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May 15, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-05-15

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entitled to the use for
ed to it or not otherwise
or, Michigan, as second
Maynard street.


received after /8 o'clock

rt JsephA. Bernstein
I Hugh itchcock
Renaud Sherwood
.H. Hardy Heth Lee.M. Woodruff
.Brewster Campbell
.John 1. Dakin
.Robert C. Angell
.Marguerite Clark
..Thomas Adams, Thornton Sargent Jr.

.... Winefred Biethan
'hinery Robert D. Sage
leski Mauion Niehol
dl Frances Oberholtzer
n~ort fdna Apel
att F. P. Lovejoy
undy Charles Murchison
Russell Fletcher

v wtWincreasing age ; and alumni conitributions must
assume the complexion of charity, unless the inter-
est of former students in the University i's sus-
tained by a more vital unity than the present sort.
A novel departure from university custom has
recently been inaugurated at Princeton, which is
not only designed to propagate education but to give
the. alumni 'a firmer basis for its loyalty. According
to the plan, stenographic reports will be taken of
"the most interesting lectures delivered during the
year to undergraduates by members of the Prince-
ton faculty. Only such lectures will be taken as
embody new ideas or the results of recent research
having direct relationship with current events or
problems of high present interest. Further, they
wil be printed in a form easily read, and distributed
at frequent intervals to Princeton alumni."
Besides being an excellent means of reviving and
bringing to date the average graduate's drooping
education - whihli usually goes stale and neglected
a few years after his commencement -this may be
the best'way of discharging the university's debt to
its aimni, and of renewing the former frank re-
lationship, on a basis of mutual service, of the alum-
nus with his alma mater. Michigan can well afford
to watch the outcome of this plan.
When certain members of the Michigan faculty
speak. in.. Detroit, or~ Chicago they draw large audi-0
ences. These.audienc s are composed of business
men, professional men, and women of the same
type. But when they lecture here they speak to a
groupHof people who are compelled to listen to them
because they have .registered in their classes. Most
of us never consider this. fact. We feel that those'
lectures which we are not forced to hear would be
a waste of time were we to "sit in" voluntarily.'
But this is not the case.f
If it is worth the while of busy men and women
Ito give their valuable time to these speakers, it
would surely seem to pay us if we should sacrifice
a. session around the bridge table or over the .Red
Book, and 'would put in a bit of extra leisure lis-
tening to what some of these professors have to say..
There are undoubtedly' many men who' are con-
templating taking up journalism vbo have 9never
heard, Professor Bruimm lecture. Many self-made
student philosophers have never attended oie' of
Professor Wenley's classes. A great number of
prospective economists and busipess men in the
University have failed to pay much attention to
what Professor Friday, one of the best known eo-
nomists in the country, has' to say on that subject.
If this were changed, if the classes and lectures
of such men as have been mentionedwere filled to
overflowing, the benefit would be'double. The stu-
dent would add to his store of knowledge. He
would be able to form opinions as to what courses
are the best for him. The professor, lecturing on
ihe platform would see his worth at last appreci-'
ated by the people who are nearest him. It would
serve as an.. inspiration to him and as a material,
benefit to those who listen to him.





...................PAUL E. CHOLETTE
.LeGrand A. Gaines,'Mark B. Covell
dAs.....................Henry Whiting
.Edward Priehs
. ...Curt P. Schneider. R. A. Sulivan


Biology -


In Effect May 18, 1920
Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson-
.(Eastern Standard Time)
Limited and Express ears leave for
Detroit, 6:10' a.. n. and hourly to
9:10 p. m.
Limiteds to Jackson at 8:40 a. m. and
every two hours to 8:40 p. m. Ex
presses at 9:45 a. in. and every' two
two hours to 9:45 p. m.
Locals to Detroit-5:55 a.m., 7:05 a.m.
and every two hours to 9:05 p.m.,
also 11:00 p.m. To Ypsilanti only,
11:40 p.n., 12:25 a.m. and 1:10 a.m.
Locals to yackson - ":45 a.m., and
" 18:10 a.m.
Asked At Randdm,
"Would you ike to see fitting Memi
orial Day exercises, to-honor Michigan
menwho died in service, be establish-
er as an annual tradition $"'
Roswell P.. 'Dillon, '21E, Student
councilman: "Entirely too little is
being done at present to keep the
memory fresh of those who gave their
all for us. I think such exercises
should, .by all means, be established
along with other.Michigan traditions."
Grayson'W. Gill, '20A, Student coun-
cilman: "As I understand it, this has
been done at several' other universi-
ties and it is on,1 a question of time
before it will' be permanently estab-
lished at Michigan, There are plenty
'o; service men Wfere who will get
behad this movement and see that it
has a good start-a start which should
push it through many successful years.
Earl B. McKinley, '22M, -vice-presi-
dent of the. Michigan Union: "I have
heard many older-'people' tell of' howv
this was done here for many years
atter'the Civilwar: It did, of course,
gradually die down and it seems to
me that this sa fitting time to estalt-
'hsh the custom again: only this time
it should honor not only the Civil war
heroes, but also th6se. of the receit
World war.",,
Lee R. Boyd, '22, member of the art
daff of the Gargoyle: "It is very es-
sEntial that this plon be adopted at
Michigan. We've only been too/ quick
to forget the men who have been in.
the service, and, wlhat's more, the men
who have paid the supreme sacrifice
in order that we may be happy."


+. r
w:''uA R9


rilrrrr unr lllilirrurnrnnrnlsilfr e nnnrrn nun in n i nr
Just Received
Dr. Shull's


D. P. Joyce
dter P. P. Hutchinson
Raymond K. Corwin
gs Lester w. Millard
on concerning news for any
ieditor. ' who has full charge

$g 7 a'yoa




will be Mond&y
night, Thomas
gh Hitchcock ;
d; Friday night,
ght, Joseph A.


AY 15, 1920.
ver, their outcome is of
>st of us. What is done,.
Was not elected, we are,

men, men of sports-
baseball, football, golf,
tennis, shooting, riding.
For everybody, every-
where, the year 'round,
Bevo is hale refresh-
ment for wholesome
.thirst-an invigorating
.soft drink. Ideal for the
athlete or the manl in
physical or mental train-
ing - good to train on
and gain on,. Healthful
and appetizL . It must
be ice cold.

h -r
his rn

he defeated' can-
isfortune bravely
nes back after it
i conviction that
the honor and
e he is stubborn,
fosters the will

a,. ,


The Telescope

' this time, you may be
rour right'to run. for of-
to run again.. Unless we
material, our choice is
r defeat, but one that is
ever: Try again!



class as a whole. A stu-
ently elected on 27: votes
manager got his position

on of affairs, needs remedying. Next
it, class spirit should be one of the
s strongest feelings. Glass spirit does
y interest in interclass competitiops
n active interest in all the affairs un'
ie class.^ No class can function at its
i few of its membeis backing it up.
ngs are held at a time that conflicts
v important engagements. They last
nutes, and the business carried on
ortant to every member. The degree
:ivity is up to the individual members
nterest on their part will liven up the
,reatly increase the spirit.
of the alumni is almost proverbial.
i the University is in need of funds,
f departed graduates is evoked in 'the
to their alma mater; and the iespgnse
peal is always handsome. Still, toy-
in a memory is scarcely spontaneous;
en they leave, carry away whatever
y has to give them, and it ceases
be a source of their benefits. What-'
mains must be based on principle or
her thn ann aconinu endc mn-

To those. who ran wisely butnot too wel at the
pois on Wednesday we can' only commend them to
the words of the poet.:
We. read tiles of treachery;
Of double-crossing and deflection,
But all award the palm to he
Who fails -us at campus election.
A Family Prodzict
Her fdther's olive-gray eyes were almost suss,
piciously grave under her mother's broad and lovely
brow. -Saturday Evening Post.
Cause for Alarm
First stude-So you're actually afraid of the
Second ditto-Afraid of 'it? Say I came down
stairs in the dark the other night and I was so
scared that I broke out in' a cold sweat.
First--Huh. What were you afraid of?
Second-Afraid it was so dark I wouldn't be
able to find the bottle.
Dear Noah: -
I have a long-tailed dog which people constantly
refer to as being '"funny.." Is there anything .I can
do for- this?' L.B
Why not cut his tail off, and then there'wouldn't;
'be anything of the wag about him.
He waketh us at early-dawn,
Or 'neighbors' cat;
Ike sieetcheth 'round our nfew mown lawn,
Our neighbor's cat;
But when-at him a brick I'd chuck'
'I:think of seven years'. ill luck,
So back in bed again I duck
Atid trust to luck a 10 ton truck
Will end our neighbor's cat..
He left her and .er little child,
How.could he-be so cruel,
She was so poor she had to use
Her kooden-leg for: fuel.
Famous Closing Lines
"Ha, a running mate," he murmured as he 'saw
the angry wife pursuing her fleeing husband.



/ *

Hart Schaffner & Marx
Spring Clothes
are of the highest type, in quality, of, all-
wool materials; in quality of perfect
tailoring, m o s t l y hand work by
workers of highest skill. Styles'
designed by the very best artists
in the profession and are' so
far ahiead of the ordinary
lines of ready-made gar-
ments that they really
equal those that are
ReMe onlin,.' FiegelCo
Rome of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Southwest Corner of Main and Washington Streets

Serve it


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