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June 02, 1920 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-06-02

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53 TO 23.

HUMAN FLY WILL Opinion Of Campus Overwhelmingly
Favors Baseball Invasion Of East
Johnny Reynolds, the "human fly,"
wll appearsin two of: h mo'stk famos BYFurther questioning regarding opin- ern competition that the other cBl- OOTE T
night when te will maintain his equl- ions on sending the baseball team to leges in the Middle West and far West :
ibrium on top of the Natural Science Club Goes On Record As Supportng play the champions of the Eastern have?
building. Work of Campus conference brought out strong ap- Woud Case Interest SF Q F
That isn't so hard, you say, but just 0. . T. C. proval from various men prominent "Again, such a trip would answer
N add to that the fact he will be stand- in, campus affairs. - the demands of our Eastern alumni. SENATE INVESTIGATING COI
ing on the top of the fourth chair and Carl T. Hogan, '21E, president of They have been demanding for a long TEE DISCOVERS FACT IN
that the first of these chairs will be the Union, expressed himself a time that Michigan be given the same\INQUIY
standing 'n the edge of the sixth of SERVICE MEN NEXT FALL strong-ly in favor of such a plan. "This opportunities as other colleges, small-
six tables which will be placed on the is the one chance we will have this er and less important, for making it-
-, edge of the building. Election of officers took place last year to show the East what we can do self known. If we send a first rate $5400 EPENDEDIN
In addition to this Johnny will ride night in the assembly room of the in the way of athletics and I think baseball team to the East and make STATE FOR CAMPA
around the outside edge of the build- Union when the Overseas club held that we should take advantage of our a good showing I think the effect on
ing on a bicycle. their last meeting of the school year. excellent team to give Michigan the the alumni will be immediate.. They Letter from Roper, Denying Thi
Reynolds is an ex-aviator. The following men were elected to kind of advertising it should have. will show greater interest in campus Opened Drive for McAdoo I
office: President, Theodore B. Mc- California gained more advertising affairs, Union affairs and needs, and
TIAfl T Kinney, '22; vice president, G. A., R. this year through the trips of its ath- all things pertaining to the University
L TU Schuster, '21; secretary, J. M. Durvin, letic teams than by any other means, of Michigan in general."(
t '22L; treasurer, H.rA. Furlong, '21; The East has learned about the Uni- Le Grand E. Gaines, '21, spokeiated Press)
o- publicity secretary, Hamilton Coch- versity of California this year. Why strongly in favor of the idea if it ca Washington, June 1.-Fred A
al i ran, '23. All officers were elected by does not Michigan have the same East- be effected. He said, "If it is at all ger, appearing before the senate
o IIthe unanimous vote of the members possible to send our baseball team mittee investigating pre-conve
r present. tTO East this year, I think it should be expenditures, as president of
ix During the course of themeeting,IHdone. The hief difficulty seems to be Leonard Wood league.in Mi
Irish Sympathizer Eludes Guards and president, McKinney voiced his thanks LLthat Princ n, which is the popular ad e league se M4
I- Shout from Gallery During' for the co-operation of the members r'f candidate for the chamAonship said the league had spent $4
i Brandegee's Speech of the committee on the Memorial day Ut L U L L IU East, has its commencement at the the state all of which was i
- exercises for making the day a suc- best available date for such a game there.
e DEFY TO ENTIRE BODY IS MET cess. "I am sure that every member PROGRAM INCLUDES F I E L D and that any other time except one 'In addition to that which our i
n BY THEIR BEING EJECTED of the verseas club and the student EVENTS, PICNIC AND day is during examinations. How- urer reported last week," Mr.
body at large will endeavor to make DANCE. ever, I think that some arrangement added, "I persoially spent some
(B Aoathese Memorial day ceremonies one of is' possible and that it should be made.
(By Associated Press) the most sacred of Michigan's tradi- 000 or $23,000 of my own money o
Washington, June 1.-Both the sen- tos sad i Senior girls w1belonoredthisISPblity and Boostingwork
ate ands the house were thrown into tns,"sny.evening in the annual lantern night "It seems to be that we are drop- CrK
an uproar today by an outbreak of Urge AId of B. 0. T. C. celebration to be staged by the Wo- ping out altogether too quickly from
women sympathizers with Irish free- Capt. 3. P. Lucas gave a short talk men's Athletic association. This cere- Eastern competition and that this is national Wood statement said
dom. on the R. 0. T. C., and urged the, Over- mony corresponds to cap night in all the best way to stop a movement ported $9,000 in expensesin Midt
There were evidently two parties to seas club to get behind him in mak- respects' except that it honors seniors which is toward oblivion for the Uni- Much foalAdertisng
the demonstratioh which started first ing the reserve officers training corps while cap night honors the freshmen. versity, ih the East. Everyone on the "That ust have been for spe
t in the senate during the delivery of a success on the campus. "The win- It is a revision of an old tradition campus seems to think sending a or adver sing, Mr. Alger re
a speech by Senator Brandegee, Re- ning of the next war does not so much which was revived last year at the in- (See Number 1, Page Six) "Which I id not know about. I
publican of Connecticut, opposing ac- depend on the active participation of stigation of Dean Jordan. tributed something over $70,000
- ceptance of a mandate over Armenia. the ex-service men," declared Capt. Finals in baseball, tennis, and arch- self."
- Later a woman eluded guards at the Lucas, "but on their present attitude ery will be played at 4:30 thisafter- "How was that money used?" C
thh a e yaoh l e g o e b r ouhsee t oeondoo.'h . 0. g m s t 6 ' l c , pi n c l n h s il C N A S R C E S"I s e t $ , 00 i d e t
ho'use chamber door and shouted from toward efficient training of the men noon at Palmer field. Following the man Kenyon asked.
nthe ga ery a challenge to members to who were too youngg go." The R. 0- games, at 6 o'clock, picnic Iunches will "I spent $9,00 in adverti
deny eir appeal in behalf of Ire T. C. men should be the future officers be eaten on the field. Arm bands, pins, Mr. Alger replied.
land. of the next war, for they will eventu- and sweaters will be awarded at this lull UIUIIII A "I can't give you details exac
Guards Called ally go into the reserve corps of the time to those who have earned suffici- - employed a young woman for
' Answering a demand from the floor army." In concluding his remarks, ent honor points during the "year. A vassing."
that they be thrown out and locked Capt. Lucas said, "I am sure that the At 7:30 o'clock the procession of tudents AskWd to Sigify which "What return did you get fror
up the women defied the entire house members of the Overseas club will seniors in caps and gowns, carrying Courses They Are Most In- investment?" Senator Pomerene
to attempt it, and as' guards started stando back of the R. 0. T. C. in every lighted lanterns, will pass beneath terested in ed.
after them they raced around the gal- way." the flowered hoops of the juniors form- ,expect none, public serdi
© lery creating great disorder until they After the talk by Capt. Lucas, the ing an M. Then according to the us- INFORMATION CONCEUNING all," Mr. Alger replied.
finally were subdued and ejected. club went on record to uphold and ual custom the seniors will hand over > ALL COURSES IN PAMPHLETS Speakers Organized
Although the offenders were escort- strengthen the R. 0. T. C. on the the lanterns to the juniors and the "State headquarters," M r.
ed to the capital guard room no charg- campus, sophomores will receive the hoops. A campus de canvass is now be-said had
-es were lodged against them and they Makeampnssfr said "hadvccountdsforw54,00
- were pemted t . P lans for Armistice Day A may-pole dance given by the ing conducted by the committee in the exptnditures to whlh accou'
e were permitted to go. Plans were also made for holding sophomores and freshmen will con- charge of the Students' Christian as- personally 'had given $60,000.O
e * "English Hun" exercises on armistice' day on Nov. 11, elude the program. In case of rain sociation's drive for increased enroll- $23,000 he used pernally, he
a Breaking in s ddenly on the prover- next fal. It was suggested that the Lantern Night will be postponed un- ment in courses in- religious educa- $2,500 had been spent for expens
bial dignity of the senate, just after Overseas club co-operate with .the til Thursday. tion speakers and to employ a man t
e Senator Brandegee had' referred to marine's club next fall to see that all Illanks Given Out ganize a corps of speakers, mo
- "the ravages of the Hun" a woman's ,new overseas men coming to the Ui- INTERFRATERNIT Y One representative from every whom spoke in the factories in
shrill voice from the gallery startled versity be registered and helped in I CTE NCI T OEMEITYternit nd srorty ose wra- aIn k Detroit.
senators and spectatos alike. As the every possible way. COUNCIL TO MEET ternity and sorority house waschos-
woman shouted, "Why not eject the en yesterday to form a sub-committee, igan would take care of itself,
-EghHu frmIead"gley Capt. Robert Arthur sent a message whose work it is to bring up the plans de."Eddntslctad
gL shH rsh ht the club, stating that he has seven One delegate to the conference in- of the campaign before their respec- "That me tat M c A d
guards made a rush in her direction appointments vacant from the state of terfraternity convention which will be tive organizations. Pamphlets giving take care of Mcltan," Senator
ewdenth comand fro " V ei- Michigan for West Point. He wishes held at Madison this week end, will detailed information concerning all ereie commented.
Sdent Marshall to "put her out" led in-crecomne
stantly to heckling from other parts of all men interested to s"e him as soon be named by the interfraternity coun- courses offered in that branch of study It er Letter Fied
as possible. The age limit is 22 for cil at its meeting tonight at the Un- and bearing applications on which
the gallery. men who were not in the service, and ion. Pembroke Hart, '20, who with students are asked to signify the spec- "I don't wa t to sh a either'
for ex-service men it is 24. Knight Mirrielees, '20E, had been sel- ial courses they are most interestepy
DRUIDS TAKE 12' ected to attend the conference con- in, have been placed in the hands of Alger replied.
INTO SOCIETY VULCANS PICK 12 vention cannot act as the Michigan these represent.tives for distribution. Chairman Kenyon put n the re
representative, necessitating another To those who desire to elect any of a letter from Daniel C. itoper
S Druid, the senior honor society of IATION choice. the subjects designated in these leaf- er commissioner of internal re
Druis thsenir hoer sciet ofThe Madison congress is the first lets, it is urged that they fill out the today, denyng ,that he had "oper
the literary college, yesterday after- . campaign headquarters for i
noon initiated twelve men. The init - Nine nembers of the junior engin- obits kind and it is expected to prove blanks as soon as possible and hand caain he rersyforni
r ates were: Albert C. Jacobs, Fred J. eering class were admitted to the se- beneficial to the many conference or- them in to their committeeman. . McAdoo in te Pennsylvania rk.
Petty, Donald . Porter, Thomas crets of Vulcans, honorary senior en- ganizations it will represent, accord- Sig Up at Lane Hall
tUerood rtKrms I. gineering society. The initiation ban- ing to those prominent in the inter- Due to the fact that it would re-
ULowll Genebach, Edward S. Kings- quet was served at. the Union at 7 fraternity movement. quire a large number of canvassersSeniors Revive
ford, HenyWhtin, eesd . Burrws, o'clock. Waldo G. Harbert''20E, act- In addition to naming a new dele- to reach all independents, the officers
ford, Henry Whits, Rert . Bngell, ing as toastmaster, and Roy Elliott, gate, the council will formally close of the S. C. A., who are working in Son
iJohn E. McMais Robert C. Angell,'
.' -2RrL and Rhbt G-indln >91E iv its activities for the year, this being co-operation with the Y. M. C. A. and

, n oadWek.~J. erU rLJ~ n. ey 'A, ML~, gA V-
and honoro e ning talk4. the last meeting until October. Y. W. C. A., have decided to have
In honor of the new members a The initiates are: Robert F. Grind- pamphlets placed in Lane hall where A large chorus of seniors made
twhereseectthe Uwere madte ley, Theodore R. Gustafson, Edwin A. ALUMNUS TO TALK THURSDAY all non-fraternity members may sign sible the revival of an old Mid
'bynJn Pere H s ' ert m . Krueger, Will R. Meese, Donald K. ON FRAUDULENT ADVERTISING up. . tradition, the Senior sing, at the :
by J. Pembroke Hart, '20, Albert C. sGIn addition to declaring their in- concert last evening.
Jacbs,121 'Wllam . Hnshw, 0,Mirrielees, George H. Roderick, Mur-coerlatvnig
JProfs, Arthu L Cross anProf. Mors ray D. Van Wagoner, Calvin G. Wet- C. Kenneth Barnard, 17L, will talk tentions of electing one or more of the These sings are among the o
P. Tilley. Karl Velde, '2, acted as zel, and Charles A. Wheeler. on the subject of fraudulent adver- specified courses for next year, the of Michigan traditions and
.toaste. Kttising at 7:30 o'clock Thursday even- committee requests students to. also abandoned with many other tradi
to a st aG A M E S ti ina b a n d o n edow ithcm a nyuoth er tva d-
___s___9ter._ing, in Natural Science auditorium, designate on the application blank during the war. The success
YR A A s Mr. Barnard is at 'present secretary their interest in welfarwork, revival is to lead to another sin
fVE TERANS OF FOREIGN "WARS offreg missions, Snasho
FORALof the Better Business commission of as foreign Sunday school .in the near future.
FOMLY RG4ANIZE TONIGHT -AoreadiheBoyScutmovement.sn
--Detroit11,HlAmerican Toledo, which work brings him in con- work, and the Boy Scout The Varsity band played eev
Detroit 11, Cleveland 14. tinual contact with advertising of all - selections, while the seniors dress
The Richard G. Hall post number Philadelphia 7, Boston 2. sorts. The talk has been arranged MR. EICH MAY HEAD JUNIOR caps and gowns, gathered near
422 of the Veterans of Foreign Washington 7, New York 14. specially for students in the English COLLEGE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT band stand. This group in the ga
Wars, composed of' ex-service men on Chicago-St. Louis, no game. 9E and 10E course, but is open to -ing dusk then sang the many Mich
the campus, together with the Graph- anyone interested. The admission is Mr. Louis Eich, instructor in the songs they have come to know in
O'Hara post number 423 composed of National free. oratory department has been tendered years of college life. Two songs
town men, will be officially installed Boston 8, Philadelphia 4. the appointment as head of the Eng- terly different in spirit, "Co
at 7:30 o'clockltonight in the assembly Cincinnati 6, Chicago 4. Sigma Xi Holds Annual Initiation Ilish department of the Grand Rapids Days," and "I Want To Go Bac'
room of the Union by a deputation of New York 9, Brooklyn 10. The annual initiation and banquet! Junior college, according to advices Michigan," received hearty app:
men from the Detroit post of V. F. W. St. Louis 5, Pittsburgh 4, 15 innings, of the Michigan chapter of Sigma Xi received from the Kent city board of from the many speetators.
Officials of the campus post stated , will be held at 6:30 o'clock Thursday education. ' Several selections by the band
that they wish every man in the Uni- Mimes To Elect Oitners Tonight night at the Union. Before coming to Michigan Mr. ich greatly appreciated by those prei
versity who served overseas to be Mimes will elect its next year's ofh- Prof. C. E. McClung, national presi- taught rhetoric and oral interpret- As is customary "The Ye
present this evening to sign up and cern at a meeting at 7:30 tonight at dent of Sigma Xi, and Prof. E. C. Case tion of literature at Knox college, Ill- and Blue," played by the band, e
be formally admi ted to membership. the Union. are among the speakers. . fnois, and at Ohio State university, the picturesque tradition.

rashington, Jane 1.--President Wil
s plea for an American mandat(
r Armenia was rejected in the
ate today by a vote of more than
to one.
hirteen Democrats cast their :voti
i the united Republican member
on the final roll call and the reso
on "respectfully declinirng" to gran'
gressional authority for the man
was adopted 53 to 23 in the form
fted by the Republican .leaders.
he resolution will be sent to the
ise tomorrow and the leaders ther
i to adopt it without change o'n
he balance from the Soph Prom is
>e turned over to the campus the-
fund by the committee. This al-
s a claim for exemption from war
which has already been made.
ie to delays the refund will not
eceived for at'least six weeks. The
vidual refunds will be 46 cents
those who desire to claim this
t send a stamped self-addressed
lope to D: Dow, 632 E. University
me, before June 14. All money,
.aimed will be turned over to the
pus theater fund.



ck tonight in room 306 0o
Those newly'elected mem-
were not at the last meet-
e sworn in at this time.
est of the senior lit invi-
and announcements will
i out from 2 to 4 o'clock
n University hall. Also
:ra invitations and an-
nents will be on sale at

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