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May 02, 1920 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-05-02

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Hutchins But

it Huchins --An, Appreciation

University Head
Active In Union
Building Drive
President Hutchins Sees Grdat Possi-
bilities of Union From Its First
(By Thornton W. Sargent, Jr.)
From the first days of its existence
as an organization, President Hutch-
ins, at that time dean of the Law
school,. saw the possibilities of the
Michigan Union ai the great things
that lay behind a movement to make
it a vital part of MichigaL life.
When the Union was organized in
1904, President Hutchins was one of
the men who. dreamed of its future
greatness, and aided its prime organ:
izers in their work. His thoughts
dwelt much on the Union, and from
the first b,e was greatly interested in
its future.
Became Active Wrker
But it was not until he became the
active President of University after
Dr. Angell's retirement in 1910, that
he did his greatest work for the Un-
ion. It is with this period that his
time an effort were unstintingly giv-
en for its advancement, and he labor-
ed unceasingly for making it a great
reality. Although he was a great
sympathiser with the movement and
realized from the first the possible
importance of a Union in student af-
fairs, his most active work came aft-
er 1910. Before this time he was its
great friend, but hereafter he was to
become an active worker.
- His sympathies already being de-
termined and his mind having been
prepared for playing a real part in its
functions, President Hutchins, started
vigorously to woik, when his term of
office began, and he has not ceased
from that moment to be one of the
greatest 'benefactors of the Union.
Urged Alumni Support
Through his great influince, 'the
present Union has largely been made
possible. Beginning in 1910 at many
alumni gatherings, he spoke strongly
in favor of the Union, and helped pre-
pare the former students for the drive
to secure the large fund, with which
to erect the building, now almost com-
In practically every city of the;
Continued on page 4.
Mrs. Hutchins Expects to Keep in
'Touch With University
(By M. B.)
"We still expect to keep in touch
with the University, even though we
are severed from it offidially,' said
Mrs. Harry B. Huteins in her friendly
manner to a Daily reporter the other
morning. "AnnyArbor has been our
home for twenty-five years, and we
have enjoyed'ourlife here very much."
Mrs. Hutchins is especially glad
that President Hutchins is to have a
rest. They had intended to- spend
this summ~er at Cape eod; but, have
changed their plans, "For," as Mrs.
Hutchins said, "when President Wil-
son decided to go there the prices
rose so high, that we thought we had
better wait."
When asked if the constant round of
invitations to dormitories, fratern-
ities, and sororities did not tire her,
Mrs. Hutchins 'replied that sh had
enjoyed it. "I can easily see how it
would bore some people," she said,
"but I like and enjoy young people.
I wish the students had made our

home more of a gathering place."
Mrs. Hutchins says that some of the
most pleasant incidents of their posi-
tion here have been the entertaining
of famous visitors.. She mentioned
several names many of them famous

$2,500,000 GIVEN TO
It is of sigiificance that the
last legislature made special
appropriations for the Univer-
sity to the extent of $2,500,000
without a dissenting vote either
in the house or the senate.
President Hutchins was instru-
mental in securing this money.
These appropriations were forj
the following purposes:I
For the library deficit, $200,-
000; for the new model high
school soon to be erected, $300,-
000; for the new University
hospital, $700,000; for running
expenses deficit, $300,000; for
the training school for teach-
ers, $300,000. The mill tax was
also increased.
AMarion L. 7lurton
To Fill Vacancy
In A dministration
Succeeds President Hutchins as Head
of University of Michigan
in June
(By G. B.)
Dr. Marion L. Burton, who suc-
ceeds President Harry B. Hutchins in
July, comes to Michigan with an en-
viable record. His ability as an ed-
ucator and as an executive has stood
out in every position hehas held. He
says Michlagn attracted him because
of its 40,000 graduates who can al-
ways be depended upon to lend theirj
influence to the support of the insti-

Is Only Gr

(By Hamilt
"When I took u
University of Mict
dent James B. An
down," said Pres:
Hutchins in reply
which were the t
plishments of his

of the U
the inter
and shou


ben erected'by me
the regular incom
that the Universi
propriations from
ture for any new
needed. It was m:
the University in
seemed to me tha
most feasible mea
"The other thi
needed attention
the alumni. Ther
organization of M
over the country,
state itself. It se
state university s
endowed and sta
tution. These er
take the form of'
and gifts from fri
"During my adr


(By M. U. D.)
In our day of practical living, practical education, what a pleas-
ure it must be to look back on your life and find that after all and
in spite of the trials and tribulations that have beset your path, you
have done your duty nobly and with courage. Such must be the self-
satisfaction that creeps into the heart of our retiring President as he
looks'over his eleven years regime as head of one of America's great
Made mistakes? Probably he has. That is human nature. If we
are to have progress and initiative, mistakes will happen in their
athway. It is the goal, the things accomplished, that we must in-
spect for a true appreciation.
Creator of' a closer feeling between the state legislature and the
University, one of the founders of the successful University Exten-
sion Service, one of the organizers of the Graduate School as such,
organizer of many alumni associations, patron of our new hospital, in-
stigator of our new dormitory system, founder of our system of fel-
lowships in order that needy students may attend the University, it
is easy to compute that his 73 years have been active ones.
Mis-understood? Yes, as the majority of progressive men are.
He appears to be formal and conservative, but we are mistaken in this
view. He is approachable, friendly, and cheery in his remarks.
What Jnore could we ask?

Need Accuracy


"Our schools, as never before, must imately $3,000,000
'demand accuracy,' he saidwhen ad- made to the Univ4
dressing the Grand Rapids alumni. alone."
"From the standpoint Qf American life The following b
as a whole the problem involved is erected during Pr
fundamental. rSuperficially speaking, administration thr
it is an American vice. Historically by alumni and 'alu
speaking we have been a race of pio- versity: Alumni V
neers. It takes time to develop a sub- tha Cook dormitor
stantial civilization. Temperamental- dormitory. (now u
ly we are _not fitted for patient thor- Alumnae house, H
ough-goin work. The war has pro- the Michigan Union
duced a serious restlessnegs among berry residence wz
our people and our youth. If it has funds donated by
been difficult before, it will be almost ily, who are close
impossible now to settle down to versity. A recent
thoroughgoing work in our colleges I Detroit valued at
and universities." menting an earlie
Thus Dr. Burton summed up one was made by ex-R
of our greatest needs. To supply this income from the
he said, "The first essential of an ed- used in scholars.
ucation is an active mind. We must girls.
tear down all farriers and in some "Shortly after I
way prick and goad the minds of the felt that Michigar
students until they fairly glow with dence halls for b
an almost insatiable curiosity for en. The women
knowledge which will aid them in well provided fora
grappling with the problems of to- made for a large
day." but no special an

uffeur For President
t Agreeable, Says Douglass

(By H. Hardy Heth)
xt to motoring with President
y B. Hutchins yourself, the best,
z seems to be talking with hia

But to return to the automobile
ride. This is one way in which those
who are nearest to President Hutch-'
'ins have found him out. For he al-

oth mi
and pl,
e men'
at thi;


ie lad"
y whij
is ver
be, wi
Ids is
gize Pi
ssity a
the ma

Douglas Comin, "the slip ways fills his car with friends, never
who fills that capacity, is going out alone. He takes drives for
normal-a high school boy recreation, and sometimes he may
y alive and very believing. have the weight of many things to
d his career, whatever it make him tired, yet he never goes
ill forever lurk the shadow alone. And the boy at the wheel says
personality. in a very unsdphisticated way that he'
no eulogy; any attempt to himself rather enjoys these drives.
resident 'Hutchins would of President Hutchins has said that he'
appear puerile or ludicrous. would drive a Ford were it not for
an who has helped to make lack of room. Another chief reason is
an Union a possibility, who because "Douglas" is ashamed of the
ed dormitories and many Ford.
t further college democ- A man of wit, a man of genius, who
s no other voice than that wants to be told everything about a
g his works. (Continued on page 4)

Sees Problems
President-elect Burton is coming to
Michigan at a critical period of' the
world's development.. He firmly be-
lieves that the University has an im-
portant part to play in the future of
the country. He sees the necessity
for more than superficial thinking if
the country is to meet the problems
of the future successfully. It is hisI
aim to imbue the students with theI
desire for thoroughness and knowl-,
edge which will enabe them to as-
sume the responsibilities of Ameri-
can citizenship.

fact can be made

part in the establist
American university unit
and at present is chairn
tees of this organization
ican university union in
originally organized to n
of American university
service in Europe, and a
object is to serve as a 1
the universities of the 1
and those of European i
(Continued on pa


.' ''

Approach to Busi-
ness Problem. At

Both Ends of Diagonal I

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