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May 07, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-05-07

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All-Campus Llk



Following is the list, of the nomit
tions. who will be voted on att

I d ay, AMay 12.


Le Grand A. Gaines, 121E;lFran)



President-Ferdinand C. Bell, 121L,; h
Robert Grindley, 121E; Fried J.I
Recording Secretary--Donald J. Pox
Law ice-President-A. J. Cohen, '21
Engineering ice-President--Ricliari
Roderick, 121E; Guy S. Shoemako
Medic ice-Pres ident-Harry B. lWc4
Literary ice-President-C. Stewart
Gratton L. Rourke, '21.
Combined Departments ice-Preside:
1am E. IKrchgessner, 120P; Mai

d a wel=
a gath-

(Tivo to be


Nominated by the Union--Dewey F.
Nominated by Sudent Council-Rot
Nominated by Y. TIL C. A.-James K.
ruff, 'S1.,


silent-C. Stewart Baxter, '21; 1
~--Presidents-Baptist: Guy S. S]
er, '21E.
Congregational: LE
N. Johnson, '211
Dilsciple:. Alan F.]I
Episcopal: Will.a
Gaines, Jr, '21E
Lutheran; Osw~ald
)Ewegen, '21P.
Mflethodist: Leon E,
ner, '22L.
Presbyterian: Clies
Porter, '21..


aw Junior Engineers-L. E. Frost, 121E
ept rer, '21E; U. tG. Wetzel, '21E.
ith Junior kits-Joseph Avery, '21; Earl
ion George Duffield, '21; HarcourtJ
Vag '21; Richard Losch, '21; Donald'
in Sophomore Engineer--E. H. Fox, '42
o- Sop~homiore Lits-C. M1. Atkinson, '22
Murchison, '22; T. W. Sargent,
an Wilson, '22.
led Junior Laws-G. A. Herrick, '211;(
ty Sophomore Dents-R.~ IV. Christie, '2.
ad Junior Medics-IV. M. German, '21M;
the Junior Architects-H. H. Battin, 121A
ane junior Homoeops-lloward HI. Harp
nd Junior Pharmics-yron Swift, '21P:
the Fresh 'Laws-John C. Cary, '22L; Irv

"' ~ d RYA CE or With plans complete the architects PD TRflA S
' 1OF' are eagerly waiting for the clock to MTSE
n r to strike 9 this evening, so that the
Ineste ros campus organ-L May party whch they have long pre- UAI
the All-campus election. Wednes. UST LDI1 pared and planned for may begin. YCV9 U
- The ball room of' the Union, which
Is to be the scene of the party, will
DENT COUNCIL 1000 MEMBERS OF 120 CLASS be decorated with lanterns painted in $3,62 REPORTED SO FAR,
k4.Wles 2L PARTICIPATE IN eery conceivable hue and color placed ERAL TEAMS HAE N
ikL ates 2L SWING-OUT 'about the room, so As to present a sil- R1 PORTED
rhouette effect. The program for the -.
UNINCLASS ADDRESSED BY evening has been completed, with
Davd A. Foarbes, '22L (by petition); PRES. H. B. HUTCHINS picturesque covers painted in water CONTRIBUTIO NS WII
Petty, '21.- colors, and engraved designs on the TAKEN AT UNIO;N D
ter, 21; ohn . Stwart '~-Las Prove Victorious in Annual .Tiltindepgs
1L; Thurman--B. Doyle,g'1L. Fraternities Total Nearly.
il0 ice,'1;Gog .with, Engineers at' m i n un nnArstAves to Start
er, '21E. , *fJ I I W IHWrk ;
Callum '21MW; Ralph 0. Ryckener, P JN T O O0-
Seniors -- members of the celass IPUIPil n an Wtathrdyttlof3
Bate, 2;0oh[M90a s3'1 1920 -- soon to be numbered among liII 1111 I ported for the Hutchins'
.nt- Lester H. French, 121H; Wil. the ranks of the alumni of the Univer- Campaigning fund, and the m
dion D. Slaunghter, '22D. sity of Michigan,. yesterday donnedthhadofhecmieth
Overseas Clb Proposes ,Fitting Cr-thhad,oftecmieeth
the~ cpsandgons n he irt fr- mn Memorial'Iay, for War. ing of the portrait honoring:.
41AN 'AT LARGE mal event of the graduatig season. ' 4,trigpeidn fth nv
eltecte) More than 1,000 members of the asurd
Fagerburg, 1221.. class of 1920 took part in the ,Sing- WOULD MARE EENT' TRADITION; The committee in chage
tezt J. Dunne, '22; Angus Getz, out exercises, which were pronounced MARINE CRPS 'APPROVE IDEA campaign. made this annouln
a greater success than has been wit-- last nigt following the reprt
:Pollock, Jr., 122L1 Lee M. Wood, nessed in the University for some To honor theĀ° Michigan men who solicitors.
died in tie service by a fitting celebra- Several hu~~red dollars mco
r year. ltion of Memorial Day, and to make ported by te faulty diviso
7. A. As 'early as 3 ' clock th seniors be- tWs celebration one of the Univer- students, but not yet turned i'
Roswell _P. Dillon, 521E. gan assembling on the various walks sity's 'traditions that will be observed committee, will boost the totl
koemaker, 121E; Gale L. Wlessing 'around the campus' building 'preara- each year, is the Idea back of the siderably. 'Special arrangemens
tory totheir march into Hill auditr- plans of the Overseas club and the been made with Union ffiialst
aurence E. Frost, '2E; Clarence ium. Promptly at 4 o'clock the Uni- Marine Corps club for the observance the "Cage 'desk" in the Uinio,
Vitrs, f the patriotic holiday. open from 11 o'clock In the ,m
versity band struck up the Al.mnwh.erVinteievieutio6oclcsiheeenn
Iing, ex-'20E; Roswell B., Shrts, Alo h eeI h evc ni 'lc nte.vnn
, 1 1and Sing-out wason... either here in the S. A. T. C., w in mit 'voluntary subscribers to '
mu F. Angel '21; are Grand A. AppeFu in Caps and Gowns ' camps in this country, or in the over- their contributions. Many
" The seniors, dressed~ in, caps and seas forces are expected to take part whom' the solicitors have fal
Xleheimann, '22; Herbert F. on onadldbyWlim1 il in the program, and it is desred that reach and who have gnilfle4 t
Shw,,J., reidntofte itraythey apear In uniform. sre to donate o the fii d, ca
Grubaugh, '22; Charles B. haJrpesdntogheLteayTo, Parae t Auditorium at this time.
class, and Carl E. Johnson, president The plan for the day embraces a The comtittee handling the c
sserM.Cmbl,21 Donald J of the Student council, 'filled nearly ofth cmaghsfotsye
1W apbl,'1hafothgrudf set te service at Ferry field, which will 'be thcapinasotsye
massive auditorium. Members of oth- olwdb a parade to Hill, auied sbcrpon.Fclt
UNCIiWE er lases' nd ownseope filed(hetorium, where a speaker will deliver have reprted $128 turned in.
1an address appropriate for the day. AtsoitngIasytnc pet
remaining seats.' fietesawlbebotr
. N. Johnston, 921E; F. R.. Stor- President Harr'y B. Hutchins, who is the athetic field, the flag will be at grte awl ebot
sont.eiefo i oiina h half mast and a bugle corps will be In the next -day.
sooprovidedito blow tapspwhileothetas-eFraternities 'hve totaled
Boxell, '21; Fitzhugh Brewer, '21; head of the administration of the Uni- semvided tx-sbloce tand ailethattnto $2000 of the subscriptions ,t
Johnston, '21; Edward Kngsford, versity, gave the formal Swin-ut Sad- integadrve'o hc h e records show. Ten houses Wa
Tharp, '121. dress. H speech was not long. Itintegadrvwfowhcer-
H~sviewing officers will be 'ichgan's report last night are asked to
:2E; George E. Gregory, '22E. was one filled' with more intimacy own dead. their reports today at the cag
2; William Henderson, ?'22; C. H. than the great 'head of the Univer- President Harry B. Hutchins rester- Union lobby..
'22; Renaud Sherwood, 122; H. E. ity has ever before inculcated lito
day heartily endorsed the action of the Mr. Ralph 01arkson, the art
any of his addresses to the studentOvrescu"adsidtt "btr has been selected to paint P
Oscar Kaufman, 121L.~ body. It was evident that he felt keen traditioncolbedvsdfrthUn Hutchins' portrait, has arrive
12D; J. H. Hutchins, ,122D. ly the fact that this was the astves city and is preparing 'to begt
;E. A. Osius, '21M: class f the Universty of Michigan y ntepcueatoc.Pebi
&.; 11. V.Gay, '21A.which he would witness leaving the ~i nfr agmnssc sscrn-
pst, 121H; Richard ,enzetti, '11H. Te mio adigteclba agmnssc sscrxga1 PUniversity. " He was greeted with a 'andearranging hndlingnthefcelebra
'; Elmer J. Traut,' '21P. grl vain ion are anxious that every ex-service adarniglgtn fet
ing A. Jennings, 192L President Hutchins fteaks man in the University send home im- take arsf ihi hen
/"You know," he. tld the seniors, m e~ae for his uniform that all may Thd omite 11careof.
GSOCIETFY ," elta nases mga-be prepared to assist In ,making tTe'cmitehneareo
I fel t~at n asene I m gad-new observance cif the day an unqutali- pagn hopes to haft the portra
N. Lawson, '21E. s ?uling froixi the University with you to be unveiled bfore the en;
1 am leaving ,this June." H~e dwelt fled success. Committeemen named by
QE;+:',A G~a-1 I,;the ;Overseas 'club are Theodore B. year.
, A. in4{o ; this paint and impressed his audi- _________
see withi the feeling that seemed so McKinz ey, '22, GordoBucker, '21, r *AON 2,NOWNT
eiin.and George A. Schwtter,'1.P *ETION 2F ORMINTE'
AI QB'~The president spoke only a few PTTO O NO.
words of advice to the - graduatingui~***rrn
, l SAs class. ~II~11011 Lb A petition for Paul W. Ea
V; 14 11 I VlaiI 'A "Against the grain, nothing goe',"n for the presidency of the ,Ni
A", 3#i 1A.21 he declared. "Remember t s ayinig. l 11 IIrN o0E~J Union, with the required num
Simnrin'1.The best advice that Ij~ give you inILU LR Ut JUiJL signatures on it, has beenflu
going out into, %* world is to, stroke -- the recording secretary ;
'ETS HONOR COMMITTEE the *0t h right way. Beware'of dis- St a new pecedent, the pes- Union. 'A total of 453 names
cet of the student council for next the petition. This akes fIi!
LE; J. H. Pilkington, '21E. "Remember you are still a paf t year will b elected by the entire stu- ees for the office, the other
Uiott, 22E; Robet~. Xii,'22E the University, members Of tgving dent body at the Al-campus election, Ferdinand C. Bell, '21L, I)
23E;.'W. llatrick, '23E family of 50,000 ahWipl whlo are scat- and the candidtes anoucdyse Frbes, "22L, Robert Grindle
" b" +~I~t'21. tered over, J% foretgn countries and day by the eoun ii for this position are and Fred J Petty, '21.
,orth. '22A; J. J. Zimmermang,1'1A.' they, Ov all proud of Michigan." He LeG nd A. Baines, Jr., '21E, and
impressed this point upon them, urg- Frank L. Waters, '21L. LOSUR WITHDRAWS -FR]
LSSO VA T~gj]ie ing that as they go out into the. 14l Fred J. Petty, 11, has resigned from COUNCILMAN AT LAR

as K. PoII ' #2 I: . . Young- that they' remember the. . tniveraity the election committee of the council-
wherever they 1& as he has been named to make the Inacmuitono
'21; Earle iles ,' 21; Preston H. Rev. L. A. lqrett delivered the in- run to"r the presidency oef the Union., Millar, chairman of the IUnioi
vo itemrap Kenna, member of~ the 1arry Dl. Ketchum, grad., succeeds nating committee, Richard C.
rousuy'22; iliam MesseA graduating class, sang a solo. U, ~f him oni the committee. '21, withdrew his name from
Y oubry'w;N - shawe, Jr., president of . sa i- A rferendum vote will be taken to of nominees for student couni
llve mih, ,2 sided. as~bertain, the campus opinion on the 'large, due to the fact that heI
eI~) l~ady s Boughton, '22; -"lwi'te ermn h 'l* questiohiof' using Hill auditorium for nominated for the Student cci
It, '22L; Euphemia "arnahan, '22; fied. O headioru adbea political speeches under certain reg- the junior lit class.
[ayes, '21; Aurelia Igel, '21; Heif3 t'heir~ promenade on the oamnius. D ur- ulations which the Student council - -
.dl,'3 Telford H ~;~n ing the march they-, described. a 'rick will Publish before the election.
'2; W~l a~ alii n h s dI rold "M" on the campus walk'. It +ended The- entire list of nominees appears NOMINEES' NAMES PUBLI
at Alumni Memorial hift where pie- in today's Daily so that. all cdrrec-___
tures w0T tam~. ' tions may be made and the" ballots TeDiyi ulsi
-' - '--mcr~z~~rci~ Lwa Wes Again placed in the hands of the printer. Each dyacmlt ito h
cid~ i~T he eaeimgrd 'I'h rditfonal tilt between the se- ballot will be given a number and inees who will be voted
urgenlitheaceimaste f $sanio'engine ersAand senior laws was each voter required to sign a registra- the coming All-campus
uretapeetfsthe , -revived during the course of the walk tion book which will also be number- tin Thofcalbltg
dell, ~~~~~when the Laws refused to 'march ed. In this way it will be possible to te.Teofca altg
Roththepeoiility of empty OO1l through the Engineering arch. They prevent 'students voting on those can- wilb presths mornng, an
tars this fall looming larger under' broke from the, line, just passed the didates who are to represent other do- Daily. If there are any
present farm conditions the comimis- Library, and-cut across the campus to partments than their own. Voting in- rciosoratains
sion laid special emphasis on the nie- the south walk., ' structions will be published in The sol emd hym
cessity of urging every one to add to. Enineers 'attempted to -force them Daily in order that there may be no phoned to 1855 -and Iei
the general food production as far as through the arch, but failed. The tilt misunderstanding as to what students Henry ~. 'Eager, b' noon
lies in his power by making a home lasted over an hour, no 'serious in- are eligible to vote on the many candi-f
garden himself -juries being reported. dates.,

I i


President-C. N. Johnston, TIE; S.b
ie-President-H. N. Anderson, '20
Secretary-,'% B. Covell, 721E; F. B-
S Treasurer-B. P. WHlOn, gl. i . ~


Presi4ent-I. . Qoo4y ,1; 4
Vdice-siesd'' t ~ '2A
Jnor Engineers-E. A. Kerbey, '21.
Sophomore Engineers-Edward J. El
Freshman Engineers-J. E. Johns,'
Junior Architets-H. A. Beap 141 A
Sophomore Arcixtet--1 >i. Aiiisw

W. Hindes. '21; Janme
oon Grubuiugh, '22; Roy



or, '21.
Secretary-Elobeca Coudoa, '2; 0
Dlelegates at Large-(Eight tq ~
Earl F. Boxell, '$1; C~a r IV1(

Lel~ and (oul, wtaotwj
I iddleswart, 222 Edward Rani
aid Scott, '22; -,trgaret Stone
I Y~~nr '2; David 'Watts, ,


Wasbienaw eoi~nty is one of 18
throughout the state to organize a
community council for the promotion
of home gardening.
Representatives from the different
councfl4ils hldil a meeting in Grand

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