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May 04, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-05-04

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morning except Monday during the Univer-.
d in Control of Student Publications.
Press is exclusively entitled to the use for
ws dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
and the local news published therein.
ostoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
arrier or mail, $3.50.
or Press building, Maynard street.
9 6o; l~ditorial, 2414.
not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
to appear in print, but as an"evidence of
events will be published in The Daily, at the
or, if left at or mailed to The Dailyoffice.
ions will receive no consideration. No man-
ed unless the writer incloses postage.
not necessarily endorse the'sentiments ex-
nnotices will not be received after 8 o'clock
ing insertion.
Telephone 2414
R .................HARRY M. CAREY
hlbert Edgar L. Rice
pbell.oseph A. Bernstein
phy Hugh Hitchcock
......H. Hardy Heth, Lee M. Woodrff
.. . ..Renaud Sherwood
...John I. Dakin
.Brewster Campbell
.. ....Robert C. Angell
.Marguerite Clerk
Thomas Adams, Thornton Sargent Jr.

ras J. Whirery
N, Wrobleski
ge Reindel
othy_ Monfort

Winefred Biethan
Robert D. Sage
Marion Nichbls
Prances Oberholtzer
Edna Apel
L. P. Lovejoy
Charles Murchison
Russell Fletcher

zineshave existed in college almost as long as the
colleges themselves, but during recent years there
has been a tendency to draw away from this form
of magazine. Either college students are losing
interest in literature produced in their midst, or
the quality of student writing has .declined.
For years Michigan has had struggling literary
magazines which have eked out a bare existence
and have received small support from the stu-
dent body. They devoted their space entirely to
literary contributions. Chimes has attempted to
give something which would fulfill the require-
ments of, the students and at the same time con-
tain literary merit. From the experience of their
predecessors the editors were' "up against" a hard
proposition. Mistakes have been made, but by
constant endeavor they have succeeded in finally
producing a really worthy product.
No expense has been spared in obtaining cuts
and other features which would improve the ap-
pearance of the publication. The campus has been
combed for men who can write and suggestions'
from the students have always been welcomed.
If 'Chimes can continue to put out issues, up to
the quality of the last its place among the campus
publications should be established.
Few words are used in such a broad and un-
-pardonable sense as that one word "temperamen-
tal." We have heard the term used so often without
stopping to think whether such a term is applicable
that we ourselves are prone to use it when in want
of a handier expression.
If, an acquaintance passes us one day, and radi-
ates the warmth of the noonday sun in his greeting,
I then fails to recognize ns "the following day, we
more than likely speak of that person as being "tem-
peramental." If a friend makes an appointment
with you for a certain day, or hour, then 'later de-
cides to do something else, and consequently fails'to
,appear at the time agreed upon, we are apt to call
that friend "temperamental." If we know some
acquaintance whose propensities forlove, hate, com-
passion, revenge, kindliness and jealousy are dis-
played at strange moments, we are inclined to look
upon his rapid change of action and viewpoint as
being simply "temperamental."
In short, we use the term as a shield, or cloak,
under which we seek to hide our individual short-
comings. Much that is inexcusable has been par-'
doned because the offender possesses what we
choose to call a "temperamental disposition." We
usually find that the "temperamental people" are
nothing more or less than selfish, self-centered indi-
viduals who rarely if ever think of the welfare of
the other fellow.
An unsigned communication concerning the Ath-
letic association was handed in at The Daily office
yesterday. Because of the ruling that a writer's
signature be included - not necessarily for publi-.
cation, but as evidence of good faith it will be im-
possible to.print this communication.






Telephone 960
kGR............... ...PAUL E. CHOLETTE
.....LeGrand A. Gaines, Mark B. Covell
red Ads ..................... .Henry Whiting
...............Edward Prieks
..............Curt P., Schneider, R. A. Sullivan
F. M. Heath D. P. Joyce
Sigmund Kunstadter Robt. Sommerville
Harold'Lindsay Lester W. Millard

., .

ncerning news for any
er, who has fl charge
will be; Monday
it, John M'cMan-
hcock; Thursday
t, Chesser Camp-

(or the next managing editor of
taken at the staff meeting to be


Shaw's Approach to Business Pobleins

izing that objections to the use .of Hill
rn for political speeches have been hereto-
d on the difficulty of setting up a stand-
leiding 'what speeches of that character
ernitted, the Student- council took a defi-
toward removing this obstacle in its peti-
ay to the Board of Regents.
ng the suggestion of a prominent profes-
e political science department, a provision
loyalty of utterance was included in the
thq principal paragraph of which :reads:
tudent council suggests that Hill auditor-
be granted to student organizations for lec-
addresses by prominent men on topics of
under the guarantee that during such ad-
y prominent men on topics of the day,
e guarantee that during such addresses
L1 be no violation of the recognized rules
ality, no 'advocacy of subversion of the
nt or the state, and that such meetings
in spirit and expression, worthy of this
further suggested that petitions for the
e' audtorium be addressed to a commit-
constituted by the Board ' of Regents,
the President of the University 'shall be
r, :and . on which the student body shall
nted by' one or more of its number.
enting this petition, the campus repre-
body both offereda standard for speak-
rheans of applying 'it. It is hard to be-
a committee such as that suggested by
i would ever shrink from the duty of de-
ether or not a speaker should be granted
f the building. Its decisions would be'
f support by students and faculty, both
would be represented.
rs, of the Board of Regents who heard
its' arguments Friday seemed on the
avor the petition, backed as it is by prom-
. of the law and political science facul-
even offered to serve on the committee.
for the breaking of the old prohibitions
e of the auditorium never seemed more
1an today.


The Telescopie

(Oct. a6, 9r,9)
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:ro a.
i., and hourly to 9:10 p. m.
Jackson, Limgited and Express Car-S:48
a. m, and every hou to 48 p. m. (Cx
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound-6 :o5 a. M., ,:05 a.
m. and every two hours to 9:05 p. m., 10:50
p. n. To Ypsianti only, zr: p. m., I:zo
a. m.. and to Saline, chang at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West BoUfl--7:48.a. n. and
tiro a. m
12 3 4. 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 .18 19 20 .21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
Men-Hats are high; your last
season's hat cleaned and' re-
blocked into thi season's shape,
with a new band, will look like
new and save you five or ten
dollars. We do only high class
work. Factory Hat Store, 617
Packard St. Phone 1792.
Asked At Random
"Are you in favor of making gn at-
tempt to organize the literary college
into a more complete unit, similar to
the engineering colleger
Reed Bachman, '20, managing editor
of the Gargoyle: , "Absolutely yes. I
am trying t'o arrange a meeting of all
flit , classes just, before, campus elc-
tions for this purpose. I realize that
'it is not a broad-minded policy to
have each school an individual unit
voting for jts own men only, but at
certain times it is necessary to fight
fire with fire."
Davi4 Nash, '20, recording secretary
of the Student council:" "It will be a
great help to different schools i car-
ried out. In the past when class meet
ings have been held, only 75 or so have
attended out of a possible 600 or 700.
I hope this idea will, if carried
through, also help to put a stop to
these small representations at meet-
Thomas F. McAllister, '20L: "When
a man is elected in a campus election,
he is elected not to represent a cer-
tain school but the college as a whole.
It is petty politics to have a man elect-
ed Just because he's from a certain
school, the best man should be voted
for every time regardless of whether
he's an engineer, lit, medic, pharmic,
dent, or law."
Adelaide A. Adams, '20, treasurer of
the Classical club: "This plan should
have been carried out years ago in
all elections, but it's never too late
to start and I hope to see it carried
President-elect Marion L. Burton is
described as "six feet of a 'he' man,"
in the latest issue of the Gothamite,
the University of Michigan club's pub-
lication in New York City.
The article, an editorial, goes on to
say that great things are expected
from what they term the "best bet,"
in America today. The editorial con-
tinues with the statement that the fu-
ture of the University has never look-
ed so bright as at the present time,
and offers' condolence to Minnesota
for her -loss, and congratulations, to
the University of Michigan for her
The Michigan Daily, the only morn-'
ing paper In Ann Arbor, contains all
the latest Campus, City and World
found in the Michigan Daily-Ad.


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Orders for Engraving re
than usuaIJ Leave you
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Maynard St.


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The Ann Arbor Sayings Bank
Capital and Surplus, *wA,00.tJ
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An Epitaph
Here lie the bones of Algy Jones
Who went to have a frolic,
The girl used paint of perfumed.taint,_
He died of painter's colic.
While no one is in heartier accord with the "Old
Clothes Movement" than ye editor we think we
ought to make it unanimous in electing to the Royal
Order of Oil Cans the bird who adds insult to in-
jury by pinning a little green tag on his best suit:
In this connection while not wishing to appear
boastful we would have it known we must be about
seven months ahead of the rest of the world since
we started this "Old Clothes Movement" for our-
self about the time school commenced. Also in this
connection we might add that we not only insist
on keeping up in style but many times we are ahead
of it as right now we are wearing our next winter's
Safety First
He-Do you sing?
She (from the Sch. of M.)-Yes. Shall I?
He (hastily)-Don't trouble yourself. never
doubt a lady's word.
Dear Noah: --
I'm 'going to a mask ball and am at a loss to know
what costume I should wear. Can you suggest any-
thing original? Stude.
Why not simply lie down and roll on the ball room
floor ,tripping up the couples. They'll all thing there
that you rmust be disguised as a banana peel.
A Blessing in Disguise
"Although King Ferdinand of Rumania suc-
ceeded to his throne nearly' six years ago he has not
yet been drowned, the delay, of course, being due to
the war.-Philadelphia Press.
Famous Closing Lines
"A piece of Art," murmured the doctor as he
came upon a finger in the debris which followed the

Wbiy are

f lavors like the
pyramids of Egypt?
Because they are
long- lasting.
And WRIGLEY'S is a beneficial
as well as long-lasting treat.
It helps appetite and digestion'
keeps teth clean and breath
sweet, allays thirst.
Sealed Tight-
Kept Right

st year a number of new institu-
have been inaugurated at Michi-
re ftslfiled all the expectations of
hile others have failed entirely In


new t

ngs incorporated has been the
The founders of the Chimes
magazine that would form a
:h campus opinon and discus..
and .at the same time carry a

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