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October 31, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-31

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t x









University May
Inspect Board
Unsanitary conditions of student
boardingthouses and restaurants are
receiving the attention of the Univer-
sity and city authorities in. an attempt
to improve these conditions. In a great
many houses where students are living
and eating, the sanitary conditions are
of such a nature as to endanger
Due to the fact that President Harry.
B. Hutchins and Dean J. R. Effinger
) were out of the city yesterday, noth-
ing concerning the University's stand
on the matter could be ascertained.
Last May a petition was presented by
the University Health service to the
Board of Regents, which called..for a
University supeyvision of boarding
houses and restaurants, and urged
y that some sort of certificate be issued
t to restaurant keepers and landladies;
which would show that their estab-
t lishments had been inspected by the
e Health service and that they were in
o ,a sanitary condition.
It was, also suggested that a salary
e of $1,000 a year be authorized for a
special officer to inspect restaurants
and boarding houses so that the Health
e service might keep in touch constantly
d with their condition. This petition was
n refused by the board.

to star

t t

.,the fac4

it, with
to essen-

ment is able to
no profiteering
of winter tth
low or bare,
hand. Almost
-as drafting of
ed, tonight, fix-
>r all grades of


blishment f
coal where E. S. Larsen, '20, has been appoint-
it comes to ed general chairman for the Spotlight,
curtail con- vaudeville to be held under the au-
spices of the Michigan Union some
hand in the time between Thanksgiving and Christ-
ly approved mas in Hill auditorium. Larsen has
A plan. For already begun active work in formulat-,
propped up ing a program, several acts having

Eillers Swamp hills, ines Lack
Miners, Smith Wins, in Directory
Michigan is cosmopolitan. Watch Knights" we could watch a "Swan,"
for the new Students' Directory and and if we have particularly "Good-
Telegram to Secretary of Labor Raps you 1il1 find that the national figure sight" we could see "Upthegrove"
Presiden Because of Stand of eminence, the versatile instigator where "Oakes" and "Peach" and
In Crisis of wit and recklessnes,-McNutt, is "Peare" conceal the haunts of both
here. . : "Wild" "Savage" and "Sage." Protect-
OPERATORS OF FOUR STATES According to statistics there should ing ourselves with a "Spear," a
WILL MEET AT CLEVELAND be no shortage of help in certain lines., "Shield" and a^"Staff" we could con-
For instance we have 53 Millers but tinue to "Rush" farther "Outlaid" to
the "Fields" of "Rice" and "Oates"
/ (y Asocate Prss)only 10 Mills. The name "Miller,"
(By Associated Press)however, is not so popular as."Smith," and 'Rye,' there to meet the "Sower."
Indianapolis, Oct. 30.-After dis- the latter having 70 votes for fame. But don't rave on too far.
patching to Washington a telegram There is one Miner here and one You can find most everything from
to Secretary of Labor Wilson in which "Mines;" five "Parsons" and two "Roses" and "Rubies" to "Pils" and
the president's position on the coal "Parishes;" three "Potts" to eight "Paynes." Also a choice of "Pablo"
strike was characterized as that of a "Potters;" 12 "Stones" and one "Stone- or "Pabst," "Packard' or "Page." The
"usurper," the executive bdard of the man;" "Steel" and "Steelsmitli;;" four shortest name is Ni; but his friend
United Mine Workers of America to- "Parks" with 15 "Parkers" and 15 Wu might contend for equal honors.,
day turned to routine business, in "Walkers"-so go early to avoid con- As to tongue-ticklers, try these--Tsch-
which, Individual members of theend gestion. aeche, Yanakieff, Szymansk
of the session said there was nothing Wouldn't it be interesting to take -There are other interesting things
of public interest."the two "Youngloves" out to one of in the new Directory; many different
Being Shadowed the "Parks," there to gaze at either Blues, Greens, Whites, B'lacks and
Union headquarters is frankly In- of the two "Moons" or two "Starrs" Grays, but-well, read it yourself. It
terested in the arrival here tomorrow which Michigan now possesses? Or, is more interesting than your dic-.
of C. B. Ames, assistant attorney gen on any one of 'the three "Summers' tionary.
eral in- charge of suits brought under -- ~
the anti-trusts and fuel and food con- nrr
trol laws. The union leaders learned i J IG l G EE NG
had been unusual activity by local
agents of the department of justice PLAYC ER ARE ACCEPTEDECOUSES1TOBE GWE
and professed faith that their every
stiuti donarge rights which no statute
At the office of the United States . TONIGHT BUILDING
district attorney there was no ,an-
nouncement what proceedings might Twenty-nine men were accepted as /For the first time in the University
be instituted in regard to the strike. members of the Freshman Mandolin .of Michigan, and also for the first
The union officials told the mine o n, club as the result of the tryout meet- time in any college, there is t be-
ers and public that no act of the or- ing held 'lesday. The first regular given a series of advanced courses in
ganization would be allowed to work meeting of the year is to be held at Highway engineering during the
physical damage to the coal digging. 7 o'clock tonight, in Lane hall. No months from December to March.
'cello player has as yet been ap- These courses are for engineers who
Operators Will Meet Dointed to. the club and tryouts are desire further training, or who are
Cleveland,.Oct. 30.-Operators of the desired, as well as additional mando- working for their degree of Master of
central competitive field, Ohio, Indi- lin and guitar players. Arts in engineering.
ana, Pennsylvania and Illinois, will The following have been appointed These courses are made possible by
meet here tomorrow to discuss the to the club: First mandolins-W. C. Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard, who is the
policyof the operators during the na- Colburn, Ed. Meiss, H. M. Bprrett, D. president of the American Road
tion-wide strike of soft coal miners. W. Rust, L. P. Bullr W. M. Bailey, H. Builders' association and of the Na-
When asked if it were possible that W. C .Davis, C. P. McFarland, and tional Highway Traffic association.
overtures to the miners would be D. T. McFarland; second mandolins, The courses will be in charge of
made by the operators' conference, G. D. G. Carter, S. Standish, E. T. Set- Prof. H. E. Riggs, Prof. A. H. Blanch-
E. Naurer, one of the Cleveland rep- tle, E. Gleason, N. Swenson, S. ard, Prof. L. M. Gram, and Professor
resentatives, said, "the strike is in the Krohn, Jr., Phil Steiner, and R. W. Bateman.
hands of the government. We are to Tapley; third manddlins, E. F. Flaitz, Some of the new courses ae High-
meet to consider the problems aria- A. K. Clark, 0. 5. Hult, C. M. Har- way Laboratory Research, Specifica-
ing from the' threatened strike." grave, R. A. Stephens, and F. H. ten- tion of Contracts, Highway Bridges,
nett; guitars, V. E. Brace, Wm. Hou- and Earth, Gravel, and Broken Stone
HPURCHASES se, Phil Miller, and F. Burns; vio- Road. Another- feature of the orses
Rin, L. R. Mathews; flute, H. K Brown. are the expenses. It is planned to
CHELSEA .FACTORY. ;harge $5 per hour of'credit, which
LEVINE, PEACE DELEATE, makes it possible for a graduate en-
As a result of negotiations between WILL/SPEAK ON ZIONIM .gineer to obtain the 24 hours for
the Hoover Steel Ball company, of $120.'
Ann Arbor, and the Chelsea Steel Capt. 1L Levine, professor of law at It is expected that there will be a
Ball company, the latter's plant at tke University of Detroit, who was great amount of 'interest in these
Chelsea was sold to the local com- sent to the peace conference to do courses and that many engineers will
pany Tuesday. The new owners took work in connection with the Palestine avail themselves of the opportunity
immediate possession of the Chelsea question, will talk/ on Zionism at 9 to earn the advanced credit and to
plant and started to operate it Wed- o'clock Sunday evening' in Lane hall, 'Specialize in Highway engineering.
nesday. f Professor Levine returned from
The transaction is-expected to prove Palestine three weeks ago and has PROSPECTIVE COMPOSERS OF.
of great value to Chelsea, as it will first hand information about the con- UNION OPERA MUSIC MEET
mean the turning over of a large ditions in the Holy Land. All who '
part of the Ann Arbor factory's busi- are interested in this subject are urg- More than 20 men turned out at the
ness to the Chelsea plant, which has ed to attend. Professor Levine is said meeting of music composers Wednes-
been in operation for only two years. to possess a remarkable personality day afternoon at the Union, called by
Shifting of a part of the orhlers to the besides being a convincing speaker. W. A. Leitzinger and Earl V. Moore
branch plant is also expected to be for discussion of the writing of music
of help to the Hoover company as it ALFRED L. MAY ELECT D TO for the 1920 opera. Lyrics were given
will enable the Ann Arbor plant to HEAD SOPHOMORE )ENGINEERS the men to put to music.
take care of all orders. Another meeting of men unable to
-- - --- Alfred L. May was elected president attend this session will be held at
BEET SUGAR CROP WILL END of the sophomore engineers Thursday. 4:30 o'clock Friday afternoon i room
SHORTAGE, SAY MERCHANTS The other officers elected follow: vice- 306 of the Union. Practically every
president, E. Hardeck; treasurer, E. one of the men who were out Wednes-
It is the prevailing opinion of down- H. Fox; secretary, G. W. McCordic. day had had previous experience in
town wholesale and retail merchants ' composing.

that the sugar shortage will be over TP Hold "Michigan Night" at Chicago
soon. With the coming of the Mich- "Michigan Night" will be Saturday, Ferris Institute Students to Meet
igan beet sugar -crop, the market will Nov. 8, at the University of Chicago Ferris Institute students will meet,
soon be restored to a normal basis. Reynolds club. On this evening the at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon In room
One wholesale merchant predicted -club, which corresponds to the Union; 306 University hall to organize the
that within a few weeks the store- 'will give a dance for all Michigan men plans for their first banquet Satur.day
keepers will be able to sell sugar in who are there for the game. The only, evening at the Union in honor of Mr.
almost any quantity. However, the 'requirement for admission is a Union Masserlink, who will be thdir guest at
people are warned that they should membership card, although the officials the football game. Every former stu-
not hoard sugar as this tends to, retard suggest -that the men make a smll dent is requested to attend the meet-
the markets' return to- a normal basis. donation. 'ing.

Wants Immediate Authority i
Peddling of Unpasteuriza
Product in City
"Our hospitals will have a cc
pasteurizing plant in connectk
them when the new buildings a
pleted," said Dr. C. G. Parnel
asked yesterday what the h
intende;d to do about their m:
He also stated that they wo
only have an up-to-date paste
plant but would have mlk fr
spected dairies and from tuber
inspected cows. e
' Hospital Milk orcSuper
"At the present time we ar
milk which we are sure is as
any which can he secured," s
Parnell. "It comes from two
es, both of which are under o
With thethospitals now assi
pure milk, the only places in t]
where the students may beca
-fected , from their milk Is
boarding houses around the cat
These houses have objectd
-buying of pasteurized milk fr
city dairies on two grounds. T
of these was, that- the diries
not supply them with the -
they wished. They are now a
by the three daries of the ci
they can be fully supplied w
few days'.of the placing of tl
Refutes Claims Against Dal
e other objection was th
milk was not good after pasi
ction; that it was robbed of itb
ping qualities; that the paste
was not done in i'proper wa
places the whole blame on t
Dr. Wessinger, city health
described the way in wlyich ti
is handled at these 'places,,in
that these objections are no
tenable since the city chemb
taken over the inspection of -
"In the first place," Dr. W
said, "all the milk used coe
approved dairies which have
spected by? th board f healti
(Continued on Page Six
With a large representatio
the faculty of the University
ing and taking part in the p
the Michigan State Teachers'
tion-institute 'opened its A6th
meeting Thursday morning in
and will continue in ,session i
night. ,
Every department of edu
work .is te hold a separate
meeting today, in addition tot
eral sessions. Addresses by
ists in each section meeting wi
the program very valuable. l
-faculty men who are to speak
Profs. J. B. Edmonson, George
ers, T. M Rankin, R. W Cowd
A. Frayer, A. H. White, D.I

and A. R. Crittenden, and Li
W. W. Bishop whose departi
giving a special exhibit in
Central high school
The Michiga. banquet TI
night was ddressed by Presiden
B. Hutchins, who'also spoke to
ing of alumni Thursday afi
Dean John R. Effinger is attend
entire session, but President i
returned Thursday night.


ious steps, heard
issued, and was
with all arrange-
nt, it was said,
fled to learn of
both for the
k precedence over
he senate, which
debated and -then
pledging its sup-
nt in maintaining
resent industrial
gress sentiments

e pr
it Di

5,000 is neces-
to Chicago," de-
Klumpp, '20M,
committee yes-

been billed already with further try-
outs- to be held next week.
The remainder of the general comnlit-
tee has not been named yet, but it
will be announced some time in the
near future. Besides this there are
10 other committees with a.
membership of 100, which willhave
charge of the production and advertis-
No definite date has been set for the'
Spotlight, because of the conflict with
other University activities which are
to be held during December.
* About 20 men were present "at a
r.eeting' held at 7:30 o'clock Thursday
niight to discuss the plan of reorgan-
izing one of the Law school debating
clubs on the Moot court.
A committee* consisting of. Floyd
Cone, '19L, chairman, Edwin Buckner,
'23L, and Kenneth Montagel, '23L, was
appointed to formuIate definite plans
for the proposition. All present ex-
pressed themselves as in favor of the
plan. After discussion it* was decided
that the greater amount of the time
at the meetings would be taken up by
the Moot court while the regular de-
bating would take only the smaller
portion of the time.
- The next meeting was setfor,- 7:30
o'clock Thursday, Nov. 6, at which
time definite action will be taken.
R. 0. T. C. Inspector Visits Unit
Lt. Col. Hugh I). Wise of Chicago, in-
spector for the seventh district of the
reserve officers' training corps, visit-
ed the University Tuesday to look
over this year's prospects for work in
the new R. 0. T. C. unit. After a talk
with President Harry B. Hutchins and
with Dean Cooley of the engineek'ing
college, he went on to petroit. ', .

zould not stay away
ance because' they
h its name and char-
o the committee.
is primarily an en-
ise money to send
e Varsity football
rs the University of
ray one of the com-
purpose. ",But," he
s come- to be one of
entertainments and
re or less a part of
wards in a xylo-
been added to the
vho will appear.
'21E, has been ap-
of the ticket com-




M v '

2:30 P.M. SH


tudent Application Cards Properly Filled Out, Accompained By Coupon No. 5 Should Be In The Offices
Association By 6:00 P.M. Monday November 3 1919

Y '

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