good wishes for the success of
he Wolverine team.
Rye has been on his back since the
hio game with but a single com-
laint that the accident did not come
ater in the contest in, which case ,he
night at least have had "a crack at
hem." He will probably lose the en-
re work of the semester and will
ave to return in February te grad-
ate this, year as scheduled.
The game little Varsity end has ac-
epted his treatment in much the
ame cheerful spirit which marked his
acrifice owr the gridiron itself. His
ijured leg is now supported by a
ystem of weights and pulleys which
roved most efficient during the war
nd is not in a full cast as commonly
upposed. Under the direct care of
r. Hugh Cabot,' an expert, 'all effort
9 aimed at a permanent healing rath-
r than a hasty one.
During the past two weeks many
Isitors have helped in a mild way to
ssure Rye that Michigan remembers
im in misfortune as well as in s'uc-
ess and have broken the painful mo-'
otony of his recent confinement..
Damage to the amount of $50 was.
aused when a Ford delivery car
riven by L. Smith of the Smith
rothers Plumbing company collided
with a Buick coupe yesterday noon
n the corner of , Washington and
tate streets. Although neither driv-
r saw the other vehicle until it was,
lmost on top of him, no one was in-
second tMeeting of Boxing Club Held
A second meeting of the Boxing clpb
as held Thursday night at't o'clock
i Lane hall. Plans for the yeair were
[scussed and all necessary'arrange-
nents were completed. Actual train-
tg will begin in a short time. Mein-
ership in this organization is open
the entire student body. Previous
oxing experience is not necessary. The,
urpose of the club is to promote "the'
anly art of self-defense." ;

Although the football game at Ur-
bana is the center of attraction, there
is another athletic affair to be held
there Saturday in Which, ,Michigan
should be considerably interested.
The cross country meet with the Ilini
has been Steve.iFarrell's biggest con-
cern for somhe time.
Men All in Good Shape
Burkholder, Schimmel, Joseph,
Earle, Penberthy, and. Maynard, who
make up thei hill and dale team are all
in excellent shape and, are going to
Urbana with the determination to bring
home the bacon. Although the team
is. inexperienced in this line of ork,,
their showing at Lansing last week
was far' from discouraging.
Burkholder, who is generally con-.
ceded to be Michigan's fastest man,
ran the 880 on last spring's track,
team, but has never done, any cross
country work before. Schimmel, the
next man, -was troubled with fallen,
arches -before he went.into the army,
but the military life seems to have
strengthened them so that now he can,
run in good shape. Joseph- and Pen-
berthy are new and are unknown
quantities. Earle went out for the
mile last spring, but, was unable to
make the grade.
Maynard Pre-War Runner
Tom Maynard, the last man of the
six, was an excellent crass country
,runner before the war, but he was
gassed when overseas and the result-
ing weakness of his lungs seems to.
have slowed him up a bit.
Tom Maynard was elected captain
of the team at a meeting held yes-
terday evening. Coach Farrell con-
sidered the weather too blustry and
cold. yesterday, so he l'et his men off
without any workout.
Of the 50 entries in the interclass
cross country race, which i3 sched-
uled to come off at 11 o'clock Satur-
day morning, the majority are under-
Numerals will be given to the win-
ning class. To win, it is, necessary
that five men of one classi cross' the
tape before five of another class. The
individual winner will be givep ,a silver
trophy cup, to be his permanent pos-
session. The second man across the
finish' line will receive 'a medal.
Any who wish to enter the race,
need only to be present at the start-
ing point, which is Fourth and Volland
streets. Men will be placed. at all
turns so .it will not be necessary to
have a knowledge of the course to run.
1 i ,

Watching a game is fun, we'll
admit. And everyone is WEL-
COMM to watch the bowlers at
our alleys, as often as they like.
But to get real benefit from
bowling you' must ROLL YOUR
OWN. (With apologies to the
Bull Durham folks.)
Ruskin said: "If' you want
pleasure you must toil for it."
Bowling' is a most beneficial ex-
ercise and the real pleasure and
benefit comes from playing-not
Billiards and Bowling, Cigars
and Candles. Cigarettes & Pipes.
"We try to treat you Right"

Laboratory Supplies

Drugs and Toilet Specialtie

' .

Lyndon and Comparr
M Books, Album
Eastmaan Kodaks and Supplies
Amateurs Finishing and Enlarging
We lead while others follow
719 North University


. . ..


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ouroowy hte
mae"herapeaaceintisciy bcas i i er ta"Scit
BrandClIIres ae 'sold
At hestat f achsesonme cme o s ad sk "Wat'i
r . oit rn hwn? hnw ipa hs e daa
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r weaelowdig i'knopotnt'yuogt4o is
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the. ac grmntisu b Man.eacwaloe yladi
accrdnc wits:hruh oumost xacig speifati hen Ths the style i
in-built. t is not putin thw it a hoU'tion s aeresta bccicty;
Brand~ garmtent ever lossis t an hpeies
At h tr f ahsao e cm oWadak W t
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a Jeae o..dig7P'sanoperunt o4&uh1nt~

Makers of shirts for
young men-featur-
ing superspun silks.




'H, Conductor

One of -the finest examples of
silk weaver's art ever produced.
The distinction of design and
the remarkable durability of
superspun satisfy the most con-
servative and fastidious buyers.
The texture is so strong' that
it looks even richer after long
wear and repeated laundering.
Tailored shirts to each indi-
vidual order.

B. RHEAD, Piano Soloist




Monday, 8 P.M. Nov.17
)0; $1.50, $2.00; a few course tickets

Makers of shirts
own material.

. from your

East Liberty St.
2nd Floor .Darling Bldg.

00. On sale at University


Opposite Varsity Laundry


Next to Wuerth Theater

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