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October 13, 1918 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-10-13

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every morning except Monday
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Mighell.......Managing Editor
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Cor. State and William Sts.
Morning Worship 10:30 O'clock
Preaches on
'Laodicean Listlessnessl
4:45 O'clock
Sergeant-Major Alfred Fisher
Speaks on
i Il kl ilkl ilkllkl 11bI11fI





in which part of every man's wages
being loaned to the power which
every day bringing victory nearer.


or Howard

S. Velleman

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1918.'
4Ight Editor-Herman Lustfield
rith the attainment of the national
local Liberty Loan quota still far
ty, the campaign on the campus
come to a near standstill. The
t was not open on Thursday and
n taken in charge by the women
ught in only $550 Friday in volun-
' subscriptions. If it were not for
twin unsettling influences of the
I military life and the influenza
lemic, this situation would be noth-
short of disgraceful. As it is,
ge in charge of the campus cam-
gn are discouraged and have even
sidered-, the advisability of giving
the task of helping the students to
their clear duty in this matter.
here should be no need for this
it is a shame that it has come
>ass. If the men of the American
ieditionary forces can buy bonds
spite of shrapnel and mud and un-
akable horrors all about them, if
men in the army camps down
th pan buy bonds in spite of heat
mosquitoes and' long marches,
> are receiving free training for
> are' erceiving free training for
r brains as well as for their feet
n the government, and having ev-
fhrng done for their comfort and
l-being that military authorities,
versity officials, and the people of
i Arbor are able to do, should be
e to buy bonds in spite of the nov~-
- of barracks living and the fear of
"flu." The argument of lack of
ds is in most cases fallacious, for
men in the S. A. T. C. have de-
dents, niost of them would ordin-
y be sulplied with plenty of ready
ney, and all of them can have their
ments taken from their wages as
y accrue by simply subscribiig at
has been the boast of the United
tes army that while offering their
s for freedom, the defenders of
rty do not find this enough, and
ten to put their dollars to work for
same cause. The S. A. T. C. of the
versity of Michigan should be
ud to maintain this boast.
y this appeal to the training corps
should by no means understand
t students still in civilian life and
women of the University are not
ally to be considered responsible
the present stagnant spirit mani-
ed toward the Loan. There is still
excuse for these classes in fail-
to respond to this national appeal
funds, at a time which is without
bt one of the great crises of the
-d war.
he women have undertaken the
vas of their own group. They can
I ely be expected, even as the
up in the University least disturb-
>y passing events, to do more. The
-S. A. T. C. men are scattered and
cessible. But the army and navy
ning corps are possessed of a
4ndid organization, the best in the
Ad, and should make use of it to
that. there is no lagging loyalty,
,er of manhood or of money, in
higan's part of the American army.
military officials are working
ht and day to care for the men and
vent the spread of the epidemic.
s Loan is work for the individual
riot, the volunteer. Men who have
n ,leaders on the campus should
in this Loan campaign a chance
xert an influence upon their com-
es for the good of the nation and
mselves. Let them rejoice at the
,ce to put the old spirit into the
r men, and take pride in a company

Local health authorities interpret
the Governor's proclamation request-
ing that "all conventions and public
gatherings of every description" be
abandoned until the epidemic of in-
fluenza is over, as referring only to
conventions, upon which particular
stress is laid. Consequently Ann Ar-
bor churches and theaters are still
open to civilians and S. A. T. C. of-
In spite of the repeated statements
of the health officers that the situation
in Ann Arbor is not alarming and the
insistence that each day is the crest
of the disese, actual conditions from
an observer's viewpoint seem to grow
worse. The hospitals are so crowded
that the old Union is being used as
an infirmary. Deaths have more than
doubled during the last two days. The
statement that the form of influenza
found in Ann Arbor is nothing but
grippe has been denied by doctors at-
tending the cases. The military au-
thorities are putting masks on the men
who are running danger of contract-
ing the disease. They are aware of its
seriousness and are bending all their
energies toward combatting it. They
do not allow the men to attend the
The health officers are taking a
grave responsibility when they insist
that the governor did not mean all that
he said, and when they refuse to take
the energetic measures which he rec-
ommends to stamp out the plague.
In their desire not to alarm the public
needlessly, it is possible that they are
pursuing a head-in-the-sand policy.
U-boat activities should warn this
nation that the dachshund is still a
very live dog. Give him a finishing
blow with a Liberty bond.
We are apologetic but, after all,
it's clear that when the Allies crossed
that river they made a clean Suippe.
"Flu" maskl, for K. P.'s increased
the popularity of that indoor sport
The watch on the Rhine is getting
run 'down.
The Hostess house is still ostensi-
bly closed, though the hostess will be
there to establish relations between
the men and their friends. It will be
impossible for the hostess to obtain
permission for visiting friends to see
the men who are injured and still in
the hospital. This is to prevent the
spread of the influenza epidemic and
to avoid infection through either the
men or their relatives.
The campus of the Michigan Agri-
cultural college was placed under
quarantine this week as a precau-
tionary measure to prevent the spread
of influenza. As a result, only per-
sons provided with passes may enter
the campus. However the football
game with Hillsdale was played yes-
terday but only M. A. C. students and
members of the faculty were allod-
ed to attend.
McKinney-Brotherton Marriage
Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Brotherton an-
nounce the marriage of their daugh-
ter, Edith Elizabeth, to Mr. Francis
Fowler McKinney, ensign, U. S. N.,
Thursday, Sept. 19.
Mr. McKinney was managing edi-
tor of The Daily in 1915-'16. He
graduated with the law class of '16.

Ie is a member of Phi Kappa Psi

S.A. T. . Review1
For Liberty Day
A review of the S. A. T. C. was held(
last evening on Ferry field. The re-
view was ordered in compliance with
the Presidents' order that all mili-
tary organizations should observe
Liberty day by a demonstration of
some kind. Liberty day was sett
aside for the celebration of the dis-
covery of America by Columbus.1
Although there was a differencef
between the drilling of the mechanics
and of the S. A. T. C. boys, the effect
of the past week's drill upon the boys
could easily be seen. They have
learned how to keep step quite welli
and they are good in the execution7
of the fundamental movements.
The men were called to attention
by Captain Duarkee, who said, "Every
day is important to us as soldiers
of the United States, but today is of1
especial importance to us because it
is Liberty day, the day of the dis-
covery of America." Captain Durkee
then read the President's Liberty day
He next introduced Rev. L.
Douglass, who gave a short address
which was sent straight from the
shoulder and was received with a
great show of approbation.
Mr. Douglass said in part, "Four
hundred and ten years have passed
since Columbus discovered America.
Because America was so remote from
the old world, only those who were
fearless and unusually adventurous
came to America. These were the
men who built up America. The in-
ternal discoveries made since then,
discoveries of theretofore unknown
forces, are the (things which have
made the United States the largest,
the greatest, and the most powerful
nation in the world. In the world
war America has discovered a new
sense of patriotism. We had forgot-
ten the real patriotism in those east
going times of peace. This new
bond, however, has linked us togeth-
er by bonds which cannot be broken."
As the troops left the field their
progress was again noticable as
they formed into a column of squads
and marched with a military stride
and bearing off the field to mess.
Miss Helen Crane, who has been
here recruiting secretaries for the
Y. W. C. A., left last night to con-
tinue her work in other parts of the
state. While here Miss Crane ad-
dressed the Y. W. C. A. and interest-
ed many girls in the work by per-
sonal conferences. A number of the
girls with whom Miss Crane talked
are seriously considering Y. W. C. A.
secretary work as a vocation.
A Y. W. C. A. secretary may choose
almost any place in the world for her
home for she is needed everywhere.
Miss Crane spent several years in
China, engaged in the service. She
spoke with much enthusiasm of
China and the Chinese, who are, she
said, alive to every opportunity. Y.
W. C. A.'s have been established in
four cities of China and three more
are to be established there soon.
Physical directors are especially need-
ed there.
The salaries of foreign secretaries
are paid by contributions from vari-
ous city associations in this country.
Otherwise the organizations are self-
supporting. The object of the for-

eign secretary is to make herself un-
necessary by training others to take
up the work. Miss Crane is touring
Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, and
Indiana and stimulating interest in
the foreign work in these states.
The Women's league is undertaking,
large amounts of war work this year.
Co-operation with the Red Cross is
the only plan definitely decided on. An
urgent call is being sent out from the
Angell house for helpers. University
students are settling down to work
now and the time for procrastination,
if there was such a time, is past. All
University women, and especially all
members of the Women's league,
should sign up at the Angell house
immediately. The house is open
every day except Saturday. Supplies
are plentiful but help is needed bad-
ly. Every hour you spend there will
release one of the women, already en-
gaged, for work in the city Red Cross.

Girls who are intending to do Red
Cross work are requested to call Flor-
ence Field, '20, phone 251.
The first Y. W. C. A. vesper ser-
vice will be held at 4:30 o'clock Wed-
nesday afternoon in Barbour gymnas-
ium. Dean Myra B. Jordan will ad-
dress the meeting.
It is requested that manuscripts for
the Junior Girls' play be turned in as
soon as possible. Laura Peacock, '20,
chairman of the committee, will furn-
ish any information desired.
Upperclass girls interested in hock-
ey are requested to meet with Miss
Marian Wood at 4 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon in Barbour gymnasium.
Freshman and sophomore girls may
obtain their gymnasium outfits in the
basement of Barbour gymnasium Mon-
day, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs-
day morning of next week from 9:30
to 11:30 o'clock. An extra charge will
be made for equipment secured later.
Gymnasium work begins tomorrow for
the freshman girls, and Tuesday for
the sophomore girls. All girls are to
meet in Barbour gymnasium for the
first class.
Dormitories, sororities, and league
houses having any old clothes or
household furnishings are requested
to leave them with Miss Merrymaker
at the University 'hospital for the use
of the patients.
The Women's league mass meeting
which was to have been held tomor-
row afternoon, has been indefinitely
Wyvern and Mortarboard will hold
a joint meeting at 12 o'clock today at
the Kappa Kappa Gamma house.
Great Lakes, Ill., Oct. 12.-The first
call for soccer has gone out at Great
Lakes Naval Training Station. It
has been answered by more than a
score of the highest paid profession-
als in the game who are now on the
Station in "gob" uniforms. From ad-
vance indications the navy will have
practically an all-star eleven.
You will always find satisfaction by
adveritsing in the Daily.-Adv.



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Lansing, Oct. 12. - Governor Al-
bert E. Sleeper who, on Sept. 5, ca-
bled to Major William G. Haan, com-
manding the 32nd division in France,
congratulations of the state of Mich-
igan and expressed gratitude for the
splendid work of the Michigan men
in France, has reecived- the follow-
ing reply:
"I have your cablegram, congratu-
lating the Michigan troops in my di-
vision, and can assure you that these
congratulations from Michigan are
greatly, appreciated by my division,
which has been in the hard fighting,
both in the second battle of the
Marne and with the 10th army corps.
"The 32nd division has done excel-
lent work and the spirit of the di.-
vision is better than ever."
The governor's message has been
posted as a general order on all the
bulletin boards of the division.

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Additional Cars to Ypsilanti-g9 o a. m.
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University Students
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