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May 29, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-05-29

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- VOL. XXIX. No. 161.



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Suqgst "Assistat t the President in
Re in t Studet Aetlylties"
as New Title
"Assistant to the President in Rela-
tion to Student Activities" is the name
recommended by the University Sen-
ate for the new University office
which has thus far been called the
Dean of Men, and whieh is now before
the Board of Regents for final action.
Wait for Now President
Besides suggesting this name for the
proposed rew ofcer in its report to
the Regents, the University Senate al-
so recommends that final action on the
ereation of this new office be deferred
ujitil after the appointment of the
president to succeed President Harry
B. Hutchins. Another resolution which
has been adopted by the. University
Senate ai lIncluded in the report rec-
omiziends that an adequate salary be
attached to the ofese so as to secure
the service of a man distinctly quali-
fied for th position.
New up t Reets
T4he qgistio of the creation of a new
University o0oe, as proposed in the
report of the chairman of the Senate
committee on student affairs, was
first presented to the Senate council
and at a special meeting of that body
a resolutioa was passed in favor of
suhe an oce, The proposition was
in turn presented to the University
e"nte who, at a meeting held May 6,
referred it to a committee of all the
ieaas of the Unigraity schools and
- Iqeg. for examination and report
At 4 s;s on f the University Senate
monday night, the report of the dean's
invetgatlou was rea and immedi-
ately adopted with a. unaimos vote.
The Senate then passed a resolution
that hhe recommendations be trans-
mitted to the Regents.
Now that the, campus has officially
given its approval for the creation of
the new of^ie, it is expected that the
resolution will meet with success when
it comes before the Regents of the
University. As no information re-
garding the appointeent of the next
president has yet been given to the
public, a statement as to when the
Board will discuss the proposed reso-
lution. cannot be gained.
Paris, May 28.-President Wilson to-
lay sent a message of congratulation
to Lt. Commander Albert C. Read of
the NC-4. The message reads:
"Please accept my heartfelt con-
gratulations on the success of your
flight and accept for yourself expres
sion of my deep admiration. We are
all heartily proud of you. You have
won and deserve the distinction of
adding still further to the laurels of
our country."
Washington, May 2.-Lt. Command-
er Albert C. Read expects to start the
naval seaplane NC-4 from Lisbon, Por-
tugal, tomorrow on the last lap of
the overseas flight from Rockway
Beach, Long Island to Plymouth, Eng-

land. The big plane which yesterday
completed the voyage across the At-
lantic should make the 775 miles in
approai ately line hqurs.
Toudon, May 8.-$ome time ago the
k ig of the Belgians conferred on Her-
bert C. HIover, the founder and first
president of the Commission for Re-
lief in elgi u, the title of "Friend of
Reglgur," To commemorate the con-
ferring of this unique title the Belgian
Order of St. John of Jerusalem has
opened a subscription for the purpose
of offering Mr. Hoover an address,
and also a work of art symbolizing the
life which this American managed to
maintain in the oppressed country
during the German occupation. The
Belgian Army Joined in the movement
and each unit has sent a subscription.
The contribution from the army alone,

(By Associated Press)
Paris, May 28.-The question of
Flume and the southern territorial
boundaries of Austria has been settled
by the Allied council, according to
the best information here this eve-
An agreement also has been reach-
ed, it was stated, on the general Ad-
riatic questions, except regarding
economic arrangements. Thus all
territorial questions will be present-
ed to the Austrians Friday in the pro-
posed terms.
The matter of reparations will
come up for consideration later.
Hazing ensured
In Resolutions-

Democratic National Party Laud
National League At Convention
Chicago, May 28.-Describing the Republican party as an
organization "which complains and moves backward," and the
peace treaty and the League of Nations covenant, as "the
greatest document of human liberty ever prepared," Chairman
Homer S. Cummings of the Democratic National committee,
today sounded the keynote of an aggressive presidential cam-
Party leaders declared they welcomed the opportunity to
make the peace treaty and the League of Nations covenant the
issue in the forthcoming fight, and expressed confidence of vic
Until President Wilson defitnitely announces his attitude to-
Oard a third term, party chieft ains say there will be no seri-
ous discussion of candidates.
Political issues and plans for increasing the efficiency of
party organization occupied the attention of the committee at
the session today.

Officers for the year 1919-20 were
elected at the meeting last night of
the Student council. Carl E. John-
son, '20, was voted president, Wil-
liam W. Hinshaw, '20, vice-president,
and David Nash, '20, recording sec-
retary. Samuel J. Slavens, '20L, was
elected corresponding secretary, Le-
rand E. Gaines, '21E, treasurer, and
P. McLouth, '2110, is to hold the posi-
tion of auditor.


"The Student council being unalter-
ably opposed to any such demonstra-
tion as occurred on Cap night of last
week, because it realizes that it not
only disgraces the name of Michigan
but also gives the impression to the
outside world that Michigan still sanc-
tions the relics of barbarism, hereby
resolves that such occurrences shall
not be tolerated in the future, and that
students or groups of students found
to be participating in any such event,
will be immediately dismissed from the
Discussing the above resolution,
council members said, "It is a tradi-
tion of Cap night that the freshmen,
having at this time of the year pass-
ed their period of probation, are on
this night to be royally welcomed in-
to the ranks of Michigan men. Cap
night is meant to be a dignified and
serious occasion. It should be the
most indicative of Michigan spirit of
any of the student gatherings of the
college year, for it is watched by so
many people interested in our Uni,
versity. 'Anything that tends to mar
that dignity and solemnity drags Mich-
igan down from the plane of a great
-At the request of the council the
freshmen class presidents have agreed
to hold class meetings to pass resolu-
tions to the effect that such demon-
strations will not occur next year. The
sophomore class presidents have eon-
sented to do likewise.
"Military engineering differs from
that of peace times in that cost is not
taken into consideration," said Prof.
Alfred H. Lovell, of the 'electrical en-
gineering department, in his lecture on
"Engineering Operations at the Front"
Wednesday night under the auspices
of the American Institute of Electri-
cal Engineers.
Professor Lovell, who was a colonel
in the American expeditionary forces,
had actual experience in the opera-
tions he dscribed. Slides, showing act-
ual engineering operations at the
front, had been obtained from the
chief of engineers at Washington to
illustrate the lecture.
- "The duties of the engineers may be
divided into 10 sections: bridge build-
ing, highway construction, railways,
general construction, camouflage, for-
estry, demolition, general combat con-1
ditions, and actual fighting," Professor
Lovell said. "The difficulties that con-
front the engineers are innumerable.
,Most of the construction at the front
must be carried on with the greatest
possible speed, with whatever mae-
rials happen to be at hand, and under
continuous fire. Beaides this, the en-;
gineers are ofte called upon to aid
in the actual fighting when the reg-
ular infantry is ijsusmoient
"At the time when the armistice was,
signed, the United States expedition-
ary forces had built immense docks,
factories, cantonments, munitions, mu-
nition depots, airdomes, hospitals,j
storage depots, and railroads. Plans
had been made to have these opera-
tions doubled by the end of June of
this year. But the signing of the arm-1
istice stopped all this work."
After the lecture, Mr. Floyd L. Sny-
der, transmission and protection engi-I
neer of the Michigan Telephone com-
pany, gave a short talk on telephone
service and transmission.
After Mr. Snyder's talk, a brief busi-
ness meeting was held to elect offi-
cers for next year, as this was the1
last meeting of this semester. Lester
M. Ilgenfritz, '20E, was elected chair-a
man; Gordon R. Anderson, '20E, vice-t
chairman; Ross Gunn, '20E, secretary;f
Geo. Clark, '20E, treasurer.-

.NOV. 11, 1918
Men discharged "to Ann Arbor" from
the S. A. T. C. will be enabled to
qualify for additional compensation
according to the provisions of a new
act of congress.
Men discharged from the army
since Nov. 11, 1918, are to receive an
additional bonus in the form of an in-
creased mileage allowance. Five cents
a mile is to be given for the distance
between the place of diseharg and the
actual home or esidene, or the plae
of enlistment, at the option of the sol-
dier. Men who have already reeived
the three and one-half cent mileage
are entitled to one and one-half cents
If the actual residence claimed by
the soldier is not the same as stated
on his original service record, the Zone
-Finance officer will make settlement
for the additional amount. Those dis-
charged since Feb. 28 who have re-
ceived Ifwy cents a xmile and whose
bona fide homes at time of discharge
involved greater distance than they
received payment for may also submit
elaims. Because of the time required
to verify claims, prompt payment can-
not be expected.
Claims for the additional travel al-
lowance. have been authorized to be
'paid by the comptroller of the treas-
ury when the home or residence can
be determined from an affidavit by'the
soldier verified by the information in
his original service record. To se-
cure the travel allowance a true copy
of the discharge, certified as such by
a recruiting offleer, must accompany
the affidavit. Original discharges will
be accepted but are likely to be lost.
Applications should be addressed as
Zone Finance Officer
Lemon Bldg.
Travel Allowance Washington, D. C.
President Harry B. Hutchins will be
the guest of honor at the annual ban-
quet of the Cosmopolitan club which
will be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
the Nickles Arcade cafeteria.
The principal speaker will be Mr.'
Norman Mick of the advertising de-
partment of the Burroughs Adding
Machine company. Toasts will be
"Bury the Hatchet" by Sotokichi Kat-
suizumi, grad., "The Eternal Fem-
inine" by Margaret Rothschaefer, '21,
new president of the women's chapter,A
"The New Tune" by A. M. Elknd, '20,
new president of the men's chapter,I
and "Ask Dad" by Prof. J. A. C. Hild-
President Hutchins will make a fewf
informal remarks on the subject,
"Memories," and Mrs. George B.
Rhead of the School of Music will play
piano solos during the evening.
The women's chapter will be thei
guests of the men and informal danc-,
ing will follow the banquet. Members
of the Cosmopolitan club may secure,
their tickets at the door in case it Is
Impossible to procure them earlier. At-
4ention is called to the fact that the
banquet will begin at 7:30 o'clock in-
stead of 7 o'clock as was previously1
British Prepare New Grade Airships,
London, May 28.-Two new British
airships of the same type but larger
than the R-33 and R-34 are expected
to be ready for their trials this sum-



The final examinations for this se-
mester in the literary college will be-
gin Monday, June 9, and will continue
throughout the following two weeks.
The schedule as appears below ap-
plies only to the students in the lit-
erary college, the officials of the en-
gineering college having decided to
publish a schedule of their own.
The schedule for the literary col-
lege is as follows: Monday classes:
at 8, first Thursday, 9-12; at 9, first
Tuesday, 9-12; at 10, first Wednesday,
9-12; at 11, first Monday, 9-12; at 1,
second Tuesday, 2-5; at 2, first Tues-
day, 2-5; at 3, second Thursday, 9-12.
Tuesday classes: at 8, first Friday,
9-12; at 9, second Monday, 9-12; at
10, first Monday, 2-5; at 11, first Sat-
urday, 9-12; at 1, second Wednesday,
25; at 2, first Saturday, 2-5; at 3, sec-
ond Wednesday, 9-12. Irregular class-
es: second Tuesday, 2-5; second Thifr
day, 2-5. e
Instead of in accordance with the
foregoing table, the following courses
will be examined at the time given:
I French 2 (all sections), second Mon-
day, 2-5; Spanish 2 (all sections), sec-
ond Monday, 2-5; Economics 1, 15, and
37, first Thursday, '2-5; Psychology 7,
first Wednesday, 2-; Mathematics 52,
first Friday, 2-5.
By the time of the exercises is
meant the time of the first exercise
of the week in a given course, the
first lecture hour in the case of lec-
ture courses with quiz sections. Ir-
regular classes which cannot be ex-
amined as scheduled without causing
conflict, must be examined at one of
.the two above stated periods. All ex-
aminations must be held as announc-
ed in this schedule, and no date may
be changed without special vote of the
Posters announcing the 60th AnnI-
versary concert of the Varsity Glee
and Mandolin club to be given Fri-
day, June 6, at 8 o'clock have appear-
ed on the campus, and all preliminary
;arrangements for the "birthday party"
of the club have been completed.
An advertising design drawn by
Stanley Simpson, '22A, has been ac-
cepted by the management of the
club to be the poster device for the
concert. Window cards are being
placed in Ypsilanti as well as Ann Ar-
bor, and it is expected that the ad-
vertising campaign will bring a larg-
er attendance than the club has had
for some time. Last year's spring con-
cert had an audience of more than
4,000, but the 60th Anniversary con-
cert of this season is to be by far the
best produced by the club, according
to the directors, and it is exp'ected to
draw proportionately.
Evening dress will be worn by the
club this year regardless of the fact
that this is to be a spring concert.
More than 80 members of the club will
Tickets will go on sale Friday morn-
ing at campus stores, downtown music
and department stores, and on the
campus. The admission is to be 35
cents, including war tax. A special
Glee and Mandolin club dance will be
held after the concert until 2 o'clock
at the Union. Diamond's orchestra will
play. Tickets may be purchased by
'any atudllt.

White Discusses
Press Censorship
"Newspapers which suppress news
on the ground of public benefit lack
faith in Democracy," said Lee A.
White, editorial secretary of the De-
troit News, in outlining subjects for
journalistic research before a class in
journalism Wednesday afternoon.
The above statement was made in
regard to "Ostrich Journalism" prac-
ticed by newspapers which fail to
publish news of public significance and
give as an excuse that it would be
harmful to the locality. "Ostrich
Journalism" does not refer to suppres-
sion of crime news that is not of pub-
lic importance.
"Prese Censorship During the War,"
Mr. White said, offers one of the
broadest fields for research; that a
man could spend his whole life on it.
He declared that despite George
Creel's statement that all censorship
on the part of newspapers during the
war was voluntary, a club was held
over the head of every editor by Post-
master General Burleson.
Among other problems mentioned by
Mr. White as good subjects for re-
search were: Faking, Consolidation,
Ethics of Journalism, Sensationalism
and the 'Newsle,' the pictorial daily
press, how a paper secures a million
circulation, the foreign language press
In America, and "Yellow Journalism."
Late Wire Briefs
(By Associated Press)
London, May 28.-The German coun-
'terproposals to the Allied peace terms
published in Berlin today, an exchange
telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen
says. 1
The reply asserts the willingness
of Germany to reduce her armaments
to a greater extent than demanded by
the Allied forces.
Germany refuses to accept the pun-
ishment terms fixedby the treaty and
it is declared that the Allies can-
not both accuse and sentence Ger-
mans guilty of responsibility for pun-
ishable crimes.
Washington, May 28.-The house re-
solution proposing submission of a
woman suffrage constitutional amend-
ment to the states, was reported fav-
orable to the senate late today and
Chairman Watson of the woman suf-
frage committee gave notice that he
would call up the resolution for de-
bate next Monday. A final vote is ex-
pected soon after.
Washington, May 28.-Plans for the
Republican leaders of the house for
investigation of war expenditures of
the war department took definite form
today when Representative Graham,
of Illinois, prepared a resolution pro-
viding for appointment by the speak-
er of a special committee of 15 mem-
bers to conduct such an inquiry.
London, May 28.-Siberian troops of
the Kolchak government were storm-
ing Orenburg, one of the last Bol-
shevik strongholds in southeastern
Russia, and an important railway
junction, on May 21, according to a
telegram received here from Omsk to-
Arrangements are already being
'made for lectures and talks to be
delivered heretnet fall and winter u-
der the auspices of the Wesleyan
guild of the Methodist church.
Rev. Charles A. Tindley, pastor of

the Calvary M. E. church of Philadel-
phia, Pa., wil open the series of lec-
tures on Oct. 5, speaking on "The
Future of the Negro." Reverend Tind-
ley is one of the most noted of color-
ed preachers in Methodism.
Gladys McIntyre, of the famous Sal-
vation Army McIntyre sisters, will
speak in Ann Arbor on Nov. 2, tell-
ing of her experiences with the Sal-
vation Army in France.,

(By Associated Press)
London, May 28.-The Allied blo
made council at Paris has completed
arrangements for again putting I
blockade of Germany into force
case the German' delegates refuse
sign the peace treaty, while compl
plans have been worked out for I
fullest co-operation between the m
itary and economic forces which w
b employed in case of necessity.
72 Hours Notice
Immediately following a refusal
the Germans to sign the treaty, G
many wil be given 72 hours notice
the termination of the armistice.
the expiration of this period the B
ish, French, and Americans will a
vance into Germany.
Tight Blokade
Simultaneously the blockade will.
enforced as tightly as possible.,A
the arrangements perfected during
war, to protect as far as possible I
interests of neutral nations while
venting entrance of food or raw ma
rials in Gerniany, will again
brought into play and Germany
find herself cut off from the world.
Fleet Transferred
London, May 28.- It is propou
that the German fleet be transfari
to an international trust, managed,
the Americans and controlled by I
League of Nations. The trust w t
be given the mercantile fleets of
the other maritime nations and eve
nation would be represented in t
central administration in a maa
corresponding to tonnage. Gaerma
announces her readiness to hand.o
50 per cent of her mercantile feet.
Many jobs for students to'work di
ing odd hours may be secured by
plying to the Employment secrete
of the Y. M. C. A. at Lane hall. D
to an insufficient number of stude
applicants many who have asked 1
workers have been turned down.
In addition to the odd time wo
there are several steady jobs. SI
dents taking these will be quite 1:
ble to secure work next year if tb
wish to. There is a position as
night clerk in a hotel, a porter In
fraternity and a few board jobs 1
summer school.
For summer employment there a
several positions for students to e
as salesmen. Several men may se
work during the wheat harvesting ie
son in Ford county, Kansas, by wr
ing to Ford County Farm bures
John V. Hepley, County Agent, or
Commercial Club, R. H. Burnet, s
retary, Dodge City, Kansas. The
jobs will pay 50 and 60 cents an he
with board and lodging for expere
ed help.
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber co
pany, of Akron, Ohio, can use seV
al men during the summer vacati(
Students -desiring one of these po
tions should write to the employme
department Goodyear Tire and Rub
Company, Akron, Ohio, giving a
height, weight, physical condition a
class of work wanted. They should
so plainly mark their letters, "app
cation for employment during sumnm
About a dozen are wanted to w
for their board over the week end
May 30. There will be board and i
so cash remuneration for this wo
Students interested in these pouitie
should call at Lane hall and talk
the Employment secretary about the
between 8 and 9 a. m., 1 and 2 p.
and 4 and 5 p. m. each day.

Wilson a "Citizen" of Iausanne
Lausanne, May 28.-President W
son has sent an-acceptance of the ho
orary citizenship of the City of La
sanne offered him recently by the m

German Fleet May Be
Into Hands of


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