r 5k iAw
:IX No ,9
valescents Warned to Use Care
To Avoid Danger of Pneu-
rashington, Oct. 10.-Influenza con-
ies to spread over the country in
e of the strenuous methods and
rts to prevent it. Conditions in
iy camps showed a slight improve-
it. During the 24 hours ending at
n today 12,241 cases were report-
with 2,797 of pneumonia. There
e 889 deaths.
The theaters opened last night aft-
er having been closed for several days.
It is reported the city authorities al-
lowed such action to be taken but
military officials have forbidden stu-
dents attending the theaters. The only
loss was that of business since the
unused films do not have to be paid
for. The students have not yet settled
down to work and a large attendance
had been expected by the managers.
A definite course of action has not
been decided upon by the film com-
panies of Detroit.
Commander Shells DeadI
During the last 24 hours only a few
w cases of influenza have been re-
rted among students of the Uni-
rsity according to health and milii
ry authorities. The general aspect
the situation yesterday was con-
lered the most favorable since the
read of the disease began here.
Physicians of Ann Arbor, as well as
ose in the camps, believe that the
riousness of the malady has passed
d the spread is checked. In the
my cantonments, it is said, the num-
r of deaths from Spanish influenza
ye decreased 80 per cent. On the
ier hand, the number of deaths from
eumonia have increased 20 per cent.
Those afflicted with influenza at th
diverity. are declared to be speedi-
recdvering. No virulent cases have
e reported among those added yes-
, y. The ratio of 'ecovery from
e malady to the number of new cas-
is on a. rapid increase. Practically
l the students who had the disease
t week have been discharged. The
nvalescents, doctors warn, should
alize that they cannot be too care-
I, as this is the time when pneumo-
a, sets in.
Red Cros Takes Food to Sick
The Red Cross has provided an eff-
ent plan for supplying -food to the
ldiers confined to infirmaries or to
ose who are sick at their barracks.
d is characteristic of all Red Cross
ovements, the work is carried on
rgely by volunteers. Two army
Licks detailed for this purpose con-
y the food in vast quantities to the
rger groups of men quartered at the
firmaries. Women of the University
Ive offered their services and are
.pplying the smaller and more wide-
separated groups by using Kutomo-
les furnished by the Red Cross mo-
r corps. The women are bearing the
:pense of operating the machines.
t present there are, aside from the
tucks, nine automobiles engaged in
e work.
Men Detailed to Carry Trays
Each company commander receives
list of the number of men who are
ck in his company. He details a suf-
cient number of men, who report at
o Union to aid in carrying the food.
eals taken in automobiles are put
p on separate trays. Six or seven
bo have been detailed for this work
sist in carrying and delivering the
od from each automobile. The
ucks and automobiles make three
Ips daily, 7:15, 12:10,, and 6:45. It
necessary for some of the cars to
.ake several trips.
This plan, which has been in opera-
on for two days, will continue as
ng as the epidemic lasts.
Chicago, Oct. 10.-Athletic directors
id football coaches of Camps Grant,
ister, Dodge, and Zachary Taylor
ill meet here Saturday, it was an-
ounced tonight to form an intercamp
otball league.
The soldier elevens will play games
Chicago, Detroit, Des Moines, and
ouisville. The proceeds will be de-
Ded to building gymnasiums and
'oviding athletic equipment at the
Reminders sent to residents of Ann
Arbor, who have not subscribed to the
Fourth Liberty Loan, by the local com-
mittee yesterday, are already bringing
in results. Only $5,000 had been sub-
scribed the past three days but at 5
o'clock today nearly $8,000 worth of
bonds had been bought. The city still
lacks $312,272.37 of its $1,482,172.37
quota and letters calling attention to
this fact are still being sent out. No-
tice is also given in the letter that
those who have not subscribed or
have not given sufficientsreason for
not doing so by Saturday will be list-
ed in the newspapers as delinquents.
Communications from authorities in
Washington express fear that if the
country falls short in this loan that
the Germans will take it as a sign of
weakness and prosecute the war with
such new vigor as to prolong it indefi-
The tent on the campus was not
open for subscriptions today as no one
could be found to take care of it. Ar-
rangements have now been made and
it will be open for the sale of bonds
from 2.30 to 7 o'clock daily. Mr. Ray
K. Immel, in charge of the campaign
on the campus, exhorts all students
to purchase to their utmost.
Clothing Needed
At Thie Hospitals
An appeal is being made to the peo-
ple of Ann Arbor and especially to the
students of the University to contrib-
ute their worn and unused garments
to the patients at the University hos-
pitals. Home furnishings are also
Miss Merrymaker, who is chairman
of the social service committee, asks
that anyone wishing to give, or know-
ing of a place where wearing apparel,
suitcases, chiffoniers, or bureaus may
be secured, should notify her. She may
be reached at the hospital. The rea-
son for this lack of clothing is that
many of the patients who come to the
hospitals for treatment cannot afford
the necessary clothes. It is for the
men especially that the clothing is
needed, and the members of the stu-
dents' army training corps in partic-
ular are asked to donate.
The location of the naval barracks
and the companies which are quar-
tered in them are as follows:
Barracks 25, 1005 Lincoln avenue,
company 2; Barracks 27, 1315 Hill
street, is vacant at present but will
soon be occupied by the overflow from
the other barracks; Barracks 26, 1331
Hill street, Company 2; Barracks 28A,
644 E. University avenue, Company 1,
3; Barracks 29, 821 E. University
avenue, Company 3; Barracks 30, 1102
Oakland avenue, Company 3; Bar-
racks 31, corner of Tappan and Oak-
land avenues, Company 4; Barracks
32, 915 Oakland avenue, Company 4.
Owing to the ineligibility of several
men because of age, there are still 20
open places in te S. N. T. C. which
must be filled. Literary students or
those from any other college will be
The medical students will probably
be inducted soon. If this is done, there
will probably be only a few vacan-
cies and the first to apply will be the
ones to be inducted.
and Wounded on Vessel; Machine
Riddles Life Boats,
German Boat Contains Large Guns;
Survivors Tell of Teuton
Captain's Trea'hery
(By the Associated Press)
An Atlantic Port, Oct. 10.--Scores
of American soldiers and sailors were
killed or wounded by shrapnel fired by
a German submarine after it had tor-
pedoed the steamship Ticonderoga,
1,700 miles off the Atlantic coast, ac-
cording to the story told by 20 sur-
vivors who arrived here today aboard
a British freighter.
Sub Shells Life Boats
There were 250 men aboard the Ti-
conderoga, an American steamship of
5,130 tons, and all but the 20 who ar-
rived here today are believed to have
perished. The survivors got away in
the only boat which was not demolish-
ed by the shell fire from the subma-
rine, they said. Seventeen of the men
who reached port were members of a
detachment of soldiers detailed to care
for horses which were being trans-
The Ticonderoga was attacked pre-
sumably on Oct. 2, when she fell be-
hind her convoy because of engine
According to the story of the sur-
vivors the submarine was not sighted
until she had sent a torpedo crash-
ing into the side of the ship. The tor-
pedo did not strike a vital spot, how-
ever, and the captain crowded on full
steam in an effort to escape, at the
same time ordering the gun crews
into action against - the submarine
which appeared about a mile off.
Shrapnel Kills Many
"Our gun crews did not fire more
than five or six shots," one of the sur-
vivors said. "The forward gun was
shot awayalmost at once. The after
gun and its crew was done for al-
most as quickly. Then the men went
to the boats but it was no use, as the
flying shrapnel was spraying the decks
and men fell in scores, either killed or
badly' wounded."
A number of men who tried to get
into the eighth boat were killed by
shrapnel as theyclambored over the
side of the vessel, he said.
"Finally," this survivor continued,
"one of our men in desperation swam
close to the submarine and hailed an
officer, asking him in God's name to
stop firing. The lieutenant who an-
swered him, did so with a loaded re-
volver, saying that if he did not swim
back he would shoot him.
U-Boat Fires on Dying
"'When our boat had only 20 men in
it, we were ordered along side the
submarine and made to tie up while
the shelling of the dead and dying on
the sinking ship continued.
Rope Breaks; Saves Life Boat
"The leader of our boat was asked
some questions which he refused to
answer, and suddenly the submarine
submersed, and only the parting of
he rope with which we were tied pre-
vented our going down with it."
One of the survivors said that the
submarine was of the cruiser type and
had the largest guns he ever had seen
on a submarine. The survivors, who
were adrift for four days before they
were picked up, said that a raft with
five wounded men on it had put off
from the Ticonderoga and that they
had attempted to tow it with them,
but that it broke away during the
fight and disappeared.
Board Rushes Standardized Shoes
Washington, Oct. 10.-Standardized
shoe products at set prices are to be
rushed, Chairman Baruch of the war
industries board announces. The new
price schedule for shoes will be from
$3 to $12. Many stores expect to
have the new classified shoes on their
shelves by Nov. 1.
To permit the stocks now in stores
to be cleared out, those retailers spe-
cializing in goods above $12 will be
given until June 1 to liquidate their
stocks above the maximum.
Persons who can afford to buy the
higher priced shoed are not restrict-
ed from doing so, since this will be
co-operating in liquidating the stocks.
The Y. W. C. A. membership cam-
paign was launched last night with a
supper given at Barbour gymnasiumf
by the advisory board. Eighty-fiveI
members were present.
The supper was followed by a pepI
meeting. Several speeches were giv-
en, including a short address by Miss1
Helen Crane of New ork city, who,
is touring the country in the interests
of the Y. W. C. A. and its particular,
phase of war work. Mrs. E. R. Kraus,
president of the advisory board of
the Y. W. C. A., spoke on the local
and national significance of the or-
ganization. Doris McDonald, '19, pres-
ident of the Women's league, told how
co-operation between the Women's
league and the Y. W. C. A. could be
maintained and Emily Loman, '19,
president of Y. W. C. A., spoke about
the spirit ,and wide activities of that
organization. Music and stunts fur-
nished the entertainment for the rest
of the evening.
To date, the national Y. W. C. A.
has in operation 67 hostess houses,
127 club and recreation centers, and
714 patriotic league units with a total
membership of 420,000 women. In ad-
dition, it has housed girls in seven war
work centers, besides finding club
work for many foreign-born and col-
ored women.
The University Y. W. C. A. has ac-
complished considerable work along
religious educational -lines. Ten ves-
per services with an average attend-
ance of 55 have been reported. A tea
room in Newberry hall was establish-
ed which has afforded means to a
number of college women for earning
part or all of their living expenses.
Social service work at the hospital
has hitherto been in charge of Uni-
versity Y. W. C. A. women.
A strong appeal is being made to all
University women to join the organi-
Fifty-two million tons of coal per
year could be saved if Niagara Falls
were reduced to the proper submis-
sion. If one-half of the possible horse
power were available as electricity,
100 tons of coal per minute could be
saved. Sixty-two thousand cars could
be released for other transportation
service and the fuel shortage would
be a thing of the past. The method
pursued would be the use of sub-
merged dams, which would not only
develop power, but also check the
rapid wearing away of the crest of
the falls, preserving their beauty for
many years to come. This proposal
was made before the Schenectady sec-
tion of the American institute of elec-
trical engineers.
In supplying this electricity Nagaa
would be a mighty aid in ending the
war. There is no better place than
Niagara for the electro-chemical In-
dustry, without the aid of which no
shells could be made. Every shell Is
shaped by electrically made abra-
sives. Electrodes made from coal by
the aid of electric power are used in
the electric furnace from which armor
plate is poured.
S. A. T. C. MEN
If you subscribed for The
Daily before you were assigned
to barracks, you should report
your address to the circulation
department immediately.
President Harry B. Hutchins has
been notified that the University of
Michigan has been designated as a
place of application and examination
of candidates for admission to West
Point. The authorities of the Univer-
sity have been asked to cooperate with
the War department in this work.
Definite information as to what should
be done by those wishing to apply has
not been received.
Carrying On
Croakers should go to Ferry field,
and watch the members of the S. A.
T. C. go through their maneouvers.'
Besides getting good exercise, they
will witness an interesting spectacle.
Shortly before 3 o'clock in the after-
noon, the men begin to come to the
field in companies. They are soon de-
tailed into squads, and then the work
begins. To watch them, no one would
ever guess they were in their first
week of drilling. They perform the
maneouvers like old timers. The of-
ficers in charge have been very much
pleased with the showing made by,
them, so early in the game.
Gross, '19E, is With Marines in Cuba
Word has been received in Ann Ar-
bor that Private John A. Gross, '19E,,
is with the 59th company, second bat-
talion, eight regiment, United States
marines, Santiago, Cuba.
Spontaneous combustion was prob-
ably the cause of the explosion and fire
in the University store rooms Wednes-
day afternoon. "I do not think that
the fire could have started from any
other cause but spontaneous combus-
tion," said R. E. Weaver, assistant
storekeeper, who was badly burned in
the fire. "None of us were smoking
and I don't think there could have
been a short circuit anywhere near."
The fire was the result of an
explosion of wood alcohol in the eleva-
tor shaft of the store room. It has been
discovered that the basement of the
building contained many barrels of
gasoline and wood alcohol. The ex-
plosion of these would have destroyed
the entire building, and it was only
the quick work of the fire department
which saved the building from utter
Freshmen G irlIs'
Assembly Held
Lille, Valenclennes, and Douai, Ii
portant Communication Centers,
Near Capture
The first assembly of th6 freshman
girls was held Thursday afternoon in
Barbour gymnasium. About 200 girls
were- present. Dean Myra B. Jordan
opened the meeting by giving an in-
formal talk to the girls, emphasizing
the necessity for high scholarship in
their academic studies as the burden
of the work in scholarship as in both
social and campus activities lies this
year with the women of the Univer-
sity. She also urged that all girls re-
port sickness at once to the Health
Service in order that any contagious
infection may be checked.
After the talk the Junior girls enter-
tained the freshman class with a two-
act vaudeville performance. The first
act was a clever skit representing a
supposed incident in Dean Jordan's
office .during registration week. Mar-
guerite Chapin, '20, imitated Mrs.
Jordan to the life, knitting and all.
Ruth Jennings impersonated Sue Ver-
lenden, chairman of the junior ad-
visors; Margaret Christie took the
part of Miss Louise Potter, secretary
to the dean; Elsie Erley and Ruth
Flanagan were supposedly typical as
mother and "frosh," from Hicksville,
Pa. Sue Verlenden was a sophisticated
young lady from Pittsburg who did-
n't "need a junior advisor."
It would have warmed the hearts of.
the S. A. T. C. to see themselves as
others see them in the awkward squad
of Junior girls with Elsie Erley as
commanding officer.
A business meeting followed, pre-
sided over by Doris McDonald, '19, in
which a Social committee was elected
by the freshman class. Refreshments
were served, and Ike Fisher's orches-
tra furnished music for dancing.
Mechanics May Use Library Alcove
The entrance alcove of the Engi-
neering library has been made avail-
able for study for mechanics taking
engineering courses. This has Involv-
ed the shifting of some of the archi-
tectural and engineering books for-
merly there to the general library.
(By the Associated Press)
The men of the once formidable Ger-
man army, holding the Hindenberg
line from north of Cambrai to St.
Quentin, are facing eastward, defeat-
ed and in retreat.
Their backs are the targets for the
British, American, and French troops,
who bitterly fought them step by step
out of supposedly Impregnable defen-
sives, and now are hurrying them
across the open country toward the
German border. Nowhere is the en-
emy attempting a stand in force.
True, the German border is yet a
long distance away, but the past two
days of chase has materially dbcreas-
ed the width of the area separating
the invaders from their own Rhine
Allies Annihilate Hindenberg Line
Le Cateau, the important junction
point 12 miles southeast of Cambrai,
represented Thursday night the point
of deepest penetration by the Allied
troops. The British were the masters
of it. All along the front, however,
the British, Americans, and French
have been steadily pressing forward
their infantry forces, taking numerous
towns and villages, while far in ad-
vance of them the hoof. beats of the
cavalry horses intermingled with time
roars of the whippet tanks and the
staccato barking of the machine guns
inside the moving forts. So fast has
been the retreat of the enemy that at
various points the Allied forces afoot
lost contact with them.
The retreat, which is over a front
of about 35 miles, from the south of
Douai to the region east of St. Quen-
tin, has left in the hands of the Allies,
in addition to the towns -taken, valu-
able lines of communication and stra-
tegic positions of high importance, and
giving a wedge that seemingly will
force the Germans everywhere from
the North Sea to the vicinity of Ver-
dun to fall back. Northeast of Douai,
one of the remaining strong points In
the German line in the north, the Brit-
ish are at Etrun, 12 miles southwest
of Valenciennes, the pivotal point in
the enemy's known next defense line,
and 10 miles to the south the city is
outflanked at Solesmes.
Entente Blots Out Argonne Forest
Meantime the French and American
armies on that part of the line run-
ning from northwest of Rheims to
the Meuse river are still pressing for-
ward in the converging movement
with the armies in the west, and grad-
ually are forming the entire war
theater into a huge sack. The Am-
ericans continue slowly to advance up
the eastern side of the Meuse, while
west of the river, in conjunction with
the operations of the French, they
have all but obliterated the great Ar-
gonne forest as an enemy defense pos-
ition. To the west of the forest in the
Aisne valley and still farther west-
ward, the French also have made fur-
ther gains. Throughout this entire
region, the Germans still are offering
stubborn resistance, mainl -with ma-
chine guns, realizing the importance
of holding back their foes while their
armies in Belgium and further sout
make good their retrograde move-
Both in the Macedonia theater and'
in Palestine the Allied forces are
pressing the enemy hard. Albania is
fast being cleared of the Austro-Hun-
garian troops, while in Serbia the en-
emy is .nearing Nish, harassed' by the
Serbians. At last accounts General
Allenby was still driving the- Otto-
man troops northward in Palestine.
Allies Take 5 Important Cities
So lightning-like are the manoeuv-
ers of the Allied armies on the various
battle fronts. that, except to the war
expert with his military maps, it is
almost impossible to visualize the sit-
uation and realize the swift strides
the Allies are making in defeating the
common enemy. In France and Bel-
(Continued on Page Six)