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May 06, 1920 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-05-06

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,- ,










Con ference

Opens 7


Arrives To
erintend Drill
H. Yost, Michigan's veter-
.1 coach, arrived in Ann Ar-
esday morning to focus hlis
e on the fruits of the last

UP TO $2,413.00''
BRING IN $1,250.00 MORE


Student Council Passes Ruling to End
Controversy; Set Game Dates

wed the coach had
t it was very evident,
ppointed in the show-
,sterday's scrimmage.
is at the best a try-

of a

icv a


r Roll of 100 Per Cent Houses
Include 12 More Frater-

t .

rere known to aid much
ictorious team."
will attend a meeting
an alumni, in Buffalo
urning to Ann :Arbor
1 give the squad an-
ion. He expects to

11 IL



Eligibility of Candidates to Be Deter-
mined Either Today or

. Results of the second day's dam-
paign for the Hutchins' portrait in-
dicate, that, although encouraging,
subscriptions taken -today, the last of
the drive, will have to be greater, and
the men on the different teams must
work harder, to attain the desired
goal. The sums taken in the first
two days dd not quite average up tq
the expected amount, but reports too
late for publication may bring the,
totals up nearer the solicited figure.
Town Unable to Do Much
Due to the State Republican con-
vention now -being held, .the town
committee has been able to do little
work and the amount is behind ex-
pectations, but with the ending of
the convention, it is expected that the
city subscriptions will take a great
:No further report has come from
the committee working with the fac-
ulty, but Wednesday's figures "'were
thought to be good, as the members
of the faculty are taking a great,
amount of interest in the campaign,
and are signing well. The totals re-
ported by W. K. Rindge, '22A, chair-
man of the committee for the first
day, Tuesday, was $250.
The amount taken in Wednesday
was $1,250, which added to the
amount reported for the first day,

According to the ruling made last
night. at the meeting of the Student
council all freshmen who are mem-
bers of the A. E.; F. shall wear their
pots on the campus until May 21,
only at their own option. The fol-
lowing resolution was made in the
form of a motion and was passed by
a majority vote of the members of the
council who were present in the meet-
ing last night:.
"Whereas, The question of wearing
freshman pots by freshmen with mil-
itary credit has been brought before
the Student council;
"In as much as it is Michigan tradi-
tion that freshmen wear their pots un-
til Cap night, which is a mile. stone in
a man's University life, and
"Inasmuch as recognition is due' to
men who served our country in the A.
E. F.
"Be it resolved: That the wearing
of the freshman pot by the former
members of the A. E. F. be made op-
tional under these exceptional condi-
Overseas Men Speak
The above motion came as a re-
sult of the consideration of the test-
imony given by 'several witnesses be-.
fore the council. Five men represent-
ed the overseas men, four of them
speaking. The men did not object to
conforming to any Michigan traditions
with the exception of wearing. the
freshman pot. One of the men, speak-
ing in their behalf said, 'We realize
that we are freshmen on the campus,
'regardless of credits, and we are will-
dng to be considered as such, but we
do refuse to wear the freshman, pot."
One man spoke representing the
sophomore vigilance com4mittee. He
made the fast clear~ that this commit-
tee had no intention of imposing up-
on any man who had been in the
A. E.F.
Unfair Treatment Opposed
The Student council wishes to as-
sure overseas men that it is abso-

ment .of them,-and that it is doing
the utmost in its power to discour-
age any actions or statements that
are intended as slurs upon them.
The council 'elected as the two can-
didates on the all-campus ballot for
president of the Student council for
the ensuing year LeGrande.I A. 35 REPRES
Gaines, Jr., '21E, and F. L. Walters, PARTS
The report on the All-campus bal-
lot was made by the chairman of the CONFER
committee in charge and a discussion C LLF r
of details followed his report. Numer- ALL
als and departments will not be
printed after the names of .the can- President Hi
didates on the ballot. Formal
Discuss Petition to Regents
It was reported that the petition
to the Regents asking for the use of
Hill auditorium for political speeches. Thirty-five
had not been passed and the council 21 college an
put this matter on the table for the meet here t
remainder of this year. It was decid- the conventic
ed that May 21 should be set for Cap school in th
night. representativ
A pep meeting has been arranged will be seve
for the freshmen on May 11. The tug- south-the U
of-war has been set for May 14, the vard, Penn S
obstacle race and rope tying contest sylvania, Car
will come on May 15. of Texas, a'


in -

e the




iutchins to S
lly with Ad

Final lists of nominees for the All-
campus election May 12 were submit-
ted to the eligibility committee yes-
terday and Chairman Henry Eager,
'20L, of the Student council commit-
tee on the election, expects a report
on the candidates today or tomor-
row. No further nominations will be

yesterday coy-'

brings the total1

to $2,413. This is

As thesel
turday, pr
to use a
the voter
fbr these
ert P. Sch
from the
of the Ui
s, '22L, au'
run for
of that or
named by

L or ;LuUent rueaca- somewhat below the amount hoped
wiU not be made un- for by the committee in charge,'as it
rOvisions 'have been leaves ia large sum to be taken in to-
separate ballot on day, the last of the campaign.
s will register their Fraternities Reported Slow
offices. " The honor roll includes 12 more
hafer, '21A, has with- fraternitie which have turned in 100
race for the presi- per cent ubscriptions. . The houses
pion, and David A. are: Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Delta
tomatically drops out Phi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau
the law vice-presi- Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Lambda Chi
ganization, as he has Alpha, Phi Chi, Pi Upsilon Rho, Psi
petition for the pres- Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Theta
Xi, and Xi Psi Phi. Only 19 frater-
have been listed in nities and hose clubs have reported
t the freshmen engi- I to date, but all those turning in
s for the honor com- checks have been 100 per cent. The
ned J. E. Johns and rate of progress is considered slow,
ick yesterday. (See Number 1, Page Six)

lutely opposed to any unfair


aittee. Th
,. W. Kir




(ditor's Note-For the purpose of!
forming the student body of the
ialifications of the candidates for
e various All-campus offices and the
ork performed by them, The Daily
ill run a brief summary of each can-
date's activities while in school.
he elections will be held May 12.)
The records of the candidates for
e positions of law, engineering and
edic vice-presidents of the Union
pear below.
For Law Vice-President
Abe J. Cohen, '21L---"M" in foot-
11, 1917, 1918; Griffins; Michigua-
a,; S. A. T. C.
Thurman B. Doyle, '21L-All fresh
otball; president of the junior law
ass; 18 months' service in naval
For Engineering Vice-President
Richard o. Fisher, '21E-Assistant
ack manager, 1920; membership
mmittee, general records committee

George H. Roderick, '21E= Life
membership and "Red Feather" com-
mittees .of the Union; composer of
the music for "George Did It;" Tri-
angles; Mimes; S. A. T. C.
Guy S. Shoemaker, '21E-Technic
staff, 1917-18; assistant manager of
the opera, 1920; Union membership
drive ticket committee; vice-pres-
ident of the A.'S. M. E. 1919-20; wait-
ing to be calle'd when the armistice
was' signed.,
For Medic Vice-President a
Harry B. MacCallum, '21M-"A. M.
A." in football, 1915; all-fresh foot-
ball; J-hop committee, 1917; Owls,
Galens; dance committee of the
Union; cast of opera, 1917; two years
in the medical corps.
Ralph 0. Rychener,. '22M -"M",
three years in basketball, captain,

J. J. Goshkin, '22L, representative of
the iniversity in the Northern Ora
torical league contest at Madison,
Wis., and Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood,
of the oratory department, leave this
morning for Madison, where the an-
nual contest will take place Friday
Goshkin gave tIke re-organized
speech with Which he will compete,
yesterday afternoon in Sarah Caswell
Angell hall.
The Northern Oratorical league is
composed of six universities, Michi-
gan, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Minne-
sota, Iowa, and Illinois. Organized 30
years'ago at Michigan it has contin-
ued since then with Michigan always
in the lead until now, when she is tied
with Northwestern for first place with
nine firsts and four seconds. The rest
of the universities are far behind.
The prize offered each year is the
Lowden Prize, which consists of $100
to the winner and $50 to the second
best. The Chicago Alumni medal
which is granted each year to the.
winner in the preliminaries here for
the representative of Michigan is held
this year by Goshkin, who has also re-
ceived the $100 awarded -here for the
Michigan's baseball nine defeated
M. A. C. in the contest at East Lansing
yesterday by the score of 5 to 3.
Scheidler started in the box for feji-
igan. At the time The Daily went to
press no other details of the game
could be learned. -

Includes Demands for Recognition of
Soviet Russia; Independence
of Ireland
(By Associated Press)
New York, May 5.-A forecast of
the issues that will figure in the cam-
paign 'manifesto of the Socialist Na-
tional convention opening here next
Saturday made public tonight from
Socialist headquarters includes de-
mands for !"recognition of sofiet
Russia, the independence of Ireland,
and self-determination for. small, na-
tionalities whose will is now being
defeated by imperalistic powers."
Socialist Principles Stand
"This manifesto," astatement said,
"will be additional to the regular dec-
laration of permanent Socialist prin-
ciples and within the party an'd is
distinguished from that declaration
under the name of 'immediate de-
Other features of the manifestos are
"condemnation of the dominant par-
ties for their failure to meet the po-
litical, social and economic problems
of the day.
Condemn League
"Arraignment of the administration
for the wiping out of civil liberties, I
demand that oppression and violence
cease and that constitutional rights
be resorted.
"A demand for release of all polit-
ical prisoner condemnation of the
league of nations and demands for a
treaty of peace wiich shall not be a
breeder of war and a bulwark of op-
"Demands for immediate and dras-
tio steps to end profiteering."
Applications for the position
of maitager for next year of the
Varsity Glee and Mandolin club
will be considered this week.
Applications should be mailed
to the manager, room 328, Na-
tural Science building, before
Friday. Those applying should
state class, eligibility, and ex-
perience in business manage-
ment on the campus.

"The pur ose of these B
seems to be twofold," stated
Hurley, '18L, general secretary
Union, Wednesday "because sa
these universities and colleg
ready have unions or similar'c
zations and are planning to in
their fields of activity. Others
'bly the University of Iowa and
western university,,are just o
ing unions and will 'cnsequen
more interested in this phase
conventon ."
The morning will be taken u
the registration of delegates
Union under the direction of a
Bandenteri '22E; chairman of th
mittee having this in charge.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon th
vention will be formally
when President;/Harry B. Hute
to deliver the address of eve
with Carl T. Hogan, '20, presid
the Michigan Union, acting as
To Elect Permanent Chairn
A complimentary dinner-smc:
to be given the delegates b
Michigan Union at 6:15 o'cloc
night, which wiVl be followed -b
eral informal talks and electio
permanent chairman.
The Friday morning session'v
taken up with an inspection (
Union building by the delegate
an address by Irving K. Pow
architect. Finances and organ
will be'discussed during the aft
session, with addresses by Da
Little, graduate manager of th
vard Union; Roy D. Chapin,
dent of the Hudson Motor Car
pany, and Prof. Evans. Holbrc
the Law School. Ther-evening
ing will be devoted to the activi
the Union as an otganization:
Delegates Will See Track X
Saturday morning addresses
given by Carl Johmson, 20, of
gan, and IY. L. Wilson,, presid
the Illinois Union. During th
ernoon, through the courtesy
Athletic association, the del
will attend the dual track met
Illinois in a body, admission be
convention badge.
The big banquet of the sessio
be given Saturday evening, wh
'delegates will again be the gu
the Michigan Union. At this
following an address by 'Prof.
Wenley, consideration will be gi
the report by the committee o
advisability of forming a pern
association of unions, with se
of time and place for the next
Register Gets 64. Deeds inA
Six.'hundred forty-five deeds

I ,,

1919-20; Michignana;
'22M class this year;

president. of
served as sec-
aths in the fieldI

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