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October 31, 1919 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-31

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>f any institution
reveals true sub=

It is t

to the use for
or not oterwise
d therein.
higan, 'as second


.Managing Editor
3414 or o6
*. * ... . e s Manager
g6o or 2738
News Editor
.City Editor
.Sports Editor
.~Women's Editor
....Telegraph Editor
Charles R. Osius, Jr.
...Advertising Manager.
...........Issue Manager'
Office Manager
. . Publication Manager
.Circulation Manager
.Music Editor
Literary Editor
...Exchange Editor
......... Camnpaign Editor

n geil

Michigan, as a unit, and for the most part the
individuals that compose .that unit, showed that
spirit at that venerable institution was too well
grounded to be easily shaken by the severe defeat
handed its gridders. With but few exceptions the
treatment of the visitors from Ohio was as cordial
following the game as it had been preceding it.
One could plainly see thatthe Wolverine adherents
were dazed by the fall of their forces to a uni-
versity that they formerly had been able to check,
but they showed their gameness in admitting that
Ohio State won by. superior ability. The cases
where the'travelers from Columbus were given the
cold shoulder were nct generally countenanced by
the Michigan followers.
On the field a splendid quality of sportsmanshiy
was exhibited by both- teams and their supporting
rooters. It is a big point in favor of present-day
college rivalry that is so free from petty antagon-
isms, greed and revenge. Opposing players fre-
quently assisted each other to their feet after plays,
and there was little unnecessary roughness. Cheer-
ing sections on both sides of the field yelled for the
injured men of either team and returned the yells
of their institutions. One criticism has been'mnade
of the Michigan rooters, it being that their noise
too frequently interfered with the calling of sig-
nals, thus delaying play.,
The Buckeye hordes who followed the team
mnust also be given credit for their peaceful con-
duct following the game. The -tendency to "lord it
over" the defeated ones vas absent, and the Ohio
State supporters left the scene of the-conflict with
little demonstration.
Both Michigan and Ohio S bate have reason to
feel proud of the character of th t-elatiois existing
between the two institutions.-Ohio State Lantern.
The phrase,"just a student" has always covered
a multitude of sins. People have learned to accept
or at lea'st try to countenance the lawles's attitude
of the "college type" by viewing with tolerance
whatever may happen from such a source. An un-
fortunate son of the city street would be arrested
for what a university man ruthlessly does. It is a
sort of queer double standard.
There is an excuse -for many of the outbursts of
energy that come from the college man, and nobody
would advocate the so-called dead school. But
certain features of foolishness do not help thie
school spirit any, and bring no satisfying enjoy-
ment. It must take an idle knave, for instance, to
frameup petty ;thieveries that will disrupt the dig-
nity of a whole campus. And when caution sig-'
nals, such as red lanterns placed on broken roads,
are removed or destroyed, it can easily be seen that
the ultimate effect could be disastrous. Let us cease,
to have the college man classed .with something
puerile or freakish or half insane.
Even 'at that, it is not so much the individual act
that breeds crime as the fact that io,ooo students
\are in the wake, a mighty power for .either right
or wrong. The strength of numbers can be a fine
thing if rightly directed; if the pendulum gets to
swinging too far the other way we could anticipate
nothing but a little reign of terror.
Remember, when you do, a thing, you are sug-'
gesting it to a vast student body.


world, has alter-
obation and winked
spirit of the Gam-
, of .it, from that
addle wheel to that
s luring appeal, has
h a .view to bring-
ss or its menacing
regard to gambling
d common councils
g ego and a discus-
ly untimely but un-
er, the question be-
are pleased to call
. reason, if not de-
amples of the sub-
f Michigan by her
terests of gamblers.
e Ohio State game.
d fortheir Univer-
in men" bemoaned
ered-not primarily
he Maize and Blue
ad lost certain sums
To put the mat-
significant to them
connected -with pe-
ore to men of finer
ace. It represents
iorters than an, issue
>rofit can be placed.
spirit of Michigan
Michigan victory, no
y lie. A real Mich-
ure up 'a false spirit
incial stakes. If he
lence in the suprem-
st express that feel-
least, considers the

"Fair and Warmer" and Santrey's
Jazz Band-Fri.--Sat.-Arcade. 50c.
Orders taken for party gowns at
the Whitd Elephant Shop. Ask to see
samples. Prices most 'reasonable.-
We clean and reblock Felt Hats,
Beavers, Velours, Plushes, Hatter's
Plushes and Velvet Hats of all kinds.
We have special equipment for steam-
ing and pressin'g velvet hats and put-
ting them back in shape after they are
out- of shape from having been wet,
etc. Factory Hat Store-617 Packard
St. Phone 1792.-Adv.
Third and W. Huron Sts.
At 8:00 p. m.
J11II111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111~
What's Going On
The Plymouth Guild will
entertain the Congregational _
i students on Saturday .ven- :
ing at the churh.ch. The
i Hallowe'en Frolic will be- I
_ gin at 7:30.
= The first meeting'of the
i Plymouth Guild will be
3 held on Sunday evening at
i the church at 6:30.' A so- =
i cial half hour will precede =
i- the meeting which runs un-
E til 7:30.
:1II11I1I1U I I11111111111111111111111

" Favorite College
- $3.00 -
IIi61r ll ii H I I11 ErIIIIIJIIII III 1 I ll 111liii iI1II1I'IliII



(Oct. 26, 91> -
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:xo a.1
mn, and hourly to 9:io p. in.
Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8:48
a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p..m. ( Ex,
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound-6:o5 a. m., 9:05 a.
w. and every two hours to,.9:o5 p. m., io:5o
";, m. To Ypsilanti only, 1: pi45 n.,I:to
a. ni., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7:48 a. m. and
'2:20 a. m.

Courteous and
er, whether the acco
or small.





Aspirin, Brom<
and all the other drugs
for colds can best be bo
For tight coughs we i
safe thing to use.

s a

324 South State Street
E. and S. University Ave.
324 South State St.
Ea. & So. University Ave.
711 Packard St.


{: P

. -.

The B limp"

4 -


,ient matter


- health officer has taken a stand
y conditions in restaurants and
at should be highly commended
.lly. The crowded conditions here
ndency to use hurried and ques-
'to give the rank and file quick
anclean service. 'The remedy
in getting more help. Certainly
n slovenly methods.
a right to demand that things be
Ln adequate price is charged for
a the food line, and the man who
son to expect he will not be trad-
ty of germs. Sanitary conditions
not unusual today; we have
where they are expected, and the'
nanagers will always insist that
made at any time. Cleanliness
licatessen's efficiency.
a law exists to protect the public
We want the law enforced.
need reforming should be closed

Another Achievemrent of Science
A writer ir a French newspaper undertakes to
record Professor Todd's plan of photographing the
solar eclipse of May 29 from an airplane, which he
describes as a great innovation in "astrology." The
obje.ct of using an airplane, according to this one,,
is to get "nearer to the sun."J
Sweet Cooky!
"Pep, snap, ginger, in this new love story."-
Chicago Tribune. Sort of a ginger snap, as it
One of these merry little newspaper boys com-
ments that the airplane program was mostly air
and few planes. Well, .what's he kicking about ?
We have plenty of air, and that's most essential
thing in flying.
Dialogue Overheard at a Game
"What are they sI;opping for?" -
"Thdy must be having a rest."
"How many yards do they have to make?"
"Oh, they're making a mistake on the scoreboard;
it isn't that far."
"I know it only used to be three downs."
"Jimmie Craig was the finest player I ever saw.
Per-fectly wonderful!" /
' "Oh, they have the ball-I bet that'll make Yost
"How Walter would enjoy this if he were here."
"Is Yost that white-haired man out on the field ?"
"Why, lookat that fellow go! Why-why, what's
the matter with our men!"
"Isn't it strange that you have to have hot weather
for baseball and cold weather for football?'
"Why do you, suppose they have that section of
seats covered up ?"
"Well, I guess they didn't uncover them all."
(No, they were women, not freshmen.)

a Moment
It is here at last.

A Union Suit that you do
not have to mail home to
Mother to have the buttons


sewn on.

Stop and Think




Think of the
Time Saved

and the comfort in the know-
ledge that you have at last
secured a Union Suit that
the buttons are not everlast-
ingly where they ought not
to be.
Now is the.






and -if the laundry 'firishes
this just use a collar button
and the garment is fastened. %

to secure yours, while we
have your size.
All weights and

South State Street at William Street
Remember we rent Dress Suits and Sill Top Hats


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