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May 05, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-05-05

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r! I





"Above All A Doc
Human," S
Ex-Governor Woodbridge N. Ferris,
giving an address before the 51st an-
nual session of the State Homoeopath-
ic Medical society last evening in Sari
ah Caswell Angell hail, said, "Above
all things a doctor should be human."
Mr. Ferris deplored the fact that the
doctors of the homoeopathic schoq
did not stand up more strongly for the
principles that they believed in. Mr.
r Ferris praised the homoeopaths for
their work during the influenza epi-
demic and reviewed the many accom-
plishments of the sdool. The fact
that a physician should take the whole
complex of the patient into consid-
eration when treating him, and the
need for more diagnosis, was em-
} Ex-Governor Ferris urged the doc-
tors of the Homoeopathic school to
have an avocation, stating that only
in this way can a man become broad
minded and able to deal with the vo-
actional problems that confront him.
When Mr. Ferris attended the Med-
ical school of the University in 1873.
he said that his living expenses were
as low as $1.25 per week. This amount'
was low even for that time, Mr. Fer-
ris stated, saying that he stinted him-
self in order that he might buy books
of which he was fond.



tor Should 1e
ays ex-Gov. Perris
At the initial session of the Stat
- Homoeopathic Medical society yester
day morning, Dean W.. B. Hinsdale
president of the society, in his presi
dential 'address, stated that, "Thes
are times when we hear a great dea
about state medicine and the stand
ardization of physicians and surgeons
The drift is toward the complete re
organization and probably the 'anni
hilation of existing medical custom
and the management of all medica
matters, as were the railroads an
other industries during the war. S
is medical practice to be under th
state's and probaly the nation's con
More than 100 freshman member
of the Overseas club turned out in a
body last night at a meeting in the
Union of the sophomore Vigilanee
committee to see that no punishmen
was inflicted upon several ex-service
men who were called before the com-
mittee for not wearing their toques.
A heated discussion ensued between
the sophomores and the ex-service
men as to whether freshmen with
military credits should be compelled
to wear their toques or not. Not until
Carl Johnson, '20, president of. the
Student council, instructed the over-
seas men to appoint a committee of
three to meet with the Student coun
cil Wednesday night to definitely set-
tie the question, did the argument
(The vigilance Committee agreed to
withhold action on the ex-service
freshmen, who were called up by soph-
ombres befoite the ex-service men
there in their behalf, would disperse.
P0 P
MAY 13
- Sec'y. Wilfred B. Shaw, of the
Alumni assgciation, sid yesterday
that he was decidedly optimistic re-
garding the prospects of the combin-
ed conferene of the associations of
alumni and' Alumnae secretaries to
be held at the Union from May 13 to
"There are now more than .50 dele-
gates who have registered to attend
the convention," said Secretary Sha,
"and we expect that the entire num-
ber of those who will attend will
approximate 75." He expects that the
convention will accomplish much dur-
ing its session that will be of benefit
to they assoeiations which are rep-
The first day of the convention will
be given over to the work of the Al-
umni Magazines assoiated, and the
remaining two days will be devoted
to the sessions of the secretaries' con-


Nomination lists for the All-campus
election .May 12 were compiled last
night by the Student council election
committee. Candidates are announc-
ed for almost all the campus posi-
Stionis, the only .nominees not 'yet
e named being those from the Board of
Control of Student Publications and
the freshbnan engineers.
The lists below are subject to the
approval of the eligibility committee.
Committee. in Charge
The ,Student council committee in
charge of the election is as follows:
Henry Eager, '20L, chairman, Fred
Petty, '21, R. G.. Marshall, '21E, Gray-
son W. Gill, '20A, and Donald J. Por-
ter, '21.
Candidates for the Student council:
sophomore engineers, E. H. Fox,
's2E, and George E. Gregory, '22E.
Junior laws, G. A. Herrick, '21L, and
Oscar Ka'ufman, '21L. Junior dents, R.+
W. igistie, '22D, and J. H. Hutch-
ins, ''D. Junior medics, 'W. M. Ger-
man, '21M, and E. A. Osius, '21M. Ju-
nior architects, H. H. ,attin, '21A, and
R. V. day,' '21A. Junior homoeops,
Howard H. Harpst, '21H, and Rich-
ard Penzetti, '21H. Junior phdr-
mies, Byron Swift, '21P, and Elmer

... PAArchitect Party
Plans Elabora e
e Jazz music and terpsichore will vie
- with art for chief honors on the Blab-
, Class Memorial Fund to Be Presented orate program which architects have
- to Library for war prepa ed for their May party, to be
e Books held 1riday evening, May 7, in the
l ball room of the Union.
SENIOR WOMEN TO MARCH Commencing at 9 and ending at 2 SUPPORT FROMALL
AHEAD OF MEN IN LINE o'clock the next morning, they will UBSCRIBERS
dance through a eer es of 15 . num-
At hers played by a seven piece jazz or-
At a meeting breakig all records chestra. Dinner will be served at SQUAD LED BY DAVI
1 for attendance ,the senior lit class piidnight in the dining room on the . BEERS RANKS HGf
d made final plans concerning Swing- main floor. Due to the large number
0 out, the class memorial and the All- mi lo. u otelrenme
out, senr class meriTal a te Allof guests expected; the diners will be Seven Fraternities and Housa
e senoer men's dinner Tuesday after- served in three shifts. eotda eig4
- noon. Artistic designs, the originale crea- Honor Roig
Next Thursday garbed for the first tions of several members of - the
time in their caps and gowns the va- architectral department, will form
rious senior classes will assemble at the decorations for the ball room Surpassing all expectations f
.3:45 o'clock at the appointed places while electrically lighted.lanterns of first day of the drive for the
for their Swing-out exercises. The fantastic patterns will be strung over- ins' Portrait fund, a grand tc
senior lits assemble in front of the head and about the room. After the $1,196.90 was turned in b. .th
s Library. program is in full swing, 16 cande- visions 'of the campaign :organi
Line of March ' labra, each holding five candles, will it was announcedat a tats ho
After the exercises in Hill audi- be added. night.
etorium the line of march, which de- The terrace adjoining the ball- room Faculty, independent and fra
scribes a block M, will be led by Wil- will be open or the first time thi solicitors alone, reached tjis
t liam W. Hinshaw, president of the year, and this also will be i, with reports from the- town d
senior lit class, and Carl Johnson,Withhdantern' not in when the totals were :ce
president of the Student council. They The men are to wear summer for- Swooping down unexpectedly
will be followed by Ruth A. Ab- mal. campus, the solicitor n t1
bott, vice-president of the class, and ous teams were greeted by)e
Marguerite Chapin, president of the astic support of. those wio sl
Womn's league., TS IN E ed the first night. Solicitors r
This.year Swing-out will allow the ..IL U IIILLf.IU ed that in very. few instances
I women of the senior lit ' class to they tuned d4A for any,.t
march ahead of the men They will whatsoever, while on the. Whol
follow those previously announced. subscribes added their .suppo
A motion was passed by the class the campaign with little or no U
voting $1,000 to be used for a class L [SNH .rge Donations
memorial. .-The class also voted in EIGHT MEMBERS SENT Despite the suggestion thattjhe
favor of the plan as outlined by H9r- LLOYD GEORGE ". age donation be around $ ir
ry M. Carey, chairman of the memo- number of solicitors seeking al
rial committee, to give the sum to Washington, May 4.-A cablegram independents on the.cainpusre:
the Library. The interest from this signed by 88members of the house what maybe considered as I
money will then be used for the pur- protesting against imprisonment with- voluntary $5 donations. Team
chase of books concerning the world out arraignment or trial of persons her 5 reported the highest numn
war.' These books will be stamped on arrested in Ireland for political of- $, subscriptions with- ;Y~.
the inside and-outside with a seal. de- fenses, was sent today to Premier teams brought in reports of one
nolitg they were presented by the 11oyd George and the British parlia- Attempts . to reack Maynard
class of '20. ment. ton, independent' Tharman -
FolloWs Bishop's Plan The message said: "With the pro- campaign, at a late hour last
This idea was suggested by Libra- found conviction that further wars to add new totals to the first
rian W. W. Bishop and -he said, be- and acts of war siould beavoided and grand total met with ti e decla
cause of the lack of such a fund we believing that wholesalearrests with- that if "we keep it up all ilg
have no adequate collection of books out arraignment and trial disturbing won't have to work mirch more
concerning the civil war, in which a the peace and tranquility of the peo- The, team captained:. by '
great . number of Michigan men pe are destructive of human rights Beers, '22, led the 20 other comu
fought, just as in the recent war. This and are at variance with that prin- with $59.75 credited to the 1t
year's class is the first one to pre- ciple of liberty which pis embodied in ers W. W. Michaels, f22, of
sent their memorial to the Library. the United States constitution, the number 9 turned in the second'h
Plans for the 411-senior men's din- undersigned members of the congress rgrt for the day with .$51.75
ner met with great favor and in case of the United States protests against- lowing hinm came team numi
the other classes favor the plan. it further arrest or arraignment of peo- headed by Brewster Campbel
was voted to hold the dinner at the ple, in Ireland arrested for 'cimes of reporting total of, $48. Tel
Union within the month. Tlfe plans political nature; and We ask, out of came fourth with $44.25. James
of the social committee for a dance our friendliness to the pedples of lngs, '21, captained this team. A
on May 15 weire v6ted down by the England and .Ireland and in the name fifth honors .resulted when
class. of international peace that hereafter if teams .1 and 10, captained by
President Hinshaw especially re- arrests based upo acts of politigal na. Hitchcock, '22, and R. . I.
quested that -all seniors follow the ture are made in Ireland the right of '21E, turned in $42.50 each ..
custom of wearing caps and gowns trial shall without unreasonable de Many team captains at. a late
every Wednesday and Saturday after lay be accorded to the accused." decided that they were unable #
Swing-out. complete reports in, due to the
Shaw Next Speaker Student Council Meets Tonight her of prospects whom they b
At - the next meeting of the class There will be a meeting of the Stu- interview. Reports are schedul
Wilfred B.. Shaw, secretary of the dent council at 7:15 o'clock tnight close promptly at 10 o'clock
(See Number 1, Page Six) in room 306 of the Union. night in order that they may b
lished the next da.
S 'Seven Houses 100 Per 06
Seven fraternities and ouse
tion records. .To be classed 110
(Editor's Note-For the purpose of directors of athletics; one year in the cent, it.is necessary .for the- ,
informing the student body of. the navy. . represented to have thpir chec
qualifications of the candidates for Robert Grindley, '21E - assistant the hands of the mittee In o
the various All-campus offices and the manager of the basketball team, 1919 on the night of ereport. E
work performed by them. The Daily 20; served on the Gargoyle, 1917-18; fraternities reported 400 per .ce
will run a brief summary of each can- 1918-19; chairman of the publicity phone but were unable to send

didate's activities while in school. committee of the Union, first senest- checks to the committee's head
The elections will be held May 12.) er, 1919-20; assistant'chairman of the ters. They willbe reported as
_opera, 1920; member of the housing as the checks are submitted.
The nominees for Union offices will and membership committees of the The -fraternities and house
be run first-the candidates for presi- Union; Tau Beta Pi; Triangles; class handing in perfect reports on the
dent and recording secretary.' appear- president, 1919-20; University service day were: Alpha Phi Alpha,
ing today. committee; enlisted in the air service Chi, Delta -Kappa Epsilon, .Ierm
For President of the Union but was not called. Monks, Phi Sigma Kappa, Theta
Ferdinand C. Bell, '21-baseball Fred J. Petty, '21--'A.M.A." in track, ta Chi.
manager, 1919; general chairman of 1919 season; Sphinx; class president,. -Enthusiastic comment was mV
the opera .comnittee, 1919; literary 1917-18; University service commit- upon every hand by those who
vice-president of the Union, 1918-19; tee; Student council for this year and -sciibed, declaring the Ponor,
served, on the house committee, and next; eight months service in the idea a most original and app
the. reception committee; member of army. ate one. Nearly 1,000 signatures
the Board in 'Control of athletics; placed on the loose leaves of the
Michigauma; literary Student council- For Recording Seeretary posed book that were carried t
man, 1917-18, 1918-19; served in the Donald J. Porter, '21-assistant bas- solicitors.
ambulance corps for eight months, and ketball manager, 1919-20; assistant
the S. A. T. C. baseball manager,.1920; assistant rec- PURDUE WILL HAVE. THEAT]
David Forbes, '22L-"M" in track, ording secretary of the Union; chair- TO PRODUCE YEARLY -P
1918; inter-scholastic manager, 1919, man of the likCe membership com- -
1920; member of the membership com- mittee,. 1;19; Sphinx; junior literary Lafayette, May 4.-Due to i
inittee of the Union,- 1917-18; presi- councilman; S. A. T. C. ity on the part of the managem
dent of the soph lits, 1918; vice-pres- John A. Stewart, '21-Students' Di- the Harlequin club' of Purdue t
ident of the fresh laws, 1920; secre- rectory staff; records committee of tain a suitable,'stage, plans toi
tary-treasurer of the Athletic associa- the Union; reception committee of the year's production have been
tion; member of the Board in Control Union; two months service n the of- doned: Next yeaI's' show seem
of athletics; member of the board of ficers' training camp, infantry. - sured,


neR man al Large
for councilman at
3 by the Student counil:
Dunne, '22, and Angus

Candidates for the engineering hon-
or committee, named by the Junior
engineer's: Edward J. 'Elliot, '22E,
and Robert C. Vail, '2eE.
Candidates for the architects' honor
committee: R. H. Ainsworth, '22A, and
J. J. Zimmerman, '21A, for the two
year term and H. A; Bean, '21A, and L.
S. Martz; '21, for the one year term.
Candidates for the Engineering so-
ciety's officers: .For president - C.
N. Johnson, '21E, and 'S. N. Lawson,
'21E; for vice-president-H. N. An-
derson, '20E, and L. A. Gaines, '21E;
for secretary-M. B. Cotell, '21E, and
F4. R. Storrer, '21E; for ' treasurer-
R. P. Dillon, '21E, and M. E. McGov-
ern, '21E.
Eight Architects Up
Candidates for the Architectural so-
ciety's officers: F&r president-J. C.
Goddeyne, '21A, and J. R. Swanson.
'22A; for vice-president, H., S.
Booth, '22A,.and A. W. Luckham,
'22A; for secretary-W. K. Rindge,
'22A, and A. A. Roemer, '21A; for
treasurer-J. J. Esterheld, '22A, andl
J. J. Zimmerman, '21A.
Purdue Defeats Notre Dame, 8 to 4
Lafayette, Ind.. May 4.-A batting
rflally in the seventh inning gave Pur-
due an 8 to 4 victory over Notre Dame
here today. Wallace pitched a fairly
good game for the Boilermakers,

rs of the
who will
a Rho cup,
.e chapter
Herz, Leo
g make up
talks were
'21, Leon
,gust, '22L.

vention proper. A program of the
three days has ben prepared, outlin-
ing the order of affairs and describ-
ing the entertainnent which will be
given the delegates.
David A. Forbes, '22L, was nomin-
ated for president of the Michigan
Union by a petition bearing the signa-
tures of 300 students, which was
handed in on Monday. According to
the constitution only 200 signatures
are required. This makes four can-
didates for the office, the others being:
Robert F. Grindley, '21E;; 1red T.
Petty, '21, and F. C. Bell, '21L.
New men to be initiated at the reg-
ular banquet of Mimes were elected.
at a meeting of the society last night
in the Union. The date of the ban-
quet has not been set.
Plans were balso laid for the Union
dramatic activity for the coming
year. It is expected that the call
for stories of the next opera will soon
be sent out.

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