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May 15, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-05-15

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; VarilAMNib#1i




I J.,


ip Taylor Mlen Respond To Call
f German Stein And Cheap Living




.... .


Ii U Lousville, Ky., May 14. - Lager American soldiers, according to re-
beer, nibreased salaries, and piecreased turning veterans who tell of week-end f
cost of living in Germany, are the boat excursions on German rivers and v
iures that attracted 10 men of the fst week-long trips to European cities. t
division at.Camp Zachary Taylor to i
PTURtE A apply for transfer to the American
lV forces in Germany, according to mem- .N
'ers of the detachment.
Soldiers returning from Germany C
Said an American army private's pay I
of i1 a day would buy him 1,400 11, L
SIDENT "schooners" of beer. A dollar is equale
to 140 marks and a glass of beer -o
lI Soon Be costs one-tenth of a mark. The fin-- As Prnil Sar. fr
Mexican est Rhine wine, it is reported here, Exerlses
costs 15 marks a quart. "Ninety perE.
cent of the soldiers formerly in Ger-
the-state of many rould return if they could," PRES. HARRY B. HUTCHINS 4
doubtMel- said Sergt. Donald McCraney, first en- LL READ THE HONOR ROLL
m 'Juarez to giueers. t
said to be .I am going to Germany to lower Col. Guy M. Wilson, of Flint, Mich.,
o handle a my cost of living," asserted Regimen- a graduate of the Law school, has been :
W of govern- tal Supply Sergeant Charles Klener, secured to give the principal addressd
presented t Sixteenth Infantry. "Pay that has at the Memorial Day exercises to be
ion. While the buying power of several hundred given May 31 in Hill auditorium. b
yha the dollars a month is the attraction for Colonel Wilson, who was an officer in c
es were be- me." the 32nd division, was seriouslya
possible Life on the Rhine is Joyful for the wounded while in France. Precedingf
Colonel Wilson's talk, President Harrya
ipture B. Hutchins will read the honor roll
received at of Michigan 'men. P
'om ± gin ral . ii AuounoePlans ,ta L
;e for th Te Overseas club has completedt
U SAR STUATION plans fgr Memorial Day exercises to
utre is onlyUprecede those given in Hill auditor-
tt, a tarain of 1i m. All students wil1 assemble in
ietkt's escort -----' the north bleachers of Ferry field at
evolutionary Believes Present Shortage Incapable 9:15 A/ M. Monday, May 31, in the
of Ielief Within Two or following formation: ex-army and
age gave no Three 'tears - and marines. in the first section, east
d that aat- -_ end; ex-navy and naval militia, see-
during the SAYS LABOR DOES NOT USE cond section from east end; while the
bregon said S ARIKES FOR POLITICAL GAIN students and visitors willoccupy tilel
re now en- remaining sections.
olustni.ts. (By Associated Press) ,-Ban on Program
Washington, May 14. - Herbert The band will enter at the north
congess to Hoover, former food admijstrator and end of the field followed by the bugler,
cnt has been ca didate for the republican noinai ring squad, and 'men with colors.7
president in tion for president, gave his views to- Marching to the west anAd through the
ra national day to congress on the sugar and in- center of the field and back to aa
itioial. pres- dustrial situation. point about 100 feet from the, flag
lutionay cir- Reviewing before thb house commit, pole,' they will halt. After all have
n the selec- tee investigating the sugar situation, come to attention when the bugler
ident recog- Mr. Hoover declared -that the world's blows, the band will play the national
the United shortage 'of food is 4ikely to continue anthem and the flag will be raised to
tow or three years. The present need the top of the pole. During the play-1
is i,immediate rationing with govern- ing, e-servlce men in uniform wil
Further in .nent action to control tjie supply salut. others removing their hats. Fol-
Although .thE hearh related. pr'i-lowing this the flag will be lowered to
almarly to 'the action of Attorney-Gen- half mast, a salute fired, and then taps
bdidates frablown.-
>, wha have eral Palmer and of approving a max-
[co City, are imum price for the Louisiana crop, it The students will then follow the
as contained branched out into a brpader field when band, bugler, and flag men in order
tteprtment Mr.N Hoover said an offhand opinion as
emen t that proceeding was impossible. of setions, from east to west. ln a
stmen-.. thrig. column of squads all will then march
is provision- Mr. Hoover said, however, that the to Hill auditorium wher ethe regular
government should, have watched the Memorial Day program will be given.
heg Mexican Louisiana crop, guaranteeing the loss. Presideit Harry B. Hutchins will pre
d to name a Earlier in the dayMr. ioover, wo side.
will super- was.a member pf President Wilson's
resident 'and second industrial conferenice, told the
when the senate labor committee he did not be- NNUAL SOPH STEP
e ofce.. ' lieve the relatioship 'between em- COMES OFF MAY 28
ary' chief, of ployers and emplo es could be bettled
ad to arrive by' any form -of legal repression The annual sophomore engineer
l and take whethe it be by injunction, compul- "Step," said to be the biggest-event of'
xirovisional sory arbitration, 'or industrial courts. the year for the '22E class, will be
given Friday, ;ay 28, in Barbour' gym-
r. A. Rat lals nasium. "Sandy"Wilson and his eight
y 15.-Rebel/g #f piece orchestra has been secured to
on held by ;. A.) Wreakfas t furnish the music. Judging by the
San Marcos, present sale of tickets, the class will
Wn successfil -have nearly a full representation at
trdggle still It was 3 o'clock in the morning the affair. '"
e trains re- when four _ tired members Qf The - A color scheme using the Michigan
the president Daily night staff stepped into one of colors, maize and blue, will 'be car-
g to advices. the popular lunch - rooms on State tied out, making the decoration ofthe
is attempt- street for their usual "pre-daylight" gymnasium one of -the most promis-
toward the breakfast. ing features of the "Step." Booths, in
he main body Ah! but this night these students keeping wi the general colors of the
rill make an were not destined to the customary room, are to be statie" - d along the
procedure: to eat, saying but little, sides of the door. During the grand'
r rebel rein- and occasionally nodding. For soon a march favors- will be distributed to
fshed to the crunching, crunching, gnawing sound the engineers and their partners.
hich extends came from the kitchen-was a prowl- The remaining few tickets may be

mately three er afoot? obtained by sophomore engineers at
has been re- The hash-slinger, always ready for the Union desk upon presentation of
s to tl situ- an emergency, was equal to the occa- their membership cards.,
reports the sion. StealthilX slowly, he crept to-
being used wards the kitchen door-a "48," cock- UNDERCLASSMEN APPOINTED
official mes- ed and loaded, in his hand. ,TO AID AS OFFICIALS TODAY
night nothing Alas! Too late! The early morning
wspaper, El thief, alias Mr. A. Rat, scooted across Five sophomores and three fresh?-
espondent at the room and disappeared down his men were appointed by the chairman
ear San Mar- hole, "But I'll get him some day," of the Student council spring games
the h. s. promised his guests. And, committee Friday night to act as of-
laughing, the flight staff went home-- ficials for the games Saturday morn-
w Today at 4 with the avowed purpose of snatching ing. Two other freshmen will be ap-
en completed a few hours' sleep.. pointed at the field. These men are
er pow-wow not to participate in, the games but
oon, the plan FRESH ENGINEERS HOLD DANCE are to aid in seeing that their teams
Euron river AT UNION WITH 200 PRESENT follow the orders of the chairman of
ithe river to the games. The men appointed are
re 'a "bring Much enthusiasm was displayed, to- as follows: '22-Al May, H. Waha, M.-
served. The gether with a full attendance of 200, Newton, Warren Gilbert, Paul Kerwin;
as decided to at the fresh 'engineer d'ance at the '23-Herbert Dunphy, F. Cappon, R.

(Special to The Daily)
Chicago, May 14. -7 Chicago 'won
ive of the six tennis matches played
with the University of Michigan court
eam hepe today, three of the six go-
ng into overtime sets.
Wesbrook and Pike, playing' num-
ber one for their respective schools,
were the headligers of the "day, the
Chicago- man winning, 3-6, 6-3, 6-1.
Last year these two men met for the
Conference title, Wesbrook winning in
easy manner.
Segal defeated Munz of Michigan in
straight setp, 11-9, 6-1. The first set
was hard fought, but Munz was tired
at the 'close and dropped the second.
Reindel lost to Vories, of Chicago, 64
4, 11-9, the second set being a thrill-
er, both men displaying remarkable
Angell and Jamieson went three sets
before the latter could gain the ver-
dict. The scores, 6-2, 4-6, ,-3.
)In doubles Wesbrook and Munz won
Michigan's only victory, winning two
out of three sets, 8-6, 4-6, 6-4. Angell
and Reindel started well, winning the
first set, but could not hold the pace
and lost 3-6, 6-1, 7-5.
The Michigan team leaves for Madi-
son early tonight, and will play the
University of Wisconsin tennis squad
tomorrow afternoon.


Today is\ the last day for all
students in the literary college
who intend to enter any of the
tcombined curricula next year
to file their applications with
Registrar Arthur G. Hall. The
office closes at 12 o'clock this



Entert nment Being. Planned
Alumni Here During Cow-


mencement °°
Varied entertainment is being plan-
ned for the members of the 30 classes
holding reunions this Commencement,
June 20.to 24. On Sunday, June 20,
President Harry B. Hutchins will de-
liver .the baccalaureate address in'
Hill auditorium to the combined grad-
uating classes. This address will be.
the la4t formal appearance of Presi-
dent Hutchins as the head of the Uni-
versity, completing his 11 years of,
work In the capacity of president.
Dr. Burton to Spedw
Dr. Marion L. Burton will also be
on the Commencement week program
for he is to deliver the Commence-
ment address the morning of Thurs-
day, June 24. This will be Dr. Bur-
ton's first official act as Michigan's

C. W. McKibban "of M. A. C.; open-1
ed the second 'day's program of thez
convention being held here by the As-
sociation of Alumni Secretaries with a
talkon "New Reunions." Immediate-
ly following, there was a discussion£
on the same. subject lead by MisAK
Agnes Thompson of Kansas univer-t
sity, and Louis R., Wilsoh from the-
University of North Carolina. -
A. M. Souby Speaks+
A. M.\Souby of Vanderbilt univer-
sity in Nashville, Tenn., read a paper
which was concerpned with appropri-
ate war memorials for those who gave
up their lives in the.wwar.
Following the discussions . of the
morning, luncheon was had at the (Un-
ion, and short addresses were given
by Judge V. H. Lane, president of the
Michigan Alumni association and Dean
Effinger of the literary college; A pic-
ture of the entire group was taken on
the steps of the Union after the lunch-
- Guests See Caulpus
The early hours of the afternoon
were spent in taking the guests on a
tour of the entire campus and through
some of its' buildings. The afternoon
meeting was called at 2:30 o'clock. It
consisted of a discussion of the rais-
ing of mohey by endowment funds and
endowments by alumni subscription;
which Was led by Wilfred B. Shaw of
the University of Michigan, Miss
Bertha Ehlers of Bryn Mawr, John P.
Jones of Harvard, Miss Florence H.
Snow of Smith, and Mrs. C: W. Mc-
Donald of N rthwestern.
The conference will close Its last
session at 3 o'clock today.,

Want All Officials at Ferry Field I
9 O'clock This Morn. '
The sophomores won the tug-o'-w
contest by a 2 to '1'decision yesterda
afternoon, making up partially f
their defeat in last fdll's games an
giving them 2 points toward a victo
in the spring contests. They will ha
to win the obstacle race this mornin
for a tie, or the rope contest .lo
will give them a complete victory.
Vigorous Battle
The tug-o'-war, although of she
duration, was a battle fought wi
great vigor in both sides. The. sopl
omores were victorious in the first t
pulls. In the lightweight conte
slowly but surely the freshmen we
dragged to the middle of the,Hur
just below the Wall street bridge. T
samne was true of the -middleweig
contest which followed it, except thi
the time iri this pull was slightly le
than inethe first pull.
After the second pull the class
changed banks, and the chan
brought a turn of luck'to the bedra
gled yearlings. Almost with the d
termination of despair they pulled t
sophomore heavyweights into the r
er in the shqrtest time of any' of t
three pulls which gave the freshm
1 point' in the games.,
Freshmen Carry Rope
The freshmen were allowed to ca
ry the rope up to Hill auditorium w
them, where it was given to the sop
omores at the request of, the officia
both sides seeming to wish to avi
any serious trouble. The -freshm,
were a little reluctant in giving up 1
rope to the winners since their ca
tain was taken before the games a
had not yet returned. The usual p
ture was taken on the steps of H
auditorium of the winners with t
Must Return Captain
- The committee in charge have r
ed that if the freshman captain, P
Gobel, is not returned by this mo
ing today's games will be forfeited
t Leir class. It is expected he w
show up all right. The officials as nea
ed in yesterday's Daily are reque
ed to report at Ferry field by 9 o'clo
this morning. ,
The sophomores will assemble
Tappan hall and freshmen in Tront
the Library at 9:15 o'clock this mo
ing to don the War paint and have
usual pictures taken. They will'ma
to Ferry field for today's games. T
obstacle race will be the first cont
counting 2 points for the side'winn
two or more of the three races. I
will be followed by the rope coat
which will make its' initial appdara
as a game at Michigan today..

'iarez a
n of tl
en calle
ive who
of the p'
nber 31,


B, but the s
Two mor
ssession of t
n, accordin
of his men
a way out
expected th
za troops w

meanwhile new
its are being ru
the struggle w
front of approxii
No further news'
om MecxIco City a
ere. Tampico-'
City wireless is
transmission of
During the past n
elved by the ne
n from its corr
e of the battle n

new leader.
Other events which will vary the
entertainment during the week in-
clude the senior reception and ball
Monday night, at the Union. On
Tuesday night the senior men will
give a vaudeville similar to the Spot-
light or a short play in Hill auditor-
ium and the senior girls' will present
their annual play. Wedn'esday morn-
ing the alumni will be taken for au-
tomobile rides about the city.
Baseball Game
One of the big events of the week
will be .the two inter-sectional base-
ball games between the University of
California, who have a fair start for'
the championship of the west coast,'
and Michigan. Games will be held at
4 o'clock on. both Tuesday and Wed-
nesday. The game on Wednesday will
be preceded by an alumni mass meet-
ing, at which several prominent alum-
ni will speak. The annual Senior
promenade on the campus with mu-
sic by the band will conclude the
events of the last day before Cown-
mencement day.
Procession at 9
At 8:15 o'clock 'Thursday morning
the traditional bugle call and raising
of the flag will occur. The proces-
sion will form at 9 o'clock, whibh will
wend its way .to Hill auditorium,
where the Commencement day exer-
cises will begin at 10 o'clock.
Classes who have notified the
Alumni association of their intention
to hold reunions this year are: Lit-
erary '70, '72, '75, '79, '80, '81, '82, '90,
'99, '00, 'Oi, '05, '10, '17; Medical '64,'
'90, '96, '00, '01, '05, '15; Law '78, '81,'
'85, '95,, '05, '10; Engineering '17, '18,
and Pharmics '18.

The property consists of Ma rsh Is-
land with 78,000 acres of land pur-
chased by Mrs. Russell Sage and giv-
en to the state as a -game refuge and
a traet of 85,000 acres in Vermillion
and Cameron parishes on the coast
given by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Adjining Marsh Island is the pres-
ent state game farm on land belong-
ing to the Mcllhenny interests of 60,-
000 -acres. Lying between the game
farm and the Rockefeller, tract'- in
what is ksnown as the Grand Chenier
tract of 85,000 acres which the state
expects to acquire in the near future.
This w4ll give Lousianaiwhat is be-
lieved here to be the greatest wild life,
refuge in the world. The great do-
main is - patrolled by agents of the
conservation commission and on it all
sorts of games are protected and prop-
Edawrd A. McElhenny, wealthy salt
mine owner, has given great tracts of
land as well as large sums of money
to aid in the work.

New Orleans, May 14.-If the'legis-
lature psses a bill of acceptance,
Lopisiana will have acquired arverita-
ble empire Hof the wild, stretching
along the Gulf of Mexico for a distance
of 75 miles and comprising an area
of' 506 square miles.
The bill -of acceptance is only' a
forxniality and the state' conservation
department already }has begun to out-
line the work necessary to keep the
tract safe for the creatures of the

Rope Contest New
This game,will be played in
periods as it is anticipated there v
be twice as many freshmen as sop
mores. Half of the freshman cl
will line up and oppose the sophom,
class at a distance of 100 yards. E
side will divide into sections of
men and, every man will be provi
with two and one-half feet of rope
pen will be roped off for each s
near their goal line and the purp
of the game is to tie your oppon
hand and foot and:take him to y
pen. He will be counted as soon
he is put in the pen and at the enc
10 minutes the side having -the m
men to its credit will win. The r
taken in both periods will be ad
together and the side having taken
most opponents in the two per
wins the 3 points given for this
test. This ,will end the games and
freshmen must take both contests
day if they are to have a victory
the spring games, such as they ha
the fall contests.
To Observe "Good RoadsWeek" I
Ann Arbor will observe the w
from May 17 to 25 as "Good R4

last evening.

, E. Hunt.

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