; 'I
ing to $2,500. This department is
the southeast corner of the new
brary basement.
kmp 1_
annual scholarship chart for
ar of 1917-18 prepared by the
sity, has been drawn up, and
are now being printed. The
indicates that the average
of the fraternities and other
clubs have fallen slightly be-
ose of the year 1916-17. The
le reason for this is that the
avp much of their time and
ts to the military organization'
ast year. In the sororities and
women's clubs the grades
remained about the same.
ng the general sororities on
art, the Collegiate Sorosis leads
st as well as all the other lists
different organizations. It has
a B average. The other or-
tions above a C average in the
.l sororities and in the order
dr standings are as follows:
AlphaTheta, Pi Beta Pfii, Del-
ta Delta, Alpha Phi, Chi Ome-
imma Phi Beta, Delta Gamma,
Kappa Gamma, Theta Phi Al-
nd Alpha hi Omega. Not one
below the C average.
the general fraternities, Beta
ads the list by a large margin.
erage is nearly that of a B. The
above a C average in the or-,
their standings are as follows:1
eta Tau, Alpha Sigma Phi, Phi
Kappa, Delta Kappa fipsilon,
imma Delta, Alpha Tau Omega,
Upsilon, Phi Delta Theta, Phi
lpha, Delta Tau Delta, Alpha
Phi, Kappa Sigma, Kappa Beta
eta Theta Pi, Phi'Kappa Psi,
Theta Pi, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma
.d Lamba Chi Alpha. Those be-
C average are: Acacia, Theta
Chi, Delta Chi, Zeta Psi, Sigma'
psilon, Psi Upsilon, Sigma Al-
lsilon, Chi Psi, Phi' Kappa Sig-
gina Chi, and Sigma Phi.
la Kappa Kappa is first in the.
f the professional fraternities
i small margin of lead. The
above a C average are as fol-
Delta Sigma Delta, Nu Sigma
di Omega, Phi Chi, Phi Rho Sig-
hil Delta Phi, Phi Beta 'Pi, Del-
eta Phi, Phi Alpha Delta, Phi
Delta, Phi Delta. Chi, Theta Zi,
Delta Kappa, and Alpha Rho
It is reported that 150 new cases of
Spanish influenza have broken out in
Flint. The disease is so prevalent
there that the health board has sug-
gested the wearing of masks at pub-
lic meetingo. Already one factory
has ordered all employes to wear
masks while at work, and in many
theaters men and women appeared
with their mouths and nosgs pro-
tected by masks.
Behind American Lines in France,
-Nothing is real in the great Am-
erican camouflage station here. All is
Huge willow trees like those in
Flanders with trunks two feet in diam-
eter and a mass of sprouting branch-
es at the top are steel tubes design-
ed to hide an observer. Even on close
inspection they looked like real trees
to the Associated Press correspondent
who visited the station and, with the
commandant, explored their myster-
ious underground recesses.
They were of plaster cloths wound
about the central steel tube and with
pieces of real bark fitted around the
trunk. A small gauze orifice, painted
to match the bark, was not noticed un-
til pointed out by the officer. This
was for the observer standing within
the steel core of the tree.
"You have your own telegraph sys-
tem," was remarked on observing the
line of telegraph poles stretching
across the plain.
The commandant smiled.. "Those
are periscope telegraph poles," he ex-
The poles were veritable telegraph
oles, with wires strung from the
tops, just as they are seenalong coun-
try roads. But each pole was hollow,
to permit a periscope to be raised to
a high observing point, while a cover-
ed pit at the base of the pole accom-
modated the observer taking the read-
ings of the periscope. Besides the
periscope poles, there were periscope
trees, with hollow stumps from which
the observer's instrument was manip-
ulated and the readings made in pits
below the roots.
A camouflage stone wall was anoth-
er curious device standing among the
camouflage trees and poles. This wall,
looking like the ruin of an old mill,
was of light plaster construction
painted and weather-beaten to resem-
ble a real mill.
Wrecked House Hides Yanks
"A wrecked house often serves us
as very good camouflage," said the
commander. "We had one with the
windows all gone so the enemy could
look straight through to the walls
inside. By painting false canvas walls
just back of the windows, the enemy
still though he was looking at the real
walls opposite. But back of the can-
vas our observers and snipe;s were at
work and the devicek was very effec-
A pile of gravel stood near the wall
-or what appeared to be a pile of
gravel, for this, too, was camouflage.
The pebbles a were heaped around a
hollow frame with its gauze opening
for the observers and the flap through
which the machine gun barked. Furth-
er along was a pile of brick-cam-
ouflage; and over in the field was a
stack of hay-camouflage. Each one
of them was a small fortress as well
as a post of obesrvation.
Kee p posted - subscribe for the
Daily now, $3.50.-Adv.
Some of the oldest things are the
most interesting, and often the least,
known about. For instance the Uni-
versity printing plant in the rear of
the Economics building. The first ap-1
propriation for this department was
made in 1902, upon plans made in
1896. The original cost was $940, and9
the equipment at that time consisted
of a 13 by 19 inch Universal press,1
run by a one-half horse power mo-
tor; 31 fonts of type in two cabinets
of 41 cases each; stones, cutters,i
4ypesticks, etc.{
The print plant at that time was#
a part of the bindery, but after a fewI
years the work became too much for1
one department, so the print plant
was made a separate organization. Mr.
W. C. Hollands, who had been su-#
perintendent of the bindery, was giv-1
en charge of the new work also. 1
Takes Small Printing Jobs
The plant is now doing most of the
University job printing, such as let-
ter-heads, bill-heads, envelopes, reg-
istration cars, forms for reports,
notices, small bulletins, and various
other small jobs. It is equipped with
three C.-P. presses, run by three and
one-half horsepower electric motors.
One of the presses has just been
equipped with a new patent self feed-
er. There is also a Prouty press, run
by a one-quarter horsepower motor,
together with cutters, type, etc.
Saves University $16,250
During the past year the value of
the work done for the campus depart-
ments alone has been about $16,250;
with expenses of about $16,650, which
includes new equipment. The pres-
ent value of supplies and stock
amoutns to $1,500. The entire plant
amounta, at depreciated value from
the original cost, to about $2,500.
The bindery, in which records, worn
out library books, statistics, and en-
rollment cards are preserved and re-
covered has an equipment amounting
to $2,300and supplies on hand amount-
New York, Oct. 12.-Systematic ef-
forts of the German press to explain
to the German people that the re-
treat of the German armies 'on the
western front in July and August was
part of a strategic plan to save as
many German soldiers' lives as possi-
ble while inflicting as heavy losses
as possible on the Allied troops, ap-
parently did not have the desired ef-
fect. The Cologne Gazette has found
it necessary to admonish the German
people in display type to keep their
heads erect and not to indulge in
pessimistic contemplations. "In view
of the uninterruptedly close connec-
tion with the homeland," says the
Cologne paper, "such feelings may in-
fluence the morale of our troops. Our
high army command recently admit-
ted frankly that south of the Somme
on August 8 we suffered defeat. One
would think that at home would be
found a correct and thankful apprecia-
tion of this truthful statement. Un-
fortunately in many instances that
was not the case. Rumors again were
circulated which emanated from the
most pessimistic sources and pictured
our general condition in dark colors."
The Michiganensian needs a
number of -students, both men
and women, for its editorial
and business staffs. Work will
begin immediately. Those wish-
ing to secure positions on either
staff apply -any time Monday
or Tuesday at the Press build-
ing on Maynard street.
One of the interesting exhibitions
in the Natural Science building is the
new war map constructed by Profess-
or W. H. Hobbs, for use in his l-
tures. The map is the five-part one
published by the New York Times.
It has been pasted together on cloth
and tacked to a large pine board sup-
ported by a framework of the same
material. The map is drawn on a
scale of five miles to the inch, and
sh)ws an area of about 50 by 75 miles.
The demensions are five ny six feet.
Patronize our
Daily want ads bring r
\\ \\\\\1\ l1\\ \\\\\\\\ \\1\ \L\ ''
Quick, easy and clean to coo
breakfast right on the table with
The old Hindenberg line, the :
Germany's greatest advance; an
iron and coal fields, for whIh th
sent contest is being waged. are
on the map. The present Germs
is indicated by a series of va
ored pins while the Allies' adv
are shown by red pins.
New classes in Shorthand and
writing formed Monday, October
The School of Shorthand, 711 N
versity Ave.-Adv.
At the snap of the switch you
fry or toast or broil sitting at the to
How appetizing the food is tool!
Maybe it is an evening party or c
the Electric Grill is indispensible.
Ann Arbor, Michigan
SAVE THE PIECES! Broken Eye Glass Lenses
ground in our own shop, same day. Try our service.
Eyes examined.
Alpha Epsilon
sional sorority,
Iota, the only
runs a little be-
The other men's clubs stand as fol-
ws: Trigon, Phylon, Knickerbocker,'
ioenix,, Monks Eremites, Sackett,
Ld Hermitage, the last two running
little below the C grade.
First in the other women's clubs is
e Cobb, which is closely followed
the O. V. Adams. The remainder
order of their standings are: Y.
dams, Fox, Episcopal House, Martha
ihk, Parry, Wihtney, McLouth, New-
irry, Jenkins, Cannon, Swezey, J. F.
dams, Westminster, Wheeler, Fos-
r, Scott, Comstock, and M. Sackett.
[1 these were above a C frade except
e last.
A notice will be published when
e charts are ready for distribu-
on. The official representatives of
e fraternities and other men's clubs
Ill have to call at the Registrar's
lice for the charts, while those of
e sororities and other women's
ubs will be mailed to them as in
evious years. '
New classes in Shorthaffd and Type-
riting formed Monday, October 14, at
he School of Shorthahd, 711 N. Uni-
rsity Ave.-Adv.
The Daily at your door, $3.50.
S. A. T.
C .
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alo4r tat Ik43'4&Utll
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Quarry's and
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Supply Stre
NTED-Army Officer and wife de-
ire furnished house or apartme t
urnished about December fir.
address Daily, Box C.
LNTED-Position ag chauffeur or
nechanic by student. Have had ex-
erience, and can give references.
address Box E, Daily office.
NTED--One college or high school
tudent. Sell us your spare time.
Ve pay $.30 to $.50 per hour. Re-
erences. Call 359-J evenings.
LNTED- An opportunity to serve
ou. Let the Daily restore that lost
FOR RENT-An attractive suite, also
one single room, centrally located.
518 S. Division St. Phone 2182-R.
FOR RENT - Two suites in girls'
house. Transients taken. 710 Cath-
erine St. Phone 968-M.
FOR RENT-Attractive furnished flat
in Cutting apartments. Call 1358-W
or call janitor.
FOR SALE-Typewriter. Call or ad-
dress Corley, 1109 Willard St. Phone
FOR SALE-A set of first class draw-
ing instruments and other drawing
supplies. Call 406-M.