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October 21, 1919 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-21

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he Univer.

entitled to the use for
d to it or not otherwise
published therein.
or, Michigan, as second

n Arbot Press building,- Maynard street.
usiness, 96o; Editorial. 2414.
ions n'ot. to exceed 3oo words, if signed, the sig-
:essarily to appear, in print, but as an evidence . of,
es bf, events will be published in The Daily' at the
he Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office.
nunications will receive no consideration. No man-
returned uniless the writer incloses postage.
oe3 not necessarily'endorse the sentiments ex-
.y ......... Managing Editor
Phone *414 or-1o16
te, Jr. ......................Business Manager
Phone 96o or 2738
rt .................................. News Editor
1 ................. City Editor
Sports Editor
rk . ............. . .1omen's Editor
stein .. ............ ..Telegraph Editdr
nan Charles R. Osius, Jr.
wines, Jr..................Advertising Manager
1............. ...Issue Manager
.Office Manager
Publication Manager
der...................... .Circulation Manager
. . ..S u b scrip tio n M an a ger
... .... Music Editor
Literary Editor
o ..........................Exchange Editorl
k ............................ Campaign Editor ,

itig a little, exercising a little judgment, or what is
commonly callel "horse-sense," many a student
will bother someone else with an endless line of
questions 'that are entirely unnecessary.
In reference world, exact pages must be assigned.
The student would never think to look in the index
for the topic he knows the class is discussing. If
he desires information, he never tries to think
where he might inquire to have his question an-
swered. If a room for which he is looking is listed
as 300, he will not figure out that it will probably
be on the third floor.
Many will say that these are exaggerated cases.
They are not. One of our representatives had oc-
casion the other day to direct a number of students
to a meeting. The room was numbered 318. Any
number of persons asked on what floor it was .o
cated. And they were upperclassmen, 'many of
A "Think" campaign could appropriately be in-
augurated on our campus. No doubt we are no
worse than many other people who are supposed
to have "heads," but we have become accustomed.
to having things served to us morsel by morsel.
Maybe we are out of. the habit of thinking.
The prompt response of the colleges and univer-
sities to the demand for men, not only for active
service abroad but for work in scientific and me-
chanical fields, has been widely cominented upon.
We have not at hand data as to Michigan's repre-
sentation in the war, through students and alumni,
but know it was highly creditable to the institution.,
Be that as it may, there is a general disposition to
honor the sacrifice of these who served, eben to the
giving of their lives, in some suitable fashion.
The feeling, in most cases, is that the memorial
should have no obvious utilitarian purpose but
should rather appeal to sentiment and patriotism
and serve to develop a deeper fellowship with the
men whose ideals are thus perpetuated.-petroit
Free Press.
There is -to be a bike race from Milwaukee to
Detroit. Would think that they would employ a
faster means of locomot.ion in getting out of Mil-
waukee nowv that Bevo reigns triumphant.
In Greybull, Wyo., a city employe while burning
brush cleared from a new street discovered a bottle
of "Old Crow." Who said "fire water" wasn't an
appropriate name?





Jr. Thomas I. Adams
George Brophy

Brewster Campbell
John I. Dakin

if William H. Riley Ralph DuBois
Katrina Schermerhorn Robert C. Angel
Joseph H. Surrell H. Hardy Heth -

Isabelle Farnum
Agnes Holmquist

D. P. Joyce
Robt. Somerville
Arthur L. Glazer

DAY, OCTOBER 21, 1919.
e Editor-Edgar L. Rice
a meeting of the entire reportorial
s at 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in

a permanent memorial to com-
igan men who died overseas still
3ity problem.
list of suggestions received so
th service building for Univer-
completion of the Michigan
e for the University chimes, a
>us, two large flag poles in front;
mpus theater, and a wall around

Secretary of War Baker says that the
fist is the curs for the-Reds. Yes, but
sent that way it will never reach them.

if it is,

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
France is waiting 10 years to build
a memorial to her soldier sons. Wh1y
the., hectic rush at the University of
Michigan? The kind of a memorial
we want is not selected and built in
a day. {It would be better to honor our
soldiers only in spirit, than to erect
something unfitting- and entirely in-
adequate. I doubt if such a memorial
can be selected and built. through the
medium of student communications,
and student enterprise. It is too big
a job, and too important.
Therefor, I suggest that the Stu-
dent council appoint a committee, to
include faculty men, and the commit-
tee be given power to look into the
situation, make its selection, and act
to give the University of Michigan a
memorial that will in the fullest meas-
ure express the appreciation and hon-
or we feel toward our Michigan sold-
iers. The Daily might Well also start
a competition in ideas, to give the
committee something to work on.
Prof. T. E. Rankin and Prof. A. E.
Wood are giving a series of lectures
every week .during the first. semester
in the Detroit Central High school.
The course of Professor Rankin began
at 7:40 o'clock October 15. The gen-
eral topic will- be "A Study of Con
temporay Writers."
The lecturds of Professor Wood
which began Oct. 14 will take place
in room 111 of the Detroit Cen-
tral High school. Both of these lec-
tures are conducted under the aus-
pices of the University of Michigan
Extension department. The subject
of Professor Wood's course is "A
Study of the Family."
Sunday, Nov. 23, has been chosen as
the date for, the dedication of the Cath-
olic Students' chapel, corner State
and Jefferson streets.
As yet plans for the exercises are
incomplete, according to Fr. M. P.
Bourke, although it has been definitely
decided that, Bishop Gallagher,= of the
Detroit diocese, will have chargetof
the ceremonies. The chapel will be
known 'as the Chapel of the Immacu-
late Conception.
Maynard St.

"Favorite College

J. L. Chapman. Jeweler
113S outh Main Street

Branch Nickels Arcade
t r. wAShrlou w,
tune 68
Suits pressed while you wait.

(Oct. 26, >ig)
Between Detroit, MAn Arbor and Jackson
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Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:io
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presses make local stops west of Ann Arboi
Local Cars East Bound-6:o5 a. m., 9 :05
m. and every two hours to 9:oS p. m., io:
p. ". To Ypsilanti only, 11:45 p. m., 1:
a. mn.,and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7:48 a. m. a:
t a:ro a. mi.
Courteous and satisfactory
TREATMENT to every custom-
er, whether the Account be large
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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
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Capital and Surplus; 550,.00.00
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Northwest Cor. Main & Huron
707 North University Ave.



Why is it that nobody yells "Hats, Frosh,"
louder than the fello.y who ought to be wearing
a pot himself ?
"Plot tr blow up Carranza fails"-newspaper
headline. Alas ! How often it is our good inten-
tions go astray.

-1 '

This Handsome
at $io #

aily has announced that it would be willing
e other suggestions. Prof. Emil Eorch has
at he and his students would be willing to
Aches of the proposed new buildings or of
is suggested. These will be printed in The
r the approval or disapproval of the stu-
imni, or faculty of the University.
tusent council could appoint a committee-
mposed of faculty, alumni, and students,
s the various suggestions made.
:entrated effort to decide on at appropri-
anent memorial is needed.

A _"" "'

The : BUMP"

edict has just' gone forth at Wisconsin 'ex-
injured service men from wearing the Fresh-'
ip. This is to insure the safety from disci-
if all men who have returned from -France
ily incapacitated. It is a preventative rather
le Michigan has rather outgrown the provin-
>m-fooery" of' mass discipline, there are still
hes and the freshmen duties. We do n'ot ad-
permitting a man to escape from the insignia
e outward appearance of loyalty to his class.
rould only ,be robbing. him of a great experi-
But we do urge an especial consideration of.
unded men from overseas.
easy to forget-when demanding service
reshmen-that some of them are much more
of performing certain tasks than are others.
ve been used to physical perfection, not phys-
iitation. We do not need to revise any stand-
it instead we need to think; some freshmen'
ifferent" this year.
>-worship is the last thing the service man
And he will do a great; deal before he will
mplain. But the truth remains that.we who
ot called upon to make a permanent sacrifice
e injured man a debt. Let us pay part of it
mon-sense, and a little sane reasoning.

This week the hand embroidered Crockery goes
to the one who, thought "Michigan Chimes" was,
the latest jazz-step.
Hof to Write Humor-No. 3
Take the old dead grandmother joke and put
the element of surprise in it at the end, a la 0,
Henry, and you get a perfect "whiz" of a story:
Employer-You want to get off tomorrow?
Grandmother's dead, I suppose?
ffice Boy-No, sir, me brother, who, was born
blilid, has his sight and wants to see me.
The Campus Crank says the new monogram in
front of the library is a fine lexample of bricklay-
ers' art.
"Mr. Vice, The Queen!"
Vice-President Marshall is to receive the king
and queen of Belgium. If they can't get the pres-
ident, they will, as it were, have to use the vice in
a pinch.
A Burmese woman doctor claims that it is possi-
ble to restore life to the dead and that the patient
comes to life with better features than before. If
such is the case, then we can only echo, "Oh Death,
Where is thy'sting."
There is no doubt but that the strike of the soft
coal miners is one of the hardest things this coun-
try faces right now. ,
Sixteen thousand cigarmakers are out onstrike
in New York. Just what effect this will have on the
hemp market is not known.
Women are advocating that the word "obey" be
omitted from the marriage ceremony. If they do,
married men vill have to look elsewhere for exam-
ples when trying to explain the meaning of irony
to their little sons.
Glancing over the pictures in Dr. May's office of
the football teams of the. early '90s inclines one to
the belief that the barbers must have been out on
a strike about that time.


is one of the best values we have shown this season. The
low heel makes it a very comfortable, boot for the college girl
or' for tramping, and the long narrow vamp gives it a very
fashionable appearance. Comes in black calf, grown russia
calf and black kid.




115 So. Main St

j E . ______________








[hink" is a word,that is being posted before the
of manual and clerical workers all over the
try. It seems that it would be an expellent idea
-ing that word prominently before people in our
ersities and colleges.
oo many students slide through day after day
out "using their heads" in any way. They re-
e everything, whether it be reference assign-
t, instructions, notices, or anything else, pre-
sted and explained so minuately and in d;etail
a child could understand it. Instead of,-think-




Washtenaw Electric Shop,
Phone 273 200-202 E. Washington St.


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