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May 22, 1919 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-05-22

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It A~ir,4gan Ba1*11
blished every morning except Monday
tg the universty year by the Board in
ol of Student Publications.
e Associated Press is exclusively entitled
e use for republication of all news dis-
es credited to it or not otherwise credited
Lis paper and also the local news pub-
d herein.
tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
igan, as second class matter.
bscriptions by carrier or mail, $3.50.
ices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
ones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414.
mmunications not to exceed 300 words,'
ned, the signature not necessarily to ap-
in print, but as an evidence of fath, and
as of events will be "published in The
r at the discretion of the Editor, if left
mailed to the offilce.-
8igned communications will receive no
.deration. No manuscript will be re-
d unless the writer incloses postage.
e Daily does not necessarily endorse the
rents expressed in the communications.
=ce Roeser ..........Managing Editor

(From The Oberlin Review)
One often wonders, while reading,
just what it is that imparts to every
writer the desire to be the hundredth
man. It is the mental solitude they
crave, or the enviable distinction of
being a rara avis of some nearly ex-
tinct family? How many men write,
with pride distinctively visible even
on the printed page, "Ninety-nine men
out of a hundred would have done so
and so-," with the implication "I
didn't!" The naive confession is de-
licious; but, alas, what melancholy it
imparts to the average reader! What
have I ever done to be a hundredth
man, he asks; and he asks in vain.
Some of us are neither scholars nor
students; yet confess to a sneaking
likeness for books; we are fond of
scenery, yet all trees for us are either
maple trees or other trees; we are
grateful for chicken salad but we eat
hash with cheerful mein; there are
some people we love, yet we hate no
one in particular; we are poor, but
eminently respectable. We are the
people who never flunk nor have a
bowing acquaintance with Phi Beta
Kappa. Life has no glory for us; and
we wonder how it feels to be the hun-
dredth man. Literature is full of
them, but not life. What the ninety-
nine do must content us forever.
#Ponies "May Fail
Would- Be '23's

Engineering News
A recent order has been received --
from the War Departmetn directing A car for Jackson for the members
that the equipment used by Section of the Girls' Glee club will leave the
"B" of the Signal Corps be turned Delta promptly at 1:30 and Main
over t~o the Electrical engineering de- street at 1:48 o'clock today.
partment for the establishment of a
Signal Corps R. O. T. C. at the Uni- Sophomore women will meet at 4:30
versity. The equipment was that used o'clckThursda fen in ar-
by the Telephone anduTelegraph divi- bour gymnasium. Junior advisorship
Sion. As yet the equipment has not will be discussed at the meeting and
been accepted. the chairman of the junior girls' play
committee will be elected, since Lois
Nine Junior Engineers will be taken Defries, '21, has resigned from that
into the Vulcans at initiation to be posign.
held at 5 o'clock this afternoon in the Judiciary council elections will' be
Engineering Quadrangle. held from 8 o'clock Thursday morning
until 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon in
Prof. J. C. Parker of the electrical
University hall.
engineering department gave. Wednes-
day morning, the first 'of a series of
talks on the engineering profession All senior women and friends are
which are to be given during the re- invited to attend. the annual vesper
mainder of the year to the freshman services at 4:30 o'clock Sunday aft-
class by professors of the various de- ernoon in Martha Cook building. Caps
partments. and gowns are to be worn.
In his speech Professor Parker told
of the electrical engineers' work, the The freshman-sophomore baseball
field and the possibilities for ad- game will be played at 4:30 o'clock
vancement. He pointed out what is Thursday afternoon on Palmer field.
now being done and the things which The game was postponed on account
must be done in the future. of the weather.
Very little business was transacted.
The purpose of the lectures by the Members and members elect of the
professors is to show the freshman Girls' Educational club will hold their
the opportunities which are offered to annual picnic Thursday afternoon at
him in each branch of the profession. School Girls' glen. Girls are request
ed to meet at 4:30 o'clock at Barbour
Professors A. J. Decker and L. M.;mnasium.
Gram of the civil engineering de- A rehearsal of the May pole dance
partment are absent from the Uni- for field day will be held at 7 o'clock
versity this week on a tour of in- Thursday evening in Barbour gymna-
spection to several high schools in the sium. Since there will be only one
northern part of the state. They are more rehearsal after this, it is im-
expected back this week.t portant that everybody should attend.

SENIORS--See to it Earl'
The matter of your Engraving for Graduati"-
Visiting Cards


Plate and 100 Cards

- - $2.25 to $4.60

Plate Printing

- - $1.25 per hundred cards

All work guaranteed





M. Carey .............News Editor
Millar...... .........City Editor
Marx.............Associate Editor
F, McAllister......Feature Editor
K. Ehlbert ......Telegraph Editor
B. L~andis.. ........port Editor
rite Clark.........Women's Editor
Guernsey..........Women's Editor

nV 0'

Paul A. Sitnkia.....Dramatic Editor
Eda Apel.........Music 'Editor
iey...........Exchange Editor
BernadWhl.......Liteary Editor
erert R. luser Paul G. Weber
## RicSerwood Edgar P. Hric
Hugh W. Hitchcock J. r. Hart
William Clarkson J
Thomas H. Adams John E. McManis
Richard B. Marshall C. H. Murchison
Irene Ellis Mary D. Lane
Katrina Sclhermerhorn John I. Dakin
Arthur W. Brown Logan Trumbull
R. Emerson Swart Stewart Baxter
dari Crozier Muriel E. Bauman
Harold Makinson........Business Manager
Agnes L. Abele. Asst. Business Manager
Leand A. Gaines...Asst. Business Manager
im. M. LeFevre....Asst Business Manager
WnA.I,itziger. ,.Asst. Business Manager
Donald M. Major....Asst. Business Manager
Dop'nll-R. Schoffner..Asst. Business Manager
Mak B. Covell Edward Priehs, Jr.
Robert E. McKean Henry Whiting II
George A. Cadwell J. Duane Miller
Maynard A. Newton . R. A. Sullivan
Curt P. Scheider AIsabelle Farnum
Geo. R. Strimbeck Jr. Harper Moore
James A. iKenney, jr. Arthur L. Glazier
- THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1919..
rsue Editor--Thomas H. Adams
t's make it a square election to-
Let's all vote for the best man for
the position, no matter who he is
Let's forget peanut politics and pet-
ty malice, and make this an election
to be proud of.
Let's'not vote for the first name' on
a ballott, simply because it happens
to strike our eye first. If we do not
kiow any nominee, it is better not to
rote at all for that office, than to vote
Let's do the best we can for Mich-
igan. Let's show that we have the
makings of good citizens in us by all
reting, and by voting intelligently.
Above all, let's have a square elec-
ZO&ot of us dislike the word "fail-
ire." We say that it will never be
art of our life, that we intend to be
Buccesses, and that failure will never
eater into our vocabulary.
,But a good failure is much to be de-
sirdd. We will never appreciate suc-
eess until we have known failure. If
e have never known a failure, we
have never known what it is to be
spurred on to greater effort, we have
ever known what it is to grit our
;eeth and determine to win at all
If we have never known failure, we
ave not achieved real success. Noth-
hg is more unfortunate than to sue-
eed to quickly and too easily. If
wr success is reached without strug-
;Ze or fight, therecIs something lack-
ig. We .will begin to think that we
re Invincible, that we have reached
he heights because of our. over-
whelming superiority. And that will
>e the beginning of our downfall.
Lincoln didn't stop at his first fail-
ire-the failure to go to school. It
n'ade him all the more eager to
earn. One of the Mayo brothers fail-
d in some of his studies, and his pro-
essors told him he would never make
doctor. And the Allies had to suffer
rushing defeats to make them fight
ill the harder for victory.
Dont be afraid of failure. The man
jlho can withstand the biggest failures
ill ultimately gain the biggest sue-

Vice-President Marshall has receiv-
d his season baseball pass. The Am-
rican league will now assume more
mportance than the League of Na-




Delicious and Refreshing

Golf Suits

Riding Breeches

About this time of next year the
high school senior may be studying
diligently all about antonyms and
learning how to play "tick-tack-to."
The reason is that he may have to
pass a psychological test as well as
entrance examinations in order to en-
ter a first-rate college or school.
Columbia university and Culver
military academy are leading the way
in this matter, and other universities
are investigating with a view to
adopting it if satisfied of its value. The
idea is to 'abolish the "cramming"
evil by laying stress on a man's pow-
er to gain further knowledge, rather
than the information previously ac-
quired by one means or another.
This test is not to take the place of
the present examination system but
merely to supplement it. Scientists
agree that if a geneological chart for
each student could be obtained in ad-
dition to the above mentioned tests an
ideal system would exist.
Mrs. Frederick B. Stevens of Detroit
will speak to the senior women who
will hold their annual vespers Sunday
afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in Martha
Cook building. Miss Emma Powell
will accompany Miss Nora Crane Hunt
with the violin in Schubert's Ave Ma-
ria and will also play, the processional
and recessional.
The male quartet from the Glee club
will sing two numbers and Rev. Henry
A. Tatlock will offer a prayer. Any
friends of the senior women are coi-
dially invited to attend the annual
Regular sales meeting of Fuller
Brush Co. Thursday at 7:15 pi m. Dis-
trict Manager Mr. Kauffman will have
Science has proved that newspaper
advertising pays best. You can reach
all the students and faculty through
The Daily.-Adv.

Prof. C. E. Wilson of the' mechani-
cal engineering department attended
a class reunion of the 1905 engineer-
ing class Wednesday in Detroit.



P~paQ For
p ' .A lf. Ci

Caps, Belts
Foot Ball

Custom Tailor

Original Defigos

Ruth Ellen Marr, soprano, and
Robert Dieterle, baritone, pupils of
Mr. Theodore Harrison, head of the
Vocal department of the University
School of Music, will give a joint duet
and solo program at 4:15 o'clock
Thursday afternoon in Frieze hall.
Miss Marr is the soprano soloist at
St. Paul's cathedral in Detroit.
Duet - La ci darem (Don Gio-
Ruth Ellen Marr and Robert Rivrdlu
Ruth Ellen Marr and
Robert Richard Dieterle
Oh! Red 10 the English Rose..Forsyth
A Little Song'..............Boyd
Smuggler's Song........Kernochan
Daybreak .. . ... .. ....Daniels
Mr. Dieterle
Aria--Quando me'n vo soletta..Puccini
Miss Marr
Vergin tutto amor .......... Durante
Sotto il ciel .................. Sibella
Adieu chere Louise (Le Deserteur)
.-.... ................ Monsigny
Ariette...................... Vidal
Mr. Dieterle
By the Waters of Minnetonka ....
'Till I Awake.................Huhn
Sing! Sing! Birds on the WSing...
T Miss Marr
Duet-Now Thou Art Mine ... Hildach
Miss Marr and Mr. Dieterle
Accompaniments by Mrs. George B.
Rhead. "
Summer Aun'ouncements Printed
Intended primarily for campus dis-
tribution, the special emergency edi-
tion of the summer session announce-
ment designated as the "outline of
courses" will come off the press on
Use the bany to reach the students.
Four thousand stuaents read it every..

Now Open for Business

And the ipnplements for every
athletic game, of course.
211-217 So. State St.

1 14 Nickels Arcade


Dependable, scientmoicDrugless

The Special Sale .of


Affords an opportunity to supply your needs for a very moder-

ate outlay.

There are charming new DOLMANS and

hOne 590 for appointment
Emil H Arnold
Optometrist 220 S..1'fainSt
For that new PIPE or
go to_ the
110 E. Huron St.

CAPES and Chic SUITS all repriced for a speedy clearance.
It is really an opportunity as the garments are of the highest
grade-"WOOLTEX" and other equally desirable makes.
As you perhaps know we handle only reliable garments, and

thus your satisfaction is safeguarded.


Suits Reduced
Blues, Blacks, Taupes,

Wraps Reduce
Dolmans, Capes,
Coats i Black, Navy
the leading light shades.



They are. ohd e ous ..and
Phone 967 109 8. nlSt.


Tans, Etc., jn all sizes.


sizes from 16 to 48. Former
prices were up to $50, now
$19.75, $29.50 and $39.5+0.
Superb assortment of fine
Silk Suits in Black, Navy
and Taupe.

Former prices were up to
$50, now
$19.75 up to $39.50.
Elegant Silk Coats for
Summer wear are now on
display at popular prices.

"Watch hour ~ep
The first thing a stranger looks at is your
feet. Note that the eye travels from your
face to your feet, and as a rule the feet receive
the greatest attention.
A costume by Worth could be spoiled
if the feet were encased in ill-fitting
It is a duty you owe yourself to wear footwear which do your-
self justice. Comfortable shoes do not always mean "homely"
shoes. If the feet are properly fitted they are also prettily

Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(March 3o, 1919)
(Central Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-8:ro a.
m., and hourly to 8:ro p. iM.
Jackson Limited and Express Car:-7:48
a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p. in. (Ex'
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
Local Cars East Bound-6:oo a. mn., 9:os, a.
i. and every two hours to g:os p. in.,o:5o
p. mn. To Ypsilanti only, 11,4S p. mn.,' rs:zo
a. m., r:ro a. m., and to Saline, change at
Local Cars West Bound-6:a$ a. ,m. and
1I:20 p . m
Open froM 11:$0 a. . to 1:Q0 p. a.
Pboue 188GB

Superb skirts

Elegant new Skirts in TRICOLLETTE, FANTASAI, and
Aeolienne Silks and elegant all Wool Plaids and Stripes at
& C,

$14 S. State St.

Ann Arbo

$12.50 to $25.

Gross & Dietzel

118 MAIN ST.

Courteous and satisfactory
TREATMENT to every custom-
er, whether the account be large
or small.
TheAnnArbor laIns Dank
Capital and Surplu, o,.0
Resources ....... *000oo
Northwest Cor. Main & Hron.
707 North University Ave.


117 E. Washington St. I


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