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May 02, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-05-02

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Commerce Club Affilates Self
With Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity,




Phi chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi, a
national commercial fraternity, was
installed here yesterday by members
of the Commerce club.
Initiation of the 43 members took
place yesterday afternoon and in the
evening the new fraternity gathered
at the Union for a banquet.
F. W. Cosner, T. A. Harwood and
George P. Ellis, all of the Northwest-
ern cnapter, and C. E. Stevens of the
New York university chapter were
here to institute the Michigan organ-
The Alpha Kappa Psi is composed
of members of the Commerce club,
which was started in 1910, in connec-
tion with the department of business'
administration. The old organization

in addition to its social activities has
been a medium through which em-
ployers got in touch with men grad-
uating from the department and it
has also been active in securing
speakers on commercial matters for
its open meetings.
The new fraternity will continue
this program and expects to be able
to accomplish even more than did the
Commerce club through its affiliation
with the national organization of 211
Honorary members of the chapter
are: Prof. Henry C. Adams, Prof.
Fred M. Taylor, Prof.,J. Leo Sharf-
man, Prof. David L. Friday, Prof.
William G. Paton, and Prof. Clare
E. Griffin.

Hill Auditor-

Color Scheme of Maize and ,lue Will
Be Carried Out in Record
of Friends
Contributors to the President Hutch-
ins' Portrait fund are to compile a
"Donors' book," which will be pre-
sented to the president when the fin-
ished picture will be unveiled.
This announcement was made yes-
terday by the Union's committee in
charge of the drive. The object, it
was sa'id, "is to show President Hutch-
ins how many friends he has."
The book will in reality be an elab-
orate autograph album) containing the
signatures of those who aided in se-
curing the portrait. Solicitors for the
campaign will carry with them, dur-
ing their solicitation, sheets of maize
colored paper engraved with a blue

1, meet for the first'
and gowns at
Swing-out march

3 45


e last big campus ac-
raduating classes have
by the committee com-
. , Gaines, '21E, chair-
.rsons, '20E, and C. H.
iese plans will be car-
the direction of W. W.
'20, who is master of2

ts will form at the ap-
e on the walk in front of
. Engneers and Archi-
'rm on the walk between
try and Natural Science
Laws, Pharmics, Dents,
and Medics on the walk
Law building and North
will lead the march from
to Hill auditorium led
.inshaw, Jr., 20, president
r Lit class, and Carl John-
ent of the Student coun-
Kineers and Architects will
in, but the Laws, Phar-
Homoeops and Medics
h the auditorium from the
'ath will be open to other
r the seniors are seated.
. Barrett will deliver the
followed by a solo. The
1 be delivered by Presi-
B. Hutchins. All the se-
hen rise and sing "Var-
e Benediction will also be
Rev. Barrett. The band
veral numbers during the
to Head March
vill lead the march out of
ium followed in the for-
of march by the other
ey will pass up North
avenue to Barbour gym-
nce to the Library, then
agonal walk throukh the
arch and west on South
venue tohthe Alumni me-
ling, where the picture-
nd gowns for the Ven ar-
1 days ago at Moe's and
red at once.

English Runners Establish Woridrs
Record in Two Mile Race
(By Associated Press)
Philadelphia, May 1.-English var-
sity runners scored an international
triumph here today when the combin-
ed Oxford-Cambridge teams of half
milers defeated the leading college
quartettes in the two mile champion-
ship relay race, the feature contest of
the University of Pennsylvania's 26th
annual carnival. Forced to run at
a terrific pace by their American
competitors, the viisiting collegians
showed that their victory was in no
manner a fluke by taking the lead in
,the third quarter and finishing in a
nlew world's record time of 7:50 2-5
,econds for the two miles.
Clips Two Seconds Off Record--
The four runners, W. G. Tantham,
Cambridge; H. B. Stallad, Cambridge;
W. R. Milligan, Oxford; and B. G. D.
Rudd, Oxford, clipped two and three-
fifths seconds from, the previous rec-
ord, which was jointly held by the
Irish American Athletic team and the
Yale university quartette..
The average time for the four Eng-
'ish half milers was 1.57 3-5. Rudd
ran the, final half mile in 1:54 3-5, 2
and 2-25 seconds above the world's
record held by Meredith of Pennsyl-
Suckers 44 Yards Behind
Sohe 40 yards behind the last of
the English combination came the
anchor man of the Illinois squad, and
he was closely followed by a Pennsyl-
vania runner for a ,third. Cornell'
took a fourth out of the two mile re-
lay, and Ames, winner of this eventj
at the Drake carnival, failed to fpiish
with the leading quartettes.

There was none of the sensational
thrill of the Jackson-McCurdy should-
er to shoulder duel which marked the
finish of the 1914 relay between Ox-
ford and Pennsylvania, but the Eng-
lish victory elicited a great round of
applause which swelled into a per-
fect roar of appreciation when it was
announced that the British rivals had
set a new world's recordwhich is
likely to stand for some time.
Wipes Out Disappointment
The winning of the two mile cham-
pionship, for which the English team
crossed the ocean, wiped out some of
the disappointment which they must
have felt at the easy manner in which
H. Jeppe was defeated in the 120 yard
high hurdles. Jeppe, who is a South
African Rhodes scholar at Oxford,
ran second in the slowest heat of this
event, and was therefore shut out
,from competing in the final.
Next to the two mile chdmpionship
race with its international flavor,
chief interest centered in the one and
four mile American college title re-
lay. In the mile event in which each
runner was called upon to run 440
yards, Kelly and Fischer of Minnesota
lead over Davis of Pennsylvania and
Owens of Nebraska in the first two
quarters, but Maxam of Pennsylvania
rushed to the front in the third relay
passing McNally of Minnesota and
gave Earl Eby his team mate, a lead
which the latter, running the final
quarter in 50 seconds flat, stretched
into a 20 yard victory.
Oss Gains Second
Oss gained second place for Min-
nesota while Wheeler of Michigan
out ran Terril of Princeton for fourth.,
The four mile relay went to Penn
State college which defeated seven of;
(See Number 2. Page Six)

, 'Anmi Fritz" Holds Rehearsal;
First Performance, Monday Night

Donors to Sign
On these slieets, those who con-
tribute to'the campaign will be asked
to sign their names, classes and
home town. Blue ink is to be used{
throughout in order to carry out the
color scheme.
"We hit upon this idea after search-'
ing our brains for some scheme where-
by we could give President Hutch-
ins, for himself, a true record of those
whom he can count among his real
friends," declared C. A. Newcomb,
'20, chairman of the committee in
charge of the campaign. "The reason
that we ask each man who signs his
name in the book to also put down
his home town, is to show the- pres-
ident that men from every part of the
country and every corner of the
world, in fact, can be numbered among
his friends."
Expectations are that nearly 300
pages will be needed to allow all the
donors to sign their names.
When the campaign for the por-
trait funds is completed, the sheets
carried by each solicitor, upon which
the -donors have placed their auto-
graphs, will be gathered together and
bound in a leather cover. An 'en-
graving in the front of the volume
will carry not only an appreciation
of the president's work for Michigan,
but also the purpose of the volume.
Only One in Existence ,
The completed volume in original
form will be presented to the presi-
dent. It will be the' only one in ex-
istence as no effort will be made
to reproduce it. The object of this
is to insure the individuality of the
Enthusiastic comment which Deai
Mortimer E. Cooley of the Engineer-
ing college summarized in the word
"Fine" marked the announcement of
the suggestion.
FEaculty meti have already begun
their active work for their part of
the drive and announce that they are
meeting with success. The student
solicitation will begin sometime next
Madison, Wis., May 1. - The Wis-
consin baseball team practically
eliminated Indina from Conference
honors, when the Hoosier nine lost
by a score of 3 to 1. The Badgers
won in the ninth inning, when with
the scores 1 to 1, a batting rally was
staged, giving them ay victory over

Tailors Boost
Prices Blaming
Cost Of Labor
All tailors in Ann Arbor increased
their prices on cleaning and pressing
Saturday, May 1. The advance was
caused by the steady climb in the
price of gas and labor, they claim.
An attempt was made to make a
similar increase last winter, but the
majority of tailors decided to wait
until such a step should become ab-
solutely necessary. The price of
pressing trousers has increased from
15 to 25 cents, of suits from 35 to 50
cents, and of overcoats from 25 to 50
and 75 cents.
Cleaning has advanced from $1.50 to
$1.75 on suits. Two and three piece
suits are the same price. Overcoats
have also increased in price from
$1.50 to $1.75 and $2.00. Palm Beach
suits and white flannel trousers will
be- affected by the change.
Fear Would Leave Disastrous Effect,
on Chance in Confer-
Michigan will not enter a team in
the eastern intercollegiate track meet1
this year according to a resolution ap-
proved by the Board in Control of
Athletics at its meeting yesterday
This action was deemed advisable]
by the board in view of the fact that
the eastern meet is scheduled for May1
20 which would leave only a week in
which to prepare for the outdoor Con-
ference meet on Ferry field. There
would also be danger of injury ort
staleness either of which would mate-
rially weaken the team in its en-
deavor to retain the championship of
the west.
Corresponds to Big Ten Meet .
The eastern intercollegiate meet
corresponds to the Western Confer-#
ence meet in importance and in thes
calibre of the men participating. The
meet this year will be held at Phil-
ad'elphia, the final preparations not1
being completed as yet.
Before returning to the ConferenceI
'and even up to this year Michigan has
always been a strong contender forI
these eastern, honors but the board in
control in giving its decision con-k
cluded that our, first concern should
be the Western Conference meet as
we are now once more competing for
the Big Ten championship. Had not
the eastern meet been scheduled May
29, just a week beforecthedConfer-
ence meet on Ferry field, Michigan
would in all probability have entered
a team.
The petition of the Boxing club for
recognition of boxing as a Varsity
sport was tabled pending further in-
formationias to the expense and other
details. This question will come be-
fore the board at their next meetingt
and a decision will be forthcoming{
at that time. No intimation of the
intended action was made.
Tennis Schedule Approved
Salaries of the various athletic of-J
ficials were passed upon and the ten-
nis schedule was approved. Approv-
al was also given the granting of the1
baseball "M" and "AMA" to the men1

representing* the University in that
sport during the past season..
Iowa Defeats Illinois
Urbana, Ill., May 1.-The Univer-
sity of Iowa baseball nine quelched
the Illini nine here this afternoon by
a score of 4 to 3. This shuts out the
Suckers' hopes for an undefeated sea-
son in the Conference, and helps to
eliminate them from competition for
the Big Ten title.

Lundgren's Men Recover from Effe
of Kalamazoo Game In True
(Special to The Daily)
Columbus, O., May 1. Parks' pit
ing and Knode's fielding counted
second Big Ten victory for the 'Ut
versity of Michigan baseball out
here today to the tube of 3 to 1. T
result leaves the Wolverien record
two conference games unblemished 1
Unable to connect with. the lal>
delivery of the Michigan pitcher ca
tam, the Scarlet and Grey nine w
able to gather only enough safe hti
to bring them their-lone counter.
Wolverines Get Eight Hits
The Michigan batsmen, with mo
able stickwork, found Kime, ti
Buckeye pitcher for eight hits th
were sufficiently, bunched to brii
them three counters. Four errors 1
the Ohio aggregation also helped m
terially in allowing, the Wolverin
to tally.
Parks was credited with fanning:
men during the nine innings. H
ability to cut the corners of tl
plate caused the Buckeyes 'to j
tempt to wait for walks, but the co:
trol he exhibited outdid them.
Knode's work in the field was
shining light of the game. Five a
sists and two put outs, practically 1
of which were sensational plays, wt
him great applause. One error fale
to mar his record. Shorty Mraz dre
the hitting laurels on the Michig
side of the score card, drawing t'
hits out of the battle. Fogle of Oh
State was the only other man
either team who counted a simi
Minee Fans Only Two
Parks allowed a total of fiye sa
bingles while Kime was located fa
eight. Kime could far only t
Michigan batsmen. It was a pitcl
ing duel between Captain arks o
Michigan and Kime of Ohio Stat
The visitors scored in the fifth at
seventh innings, while Ohio State
(See Number 1, Page Six)
Because of several errors that
have occurred recently in The.
Daily, a new system of handl-
ing notices from' members of
the faculty and students, has
been devised. Hereafter all such
notices for publication should
be left in the notice box in
The Daily offices. The name
of the personsending in the in.
formation should be on the slip.
1in order to perfect our system
and decrease inaccuracies to a
minimum, the persons who tele-
phone in notice to The Daily
offices, are asked to inquire the
name of the reporter who took

the notice.
Persons wishing to make sure
that a notice shall be printed on
a certain day, are advised to
see the night editor for that is-
sue. The names of the night
editors for all issues are printed
at the top of the editorial col-
umn. Any mistakes in The
Daily columns should be report-
. ed to the managing editor.

Hold Meeting
Aterary class
meeting at4
oon in room2

will hold
4 o'clobk
205 Mason
urges all




the Swing-out,
rial will be ex-
ing. In addition
will report their
consideration of

How Fritz Kobus, the epicure who,
livedl to wine, dine and enjoy his
friends, changed his philosophy so
much that he even felt constrained to
forego the pleasures of the talble and
the clinking glass, and the results of
that startling acceptance of new
ideals, is the story of "L'Ami
Fritz," the Cercle Francais play
which is scheduled for Monday even-
ing at 8 o'clock in Sarah Caswell An-
gell hall.
Fritz'I love of red wine had made
him calloused to the appeal of red
lips and when the play opens he is
"living the life of Riley" as the care-
free bachelor,
Urges Marriage
The action centers around the at-
tempts of Rabbi David to convince
Fritz that it is his duty to France
to marry, and .when the good rabbi
hag so engineered affairs that it be-

and Mr. Everett L. Hackes, who is
producing the play, promises some ex-
cellent costume effects, as the dress
of the Alsations is, to put it mildly,
A chorus from the School of Music
is twice heard, ,during the show,
these being the only performers who
are not from the French club. Yes-
terday afternoon the final rehearsal
--all characters in costume-was
gone through without any difficulties
and the director felt so satisfied as to
allow the cast a rest until the big
doings tomorrow evening.
Veterans in Play
David A. Watts, '21, who is Fritz,
had a ch'aracter part in the Cercle's
play of last year and his work was
most acceptable in that perform-
ance, as' was the acting of A. J.
Himmelhoch, '20, who is Frederick
in "L'Ami Fritz," and Bernice War-
saw, '22, last year's leading lady,
who appears as Catherine.
The others of the cast are making
their initial attempts at "acting in

Nursing Education
all, medical superin-
tor of the University
n appointed recently
er Foundation com-
udy of nursing Edu-

comes evident1
be his pleasure
merrily s
FIEB --Alace is the


o Fritz that it will
to marry, all goes

scene of the action










$1.0 - .7 - .50
Rebate of 50c to Associate
t Members.




- ~r

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