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November 12, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-11-12

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Junior literary class nil VIIIEOH Election of officers will take" placen
hedTedyafternoon 'resulted in ___ at a meeting of the senior literary
n rig the naming of the following candli-LI W. W. ATTEMPT DISRUPTION MORE EXPENSIVE COVERS USED class to be held at 3 oclock Thrs-+:a
i n uuudates : OF CELEBRATION; ONE ON 120 ISSUE OF day aternoon in room .205 Mason
I m ii For student councilmen' (two to beARE EDY RBO hall, called by the president,'WilliamT L M
ARETDYABO[aelected) : C. S. Baxter, C. M. Camp- W.Hnhw-'0-A ES
'2M SINS bel;hr les. P. in Dorenrld Jhitn-.A (By soite rs)For the benefit of students who do Other important matters will b CETDC eW .SnfrHnyWiig 'beoitdPes o .u isI oe, adfr hs aadrd oeoto hc steCUTDC
FRCtri, Wash., Nov. 11. - Tw ot"upgsnpoe,'adfrhoecsieIdfoeotowhcisteACPAC OF OUT E]
VPOJ.For members of the.J-Hop commit- eria who have subscribed for the official announcement of the peronnel of BY COAL iNERS ENDS,
te he o b lce) oehformer' soldiers' were killed and a e he ob lce):Jsp yearbook of the University on ad- two committees. Two members of the WALKOUT_
Avery, Clarence Blessed, Richard number injured today by snipers said Vance infornation, a binder's copy of Student council, a basket ball mana- - -,..
OS ARE Icuen; Edward Kingsford, Robert to have been I. f W. W. who fired the 1920 Mchiganensian is now be- ger, and a baseball manager will be SECRETARY INV TESy
SSCREEN McKean, Theodore Sedgwlck, John on an Armistice Day, parade march- lng exhibited in the window of ra- chosen at this time. MEN TO CONFEREN
Stewart, Dean Titus.. ham's State street book store.
',Acuity ,Net i Elections will be held from 10 to lgtog h tet fti iy Black Binding UsedM NI.IIJf xet igr oRtr oPt
0 m ds 5A'clock Friday In the booth~ in Uni- Parade Breaks Though reverting to the black uni- PflCONIClIO EpetDfflto t I
itaversity" hall. The whole population was thrown frm binding adopted in 1911 the IW5II. Soon as Pay Question 'Is'
into consternation and the parade of Michiganenslan will be unique this _verasothWrlwrbokup'erinhttegldetrng nITH flALLLMLG Settled
ir it metiz- sTA NIC OMMAITTES quickly while the uniformed march- stead of being stamped on, the cover Ascae
ers made a march to raid the I. W. will be raised and saturated 14~ theDTRIE FON GULY O WahntNo.1-Hvu
irst Armistice W. halfnigand roundiup.alssiiueahrb pcalpoesgvn
AUTHORIZhEDanoud llsspciuslaterbyaspcil rces ivn SIMILAR CHARGE IN d the miners to call off thet
RUI.I~l~.J B ,U~UIcharacters, greater wearing qualities and the
faut e ,With the dash shown in going over appearance of" being wrought out of' INDIANA strike the government stepedot
,e ficldyon meMcNL, ' 22,INTLLD I the top in, Europe the service nlen the metal itself. The binding con-dy - eptemngtit e
soon stripped the hall of all furniture tract, which is costing the public- (By Associted Press) gemns
nifors. Co. OFICE O MEDCAL VCE~~ and dpcuments and arrested 16 men. tion more than a dollar per book, has Indianapolis, Nov. 11. Seven al- On the heesothanuce
wh rsddPRESIDENT' Those thrown into jail were guarded been let to the William C. Windiach leged swindlers including Mayor Ro- that Federal Judg Anderson, at
Lrtieuot. .M-- ytefomrsldest -prevent company of Detroit, inational book- land Bunch of Muncie, > Ind., and dianapolis, had approved the ;o
rtioato, Fifteen standing, committees were their escape and at the same time to binders. Prosecuting Attorney Horace Murphy pougtdb h ntd l
Gce stood. With pougtdb h Uie'1
ng te hmn authorized '': the Union Board of Protect them. from lynching by a Contracts Must Be Filled Soon of Delaware county were found guil- Wreso mrc ecnig
rwAl lesng rhctr a a etighed usdymob that gathered around the jail. Contracts for apace An the 1920 ty in federal court here late todaystienicScrayWloni
i~l Blssigsj~iectrsat ~netin hld uesaySeize Ams Michiganensian sent out by the busi- in conspiring to use the mals to de-edrpsntivsoth nr'
wasfolowe ateroon Tey re:Hoseentr- Aquantity of arms and amnmunition ness office to the various campus or- fraud.oprtsfrn'althfil m
Banr" tainment, bowling, billiard, publicity, was seized when the mob ransacked ganizations should be returned, or Seven Found Gilty ed in thes walkiuat to meet here,
M, then sangdaOnce, aquatic, graduate, music, U- the I W. W. headquarters near which mailed, to the Press building as early The seven men were part of a group da,"o h uroeo eoi
Cation," accom- afrteproeo ngta
!, Stanley, on brary, scrapbook, records, member- the shooting occurred, trampled down as pssible this month. Any rgan- of 24 indicted in connection with the a basis of settlement."
ext sang the shipe aeadar omtes the building front and threw into the zation, club, society, or group which Muncie case which involved morepgmsanarco ite. Miners Accept
V I~g Tail,, 'fi nnotttstreets and burned all of the organ- desires a page, or two pages, in the than 20 alleged swindle cases and the
;,Ln ri, oAnuce Chaimen Later ztos ieauead*~~h The miners accepted. When
re thrown on . ain iertr n operty which 190Mcganensian sould mae ap- total of $150,000. All other defend- Wl~ e' oetngth a
dineji~g Appointment of chairmen for these could be. found. ' Posses"'scoured the plication for such space Wilson watehanpeaedgulthome ofnihthema
has been, made, and4 announcement of. ,timber camps and searched feverish- than Nov. 15 either t4 persoit or by halving changed their pleas to guilty formal reply from the operatos,
utation," play- ahem will be made when they are re- ly through the town of 8,000 inhabe- calling 17- froim 1 to o'clock IYLYruring the trial, was unofficially advised that t
Seneliingf he en onictd wllwould comply with his :requt.
Eoore followed,. turned from the eligiblity committee. Itants for ohrradicals; afternoon; Ssecretaryofwaseassuredvibyedpera
tthe verses ofr Other members will- be namedirk a - - not take place for a week or porss- and 'miners that; they would end
the Republic" "F A D.~ 'I T Y bly 10 days, it was stated. The ma C- or faithfully to frame a pay ,A
S~rres Burning" short time. Yor4, vrk,4PfUl LIInIe (Pj va ,s. imum penalty is $10,000 fine 'or twohaw4
a4 hon-An office of assistant recordlxng sec- A Lj rV.74PTJ. " T 'yas npio rbthfn n i-thtwud snd the 25,000. tri)
Pg als thoea ~ ng { visi qifgU(. oJ prisonment. Among those found uil- back to work willingly and at oruc
$out join ed, in ,rejary, which will be fliled by the
a", was then rBoad of Directors; appointing a.~-, ty were the following from Mihi- ;Toa .Bewtr edo
closed with .Uno mebrwacrt,14 a Sergeant 4lvin C. York, Of Teines- (Bty Associated Pres). gan: C Myron Burch, Detroit;- oprts'aoctin fth ce
membeobbwsnsrThree and Ta o mpetitve 'fields, who arrived t
b Lfuteatf se, haledby ersing po i~oti s "ey RbisTreRivers; n o
nian will be chosen for it at its eehiedb eshn ~ oh~ WaghlllgtgAl, Nov, 1l-The pinice of'' during the day from, St.Lobis .to t
th raetidviu4 Et@lt Connor, Rhodes.4
meeting "to be held witin this-next tegets idvd 5 rg l h Jte ales pa.lude4 thefbrt day ,of his.Cnidne aean activehand in the "situation Tn
two weeks. war, is to lecture- at q 'clQCk toxCtf~e e;en
nih~atti~ irt elodstvsit 14, the VUnited States) With a The defendants ,were charged with public tonight telegram to Johi
rw l . rt Con nttPo NauW4chrh Lewsacigpedetofthh
mesg fget 1 oih ote'aiglrdE"B. McKinley, '2214, n iy..ielest-under the auspices of the Ann Arbr msa~o reigtngtt h aiglrdpopetive victlm to ws cigpeieto h
Y er' organization, urging promt
+.;Rotary li$a.. Americarn pe~p@ n wich he paid a Logansport on the pretext of, sell-supinonetiin.
stal/len edeiqnlhice-pe,sd ent, ani~ hgl w alhigprYop1 nu r-tribute to the part played in adte sain hmt e n The mess a g'suggested A~,
stle'nhi 1c.Th eo nimained ,the sgme quiet and iinassum- ad twnlpesuadib themto tion ofacntctobeifre
Spfcinof 'the art committee, which Consists lgptsnhfthe'aswhnhewgor~eld war by te army and navy fakoprioffi"ta.on triacttio n f e
Wilfrd E~ ~ha, '0, neal aplain figure of the /Tennessee pmot- UntdTepic.e-*o#nefc,"whutsyn
l a ngu age en- 'C hairma n, r. K. Pondf, 72, and I Qed livered Vis message in person at the jn, nefc,'wtotsyn
Nationalan-PrBacmaclu'2anwa itimarked, tthe l ff l l lor how thiswould Tbe determine
tainou;s region of his home state,. York~-ainlPescu n tmre h o a
it, night in the by George Hurley, general secretary. will tell a Plain story t e' cOdi termination of robably as strenuous ' V Will ,r esuntk Wor
oath wing; of Placing of all .pictures and statuary tio s e i t g 'in his region,' jt is said, day the young hir to the Brit- Furst .iryouvas The secret ~of labo,agi
neophyte was and .juding of 'Union art Go petit1s>n rn'e pro eels of hip' lectures will, goish throne. has spent since he landed png to the front as medii -t'
e, demonstra- will constitute the wor~k Of this body to the schposo is srrit n 'the cotinent, anig oolge .msca take up :his work exactly . , it .
peyInte hefrteaigoth rps AbqUt his e perlenc@ 8~t the front From" the early ,morning when' thenubr laid aside two weeks ago except .
consituton ws alo gien, nd sg- Yrk hs litle o sa", A ter rt&? llrt~e riedto ctch rom of oexceptionalo excpterit turnedrne
t}P lt.,.no strike threat will htand ver
Oren uin: Alice esconsuiw ae b o g ivre to~sg Yr a itet a.Ai le ~npic re cthfo i be-out at the first tryouts for the Spot-
'2Ha-etosweemdby th? i ctrshas that t yt ell, ht 1W a plain ation ar a glimtpse' f New Yorklgtvuevlehlci h non ference.,
i$1ts,' 2 . fo r house ,rules, which sagnoa bet1t ma1-to{nan talk reports h ve t Yr-hCity as ]his specl train ran along flastinaA varietyp of te s
ras Shramd.is not to he e4ceiied., the. New Jersoy shbre, until he left nihwratm- theanfincembekng of the n tr
n Or Spencer, H ilb. t~mai. ~~the r s, lbsorl efr 1 ocokterial of high grade showed itself to wt noneeto h mnr
He, w2,La-C MM R EClTlOon b de Gnd lmeyare toy l n oss ghBessvuhdorly andle 1 o-ttckamusad t.sthugtficials that they would heed 'the b
COMMkRieE ,'22,ountertie adt hey @ oon en ongt e hdca'lya'il m-that there is agreat deal more 'm3a- command of the federal cort roi
1220 LontT tEeIN EW McN he ment.
rrin LongHis official} welcome 9?I t cro nedtterial which has not-teen produced a sigh of relief from offcial Wash
$,NireM-ll~ c t the Y. M. 0. A. asoficalweyet.ad rwndton and expressions of surprise f.
ali --tonight withf a banquet teneed by T ietoemnacac h labor 'leaders wo frankly Jiadn
~li,'2ad Commerce club .initiation sarilba- .Vice-Presidet Marshall, atin? inecdit
quept will t~.ke ,lace at ? l1s 'lcb'(l iJ IgP Gia th lceoErelen isowAte avre unable- to come out last night, expece t
that tonitht in the. 9 9cQ.~ ~ ~ additional tryouts will be held Thurs- Wihtendgofal'ur
l st ,ngtht ton igtI te1tdig 0 lnioii. ix the br fgreetings on, hs arival ednstewoe ikquto,
israanshilme ot f hejloa-ad e .s lag- 5 $d5aye ndaeidetroihwngsretsdn eenngi ete nin.Diloue.cedngDteahoeoguequsto
be im- esr"ofSthe1 echnre and aeradt tertugcwet streetsskits, .and, musical numbers as well'hitdfo tedpamntf
WOW softe cld isd - ~n- ilbeh}ind a cavalry escort the .day wastisoth eametflbs,3v
ldate of the be Initiated;. a aahn lyr r tl ed
.e.st Itwl e Po. ai 'iairfso rf ~ Tg e.sday evening $16,000 had taken up with receiving formal callsa aahoepaerirstilne-, tcethe deparhthentaskof laborin
Prt ai Ir~ rfesh rfuntil the prince broke away and made e, and if as fine an aggregation gath- iscage.ihth akof'rn
#lne dQ $83.in .A awec,'0,wl pA _ been suebacribed is the local Campaign a visit to the White House"and made te tihray a the alastnigtaiiadlao oehri l
e controvenses.
}g Barbour Don 'SGhoffner, '21,- Will risp4lid for for $404Q09onducted by the United personal inquiries cnerning the toetncag a ta'ie pro- Thee were no statements on
rsiemhel £ and the initiates. herlties of the. state, health of the president. He was re- gram is assured.
pgtdto at- - _________'_ This year's Spotlight will be theltetdvop nsfrm heoi
- Tit@ resullts heave been discourag- ceived by Mrs. Wilson and Miss Mar- bgetoeee tepe ftepn or the American Federation of1,i
.,ie AADA QE NW~TTIY n acigd 1 Bassett, the nman art Wilson but will not see :Pre-oftecmieeaeullld oe and there were few reports a' to
- ODSfEAi Gllli~ident Wilson until "Thrsday, when he return of the miners to work.
agrel-te /ig bt ehlp acts have already " een saelected and
TO0>lUIQ (lUII1AJO groftecapin,"u-w oewill be the guest of Mrs. Wilson at ..China . . .. ' - :

t~ratn14a a nw anzatonfo or a ad il viitth pesdet n isater Th'ursday nignht a process or """ I UM C,
1d0 will met ispatchfromU Tndvon Statos That a ne e raia~nfror-taadwl ii h rsdn nhselimination' will 're~stlt In a program Some labor. officials were ddu
Lpptiay in the One l =Uljn I'#tentlal 1im.mgritu canvissers the anmount may be sub- sick room. of-'-the best tgelton the campus. that the , ainers as a whole woul
Aro in City scribed ."a -, back to work before the adoptiot
_,____.._ -The drive will run all the rest of TICKETS FOR OPENING DANCE - EL TCLFRI e aeporm.t a
(B3y Associated Press) this" week, and picked solicitors will OF UNION ON SALE -TODAY ,E S W TCLFRI nwwg rga.I a
(PEN TO ItICHWAN STUDENTS "ase of- this uncertainty that,
T 1bs Winnipeg, Man., Nov. .i1.-Stricter d hewr. ny&O aesaeon- Brewster and Secretary Wilson
patrol, of the international boundarythlitopldeasyt Tcks-frhepnig an. The University of Callf~afaa an- tered immediately on the task.-
Isbigugduo teDtuin"The people realize now, I think, the Union assembly hiall will be placednocesvraflwhpmnyf
'team leav- isbigugduo*teDmno tha t the good work of these organiz- .on sale'.at 5 .'.took Wednesday aft- nucssvrl elw2pmn'o
Clhicago at government by leaders of, the Great which will be tai interest to studentsATITYBJTNF LGA
aeenn. WrVeterans' association. *ion~ can not go on if they do not ernoon est thaeUnlen desk. Tickets
Soetm g rvnilruaall subscribe at least, as generously fr. 't e afai-r wkch will probably hr.Te ejoshp hc olw TO BE DISCUSSED BY COUN
de to have Soetmg rvnilr~l as last year, and they wil on seec.d last froa 9 tgt 1 o'cloc1t, witi ca0St . 'eae OP1T to gaduates of any nutlvr- a
toa give the tions were lssuedforbidding the 'en si no flc-l rdt h~ vr yi: eight fellowships to~ any d- Cnieaino h lne
ets<send try into Manitoba of-members of ,t ppal om Ti sw, ..patmnt s ganerO -ce to
war, t le y id i , saec" Mr. Bset.thn. I1 Aer eace, x frt foore activity buttons and, final
tad Hea he g~rnm ethaDuringtear, te to.1 nght awork qn shaving and pre- Flood fellw.pa i-u ecn eis yield- rantgements for the Fall .games'
f11'bea'. he gaONeWmeLL ad copariraje trlug In -;,5 each;'two John W. Mackay,
Lnd arry withcoloist bon 5 ; o (ise X ORCHESTRA WL ) parin the, floor, has progressed rap- loshp n elcrcl ng-the principal issues before the
on hand to because of their avowe o i" ~ OJSTI ''T~aa-*N~Mnhaebe okn igt et'onila t etn'a
.,wd; , st.o; .cm this project. All of the tle border nrawo-h$0echtoLko- o'clock tonight in the Union.
war. Aft th? ayxistl~c~ra~ sign~d, "" or the foor has been plane, and the servatory fellowships yielding $00;________
](y.ae rtre odir ?~~4ta hu~,f~.'h.Vio orcheastra tle for the Interr, which will be one Kell g fellowshtip i astronomy
tt property of luttgrites b onfscat- wti' - hgl ,t4fI aftexrfogoa q enirlyroiom iy igh l,E~$,00, this sipend 's to coverENI ER TO SELECT.-0
ichigan in- ed but a comprprnise 7as re h 30$ of thoe lnioit from 4q _t ' -$ rivedt. travel and residence expenses; ;ote CHAIRMAN WEDNESDAY MORN
ilarly of the when the prgvjncial #ge zn{ e{t is- o'clock. 1}@ rchesta wllUb@ No special entertainment has been "fellowsip in physics worth $600; the s- =
're esenta- sued the exclusion o d r :.,parmanept trgmizaiicgn 0 V0 c ame prepared by the offical, ,owing to the James M. Goewey fellowship in nlat- Nominations for J- Hp chair
r$. 'arrying 1 The charge i made th ,at Huttsrte type pia the beaud eardAhe. glee chb. fact that this is not the formal. open- ral science worth $600; the Pi ley will be made by the Junior engir
Ifarmers from Amerisan state~s gre Nq tfrene ln or women are eligible, lug. The new hall is being used only scholarship in law worth $15; three ing class at 8 o'clock this Mor
entering the DoPiion inl atoMObles RX V. Moore is 'to be the director, because of the great demand. Satur- fellowships offered by the Preston in room 348. engneering--- hull
and evading thip immlrati author- The orchestra. is to play for the "Red diay night another general member- School of Industre yielding $500 Other important-business ill al
F itler.:. Feather"* and for the Union opera. shp'danca will be given, apece in additiotn, to board ad room. transaad.-

id wil
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team tl,
ud of Mi
di particui
;h y, as
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