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October 22, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-10-22

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Engineers Now
W3rothers In Law
The laws never would march
,through the engineering arch but now
the engineers have to endure the sight
of the sacred rites of the drafting
table performed in the law building
itself. Drafting tables are being con-
structed on the first floor. The im-
possible has come to pass. The en-
mity, deep-rooted and of long stand-
ing of the laws and engineers, has
,been ended through the magic power,
of Mars.
Always, each year, these two col-
leges have exchanged unpleasantness-
es because of their hereditary rival-
ry. Many gowns have been tornj
asunder and broadcloth by the yard
has been completely wrecked, when-
ever these two ferocious clans met in
combat. Never has a swingout been
accomplished without a battle. Long
ago the senior laws vowed an eternal!
oath, that their scholarly guild would
never pass in triumphal procession
beneath the boilermakers' arch, and
always have the slide rule wearers
attempted, with sometimes more, and
usually less, success, to force the em-
bryo attorneys to cross the triangle.
Those from the southeastern end of
the campus would seldom cast a
glance toward the brown brick build-
ing containing their enemies. The
laws utterly ignored the existence of,
what they considered, the barbarians'
of the University. Such was the state
of affairs last spring. One of the bit-
terest of all theainterdepartmental
battles was held, and the hate seemed'

Specialized Men Are to Be
Special Training




Issued Forbidding Change
from One College to

Sent to

have occurred
S. A. T. C. as
za epidemic and
section A have
spital with the
aber of men in
oms of the dis-
solated in Bar-
.ere were 160
Barbour gymna-


of Ish-


rly yes-

Is yes-
at the
e also


Every man is exam-
ng before classes be-
shows any signs of
it to barracks, where
y physicians, who are
itary authorities, ex-
if he shows any signs
is sent to the clearing
ur gymnasium. There
losely and if his con-
worse the infirmary of
Fischer is in charge
rgeant-Major Fischer
facilities at all of the
city. He sends one
ks, now being used as
the man is removed

men are
all, the
ge Four)



more intense than ever.
Now, six months later, the strong-
hold of the laws Is being turned top-
syturvy to fit it to contain drafting
tables. Such is the ability of war to
bring about revolutions. It is possi-
ble that, from this small beginning of
the drafting tables, the entire enmity
will die out. But, on second thought,
and reviewing engineers and laws-I-
have-known, probably not.
The final reports of the Liberty
Loan campaign among the members
of the S. A. T. C. raise the previous
figures about $5,000. Although the
men were somewhat slow in subscrib-
ing during the first few days of the
campaign, they made up for lost time
when they got started. The follow-
ing shows the official result of the
campaign among the companies in
the S. A. T. C.:
First, $600; second, $600; third,
$5,450; fourth, $50; fifth, $2,950; sixth,
$1,850; seventh, $4,450; eighth, $900;
ninth, $3,350; thirteenths $4,100;
fourteenth, $6,250; fifteenth, $2,000;
sixteenth, $5,800; seventeenth, $5,350;
eighteenth, $8,850; and nineteenth,
S. A. T. C. Tot1 Now $57,450
The above amount together with a
miscellaneous sum of $650 brings the
total subscription to $57,450. Most of
these bonds bought by the men were
taken on the monthly payment plan,
the money to be deducted from each
month's pay.
Washtenaw county went over the
top in the Fourth Liberty Loan with
an oversubscription of approximately
$40,000. The county quota was $2,804,-
000. The Ann Arbor district of the
county sold a total of $1,500,500 worth
of bonds, to about 7,765 different sub-
County Oversubscription $18,372.63
This was an oversubscription of
$18,372.63, as the quota to be filled
was $1,482,172.63. Chairman Ray E.
Bassett of the Ann Arbor Fourth Lib-
erty Loan committee announced these
totals yesterday afternoon. The cam-
paign closed Saturday evening at 8
To Vaccinate Population of Chicago
Chicago, Ill., Oct. 21.-Dr. John Dill
Robertson, health commissioner of
Chicago, has announced his intention
of vaccinating every person against
pneumonia following influenza. Each
day 100,000 persons will be treated
until all are immune. The first allot-
ment of 600,000 doses of vaccine has
arrived from Rochester, Minn.

The following telegram has been
received by Capt. Ralph H. Durkee:
"Soldiers successfully pursuing cours-
es in engineering, medicine, or chem-
istry are needed for engineering
corps, medical corps, and chemical
warfare service. Therefore, exclude
these from your selections for recent
requisitions for officer material, ex-
cept that men recommended by edu-
cational director as unsuited in such
courses may be selected."
Many of the students taking the
above-named courses have misinter-
preted the communication, thinking
that this meant that only men in the
literary college were to be selected for
officers' training schools. The real
meaning is that only men in the lit-
erary college are to be chosen at
present for unspecialized officers'
training camps.
Specialized 0. T. C. for Technical Men
The men in the other colleges will
be selected almost any day now, and
all will have as good a chance as
those in the literary college, the dif-
ference being merely in that the stu-
dents in the specialized colleges here
will go to specialized officers' training
No Transfers Permitted
No student will be permitted to
transfer from either the engineering,
medical, or chemical course to the
literary college in order to be among
the men from whom the first selections
will be made, the authorities of the
University state. The points of the
immediate restrictions outlined in the
telegram are only temporary, and
military officials expect to receive fur-
ther orders respecting this matter in
the near future."
" Frosh " iuttons
Shunned -By Girls
While the verdant frosh is donning
his incriminating gray pot the first
year girls are being left to their own
devices as far as passing themselves
off as campus veterans goes. And
they are getting away with it, too.
Last year they were made to wear
evidence of their low and humble
state in the form of bright green but-
tons. But this year the order was
stalled on account of the war and now
the sweet young things can assume a
knowing and worldly air and fool the
innocent public into thinking they are
seniors, sometimes.
The freshman women were present-
ed with little green ribbons at the
tea given by the junior advisors but
they failed to become the latest fad
and were quickly discarded. So the
naive first-year maiden does not dis-
close her numerals unless it suits her
purpose so to do.
Ruth Mc Candless, ex-'17, has re-
turned to this country after teaching
school in China for the past three
years. She was accompanied by her
father, Dr. Robert McCandless, who is
a surgeon in a hospital at Hoihow, on
the Island of Hainain, south of China.
She .has been doing missionary work
at Hoihow under the auspices of the
Fort Street Methodist church in De-
troit. Miss McCandless was a mem-
ber of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority
while in college.
Sugar Restrictions to Be Made Tighter
Washington, Oct, 21.-The food ad-
ministration has announced that the
sugar restrictions will be drawn
tighter during November and Decem-
ber in order to supply the fighting

forces overseas. The household allot-
ment of two pounds per person per
month will be strictly enforced and
sugar for the manufacture of soft
drinks will be decreased 25 per cent,
while that allowed for other confec-
tions will be cut 50 per cent.

JtotoristsJtake up
For Lost Time
The ban of gasless Sunday was re-
moved last week and many motorists
made up for lost time. The Standard
Oil Co. reports 10,000 gallons of gas-
oline sold on that day, a gain of 2,500
over the average week-day sale. Be-
fore motoring was restricted on Sun-
day 7,500 gallons was the average
amount of gasoline consumed on that
Dr. James W. Inches, Detroit health1
commissioner, warns householders
against being over economical in re-
gard to- the use of coal. In the pre-1
sent crises, especially, householders
are unnecessarily exposing themselves
to influenza when they keep the tem-
perature of their home lower than 65
to 70 degrees, he says. Fall dampness
needs to be driven out of the walls;
and foundations of houses, and house-
holders, who do not take proper pre-
cautions against this chief cause of
influenza, are endangering their
health and neglecting to comply with
the recommendations made by health.
officers to check the epidemic.
(By the Associated Press)
In the war theater the Allies have
not ceased to advance, and are con-
tinuing to force back the Germans
at vital points along the lines in Bel-
gium and France. In other sectors
the Americans are for the most part
taking principal sectors. They have
approached to within two miles of
Valenciennes and, the Americans, to
the northwest of Verdun, have suc-
ceeded in occupying two highly im-
portant positions in the operations
aimed at an advance northward.
Allies Cross Oise Canal
Americans and British have crossed
the Oise canal, on a wide front, in
the face of desperate resistance, and
further successes in this sector will
menacethe Germans both to the
north and south. The Valenciennes-
Hirson railway, formerly one of the
German main lateral arteries of com-
munication has been cut.
The west bank of the Scheldt canal
has been occupied by the British along
an extent of 10 miles to the north of
Tournai, which city is being defended
by masses of Germans and with ma-
chine guns.
Belgium Being Redeemed
Belgium is gradually being redeem-
ed, although now the Germans have
withdrawn their lines. The British,
Belgians, and French are encounter-
ing much stiffer opposition than dur-
ing the early days of the great drive
for the reoccupation by the Allies of
the Belgian coast. The city of Ghent,
an objective which thecAlles have
always had in mind, is yet seven miles
aways Probably it will be outflanked
from the north before it is, taken.
Allied troops already have made con-
siderable progress with this end in
Line Straightens
Having cleared the Germans out of
western Belgium, the Allied forces
are standing on a line, from the Dutch
frontier to the Oise canal, that is

virtually straight. A new movement
has begun to the east of Courtrai, the
object of which is to free the northern
section of Belgium from the enemy.
French troops have reached the
Danube river, in the region of Zidin,
after offensive operations in the east-
ern theater of the war lasting more
than a month. The economic inde-
pendence of Hungary is to be pro-
claimed at any date in a manefesto,
which, it is reported, will be issued
by Emperor Carl. Hungary is to be
permitted to maintain her own army
and her own diplomatic corps.
Advance Expected in Food Prices
Washington, Oct. 21.-Food has not
yet reached its highest price, if the
figures of the bureau of labor statis-
tics are any indication for the future.
Retail prices have increased four
per cent from Aug. 15 to Sept. 15;
14 per cent from September, 1917, to
September, 1918, and 72 per'cent from
septei ier, 1913, to Septmiber, 1918.

New York Herald.- Today, as on
the heels of the American note of Oct.
8, the demand of the American peo-
ple will be no armistice, no negotia-
tions, no discussions, no peace until
there is open admission of defeat by
whatever government Germany may
have, and no thought of peace until
the German armies have surrendered
Boston Herald. - "We hope the
President will break off these negoti-
ations by proclaiming at once the key-
note of the situation. This keynote
is unconditional surrender. Germany
will fare far better if she abandons
the hopeless task of bargaining and
stands hopeless and repentent before
the world."
Washington Post. - "There should
be only one answer hereafter to any-
thing that Germany may say: 'Sur-
render to Foch'."
Rocky Mountain News. - "Neither
statute nor constitution can change
the hearts of a people, and the Ger-
man heart is still for the kaiser, still
for war as a means to an end, and
still unrepentant of her crimes against
humanity. We say again, 'Let Marshal
Foch decide'"
Chicago Tribune.-"From the Ger-
man response it is apparent the rul-
ing powers at Berlin now look com-
plete defeat in the face. There is but
one mind in America on this war, that
it shall go on to victory, to the utter
destruction of Prussian militarism
and to the construction of peace
founded on its ashes."
Memphis Commercial Appeal.--"The
entire German conversation has been
a waste of time and a diversion from
the main thing."
The Atlanta Constitution.-"The lat-
est German peace note to President
Wilson is envolved and ambiguous.
Now let us refer all further commun-
ications to Foch for his attention. If
we are to have peace it will come
that way."
Los Angeles Times.-"Two haveap-
parently been achieved; the U-boat
atrocities have been stopped, and
kaiserism has been put out of busi-
ness. Germany must come to terms;
she is on the way.
Detroit Free Press.-"The German
reply is a mixture of effrontery and
an effort at conciliation. It endeav-
ors to placate and deceive, magnify-
ing small concessions by vague and
conditional promises which are quite
lacking in dependability. The best
immediate answer to the communica-
tion will be the roar of Foch's can-
The year's initial meeting, of the
board of directors of the Women's
league was held Saturday morning in
Barbour gymnasium, and was featur-
ed by detailed reports given by the
following committee chairmen: Elsie
Erley, '20, membership; Florabelle El-
lis, '20, social service; Florence Field,
'20, Red Cross and war work; Ida
Belle Guthe, '19, inter-collegiate ac-
tivities; Cornelia Clark, '21, social ac-
The transformation of the campus,
necessarily entailed by the war, has
placed women in the University in
entirely new situations, and has cre-1
ated a necessity for numerous new
phases of activity, thus rendering the
duties and functions of the league
more complex and comprehensive than

they have hitherto proved. Doris Mc-
Donald, president of the organization,
states that all her executive commit-
tees are putting a maximum of effort
into their work toward the success of
the year's program.
It was decided at the meeting of the
board to continue the Women's league
afternoon parties, since it is thought
that the limited expense involved will
be wholly merited by the social re-
turns to the girls. No refreshments
will be served, .and the music will be
limited to one piece.

Enemy Intends to End Su
Teutons Institute Parlimen
(By the Associated Press
Washington, Oct. 21.-Germa:
replied to President Wilson v
note, which, while no one i's pr
to say, it will lead the Presk
continue exchanges on the su
amistice and peace, is said alt
bring conviction here that th
ple of Germany actually are
the reins of government, and s
ly desire peace on any tern
United States and the Allies a
ing to give.
There was no intimation ton
the attitude of the Presidet
probably there will be none u
official text of the new Germa
munication has been received.
Wilson Confers with Lans
The President was in confere
evening with Secretary Lansit
cussing the note as received b;
less late in the day. Like th
to the President's inquiries a
,ago, this note was sent out fr
German wireless stations and-
up in the Allied countries man
before the official text could m
The official version probab:
come tomorrow through the S
gation here.
Hun Note Garbled
As received by wireless the
believed to be slightly garbled
important sentences regarding
tions for the evacuation of i
territory and for an armisti
,nevertheless it is regarded as a
ward attempt to meet the cor
laid down by President WilE
consideration of an armisti
makes the significant declarati
the government in Berlin no loi
responsible for a single arbltr
fluence-the kaiser, but is su
by an overwhelming majority
German people.
This declaration is supported
statement that constitutional r
are in progress in accord with
termination of the people unde
no government can take or b
fice without the confidence of
jority of the reichstag elected
Versal, secret suffrage. It is
ed more consideration here b
confidential advices received c
day indicating that the Germ
die classes are resolved t
peace at any price, and, if ne
are prepared to get rid of the
the crown prince, and all militE
trol. Thus the belief is stren
that the present note and thc
have gone before are genuine
to obtain peace and are incon
merely because the Germans c
ing the exchanges are seeking
'gain for something better t
unconditional surrender they a
pared to give if pushed to the
German People to Be Prep
It is assumed also that the
to prepare gradually the Germ
lic for a realization of what h
pened to their .military mach
the war lords' dreams of po
as to avoid a complete collaps
government. Diplomatic o
point out that the President is
erty with perfect consistency I
no replies at this time, but t
(Continued on Page Fou

-To uphold Michigan tradit
All members of the clan
1921 be at the bandstand at
o'clock Wednesday afteri
Oct. 23. In case of rain
meeting will be held in Un
sity hall.

6 B R Y N W R B S O Ni F R E N C H I N T E R C E P T H U N M E S S A GETO U' o o I

C. men are now to re-
forms. Many of them
to the men today. Uni-
roximately 3,000 men
for the past few weeks
not been issued pend-
>m Captain Durkee. His
held on account of the
en find that their uni-
t them as well as does
', hence, a trade is ef-
vould be bad business
enza was at its height.
t that it is now abated
e uniformly clad.
tons of clothing were
quartermaster's head-
day, with which Com-
Ill be fitted out.
.11 be provided with
nd all wrapping facili-
g their civilian clothes
iey receive their uni-


tudents' Directory asks
ernities and sororities
a list of members to-
rith house address and
e numbers. Mail lists
elv to Denartment A.

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